The Eighth Annual General Meeting Of
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The Eighth Annual General Meeting of: CFA South Africa
Thursday 24 MARCH 2011 at 17:30
Johannesburg: Investec Building, Grayston Drive
Cape Town: Investec Building, 36 Hans Strydom Ave, Foreshore
Arthur Thompson Board member)
Elbie Louw (President)
Philip Knibbs (Board Member)
Namir Waisberg (Board Member)
Larry Raff (Board Member)
Ann Marie Wood (Executive Officer)
Marco Efstathiou (Board Member)
Wion Flett
T Davies
Kennedy Kamfwa
Puben Govender
Anina van Aswegan
Philip Bradford
Miga Motene
Cape Town (Video Conference):
Nigel Suliaman (Board Member)
Andrew Canter (Board Member)
Heidi Raubenheimer
C Watts
Terence Berry (Board Member) V
Willem Poggenpoel
Franita Erasmus
WELCOME ELBIE LOUW: It is my pleasure on behalf of the Board of CFA South Africa to welcome you today, in person in Johannesburg and in Cape Town by Video Conference. In particular, we thank the Members of our Society who have taken the trouble to attend and a special thanks to those of you who have joined as volunteers. I should mention to guests that we are looking at restructure of the board currently. We will refocus and be in touch in due course.
It is through the support of our sponsor Investec that we are able to enjoy this facility and we extend our thanks for this and the use of similar facilities during the year.
The Minutes of our previous meeting held last year have been circulated.
May I take these Minutes as a fair and true reflection of the proceedings of the 6th AGM?
Proposed: Marco Efstathiou
Seconded: Arthur Thompson
1. PRESIDENT’S REPORT CFA South Africa was officially accepted as an affiliated country Society in November 2001 with an initial membership of about. Our current membership is in the region of 1 000 and the typical Candidate body is about 3 500 spread over the three Exam Levels in June and December.
CFA South Africa is affiliated to CFA Institute, Charlottesville, Virginia USA and furthers the objectives of CFA Institute in the region. The only other African societies are Egypt, Mauritius and South Africa. Kenya is attempting to get a society started to serve that region.
2 Although an independent body, we represent CFA Institute in South Africa and thus what strive to achieve is naturally similar, but with a local flavour, adapted to local conditions and based on what is most relevant to South African members. Our Mission, Vision and Values are listed below:
To represent CFA Institute in South Africa and specifically to lead the investment profession in South Africa by setting the highest standards of ethics, education and professional excellence.
To build the “CFA© Brand” in South Africa among our constituency (Members and Candidates, investors – institutions and private, regulatory environment).
To deliver to our Members, potential Members and the institutions they represent educational and networking opportunities that will additionally support the above statements.
To foster a CFA South Africa Society that:
All serious investment professionals aspire to be a part of; That is top-of-mind for investment professionals seeking credentials and continuing education; Leads the local industry’s thinking in the area of ethics, integrity, and excellence of practice.
We conduct all our activities on an ethical basis
We support the activities and principles of the CFA Institute and apply these as appropriate in South Africa
Our overriding objective is to support, encourage and bring educational opportunities to current and future CFA Charterholders in South Africa
Be representative of constituents (i.e. gender, cultural diversity, etc)
We endeavour to treat all Members and Candidates equally irrespective of geographic location.
3 Events and Activities
Our fiscal year coincides with that of CFA Institute and runs from September to August. During 2010 we had a busy year and the following is a list of activities that we organized for the benefit of Members, Candidates and interested parties. Virtually all of our activities have a bias towards education and often emphasise appropriate Ethics and Standards of Practice.
Event Johannesburg Cape Town Pretoria
Live Presentations 3 2
Webcasts 3 3
Level III Candidate lunches 1 1
CFA Program Introduction Presentations 3 3 1
Candidate Post-Exam Drinks 2
Global IRC 2
Local finale: 12 October 2009
Kick-off: 5 August 2010
Ethics Workshop 1 1
CFA South Africa Conference (2 days) 1
Representing CFA South Africa at CFA Institute Events:
Society Leadership Conferences Washington and Boston
Annual Conference Boston
EMEA Regional Meeting Cyprus
During 2010, we further invested resources in an initiative called JobForum, which is an electronic platform that facilitates contact between Employees (Job-seekers) and Employers (Recruiters). This project was partially financed by Level 2 Funding – see below.
In 2010, we started with a Public Relations campaign, to raise the awareness of the brand and the CFA program among institutional investors, employers and other financial participants. During the 2010 financial year we have been fortunate to receive assistance through the Level 2
4 Resource Allocation Model, but going forward we will have to fund the full amount ourselves. The initiative was successful. It also emphasised the need to communicate to members as much as it highlighted communication required to the rest of the investment community.
CFA Institute funding and Society Partnership Program
The official name for the CFA Institute to Society relationship framework is the Society Member Service Standards and Resource Allocation Model. This has 3 levels of funding:
Level 1: Basic funding dependent on the local Society delivering to specific performance standards. CFA South Africa is fully compliant.
Level 2: Society initiated funding which meets defined project criteria will enjoy a percentage of joint funding from CFA Institute in the first financial year. Our JobForum project last year was partially funded by this support
Level 3: CFA Institute initiated projects which solicit a local Society’s assistance. The University Challenge is a fine example thereof.
Continuing Education (CE)
The events that we organise provide our members with opportunities to earn Continuing Education Credits. The CFA Institute Continuing Education program is not mandatory, preferring attraction and enhanced member value rather than forced participation. Annual completion of the program requires at least 20 Credits (hours) of which at least two are designated SER, an acronym for Standards, Ethics and Regulation.
University Partnership Program
In 2006 CFA Institute started the CFA Program Partner initiative and reached out to prominent universities worldwide. The essence of the Program is to allow harmonisation of the CFA Program Candidate Body of Knowledge syllabus with that of the investment courses that Universities offer. This mutual recognition adds value for both parties and should build a stronger and more ethical investment-professional community in the future. It bears mention that the sole path to becoming a CFA Charterholder is to pass the exams for each level and obtain the appropriate work experience.
We have 3 program partners in South Africa: Stellenbosch University, the University of Cape Town and the University of Pretoria.
Global Investment Research Challenge (Global IRC)
5 The Global IRC is a global program that involves University students in the analysis of a Company’s results, report writing and the presentation thereof. This activity’s cycle is spread over 2 financial years. Last year (2010/11) the management of Vodacom kindly agreed to be the listed company analysed and the listed company for the 2011/12 challenge has recently been secured. We express our appreciation to the Executives of both Companies and the volunteers that participate in this event. The winners in 2009/10 were a team from the University of Cape Town and they will be competing in the Regional Final in Istanbul shortly.
Our Constituency and Affiliations
Since inception in November 2001, CFA South Africa has been closely associated with the Investment Analysts Society of Southern Africa. While the two Societies are institutionally independent, we often work harmoniously to the mutual benefit of our separate but overlapping constituencies and also that of the investment community at large.
We have also established relationships with bodies such as the Faculties of Actuaries and the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA). When appropriate we invite the members of these organisations to our events, believing that a more inclusive model will serve our constituency better.
The President handed over to Larry Raff to discuss our financial position and who had made copies of financials available. LR highlighted a small surplus. He referred to page 6 Revenues of R52 000.The subscriptions for 2009 were 150 and 210 showed 366. This was not the case and referred to page 9 where, he explained, that we had moved from a revenue accrual in our bank account to an accrual basis as we were moving to a section 21 company. He stated that he would not highlight the exact payment misallocation but this should disappear in the next set of financials.
Adoption of Financial Statements
Proposed: Philip Knibbs
Seconded: Arthur Thompson
Ransome Roussow has performed this task for the Society since our formation and the Board is happy with their performance and the cost thereof. Accordingly, it is proposed that we appoint the firm for the following year.
Proposed: Namir Waisberg
Seconded: Nigel Suliaman
4. ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS To ratify Elbie Louw as President
Proposed: Philip Knibbs
Seconded: Larry Raff
To elect members of the Board in place of the following who retire by way of rotation but offer themselves for re-election:
Arthur Thompson was re-elected by a show of hands.
Andrew Canter was re-elected by a show of hands.
Larry Raff had offered his resignation from the Board of CFA South Africa and was thanked for all his work during the past 7 years especially for his invaluable insight and being often the ‘voice of reason’. The Board expressed their thanks to Arthur Thompson, who had been founding member a board member for 10 years and President for 9.5 years and for the past six months was PCR to the EMEA East region which meant he was the voice of 19 Societies. In his new role, he cannot act as President for the local society. Elbie Louw was appointed as president as elected by the board.
Appreciation As your President, I would like to thank our Board members for their support, enthusiasm and skill over the past year. On behalf of the Board, I would like to extend a special thanks to Ann Marie Wood who is our Executive Officer as well as being a Board Member.
7 I also extend our appreciation to our Sponsors, who provide us with valuable facility use and support. These include Investec, Futuregrowth, the JSE, ASISA and Old Mutual – without their support it would be much more difficult to conduct our affairs.
Our Society, in common with the other local CFA Societies, is powered by the dedication, sacrifices and skills of Volunteers, including the Board. We are glad to have the support of a number of Volunteers from within the ranks of our Members – thank you for your efforts.
Finally, our ultimate reason for existence providing our Members and the local investment community an ethical, honest and educational set of services – thank you for your support.
The CFA name had not been registered with Cypro which has now been done and is currently approved and documentation submitted. We shall also be changing to a Section 21 company.
6. GENERAL What to expect from your Society:
We will be running a member survey during 2011 to get a feel as to what members really want. Philip Bradford asked how CFA South Africa compared to other Societies and ADT stated that most had the same objectives and problems worldwide; specifically with offering Continuing Education opportunities to members.
EL stated that last year we embarked on a PR programme and had upgraded our website. Level II funding provided us with the means of running the survey. Our Conference is on track for later this year which will be a combination of webcasts and live speakers both local and international. ADT asked that if any members had speaker suggestions to let us know. AC stated that our mission was Education as a top priority and that we would continue with our Ethics and Governance incentives.
Elbie Louw, on behalf of those present as well as all members, expressed appreciation to Arthur Thompson in all that he did for the Society going back to 2001 as a founding member and President.
When asked there were no further comments from those attending and the meeting but suggested if anyone should have input to liaise with AM.