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Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment QTR. 1 Geography Map Reading- I can use Introduction to *Island of Hawaii Blank One on one Standard 7: World a map to organize, Rituals and Routines, Map (F) examples/tutoring (R) Aug. 8-9 in Spatial Terms- analyze, and present expectations use geographic information State of Hawaii blank *Make your own island- Aug. 12 - 13 representations to Introduce and practice map (f) specific criteria in organize, analyze, *I can integrate visual homework addition to the and present information with Introductory Exercise: assignment information on information in print Introductory Exercise: Family Crest (F) requirements(E) people, places Family Crest and environments. *Using graphical information and text on a Islands of Hawaii S.S.7P1.1: world specific topic, I can in spatial terms, interpret graphics into *Hawaii Island Map using maps. textual form Project
*6-8.RH.7: Integrate visual information (e.g. charts, graphs, photographs, videos or maps) with other information in print and digital texts SS.7HHK.1.1: Note taking: Cloze Hawaii Island Map Island of Hawaii-Blank Hawaii Island map Analyze both Worksheets- I can take Project cont. Map (S) supplemental Aug. 14 – 15 change and notes and use them for worksheet/key (R) continuity during better understanding of Chapter 1 - Western Chapter 1 Workbook unification and the the subject. Arrival: Captain Cook Worksheets (F) *Critical Reflection-How monarchy period. (1775-1795) has Capt. Cook changed Aug. 19 - 21 I can compare ideas, *Captain Cook Reflection Hawaii today (specific SS.7HHK.3.1: technology and people Worksheet and (F) details)? (E) Explain the that led to major changes vocabulary events, people during the unification and *Homework: Current and ideas that led monarchy period. Reinforce Rituals Events Worksheet (F) to the unification and Routines (NOTE: This is a weekly
1 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment of the Hawaiian *I can identify specific assignment and Islands textual evidence. *Review Homework requirement.) Expectations. Model *6-8.RH.1: Cite *I can identify specific an assignment specific textual textual evidence to evidence to support facts, opinions support analysis and analysis of of primary and information. secondary sources *I can write informative/explanatory *6-8.WHST.4: texts incorporating Produce clear and narrative elements coherent writing in effectively to analyze which the important individual or development, historical events. organization, and style are *I can produce writing appropriate to with clear and coherent task, purpose and idea development, audience. organization and style
*6-8.WHST.5: *I can write routinely over With some extended time for guidance and research, reflection, and support from revision peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed….
*6-8.WHST.10: Write routinely over extended time frames for a range of discipline specific tasks
2 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment
SS.7HHK.3.2: Note taking: Close Finish Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 & 2 Workbook Draw Kamehameha the Aug. 22 - 23 Describe the Worksheets- I can take Chapter 2: King Worksheets (F) Great with caption (R) effects of notes and use them for Kamehameha I unification on the better understanding of *Cornell Note taking (F) *Kamehameha I detailed Hawaiian Islands the subject. *Additional secondary story board with sources on the life and captions(E) 6-8.RH.1: Cite I can describe how reign of Kamehameha I. specific textual specific changes evidence to occurred in Hawaii due to support analysis unification. of primary and secondary *I can identify specific sources textual evidence.
Week 4 SS.7HHK.3.2- Note taking: Close Start Chap 2 and Chapter 2 &3 Workbook Concept map Describe the worksheets- I can take Chapter 3: The Old Order Worksheets (F) demonstration & walk Aug. 26-30 effects of notes and use them for Changes through (R) unification on the better understanding of “Old order” concept map Hawaiian Islands the subject. *Additional secondary (F) *Critical Reflection-Give sources on the unification at least 3 specific *6-8.RH.3: Identify I can describe how and reign of *Timeline/outline of the reasons to how and why key steps in a specific changes Kamehameha 1 unification and reign of unification changed text’s description occurred in Hawaii due to Kamehameha 1(F) Hawaii (E) of a process unification. related to history/social *I can identify key steps studies in a text’s description of a process
*I can outline a historical process.
3 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment SS.7HHK.3.2- I can describe how *Student led review for Chapter 2 & 3 Supplemental review Describe the specific changes test. Workbook Worksheets materials (R) Sept. 3-6 effects of occurred in Hawaii due to (F) unification on the unification. *Test Chap. 1-3 Peer tutoring (E) Hawaiian Islands *In class verbal review I can contribute in a (F) *6-8.RH.2: review for the summative Determine central test. *Final Summative Test ideas or themes of (S) a primary or *I can compose a factual, secondary source: objective summary of provide an primary and secondary accurate summary sources. of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions Geography Note Taking: Outline *Oahu Map Project *Blank Oahu Map *Oahu map additional Sept. 9 -13 Standard 7: World Format- I can take notes Worksheet information & one on one in Spatial Terms- and use them for better Chapters 4: New Beliefs coaching (R) Use geographic understanding of the and 5: Liholiho, Skeleton Outline representations to subject Kamehameha II Worksheet Chap. 4 & 5 “New Beliefs” organize, analyze, (F) supplemental reading (E) and present I can use a map to information organize, analyze, and present information *6-8.RH.7: Integrate visual *I can integrate visual information with information with other information information in print. in print and digital texts.
4 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment Week 7 SS.7HHK.3.3- Note Taking: Finish Chapter 4 Chap. 4 test (S) supplemental readings Explain the Recognizing what (R)(E) Sept 16-20 reasons information is important *The 9/11 Terrorist (5) foreigners came and how to put it in the Attacks Introduction to Cornell Simplified Cornell Notes to Hawaii and proper sequence Notes(F) (R) explain the The Reign of Liholiho political, social I can analyze and *Point of View Question and answer, and economic describe the worksheet(F) discussion (E) impact on Hawaii consequence of the actions and ideas of SS.7HHK.1.1- individuals and groups. Analyze both change and *I can identify aspects of continuity during a text that reveal the unification and the author’s point of view. monarchy period. *I can identify aspects of *6-8.RH.6: Identify a text that reveal an aspects of a text author’s purpose. that reveals an author’s point of *I can compare the point view or purpose of view of two or more authors for how each treats the same or similar tactics. Week 8 SS.7HHk.8.1: Note taking: Note Cards- Chapter 6 Note Card (F) Simplified Cornell Note Explain how Recognizing what taker (Supplemental Sept. 23-27 prices and information is important Review *Cornell Notes reading) (R) products were (5) affected by the *I can explain how prices *Lecturette: Supply and *Graphic Organizer *Peer tutoring, question interactions and products were Demand and answer discussion between affected by the (E) producers in interaction between Hawaii and global growers and buyers in buyers in this era. this era.
SS.7HHK.1.1: *I can identify context
5 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment Analyze both clues to determine change and meaning. continuity during unification and the *I can create graphic monarchy period. representations to demonstrate meaning *6-8.RH.4: and understanding. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies Week 9 Standard 5: I can work with another Lecture: The roles, rights, *Graphic Organizer: The Supplemental Participation and student to identify a checks and balances of Three branches of worksheet/references & Sept. 30-Oct. 4 Citizenship: cause and show the three branches of Goverment time for Civics poster (R) Understand roles, understanding of the Government. (5) rights, and topic via a poster. *Student created Peer tutoring/assistance; responsibilities of *Government handouts Poster/Narrative (F) essay poster individual American citizens *I can identify specific reflection (E) and exercise them textual evidence. Civics Poster in civic action. Project/Contest *I can draw on several *6-8.RH.1: Cite sources to answer a *Various research texts specific textual question including internet, evidence to magazines, and support analysis encyclopedias of primary and secondary sources.
6-8.WHST.7: Conduct short
6 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources…
Standard 5: Note Taking: Narrative Finish Civics Poster Narrative question and 1 on 1 work with student Week 10 Participation and questions and answers Project answer worksheet (F) groups to identify Start of Citizenship causes(R) Quarter *I can identify fact, *Discussion of the *Cornell Oct.14-18 *6-8.RH.8: opinion and reasoned different “Causes” the notes/presentations (F) *Small group discussion: Distinguish among judgment in a text. students have presented role of government in our (5) fact, opinion, and and how it affects daily daily lives (E) reasoned life judgment. Week 11 SS.7HHK.3.3: Chapter 7 Exam Chap 5-7(S) Extra time/assistance to Oct. 21-25 SS.7HHK.8.1- finish exam (R) Explain how Review of Chap. 5-7 (5) prices and Supplemental reading (E) products affected Hawaii and global buyers in this era.
S.S.7HHK3.5: Sugar and plantations- describe coming of immigrant groups. Week 12 SS.7HHK.3.7: Note Taking: Narrative Chapter 8: Foreign Test (S) One on one coaching, Oct.28- Nov. 1 Analyze the roles questions Entanglements review time (R) of significant (5) individuals and I can analyze and Jeopardy review activity. Foreign effects groups and their describe the roles of worksheet/essay (E) involvement in the significant individuals and Chapter 8 test Overthrow. groups involved in the overthrow. 7 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment S.S.7P1.3.1- European contact and colonization
S.S.7P1.3.2: analyze conflicting beliefs of indigenous people.
Week 13 SS.7HHK.3.3: I can explain how prices Chapter 9: Sugar and the Chapter 9 & 10 workbook Sugar and land Nov. 4-8 Explain how and products are affected Land. worksheets supplemental handout prices and by the interactions (R) (5) products were between producers in 10: Shifting Influences *Cornell notes affected by the Hawaii and the era global and Kamehmeha IV The Great Mahele-video interactions buyers. Group reading and presentation (E) between *Other primary and producers in I can describe what secondary sources. Hawaii and global happened and the effects buyers in this era. of the Mahele.
SS.7HHK.3.6: *I can compare the point Describe the of view of two or more Mahele of 1848, authors for how each why it came treats the same or similar about, and the topics. social, political, economic effect it had on native Hawaiians and others.
*6-8.RH.6: Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or purpose.
8 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment
Week 14 Standard 8: Allocation of Resources- Jeopardy review Test (S) Sugar and land illustrated Nov.12-15 Economics: I can describe and make map review (R) Resources, a budget Chapter 9 and 10 Test Friday at the Mall (4) Markets, and worksheet (F) Leaders in “Friday at the Government- Friday at the Mall Mall activity.” (E) Understand economic concepts and characteristics of various economic systems.
S.S.7HHK.8.2: International economics-how is trade affected by regulation.
Week 15 SS.7HHK.1.1: I can analyze both Chapter 11: Chap. 11 workbook Dictionary-define change Nov. 18 – 22 Analyze both change and continuity Kamehameha V worksheets (F) and continuity, and use in change and during the monarchy sentence (R) (5) continuity during period. Power point presentation. *Cornell unification and the notes/presentations *Reflection-Think-pair- monarchy period. *I can describe how share: Venn Diagram of information is organized current examples of *6-8.RH.5: within a text. change and continuity (E) Describe how a text presents *I can analyze how a text information (e.g. uses structure to sequentially, emphasize key points or comparatively, advance an explanation
9 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment causally) or analysis.
Week 16 SS.7HHK.3.7: I can analyze and Chapter 11 & Chapter Chap. 11 & 12 workbook Using four of the vocab. Nov. 25 – 27 Analyze the roles describe the roles of 12: Lunalilo, the People’s worksheets (F) Terms write a poem (R) of significant significant individuals and Choice (3) individuals and groups involved in the Vocab. Activity (F) Use all of the vocab. groups and their Overthrow. *Other primary and Terms to compose a involvement in the secondary sources ‘shape’ poem (E) Overthrow *I can compare and contrast treatments of the Vocab. Activity *6-8.RH.9: same topic in several Analyze the primary and secondary Poem relationship sources. between a primary and secondary source on the same topic.
Week 17 SS.7HHK.3.7: I can analyze and Chapter 11 & 12 Chap. 11 & 12 workbook Using four of the vocab. Dec. 2 – 6 Analyze the roles describe the roles of worksheets (F) Terms write a poem (R) of significant significant individuals and *Primary and secondary (5) individuals and groups involved in the sources *Primary and secondary Use all of the vocab. groups and their Overthrow. comparison activity. Terms to compose a involvement in the Vocab. Activity ‘shape’ poem (E) Overthrow Poem *6-8.RH.9
10 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment Week 18 Standard 8: I can understand the Exam Chap 11 & 12 Exam Chap. 11 & 12 (S) One-on-one Dec. 9 -13 Economics: relationship between coaching/assistance with Resources, education and *ECOS- Career Student observations (F) computer programs (R) (5) Markets, and experience and job exploration activity Government- opportunities and *ECOS Peer-tutoring with Understand compensation. computer program (E) economic concepts and *I can identify the characteristics of difference between facts, various economic opinions and reasoned systems. judgment.
*6-8.RH.8: Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgement. Week 19 Standard 8: I can understand the ECOS Student observations (F) One-on-one Dec. 16 – 20 Economics: relationship between coaching/assistance with Resources, education and computer programs (R) (5) Markets, and experience, and job Government- opportunities and Peer-tutoring with End 2nd Understand compensation. computer program (E) Quarter/Sem. economic concepts and characteristics of various economic systems. QTR. 3 SS.7HHK.3.7: I can… The End of the Hawaiian Chapter 13 worksheet (F) Analyze the roles Analyze the significance Kingdom: Week 20 of significant of individuals and groups individuals and in the role of -Chapter 13- The Reign Jan. 7 -10 groups and their overthrowing the of Kalakau. involvement in the government. (4) Overthrow
11 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment Analyze both change and continuity during unification and the monarchy period.
Week 21 SS.7HHK.3.7: I can… The End of the Hawaiian Video: Hawaii’s last January Analyze the roles Analyze and describe the Kingdom: queen and questionnaire 13 -17 of significant individuals and groups (Governments in (F) individuals and who played a role in the Oceania). (5) groups and their overthrow and the involvement in the differences between the -Chapter 14-Queen Overthrow Hawaiian and the Liliuokalani, the Week 22 foreigners points of view. overthrow of the Jan. 21-24 SS.7HHK.1.1: Monarchy, and (4) Analyze both Annexation. change and continuity during unification and the monarchy period.
SS.7P1.3.3: Trace development of governments in Oceania.
Week 23 SS.7HHK.3.7: I can… The End of the Hawaiian Poster project (F) Jan 27 – 31 Analyze the roles I analyze and describe Kingdom: (5) of significant the individuals and individuals and groups who played a role -Illustrated poster project. Week 24 groups and their in the overthrow and the involvement in the differences between the Feb. 3 -7 Overthrow Hawaiian and the foreigners points of view, (5) SS.7HHK.1.1: and display this in a Analyze both picture. change and
12 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment continuity during unification and the monarchy period.
SS.7P1.3.5: U.S. and Pacific- Describe cultural and political relationship.
Week 25 SS.7PI.7.1- I can… Geography, Geology and Geography, geology Feb. Use geographic Understand tropical Climate of the Pacific- worksheet (F) 10 -14 representations such climate and Pacific island Chapter 1 (5) as maps or models to geology. Vocabulary (F) explain population distribution and the physical and human Exit pass check (F) characteristics of places in Oceania, including landforms, natural resources, climate, river, lakes, bridges, dams, roads, and buildings
Week 26 SS.7PI.3.2- I can… Pre-Contact Lifestyle and Poster review project (F) Feb. Analyze conflicting Understand similarities Culture-Chapter 2 18 -21 beliefs, values, and and differences in Vocabulary review (F) (4) norms of the Hawaiian and other Poster project indigenous populations and the Pacific cultures. introduction/draft work. European explorers/settlers and Analyze cultural explain the impact of similarities and difference those differences amongst Pacific islanders.
13 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment Week 27 SS.7PI.3.3- I can… Finish final poster for Map/Narrative (F) Feb. 24 – 28 Trace the Understand similarities Hawaiian Kingdom development/evolutio and differences in Worksheet (F) (5) n of government Hawaiian and other systems in Oceania from pre-contact to Pacific cultures. present (including colonization, Analyze cultural protectorate, trust similarities and difference territory, territory, amongst Pacific commonwealth, self- islanders. governing, free- association, and independent) and explain the effects of the changes
Week 28 SS.7PI.3.1- I can… New Comers and Worksheets (F) March 3 - 7 Explain why Understand the social, Colonization foreigners (including political, and economic Chapters 1-3 quiz (S) (5) explorers, traders, effect of foreigners on Introduce Pacific Island whalers, and missionaries) came native populations. boat build project. to Oceania and examine the resultant political (including colonization), social (including decline of population and demise of culture), and economic (including trade and diminishing resources) impact on the indigenous people. Week 29 Civics Standard 4- I can… Navigation/Culture: Worksheet (F) LA Skills March Understand the Remember key explores Chapters 4,5 10 - 14 purpose and and their legacies. Science (5) historical impact Canoe boat project End Qtr 3 of political Evaluate the impact and Mathematics institutions, the legacies these explores 14 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment principles and had on the places and values of people they came into American contact with. constitutional democracy, and Emphasize with pacific the similarities navigators and and differences in understand ancient government navigation techniques. across cultural perspectives. QTR. 4 SS.7PI.3.4- I can… Navigation/Culture: Boat build reflection (F) LA Skills Week 30 Analyze the roles and Remember key explores Chapters 4, 5 March responsibilities of and their legacies. Science 24-28 contemporary Boat Build Project governments (4) (including monarchy, Evaluate the impact and Mathematics free association, trust legacies these explores territory and had on the places and independence) in the people they came into Pacific Islands and contact with. how they are similar or different Emphatize with pacific navigators and understand ancient navigation techniques.
Week 31 SS.7PI.6.1- I can… Micronesia/Melanesia: Open-ended note taker March 31 – Compare conditions Relate to other culture: Power point (F) April 4 and motivations that similarities and contribute to conflict, differences. Voyager review: Worksheet (F) cooperation, or (5) interdependence Ferdinand Magellan among the islands of Empathize with other movie (40 min) Polynesia, cultures in result of Micronesia, and forming a broader Melanesia or understanding of self and between the islands society. and the United States.
15 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment SS.7PI.3.4- Analyze the roles and responsibilities of contemporary governments (including monarchy, free association, trust territory and independence) in the Pacific Islands and how they are similar or different
SS.7PI.3.6- Examine current issues or problems facing contemporary Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia and propose solutions to them based on research (same for all three) Week 32 SS.7PI.3.4- I can… Unit II (Chapter 6-9): Unit II Exam (S) April Analyze the roles and Compare and contrast Worksheet workshop Chapter 6-10 7 – 11 responsibilities of the similarities and contemporary differences between Chapter 10 (WWII): governments (5) (including monarchy, Melanesian, Micronesian, Mini lecture free association, trust and Polynesian culture. Discussion territory and Map work/review independence) in the Evaluate the social and Pacific Islands and political impact of how they are similar Polynesian society. or different
SS.7PI.3.6- Analyze the major World Examine current War II events. issues or problems facing contemporary Evaluate these events Polynesia, and synthesize a working 16 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment Micronesia, and hypothesis that connects Melanesia and post war changes to propose solutions to contemporary society. them based on research (same for all three)
SS. 7.P7.7.2: Describe demographic patterns and how they affect people. Week 33 SS.7PI.3.6- I can… Bellwork: Define- Worksheets (F) LA Skills April 14 – 17 Examine current Understand the history, Demographics issues or problems demographics, culture, Ethnic Communications Skills (5) facing contemporary economy and possible Urban Polynesia, Micronesia, and future of a specific island Gross National Geography skills Melanesia and nation. Product (GNP) propose solutions to them based on Cooperatively work *Pacific Island Project research together in pairs by (Research paper): establishing goals and *Computer lab SS.7PI.3.4- reaching them. Worksheets Analyze the roles and responsibilities of contemporary Effectively and ethically *Take Notes governments use the internet in a self- (including monarchy, directed manner. free association, trust territory and *I can write independence) in the Pacific Islands and informative/explanatory how they are similar texts that introduce a or different topic clearly
SS.7PI.6.1- *I can write Compare conditions informative/explanatory and motivations that texts that develop a contribute to conflict, relevant topic. cooperation, or
17 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment interdependence among the islands of *I can use technology to Polynesia, produce and publish Micronesia, and Melanesia or writing between the islands and the United States *I can gather relevant information from multiple *6-8.WHST.2: Write print and digital sources informative/explanato ry texts, including narration of historical *I can draw evidence events from informational texts to support analysis *6-8.WHST.6: Use technology, including the internet, to produce and publish writing
*6-8.WHST.8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources…
*6-8.WHST.9: Drwa evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research Week 34 SS.7PI.3.6- I can… Pacific Island Project: Worksheets (F) LA Skills April Examine current Understand the history, Finish worksheets 21-25 issues or problems demographics, culture, Outline *Pacific Island Project: Communications Skills facing contemporary economy and possible * Draft (peer editing) Research paper (F) Polynesia, (5) Micronesia, and future of a specific island Geography skills Melanesia and nation. Mini lecture/Discussion- propose solutions to Cultural diversity. them based on Cooperatively work What is it? research together in pairs by setting goals and SS.7PI.3.4-
18 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment Analyze the roles and reaching them. responsibilities of contemporary Effectively and ethically governments (including monarchy, use the internet in a self- free association, trust directed manner. territory and independence) in the Frame and answer Pacific Islands and historical questions how they are similar through research. or different
SS.7PI.6.1- *I can write an argument Compare conditions focused on content that and motivations that organizes reasons and contribute to conflict, evidence logically. cooperation, or interdependence *I can write an argument among the islands of Polynesia, focused on content that Micronesia, and introduces claims or Melanesia or issues. between the islands and the United States
*6-8.WHST.1: Write arguments on discipline specific content Week 35 SS.7PI.3.6- I can… Pacific Island Project: Project (F) Communications Skills Apr 28 –May 2 Examine current Understand the history, Final editing issues or problems demographics, culture, Presentation dry-run LA skills (5) facing contemporary economy and possible Polynesia, Micronesia, and future of a specific island Geography skills Melanesia and nation. propose solutions to them based on Cooperatively work research together in pairs.
SS.7PI.3.4- Effectively and ethically Analyze the roles and use the internet in a self-
19 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment responsibilities of directed manner. contemporary governments I can frame and answer (including monarchy, free association, trust questions through territory and historical research. independence) in the Pacific Islands and *I can read texts in how they are similar grades 6-8 complexity or different band independently and proficiently. S.S.7P1.3.6:Cont emporary issues in Pacific, examine current problems.
*6-8.RH.10: By the end of grade 7, read and comprehend history/social studies texts in the grade 6-8 complexity band independently and proficiently.
Week 36 SS.7PI.3.6- I can… *Pacific Islands Note taker (F) Communication Skills May Examine current Effectively present the Presentations 5 -9 issues or problems findings from my specific *Final Report (S) facing contemporary island nation. *Final Draft of Report due Polynesia, (5) Micronesia, and Melanesia and Analyze/recall *Note taker propose solutions to information from the them based on Pacific Island research presentations and put this in the form of a note SS.7PI.3.4- 20 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment Analyze the roles and taker. responsibilities of contemporary *I can write arguments governments (including monarchy, incorporating narrative free association, trust elements effectively to territory and analyze important independence) in the historical events Pacific Islands and how they are similar or different
*6-8.WHST.3: In History/Social Studies, students must be able to incorporate narrative accounts into their analysis of individuals or events of historical import.
37 SS.7PI.3.6- I can… Pacific Island review: Pacific Island Final Exam Communication Skills May Examine current Participate as a class Jeopardy (S) 12 -16 issues or problems community in our review LA Skills facing contemporary material. Unit Exam Polynesia, (5) Micronesia, and Melanesia and Gather and recall the propose solutions to information presented in them based on the research projects in research. the form of a culminating SS.7.P7.7.3: test. Analyze important economic activities of people in Oceania.
21 Kea’au Middle School Pacing Guide 2013-2014 Lougee, Piianaia, Alonzo
Week # Standard/ Learning Instruction Assessment(s) of Intervention, Bencmark Targets Learning Remediation, Enrichment 38 Civics Standard 4- I can… Final Civics Project Poster project (F) May Understand the Understand the rights 19 – 23 purpose and and duties of citizenship. *If time permits- Coat of arms (F) historical impact Coat of arms (5) of political Analyze contemporary Activity. End Qtr 4/2nd institutions, the issues and form my own Sem principles and conclusions based upon Week 39 values of those facts. American May 27 – 29 constitutional (3) democracy, and the similarities and differences in government across cultural perspectives,
Civics Standard 5- Understand roles, rights (personal, economic, political), and responsibilities of American citizens and exercise them in civic action.