In Which Sample Are the Particles Arranged in a Regular Geometric Pattern?

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In Which Sample Are the Particles Arranged in a Regular Geometric Pattern?

1. C. 1000 kcal

In which sample are the particles arranged in a D. 10,000 kcal regular geometric pattern?

A. liquid HCL 7.

B. NaCl dissolved in water Which is a characteristic of all mixtures?

C. N2 gas A. They are homogeneous.

D. solid I2 B. They are heterogeneous.

C. Their compositions cannot be changed. 2. D. Their compositions can be varied. How many calories are equivalent to 35 kilocalories?

A. 0.035 calorie 8.

B. 0.35 calorie Which material is a mixture?

C. 3,500 calories A. water

D. 35,000 calories B. air

C. methane 3. D. magnesium At room temperature, a 1-gram sample of which substance in a sealed 1-liter container will occupy the container completely and uniformly? 9.

A. silver What is the mostly likely temperature of a glass of ice water? B. mercury A. 0°C C. liquid water B. 32°C D. water vapor C. 100°C

4. D. 212°C

The particles in a crystalline solid are arranged 10. A. randomly and far apart Which set of properties does a substance such B. randomly and close together as helium have?

C. regularly and far apart A. definite shape and definite volume

D. regularly and close together B. definite shape but no definite volume

C. no definite shape but definite volume 5. D. no definite shape and no definite volume An example of a heterogeneous mixture is

A. soil 11.

B. sugar Which quantity of heat does a kilocalorie represent?

C. carbon monoxide A. 100 calories

D. carbon dioxide B. 1000 calories

C. 1/100 of a calorie 6. D. 1/1000 of a calorie How many kilocalories are equivalent to 10 calories?

A. 0.001 kcal 12.

B. 0.01 kcal The mass of a solid is 3.60 grams and its volume is 1.8 cubic centimeters. Find its density. A. 2 g/cm3

B. 2.0 g/cm3

C. 0.5 g/cm3

D. 3 0.50 g/cm A. B. C. D.

13. 17.

A student investigated the physical and chemical The diagram represents a portion of a 100-milliliter properties of a sample of an unknown gas and then graduated cylinder. identified the gas. Which statement represents a conclusion rather than an experimental observation?

A. The gas is colorless.

B. The gas is carbon dioxide.

C. When the gas is bubbled into limewater, the liquid becomes cloudy.

D. When placed in the gas, a flaming splint stops burning.


A student obtained the data in the table in a chemistry laboratory. Which of the trials seems to be in error? What is the reading of the meniscus?

Solubility A. 35.0 mL Temperature Trial (grams of KNO3/100 g of (°C) B. 36.0 mL water) C. 44.0 mL A. 25 40 D. 45.0 mL B. 32 50

C. 43 70 18.

D. 48 60 Two basic properties of the gas phase are A. a definite shape and a definite volume

15. B. a definite shape but no definite volume

During a laboratory activity, a student combined two C. no definite shape but a definite volume solutions. In the laboratory report, the student wrote "A yellow color appeared." The statement D. no definite shape and no definite volume represents the student's recorded

A. conclusion 19.

B. observation Which substance has vibrating particles in regular, fixed positions? C. hypothesis

A. Ca D. inference

B. Hg

16. C. Cl2

D. CaCl2 dissolved in water Given:

Which diagram represents a mixture?


A sample of water is being heated from 20°C to 30°C, and the temperature is recorded every 2 minutes. Which table would be most appropriate for recording the data? A. B. C. D.

A. milliliters per gram 21. B. milliliters The diagram represents a Celsius thermometer recording a certain temperature. C. gram D. grams per milliliter


Which of the following involves mainly a physical change?

A. gasoline powering a car engine

B. an iron nail rusting

C. getting a suntan

D. the formation of a pothole


Two basic properties of the liquid phase are

A. a definite shape and a definite volume

B. a definite shape but no definite volume

C. no definite shape but a definite volume

Which is the best estimate of the temperature D. no definite shape and no definite volume reading of this thermometer?

A. 5°C 26.

B. 4.3°C A student collected and recorded measurements of the amount of carbon monoxide in the air at the C. 0.3°C same location each day for one week. The data are shown in the table. D. 4°C


Blacksmiths make metal horseshoes because metals are

A. ductile

B. malleable

C. lustrous The student concluded that the amount of carbon monoxide in the air increased and then decreased D. brittle during the week. A source of error in the student's investigation is that the student failed to: 23. A. identify the days of the week The units of density could be B. identify the month C. 1.30 g/mL

C. collect data at the same time each day D. 0.95 g/mL

D. state the method of measurement 29.

27. A pebble has a mass of 35 grams and a volume of 14 cubic centimeters. What is its density? In the diagram, the thermometer held 2 meters above the floor shows a temperature of 30°C. The A. 0.4 g/cm3 thermometer on the floor shows a temperature of B. 3 24°C. 2.5 g/cm C. 490 g/cm3

D. 4.0 g/cm3


According to the graph, what happens to the density What is the change in temperature between the two of a mass of air when its water vapor content thermometers? increases?

A. 2°C A. Density decreases.

B. 6°C B. Density increases.

C. 3°C C. Density remains the same.

D. 4°C 31.

28. The graph shows the masses and volumes of four different earth materials, A, B, C, and D.

As shown in the diagram, an empty 1,000.-milliliter container has a mass of 250.0 grams. When filled with a liquid, the container and the liquid have a combined mass of 1,300 grams. What is the density of the liquid?

A. 1.00 g/mL Which material has the greatest density?

B. 1.05 g/mL A. A B. B D. an inference based on results

C. C 35. D. D Which laboratory equipment is correctly paired with a unit it measures? 32. A. metric ruler – centigrams

B. Celsius thermometer – degrees Fahrenheit

C. glass beaker – millimeters

D. graduated cylinder – milliliters


Which condition is necessary for an experiment to yield useful data? The diagrams represent particles of the same type of A. Similar results should be obtained when the sedimentary rock material collected from a experiment is repeated streambed. The diagrams are drawn to scale. Which inference about the density of particle A and B. Only the expected results should be particle B is most accurate? considered each time the experiment is performed. A. Particle A and particle B have the same density because they are made of the same C. The hypothesis must be correct. material. D. The experimental period must be short. B. Particle A has a greater density than particle B because particle A has a greater volume. 37.

C. Particle A has a greater density than In one of his experiments with magnetism, Oersted particle B because particle A has a greater noticed that a wire carrying an electric current mass. affected a compass needle. This statement would be considered D. Particle B has a greater density than particle A because particle B has been worn A. an observation to a smaller size. B. an inference

C. a hypothesis 33. D. a conclusion The current knowledge of the structure of the atom is the result of the investigations and observations of many scientists. The work of these scientists forms a 38. well-accepted body of knowledge about the atom. This body of knowledge is an example of a An investigation was performed to determine the effect of temperature on the activity of a catalyst A. hypothesis which breaks down hydrogen peroxide releasing oxygen. Six test tubes, each containing water and B. controlled experiment equal concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and the C. theory catalyst, were maintained at different temperatures. Observations made during the investigation were D. research plan used to construct the data table below.


An experimental design included references from prior experiments, materials and equipment, and step-by-step procedures. What else should be included before the experiment can be started?

A. a set of data

B. a conclusion based on data An increase in the rate of bubbling in each of tubes 1 C. safety precautions to be used through 5 would most likely be noticed after A. increasing the temperature of each tube to minutes for a period of 70 minutes and the average 80°C length of two sides was determined. The results are shown in the data table below. B. decreasing the temperature of each tube to -10°C

C. increasing the light intensity on each tube, but not the temperature

D. adding more catalyst to each tube


Base your answer on the investigation described below, the data table, and on your knowledge of science.

A student cut a piece of potato into 8 cubes, each Which line graph below most accurately showns the measuring 5 millimeters along each edge, and placed relationship between time in the salt solution and 7 of them in a beaker containing a 25% salt solution. size of the cube? One cube was removed from the beaker every 10

A. C.

B. D.

A. kilogram 40. B. gallon The basic unit of volume in the metric system is the C. liter A. kilogram D. meter B. gallon

C. liter 43.

D. mass Two scientists, George and Mary, meet. Base your answer to the question on their conversation, below, and your knowledge of the scientific method. 41. George: Here are pictures of my three children. The basic unit of mass in the metric system is the Mary: How nice; how old are they? George: You’re a scientist, you figure it out. A. kilogram Mary: OK, give me a hint. George: If you multiply their ages, the result is 36. B. gallon Mary: I need more information. C. liter George: If you add their ages, the sum is the age of your oldest child. D. meter Mary: I almost have it, I need one more clue. George: The blue eyed child is the oldest. Mary: I figured it out using the scientific method. 42. Mary rejected the hypothesis that all three children The basic unit of length in the metric system is the are 12 years old because A. 12 × 12 × 12 does not equal 36 Two scientists, George and Mary, meet. Base your answer to the question on their conversation, below, B. triplets are rare and your knowledge of the scientific method.

C. all three children weren’t girls George: Here are pictures of my three children. Mary: How nice; how old are they? D. the problem can't be solved George: You’re a scientist, you figure it out. Mary: OK, give me a hint. George: If you multiply their ages, the result is 36. 44. Mary: I need more information. Two scientists, George and Mary, meet. Base your George: If you add their ages, the sum is the age of answer to the question on their conversation, below, your oldest child. and your knowledge of the scientific method. Mary: I almost have it, I need one more clue. George: The blue eyed child is the oldest. George: Here are pictures of my three children. Mary: I figured it out using the scientific method. Mary: How nice; how old are they? George: You’re a scientist, you figure it out. After Mary made her hypotheses about the ages of Mary: OK, give me a hint. the children, she added the ages and looked at the George: If you multiply their ages, the result is 36. sum. What part of the scientific method is this? Mary: I need more information. A. problem George: If you add their ages, the sum is the age of your oldest child. B. hypothesis Mary: I almost have it, I need one more clue. George: The blue eyed child is the oldest. C. observation Mary: I figured it out using the scientific method. D. conclusion Mary realizes that there are only 8 hypotheses to test because 47. A. the scientific method tells us not to do more than 8 tests Two scientists, George and Mary, meet. Base your answer to the question on their conversation, below, B. 8 is Mary’s lucky number and your knowledge of the scientific method.

C. Mary only has enough time to test 8 George: Here are pictures of my three children. hypotheses Mary: How nice; how old are they? George: You’re a scientist, you figure it out. D. there are only 8 possible combinations of 3 Mary: OK, give me a hint. numbers whose product is 36 George: If you multiply their ages, the result is 36. Mary: I need more information. George: If you add their ages, the sum is the age of 45. your oldest child. Two scientists, George and Mary, meet. Base your Mary: I almost have it, I need one more clue. answer to the question on their conversation, below, George: The blue eyed child is the oldest. and your knowledge of the scientific method. Mary: I figured it out using the scientific method.

George: Here are pictures of my three children. Recalling that Mary needed more information that Mary: How nice; how old are they? the sum of the ages, only 2 possibilities had the George: You’re a scientist, you figure it out. same sum. The children had to be either 6, 6 and 1 Mary: OK, give me a hint. or 9, 4 and 1. Remembering that the oldest child has George: If you multiply their ages, the result is 36. blue eyes, Mary reasoned that the six year old twins Mary: I need more information. couldn’t be the oldest. She concluded that the ages George: If you add their ages, the sum is the age of were 9, 4 and 1. your oldest child. What part of the scientific method is this? Mary: I almost have it, I need one more clue. George: The blue eyed child is the oldest. A. problem Mary: I figured it out using the scientific method. B. hypothesis Mary tests each hypothesis by adding the ages of the 3 children because C. observation

A. scientists always add numbers D. conclusion B. Mary knows that the sum of the ages is the age of the oldest child and can reject all the hypotheses which do not produce the correct sum

C. the sum of the ages is 36


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