Future Meetings and Events
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NEWSLETTER September 2017
OUR MEETINGS We meet at The Millennium Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden PE19 5UY (Road signs read Village Hall) at 7:30pm on the Last Tuesday of the Month, except June, when we have a barbecue, August and December.
FUTURE MEETINGS AND EVENTS 26 September Meeting - John Bowskill, U3A 31 October Meeting - Alex Guinee, Podiatrist 28 November Meeting - Social Evening December NO MEETING Christmas Dinner TBD 30 January Meeting - Terry Schooling “Diabetes; a Personal Experience” 27 February Meeting - Annual General Meeting
CHAIRMAN’S CHAT Martin, Your Chairman. September already and heading into Autumn. Still MEETINGS the weather has not been too bad and we were very As usual for August, our Group had no Meeting last lucky in the two Shows we attended during the past Month. month. First was the Huntingdon Carnival/Live in For September, our main speaker will be John the Park. Although the weather was fine, business Bowskill who will talk about the University of the was very slow. In total we took £32.30 from sales, Third Age (U3A). Immediately prior to that, we will donations and the Nail Game. Once the £25 entry have a brief address by Dr Lavanta Farouk fee was removed we were left with £7.30. Not a lot (Postgraduate Researcher). Lavanta will briefly for all the effort. Towards the end of the Month, we outline her current research and, I understand, ask went to the Little Gransden Air and Car Show. The if any Group Members would be willing to volunteer weather at this, always well attended, event was to assist in her Research. glorious. As for business, a steady stream of buyers meant that we did much better than the WAITROSE GREEN TOKEN SCHEME Huntingdon event. After the fee (10% of takings) we As I mentioned in the July Newsletter, our Group were left with £105.64. This was the last show of had been selected as one of the 3 causes in the St the year and, sadly, looks like it will be the last show Neots Waitrose Green Token scheme for July. I we attend as a Group. There is no sign of anyone have now been informed that our Group will receive coming forward to take on either Chair or Treasurer a donation of £451. Thanks to everyone who added roles, so we are left with the probability that this a token to our total. Group will cease to exist with effect from the next Annual General Meeting (February 27, 2018). NEWS Despite this sad prognosis, it will be business as Scientists Discover a New Way to Treat Type 2 usual until then. It is also worth pointing out that Diabetes there are now a number of what Diabetes UK are Medication currently being used to treat obesity is calling Community Groups. These are a legacy also proving to have significant health benefits for from a Government Pilot Program called Type 2 patients with type 2 diabetes. A new study published Together. When the Pilot Program was today in Molecular Metabolism explains how this discontinued, Diabetes UK decided to continue therapeutic benefit for type 2 diabetes is achieved support for these Groups. Community Groups differ by acting in our brain. from traditional Local Groups such as ours in that Scientists from the University of Aberdeen Rowett they only deal with Type 2 diabetes and they do not Institute, in collaboration with teams from the need a Committee. In the Cambridgeshire and Universities of Cambridge and Michigan, have Peterborough Area, there are Community Groups at discovered that the medication Lorcaserin acts in the following locations: Abington, Chesterton, the brain to improve type 2 diabetes by modifying Cherry Hinton, East Barnwell, Ely, Huntingdon, the activity of neurones that help to regulate blood Peterborough – Hampton and Royston. Contact glucose levels. Diabetes UK for more Information on 01376 501390. Huntingdonshire Diabetes UK Group
Lorcaserin is prescribed to help patients lose weight 1 leek, chopped (150g) and works by regulating how hungry we feel. tiny pinch turmeric (for colour, cheaper than However, researchers have discovered that as well traditional saffron) as doing this, the drug can also reduce glucose good pinch white pepper levels in the body and increase the body's cells 2 cloves garlic, crushed sensitivity to insulin. When the body fails to produce 2 tsp oil enough insulin or the body's cells fail to react to 4 x bream fillets (90g each), cut in half to give 8 insulin this leads to Type 2 diabetes meaning that pieces glucose remains in the blood rather than being used 150g pack cooked, peeled king prawns as fuel for energy. 150g pack cooked, chilled mussel meat Professor Lora Heisler, who is leading the Aberdeen 2 large tomatoes, skinned, seeds removed and team, explains: "Current medications for type 2 chopped small (100g flesh) diabetes improve symptoms of this disease by 1 tbsp finely chopped parsley acting in the body. We have discovered that this A good grind of black pepper obesity drug, lorcaserin, acts in the brain to improve type 2 diabetes. Method "Lorcaserin targets important brain hormones called Add the sweet potato and carrot to a pan with the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) peptides, which are stock, bring to the boil, then turn down the heat, responsible for regulating appetite. So as well as cover, and simmer 7 minutes. sending messages telling us we are full and no Add the fennel, yellow pepper, leek, turmeric, white longer need to eat, leading to weight loss, the pepper and garlic, mix, then cover and simmer for a POMC hormones also activate a different further 5 minutes. brain circuit that helps keep our blood glucose in Meanwhile add 1 tsp of oil to a large non-stick frying check. pan over a medium-high heat. Once the pan is hot, "This discovery is important because type 2 add 4 pieces of fish fillet, skin-side down, and cook diabetes is an incredibly prevalent disease in the for 2-3 minutes. modern world and new treatment choices are Turn them over and cook another 1-2 minutes. needed." Place on a hot plate and cook the remaining fish The leader of the Cambridge research team Dr fillets with another tsp of oil - if you have a big Mark Evans added: "Of course, more research is enough pan you can do the fillets in one batch. needed, but these promising findings provide a Add the mussels and prawns to the vegetables and completely new direction for type 2 diabetes drug stock, bring to the boil and cook for 2 minutes treatment, which may offer hope to individuals Divide the vegetables, prawns, mussels and broth struggling with this disease." between 4 bowls. Place the fish fillets on top, sprinkle with parsley, chopped tomato flesh and a Source: Medicalxpress.com Web Site sprinkle of black pepper and serve.
RECIPE CORNER Chef's Tips Bouillabaisse Bouillabaisse was traditionally made with leftover A hearty Mediterranean seafood soup, packed with fish - whatever was in season - so virtually any fish vegetables and garlic. A satisfying meal in a bowl. works. Serves 4, Prep 15 mins, Cook 20 mins To peel tomatoes, dip them in boiling water for 1 Each 50g serving contains: minute and the peel is easy to remove. Kcal 269, Carbs 17.1g, Fibre 6.3g, Protein 32.4g, Fat 6.5g, Salt 1.6g Source: Diabetes UK Web Site. (excludes serving suggestion) YOUR COMMITTEE Ingredients Martin Davies Chairman 01480 350868 1 sweet potato, peeled and cubed (200g) [email protected] 1 carrot, diced small (100g) Hilary Moorbey Secretary 01480 810749 1 fish stock cube, dissolved in 600 ml water [email protected] half bulb fennel, sliced (175g) Treasurer 07780 601348 1 yellow pepper, sliced (140g) Terry Schooling [email protected]
Newsletter September 2017 Huntingdonshire Diabetes UK Group
Angela Byatt Social 01480 392826 [email protected] Barry Sharples Fundraising 01480 354472 [email protected] Tripti Woolf Speaker Co-ord 07972 269159 [email protected] Peter Lobb Member 01480 832407 [email protected] Diane Ellis Member 01480 350380 [email protected] Web Site: huntingdonshire.diabetesukgroup.org
Newsletter September 2017