April 23, 2008 GateWay Community College Room MA 1100S 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Attendees TLC Voting DO-Darrel Huish (Co-Chair), DO-Earl Monsour, PC-Darren Everingham, GCC- Members: Doreen Kessler, GWCC-Jose Candanedo (Co-Chair), MCC-Bill DeHaan, SCC- Dustin Fennell, RIO-Ed Kelty, SMCC-Mike Lewis, CGCC-Victor Navarro, PVCC- Paul Golisch, EMCC-Rich Marmon Meeting Objectives / Agenda 1:00 – 1:30 District Departments: TLC  Executive Update – Darrel Huish Subcommittee, o Darrel sent out an update to CEC, one of the biggest current issues is the ITS Updates, duplicate records between colleges. DOITS is working on how they can try College Updates and address these issues. o Darrel also reviewed some stats related to PS usage. On average 1000 employees have been logging on and using the system daily. o Hours of access are hoping to be expanded over the next few months. o CFS is going to be upgraded May 9th – 11th. The system will be unavailable at that time. o IBM has been contracted to review Maricopa’s email configuration and recommend some ideas on email archiving. This is an independent kind of review of our processes in this area.  Infrastructure and Customer Support – Earl Monsour o 2nd data center is in the design phases for electrical and mechanical. When it’s a little further along we’ll have a TLC meeting up there so Earl can show it off! o Every college will have some space in that location, but any college that has hardware there will only have access if they schedule it via DOITS. o There are a couple of bad circuits in the District Office building. They are trying to determine the best time to take the power down and replace those breakers. Possible between Summer I and Summer II – This would cause as 12-24 hour window of downtime. The ITS team will let everyone know as soon a specific date is selected o DOITS has moved to the new emerald point building – everyone is welcome to come visit! o SAN Expansion 1. Some of their equipment is so old it would cost less to upgrade it than keep maintenance on it. 2. Also looking at a backup/archive system, by the end of summer they have 1,000 Terabytes of data being backed up and stored. They are looking to expand to the new building and long term archiving 3. It’s currently in the research phase – they’ll have more info as they complete their research.  Instructional/Business Systems – Steve Creswell  MEMO/EIMS/Policy –  iTLC Update – Veronica Diaz  Security/Networking Services – Rod Marten  Student Systems - Gary Nusbaum  Library – Cheryl Laieski  District ITS Telecom – Rich Lang

TLC – Currently Active Committees  ITAC – Victor Navarro / Rich Marmon o No meeting this month – so – no report   Contact Center - TBD April 23, 2008 GateWay Community College Room MA 1100S 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  MIRA – Doug Harper  ASC – Rich Marmon  Media Leadership Group – Tim Keefe 1:30 – 1:50 Resource 25 performance issues – Dustin Fennell  SCC is trying to deploy R25, but, the performance is so slow if an end user tries to search for anything beyond the next day or two, it’s unusable. Cheryl indicated that the system, in it’s current form, is doing all it can do. R25 does have a new product using Web services and XML that is supposed to resolve this issue. DOITS is hoping to get this system up and running by the end of summer.  After the web services and XML system is up and running colleges could work together to build a new interface for customers.  Once the auth piece is completed then the colleges could work together.  R25 Support for R25 admins – there’s only one person so what do people do when that person is not around? What can be done??? Cheryl is going to look into this issue. 1:50 - 2:10 Google Student Email – Darrel Huish

 After further discussions with people around district purchasing is allowing Maricopa to move forward with Google integration.  A third party attorney is helping Maricopa Legal work through all the contractual issues.  The college is Tier 1 Support – any issues with this? Darrel asked if anyone had any issues with adding potentially more calls to each colleges helpdesk? Most said they’re dealing with this already in one form or another.  Hopefully this will be ready this summer and available for all students this coming fall.  When this is up and running, Darrel suggested retiring all the other college based Gmail accounts. At this time 2:10 – 2:30 Demo the new SharePoint system – Ed Kelty  The district wide SharePoint server is up and running and ready for production use.  Everyone was given a copy of the MOU for their campus president to sign if they’d like to participate with this project.  http://dst.sp.maricopa.edu/ General College  EMC – installation intercom based on IP for emergency messaging – installing Updates now!  MCC – VMWare upgrades – new SAN storage, NOS upgrade this summer!  SMC – Lost a number of staff last year but this year building up a programming group, using some consultants in this area now, building a student tracking system, working with a consultant to figure out how to do with single signon or at least single identity.  Rio – upgraded SAN, replaced TI with QMOE, etc. o Ed talked about the helpdesk system celebrating it’s 10 year anniversary next month. He warned everyone that the application is pretty old and won’t last forever. At some point Rio would need to look at alternatives. It’s not something that’s going to happen right now, but sometime in the next 12-24 months Rio will need to give an end of life timeline to the TLC…  Question: What to do, long term, with our currenst and future helpdesk system???  GWC – working on student and employee id’s. Unified communication installed by June, MOSS 2007 coming this summer, updating college web site. April 23, 2008 GateWay Community College Room MA 1100S 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Everyone thanked Carol and PVC for their help with the online schedule. This might be something that will picked up by the district and supported for district wide usage. 2:30 – 3:00 iTLC/TLC Meeting – Veronica Diaz  Veronica worked with elluminate to try and merge all the college licenses together into one installation. MCC has agreed to host Ellumniate for year years. Rio was not included in this group but Veronica is going to meet with Ed to see what this might mean to Rio if they join in on this or not.  2008 Teaching and Learning Conference at MCC on May 13 – up to about 150 people so far – all are invited!!! Action Items Who When

TLC Members Create a monthly update about Monthly what you (your college) is doing at your campus. This will be a first step in increasing a collaboration. Ed Setup workflows on the TLC site TBD to remind the members to post updates every month

Issue Bin:

Meeting Rules:

Start on time, end on time, Stay on track, Monitor your own participation, Limit side conversations, Respect each other’s ideas and work, One speaker at a time – don’t interrupt, Be an active listener, Honor confidentiality, Disagree and clarify when appropriate, Be willing to invest the time for inquiry when appropriate, Consider the entire system, Build shared meaning, Keep an open mind, Have deliberate patience and Have Fun.

Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, May 28,2008