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Julie A. Fiez
October 2008
605 LRDC 3939 0'Hara Street University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260
412-624-7078 (work) 412-687-7392 (home) 412-422-9149 (fax) e-mail: [email protected]
Emory University, Atlanta, GA. B.S. 1987 Biology Washington University, St. Louis, MO Ph.D. 1992 Neuroscience
2008- Professor, Dept. of Communication Sciences & Disorders, Univ. of Pittsburgh 2006- Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Pittsburgh 2006- Professor, Dept. of Neuroscience, Univ. of Pittsburgh 2006- Professor, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Univ. of Pittsburgh 2005- Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon Univ. 2003-2006 Associate Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Pittsburgh 2003-2006 Associate Prof., Dept. of Neuroscience, Univ. of Pittsburgh 2003-2006 Associate Prof., Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Univ. Pittsburgh 1999- Research Scientist, Learning Research & Development Ctr, Univ. Pittsburgh 1998-2002 Assistant Prof., Dept. of Neuroscience, U. of Pittsburgh 1997-2002 Assistant Prof., Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Univ. of Pittsburgh 1997-2002 Assistant Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Pittsburgh 1992-1996 Postdoctoral Res. Assoc., Depts. Neurology, Univ. Iowa & Wash. Univ.
2007 Fellow, Association for Psychological Science 2002 APA Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology 2001 Chancellor’s Distinguished Research Award 1999-2001 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow 1997 Wiley Young Investigator Award in Human Brain Mapping 1992-1996 Fellow, Charles A. Dana Foundation 1993 Finalist, Donald Lindsley Prize in Behavioral Neurosci., Soc. for Neuroscience 1991 Olin Fellowship for Outstanding Biomedical Research, Washington University 1987-1992 Fellow, Spencer T. Olin Foundation, Washington University 1987-1990 Fellow, National Science Foundation 1986 Phi Beta Kappa, Emory University 1983-1987 Woodruff Fellow, Emory University
2006- Member, Psychonomic Society 2006- Member, American Educational Research Association 2003- Member, Association for Psychological Science 1989- Member, Society for Neuroscience 1997- Member, Cognitive Neuroscience Society
Ben-Yehudah G, Fiez JA (2008). Impact of cerebellar lesions on reading and phonological processing. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, in press.
Cox KM, Aizenstein JH, Fiez JA (2008). Striatal outcome processing in healthy aging. Cogntive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 8:304-17.
Nelson JR, Liu Y, Fiez J, Perfetti CA (2008). Assimilation and accommodation patterns in ventral occipitotemporal cortex in learning a second writing system. Human Brain Mapping, in press.
Tricomi E, Fiez JA (2008). Feedback signals in the caudate reflect goal achievement on a declarative memory task. Neuroimage, 41:1154-67.
Wilson SJ, Sayette MA, Delgado MR, Fiez JA . Effect of smoking opportunity on responses to monetary gain and loss in the caudate nucleus. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117:428- 34.
Goldberg RF, Perfetti CA, Fiez JA, Schneider W (2007). Selective retrieval of abstract semantic knowledge in left prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 27:3790-8.
--Fiez, pg. 2-- Liu Y, Dunlap S, Fiez JA, Perfetti C (2007). Evidence for neural accommodation to a writing system following learning. Human Brain Mapping, 28:1223-34.
Wilson SJ, Sayette MA, Fiez JA, Brough E (2007). Carry-over effects of smoking cue exposure on working memory performance. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 9:613-9.
Ravizza SM, McCormick CA, Justus TA, Ivry RB, Fiez JA (2006). Cerebellar damage produces selective deficits in verbal working memory. Brain, 129:306-20.
Fiez JA, Tranel D, Seager-Frerichs D, Damasio H (2006). Specific impairments in reading and phonological processing are associated with damage to the left frontal operculum. Cortex, 42:624-43.
Tricomi EM, Delgado MR, McCandliss BD, McClelland JL, Fiez JA (2006). Performance feedback drives caudate activation in a perceptual learning task. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18:1029-1043.
Justus TC, Ravizza SM, Fiez JA, Ivry RB (2005). Cerebellar involvement in verbal working memory: Implications for phonological representation. Brain and Language, 95:304-318.
Ravizza SM, Behrmann M, Fiez JA (2005). Right parietal contributions to verbal working memory: Spatial or executive? Neuropsychologia, 43:2057-67.
Wilson SJ, Sayette MA, Delgado MR, Fiez JA (2005). Instructed smoking expectancy modulates cue-elicited neural activity: A preliminary study. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 7:637-645.
Delgado MR, Stenger VA, Fiez JA (2004). Motivation dependent responses in the human caudate nucleus. Cerebral Cortex, 14:1022-30.
Gilbert AM & Fiez JA (2004). Integrating reward and cognition in the frontal cortex. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 4:540-52.
May CJ, Delgado MR, Dahl RE, Stenger A, Ryan ND, Fiez JA, Carter CA (2004). Event- related functional magnetic resonance imaging of reward-related brain circuitry in children and adolescents. Biological Psychiatry, 55:359-366.
Ravizza SM, Delgado MR, Chein JM, Becker JT, Fiez JA (2004). Functional dissociations within the inferior parietal cortex in verbal working memory. Neuroimage, 22:562-73.
Tricomi EM, Delgado MR, Fiez JA (2004). Modulation of caudate activity by action contingency. Neuron, 41:281-292.
Wilson SJ, Sayette MA, Fiez JA (2004). Prefrontal responses to drug cues: a neurocognitive analysis. Nature Neuroscience, 7:211-214.
Delgado MR, Locke HM, Stenger VA, Fiez JA (2003). Dorsal Striatum Responses to Reward and Punishment: Effects of Valence and Magnitude Manipulations. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 3:27-38.
--Fiez, pg. 3-- McClelland JL, Fiez JA, McCandliss BD (2002). Teaching the [r]-][l] Discrimination to Japanese Adults: Behavioral and Neural Aspects. Physiology and Behavior, 77:657-662.
Chein JM, Fissell K, Jacobs S, Fiez JA (2002). Functional heterogeneity within Broca’s area during verbal working memory. Physiology and Behavior, 77: 635-639.
MacAndrew DK, Klatzky RL, Fiez JA, McClelland JL, Becker JT (2002). The phonological similarity effect differentiates between two working memory tasks. Psychological Science, 13:465-468.
McCandliss BD, Fiez JA, Protopapas A, Conway M, McClelland JL (2002). Success and failure in teaching the /r/-/l/ contrast to Japanese adults: Tests of a Hebbian model of plasticity and stabilization in spoken language perception. Affective, Cognitive, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 2:89-108.
Chein JM and Fiez JA (2001). Dissociating verbal working memory system components using a delayed serial recall task. Cerebral Cortex, 11:1003-1014.
Roskies AL, Fiez JA, Balota DA, Raichle ME, Petersen SE (2001). Task dependent modulation of regions in left inferior frontal cortex during semantic processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13:829-843.
Delgado MR, Fissell K, Nystrom LE, Noll DC, Fiez JA (2000). Tracking the hemodynamic responses to reward and punishment in the striatum. Journal of Neurophysiology, 84:3072- 3077.
Fiez JA, Damasio H, Grabowski TJ (2000). Lesion identification and manual warping to a standard reference brain: Intra- and inter-observer variability. Human Brain Mapping, 9:192-211.
Rosen H, Petersen SE, Linenweber MR, Snyder AZ, White DA, Chapman L, Dromerick WA, Fiez JA, Corbetta M (2000). Neural correlates of recovery from aphasia after damage to left inferior frontal cortex. Neurology, 55:1883-1894.
Becker JT, MacAndrew DK, Fiez JA (1999). A comment on the functional localization of the phonological storage subsystem of working memory. Brain and Cognition, 41:27-38.
Fiez JA, Balota DA, Raichle ME, Petersen SE (1999). The effects of word frequency and spelling-to-sound consistency on the functional anatomy of reading. Neuron, 24:205-218.
Fiez JA, Petersen SE (1998) Neuroimaging studies of word reading. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 95:914-921.
Petersen SE, van Mier H, Fiez JA, Raichle ME (1998). The effects of practice on the functional anatomy of task performance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 95:853-860.
--Fiez, pg. 4-- Fiez JA, Tranel D (1997) Standardized stimuli and procedures for investigating the retrieval of lexical and conceptual knowledge for actions. Memory & Cognition, 25:543-569.
Shulman GL, Corbetta M, Buckner RL, Raichle ME, Fiez JA, Miezin FM, Petersen SE (1997) Top-down modulation of early sensory cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 7:193-206.
Shulman GL, Corbetta M, Buckner RL, Fiez JA, Miezin FM, Raichle ME, Petersen SE (1997) Common blood flow changes across visual tasks: I. Increases in subcortical structures and the cerebellum, but not in non-visual-cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9:624-647.
Shulman GL, Corbetta M, Fiez JA, Bucker RL, Miezin FM, Raichle ME, Petersen SE (1997). Searching for activations that generalize across tasks. Human Brain Mapping, 5:317-322.
Shulman GL, Fiez JA, Corbetta M, Buckner RL, Miezin FM, Raichle ME, Petersen SE (1997) Common blood flow changes across visual tasks: II. Decreases in cerebral cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9:648-663.
Fiez JA, Raichle ME, Balota DA, Tallal P, Petersen SE (1996) PET activation of posterior temporal regions during passive auditory word presentation and verb generation. Cerebral Cortex, 6:1-10.
Fiez JA, Raife EA, Balota DA, Schwarz JP, Raichle ME, Petersen SE (1996) A positron emission tomography study of the short-term maintenance of verbal information. Journal of Neuroscience, 16:808-822.
Fiez JA, Tallal P, Raichle ME, Miezin FM, Katz WF, Petersen SE (1995) PET studies of auditory and phonological processing: Effects of stimulus characteristics and task demands. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 7:357-375.
Raichle ME, Fiez JA, Videen TO, MacLeod AK, Pardo JV, Fox PT, Petersen SE (1994) Practice-related changes in human brain functional anatomy during nonmotor learning. Cerebral Cortex, 4:8-26.
Fiez JA, Petersen SE, Cheney MK, Raichle ME (1992) Impaired nonmotor learning and error detection associated with cerebellar damage: A single-case study. Brain, 115:155-178.
Ben-Yehudah G, Guediche S, Fiez JA (2007). Cerebellar contributions to verbal working memory: beyond cognitive theory. Cerebellum, 63:193-201.
Perfetti CA, Liu Y, Fiez J, Nelson J, Bolger DJ, Tan LH (2007). Reading in two writing systems: Accommodation and assimilation of the brain’s reading network. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 10:131-146.
--Fiez, pg. 5-- Chein JM, Ravizza SM, Fiez JA (2003). Using neuroimaging to evaluate models of working memory and their implications for language processing. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 16:315- 339.
Fiez JA (2003). A commentary on Fiswidgets. Neuroinformatics, 1: 127-130.
Fiez JA (2001). Bridging the gap between neuroimaging and neuropsychology: Challenges and potential benefits. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychiatry, 23:19-31.
Fiez JA (2001). Neuroimaging studies of speech: An overview of techniques and methodological approaches. Journal of Speech and Communication Disorders, 34:445-454.
Fiez JA (2000). News and Views. Sound and meaning: how native language affects reading strategies. Nature Neuroscience, 3:3-5.
Sandak, R Fiez JA (2000). Stuttering: A view from neuroimaging. Lancet, 356:445-446.
Desmond JE, Fiez JA (1998). Neuroimaging studies of the cerebellum. Language, learning, and memory. Trends in Cognitive Science, 2: 355-361.
Fiez, JA (1997) Phonology, semantics, and the role of the left inferior prefrontal cortex. Human Brain Mapping, 5:79-83.
Demonet JF, Fiez JA, Paulesu E, Petersen SE, Zatorre RJ (1996) PET studies of phonological processing: A critical reply to Poeppel. Brain and Language, 55:352-379.
Fiez JA (1996) Cerebellar contributions to cognition. Neuron, 16:13-15.
Fiez JA, Petersen SE (1993) PET as part of an interdisciplinary approach to understanding processes involved in reading. Psychological Science, 4:287-293.
Petersen SE, Fiez JA (1993) The processing of single words studied with positron emission tomography. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 16:509-530.
Petersen SE, Fiez JA, Corbetta M (1992) Neuroimaging. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 2:217-222.
Guediche S, Ben-Yehudah G, Fiez JA (2007). The cerebellum and language. To appear in: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences (P Hogan ed), in press.
Ben-Yehudah G & Fiez JA (2006). The development of verbal working memory: Behavioral and neural perspectives. Human Behavior and the Developing Brain, 2nd Ed., (D Coch, KW Fischer, G Dawson, eds.), New York: Guilford Press, 301-328.
--Fiez, pg. 6-- Perfetti C, Liu Y, Fiez JA (2006). The neural bases of reading: The accommodation of the brain’s reading network to writing systems. The Neural Basis of Reading (P Cornelissen, M Kringelbach, P Hansen eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press, in press.
Buckner, RL, JG Keating, TA Martin, JA Fiez (2005). Seeing through prisms as a demonstration of visual-motor learning. Lab Manual for Physiology: A Benjamin Cummings Custom Edition Preview Copy (DU Silverthorn, BR Johnson, A Mills eds). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings.
Fiez JA and RL Buckner, JG Keating, and TA Martin (2005). The mind, brain, and human memory: Using behavioral measures to study cognitive functions. Lab Manual for Physiology: A Benjamin Cummings Custom Edition Preview Copy (DU Silverthorn, BR Johnson, A Mills eds). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings.
Keating JB, TA Martin, JA Fiez, and RL Buckner (2005). Altered limb position sense by muscle vibration. Lab Manual for Physiology: A Benjamin Cummings Custom Edition Preview Copy (DU Silverthorn, BR Johnson, A Mills eds). (DU Silverthorn, BR Johnson, A Mills eds). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings.
Fiez JA (2001). Reading, neural basis of. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Smelser NJ, Baltes PB, eds.). New York: Pergamon, Oxford, 12791- 12796.
Ivry RB, Fiez JA (1999) Cerebellar contributions to thought and imagery. In: The New Cognitive Neurosciences (Gazzaniga MS, ed). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 999-1011.
McClelland JL, Thomas A, McCandliss BD, Fiez JA (1999). Understanding failures of learning: Hebbian learning, competition for representational space, and some preliminary experimental data. In: Cognitive Disorders: The Neurocomputational Perspective (Reggia J, Ruppin E, Glanzman D, eds). Oxford: Elsevier, 75-80. (Also appeared as: Progress in Brain Research, 121:75-80.
Fiez JA (1997) Neuroimaging approaches to studying reading. In: Functional Brain Imaging: Society for Neuroscience Short Course. Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience.
Fiez JA, Raichle ME (1997) Linguistic processing. In: The Cerebellum and Cognition (Schmahmann J, ed). San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 233-254. (Also appeared as: The International Review of Neurobiology, Vol. 41).
Fiez JA, Raichle ME, Petersen SE (1996) Identification of two pathways used for verbal response selection. In: Developmental Dyslexia: Neural, Cognitive, and Genetic Mechanisms (Chase C, Rosen G, Sherman G, eds). Timonium, MD: York Press, pp. 227- 258.
Petersen SE, Fiez JA (1993) PET studies of language. In: New views of cognition: Society for Neuroscience Short Course. Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience.
--Fiez, pg. 7-- Fiez JA (1992) Functional anatomy of lexical processing: PET activation and performance studies. Ann Arbor, MI: Ph.D. Dissertation, University Microfilms, Inc.
Ben-Yehudah G, Tricomi E., Fiez JA (2008). Exploring individual differences in lateralization of fusiform activation during reading. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Cox KM, Wu M, Aizenstein HJ, Fiez JA (2008). Visualizing the alignment of the striatum by alternative co-registration methods. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.
Forbes EE, Hariri AR, Fiez JA, Ryan ND, Manuck SB, Brown SA, Tarr J, Walser E, Moyles DL, Dahl RE (2008). Development of reward-related brain function from childhood to adulthood: A cross-sectional study. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Washington, DC.
Gilbert AM, Fiez JA, Sugarman S, Phillips M, Frank E (2008). The physiological response to categorical processing of fear in alexithymia. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Washington, DC.
Guediche S, Khatami M, Manners J, Fiez JA (2008). Using Morse code to understand verbal working memory representations, Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Laurent PA, Reichle ED, Fiez JA (2008). Does parallel anatomy translate to parallel computation in the basal ganglia? Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.
Moore J, Hui X, Ramaswamy R, Durisko C, Perfetti CA, Fiez JA (2008). A novel face- based orthography. Annual Meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Chicago, IL.
Cox K, Aizenstein H, Fissell K, Fiez JA (2007). Imaging caudate responses to reward and punishment in healthy older adults. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Durikso C, Fiez JA (2007). Exploring the inner speech process in verbal working memory. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Guediche S, MacGregor L, Wheeler ME, Phillips JS, Fiez JA (2007). Investigating the echoic store. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Moya LH, Fiez JA, Wheeler ME (2007). Phonological maintenance of heard versus seen words: modality matters. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscienc. San Diego, CA.
--Fiez, pg. 8-- Tricomi E, Wheeler ME, Fiez JA (2007). The effect of informational value of feedback on caudate activation. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Ben-Yehudah G, Moore M, Fiez JA (2006). Individual differences in adult reading skill: A role for verbal working memory? Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Houston, TX.
Cox K, Tricomi E, Fiez JA (2006). Neuroimaging studies of reward-related processing in young vs. old adults. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Fiez JA, Singer A, Morales F, Worek A, Wheeler ME (2006). Activation of auditory, speech, and motor areas during word presentation: Effects of presentation modality and task demands. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA.
Guediche, S, Ben-Yehudah, G, Fiez, JA (2006). Examining the neural basis of the phonological similarity effect in verbal working memory. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Tricomi E, Fiez, JA (2006). Imaging the role of the caudate nucleus in feedback processing during a declarative memory task. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Ben-Yehuda G, Fiez JA (2005). Impact of cerebellar lesions on reading and verbal working memory. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Ben-Yehuda G, Stefko NS, Fiez JA (2005). Task and modality effects in verbal working memory. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 65.22.
Gilbert A, Fiez JA (2005). Trait measures of neuroticism influence the integration of rewards and cognition in the prefrontal cortex: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Guediche S, Fiez JA (2005). Dissociating articulatory and phonemic contributions to the “phonological” similarity effect. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Tricomi E, Wheeler ME, Fiez JA (2005). BOLD Responses to reward-related choices and outcomes: Impact of slow and fast event-related designs. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 74.16.
Phillips JS, Laurent PA, Guediche SA, Bolger DJ, Quin L, Perfetti CA, Fiez JA (2004). Reliable word identification may modulate the reponse to visually presented words in the left fusiform gyrus. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 80.11.
Ravizza SM, Siegle, GJ, Delgado MR, Fiez JA (2004). Cross-task functions of the dorsal caudate. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 547.4.
--Fiez, pg. 9-- Chein J, Fissell K, Fiez J (2004). Anatomical and temporal dissociations of articulatory suppression, irrelevant speech, and irrelevant non-speech effects in working memory. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Fiez J, Durisko C, Wilson S (2004). Individual differences in an economic decision task: The impact of immediate versus delayed reward saliency. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Goldberg RF, Perfetti CA, Fiez JA, Schneider W (2004). The role of left inferior prefrontal cortex in semantic processing: Are abstract properties represented? Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Nelson J, Ying L, Fiez J, Perfetti C (2004). Perceiving multiple writing systems: Chince and English word-form areas in bilinguals and learners. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Ravizza S, McCormick C, Justus T, Fiez J (2004). Focal cerebellar damage produces selective deficits in verbal working memory. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Tricomi EM, Delgado MR, Phillips JS, Fiez JA (2004). Performance feedback drives caudate activation in a perceptual learning task. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Wilson S, Sayette M, Delgado M, Fiez J (2004). Effects of perceived opportunity to smoke on neural responses to a cigarette cue. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
Blake C, Ravizza SM, Fiez JA (2003). The relationship between task-unrelated thoughts and inferior parietal activity in a verbal working memory experiment. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
Nelson J, Liu Y, Fiez JA, Perfetti CP (2003). Bilinguals’ perception of word and word-like stimuli: A comparison of Chinese and English word-form areas. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, N.
Ravizza SM, Griffin SL, Fiez JA, Tranel D (2003). The locus of selective verbal working memory deficits in the parietal lobe. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.
Ravizza SM, Behrmann M, Fiez JA (2003). Does the right pareital lobe contribute to verbal working memory: A case study. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY.
--Fiez, pg. 10-- Fiez (2008, October). Can functional brain imaging be used to inform educational practice? In M McDonald (Organizer). Science 2008. University of Pittsburgh.
Fiez (2008, October). Feedback-based learning and declarative memory. In K Koedinger (Organizer). Annual Workshop for Science of Learning Centers. National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.
Fiez (2008, September). The cerebellum and verbal working memory. In M Leggio (Organizer) Symposium on Cerebellum and Language. Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Fiez (2007, December). Educational neuroscience: Time for a bridge? In J Geake & U Goswami (Organizers) Challenges and Opportunities for Educational Neuroscience. Workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Fiez (2006, October). The cerebellum and reading. Invited speaker in the 25th Conference of the Rodin Remediation Academy. Washington, DC.
Fiez (2005, November). Building bridges between cognitive neuroscience research and education. In G Hurby (Organizer). Educational research and the neurosciences: Questions, directions, collaborations, and funding. Mini-symposium at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.
Fiez (2005, October). fMRI studies of the neural basis of reward processing. In S Grant (Organizer). Cognitive Approaches to Addiction: Progress and Pitfalls. Workshop sponsored by the National Institute for Drug Abuse, Washington, DC.
Fiez (2005, July). Reward-related neural circuitry. In BG Casey (Organizer), 2005 John Merck Fund Summer Institute on the Biology of Developmental Disabilities. New York, NY.
Fiez (2004, February). Neuroimaging and neuropsychological studies of verbal working memory. In M Butters (Organizer), The Neuroimaging/Neuropsychology Interface. Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Baltimore MD.
Fiez (2004, April). Neuroimaging studies of reward-related processing. In S Grant (Organizer), Substance Abuse: A Disorder of Cognition and Brain. Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco CA).
Fiez (2004, May). Neuroimaging studies of verbal working memory. In R Roediger, III (Organizer), Presidential Symposium: The New Biological Bases of Behavior. Symposium at the 16th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society, Chicago, IL.
Fiez (2004, November). Teaching the /r/-/l/ Discrimination to Japanese adults: behavioral and neural aspects. In G. Eden (Organizer), The Neural Basis of Reading and Other Forms of Skill Acquisition. Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the International Dyslexia Association, Philadelphia, PA --Fiez, pg. 11-- RECENT DEPARTMENTAL COLLOQUIA (2003-PRESENT)
Psychological and Brain Sciences Colloquium Series, Dartmouth U, May 2009 Neuroscience Seminar Series, University of Colorado, September 2009 Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar Series, Colorado State U, September 2009 Distinguished Speakers Series, Dept. of Psychology, Michigan State U, March 2008 Annual Lecture Series, St. John’s College, September 2007 Program in Neuroscience Seminar Series, U of Maryland School of Medicine, April 2007 Cognition and Perception Seminar Series, New York University, April 2007 fMRI Laboratory Speaker Series, University of Michigan, January 2006. Centre for Research on Language, Mind and Brain. University of Montreal, March 2005. National Institutes of Heath, Washington DC. May 2003. Dept. of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Washington University, St. Louis MO, May 2003.
NIH T32 GM081760-01 7/1/07-6/30/12 Predoctoral training program in behavioral brain research Total costs: $1,558,575 ($1,485,792 direct costs; $72,783 indirect costs) Project title: Principal Investigator
NIH R01 DA02463 1/1/06-12/31/08 Neural Bases of Executive Control in Addiction Total costs: $800,000 ($600,000 direct costs; $200,00 indirect costs) Project title: Principal Investigator
NIH RO1MH59256 1/1/06-12/31/11 Articulatory/Phonological Processes in Working Memory Total costs: $2,235,698 ($1,524,653 direct costs; $710,945 indirect costs) Project Title: Principal Investigator
NIH R01 DA018910 9/30/04-8/31/09 Pubertal Maturation and Drug Use Vulnerability Total costs: $1,466,875 Subcontract to Fiez: 0.6 months of annual salary support Project title: Co-investigator
NIH R01 NS048178 7/15/05-5/31/09 FMRI in the Examination of Episodic Memory after TBI Subcontract to Fiez: 5% annual effort Project title: Co-investigator
James S. McDonnell Foundation 12/01/02-5/1/07 --Fiez, pg. 12-- The Functional Neuroanatomy of Reading: Comparative Research Across Writing Systems and Levels of Expertise Total costs: $446,796 ($446,796 direct costs, $0 indirect costs) Project Title: Principal Investigator (Charles Perfetti, Co-PI)
Pittsburgh Mind Body Center 1/1/07-12/31/07 Attentional bias, craving, and smoking-related cues: an fMRI investigation Project title: Co-Investigator
Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center (NSF) 10/1/06-8/31/07 Training of arithmetical fluency Total costs: $27,420 ($24,109 direct costs, $3,312 indirect costs) Project title: Principal Investigator
NIH P50 MH64445 6/01/02-5/30/07 Toward a Neurobiologically Constrained Framework for Modeling Human Cognition. Interactive Processes in Language: Sentence Processing Total center costs: $9,733,932 ($7,863,366 direct costs, $1,870,566 indirect costs) Subcontract to Fiez: $438,388 ($296,032 direct costs, $142,356 indirect costs) Project Title: Co-Investigator (James McClelland, Center PI; MaryEllen McDonald, proj PI)
NIH RO1MH59256 7/1/00-6/30/06 Articulatory/Phonological Processes in Working Memory Total costs: $1,469,319 ($1,000,000 direct costs; $469,319 indirect costs) Project Title: Principal Investigator
Pittsburgh Institute for Neurodegenerative Disorders 4/1/03-3/31/06 Functional Neuroimaging of Reward-related Processing in Parkinson’s Disease Total costs: $25,000 ($25,000 direct costs; $0 indirect costs) Project Title: Principal Investigator
NIH 1R01 NS044837-01 10/01/02-6/30/05 Participation of the Cerebellum in Problem Solving Total costs: $772,000 ($660,000 direct costs, $112,000 indirect costs) Subcontract to Fiez: 0.6 months of annual salary support Project Title: Co-investigator (James Houk, PI)
NIH RO1 DA14103 8/01/01-12/31/05 fMRI Studies of the Neural Basis of Reward Processing Total costs: $879,042 ($600,000 direct costs, $279,042 indirect costs) Project Title: Principal Investigator
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation 9/16/99-9/15/01 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship Total costs: $35,000 ($35,000 direct costs, $0 indirect costs) Project Title: Principal Investigator
NSF SBR 9873465 10/1/98-9/30/01 --Fiez, pg. 13-- Computational Models and Coordinated Neuroimaging of Learning and Cognitive Function Total costs: $1,200,000 ($985,338 direct costs; $214,662 indirect costs) Project title: Co-Principal Investigator (Walter Schneider, PI)
NSF IRI-9720350 10/1/97-9/30/00 The Biological Basis of Incremental Learning Total costs: $775,000 total award ($691,305 direct costs, $139,694 indirect costs) Subcontract to Fiez: $24,294 ($13,915 direct costs; $10,379 indirect costs) Project Title: Co-Principal Investigator (David Touretzky, PI)
NSF IRI-9720348 10/1/97-5/31/00 Intervention Strategies that Promote Learning: Their Basis and Use in Enhancing Literacy Total costs: $998,161 ($888,768 direct costs; $109,493 indirect costs) Subcontract to Fiez: $212,189 ($147,288 direct costs; $64,901 indirect costs) Project Title: Co-Principal Investigator (James McClelland, PI)
Member of the Editorial Board for: Cerebellum
Ad hoc manuscript reviewer (10-30 papers per year) for: Behavioral Neuroscience Brain Brain and Language Brain Research Cerebral Cortex Cognitive Neuropsychology Human Brain Mapping European Journal of Neurology Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Journal of Neurophysiology Journal of Neuroscience Learning and Memory Nature Nature Neuroscience Neuroimage Neuron Neuropsychologia Neuropsychology Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA Science
Member of the NIH Cognitive Neuroscience Study Section (June 2005-present)
Ad hoc grant reviewer: National Science Foundation (IER, ROLE, and LIS initiatives) --Fiez, pg. 14-- NIH (R01, R03, P01, NRSA, & K grants to NIDA, NINDS, NIMH, NICHD)
Active service: Co-Chair, BIRC Users Committee (2005-present) Member, CNUP Training Grant Steering Committee (2003-present) Member, BIRC Management Committee (2002-present) Member, CNBC Executive Committee (1997-present) Ad-hoc Reviewer, Western Psychiatric Research Committee (1997-present)
Recent service: Member, Provost’s LRDC Search Committee (2007-2008) Chair, Human Neuroscience Search Committee (2005-2008) Member, Psychology Faculty Development Committee (2003-2007) Member, BIRC Safety Committee (2002-2007) Member, LRDC Executive Committee (2003-2007) Member, LRDC Strategic Planning Committee (2006-2007) Member, Psychology Executive Committee (2002-2007) Chair, Cognitive Program in Psychology (2004-2006) Member, Graduate Education Committee (2004-2006) Member, Human Neuroscience Search Committee (2004-2005) Member, MRRC Imaging Management Committee (2002-2004) Chair/Member, Psychology/LRDC Cognitive Search Committees (2001-2004) Recruitment Chair, Cognitive Program in Psychology (2002-2004) Co-Chair, Psych/LRDC/CNBC Cognitive Neurosci. Search Committee (2000-2003) Member, Summer CNUP Undergraduate Training Program (2000-2003) Member, Summer CNBC Training Program (1997-2000) Faculty Representative, CNBC Colloquium Committee (1998-2001) Member, CNUP Travel Committee (1999-2000) Co-Chair, Cognitive Program Graduate Recruiting (1999-2000) Member, Sloan Graduate Student Fellowship Selection Committee (2000)
Undergraduate courses: PSY042/0421: Human Cognition (98-1, 99-1, 00-2, 01-2, 04-2, 05-2, 06-2) PSY1470: Brain and Cognition (99-1, 01-1, 02-1, 03-2, 07-2) PSY1054: Emotion and the Brain (03-2, 05-1, 07-1)
Graduate courses: PSY2575: Perspectives on Psychology and Neuroscience (00-2, 01-2, 04-1, 06-1, 08-1) PSY2575: Seminar on Affective Cognitive Neuroscience (01-2) Guest lecturer in Neuro3, Graduate course in Systems Neuroscience (00-2, 02-1) Faculty Supervisor, CNUP Journal Club (03-01)
Post-doctoral fellow supervision: Gal Ben-Yehuda, 2004-present David Fraser, 2006-present Hilary Tindle, 2005-present (K-award co-mentor)
Graduate (Ph.D.) student supervision: Karin Cox, Dept. of Psychology (Cognitive), 2004-present Sara Guediche, Dept. of Neuroscience, 2004-present Michelle Moore, Dept. of Communication Sciences & Disorders, 2005-present Steve Wilson (co-advisor with Michael Sayette), Dept. of Psych (Clinical), 2002-present
Post-doctoral fellow supervision: Susan Ravizza, 2001-2004 Assistant Professor, Michigan State University Simone Sprenger, 2003-2004 Core Staff, Max Plank Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Graduate (Ph.D.) student supervision: Alison Gilbert, Dept. of Psychology (Clinical), 2001-2008 Postdoctoral fellow with Ellen Frank, WPIC, University of Pittsburgh Elizabeth Tricomi, Psychology (Cognitive), 2000-2006 Assistant Professor, Rutger’s University Jason Chein (co-advisee with Walt Schneider), Psychology (Cognitive), 1997-2004 Assistant Professor, Temple University Mauricio Delgado, Dept. of Neuroscience, 1998-2002 Assistant Professor, Rutgers University Dimitrios Donavos, Dept. of Psychology (Cognitive), 2000-2004 Departed program with a Master’s degree Chris May, Dept. of Psychology (Cognitive), 2004-2006 Departed program with a Master’s degree for personal reasons
Undergraduate student supervision (* denotes students who entered MD or Ph.D. program): Fatin Azwa-Harrudin, Pitt Neuroscience undergrad, Directed Research (2007-present) Joseph Yarsky, Pitt Neuro/Psych undergraduate, Directed Research (2007-present) Stacy Eikinis, Indiana Univ, Pittsburgh Science of Learning Intern (2007) Afiya Fredericks, U of Virgin Islands, NIDA Intern (2007) Hillary Greene, Le Moyne College, Pittsburgh Science of Learning Intern (2007) Maryam Khatami, Pitt Psychology undergrad, student employee (2007) Jody Manners, Pitt Psychology undergraduate, Directed Research (2007-2008) Spencer Sugarman, Pitt Psychology undergraduate, student employee (2007-2008) Andrea Freeman, Pittsburgh Science of Learning Intern (2006) Alex Cuica, Pitt Psychology undergraduate, Directed research (2005) --Fiez, pg. 16-- Julia Green, Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center Intern (2005) Marianne Silva, Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center Intern (2005) *Katie Stehl, Pitt Neuroscience/English undergraduate, Honor’s research (2003) Aubrey Buckert, Southwestern University, NSF REU summer research (2003) *Charles Blake, Pitt Neurosci undergraduate, Directed & Honor’s research (2001-2003) Laura Shula, NSF REU summer research (2002) *Hanna Sypher, CMU Psychology undergrad, Directed & Honor’s research (1999-2002) *Deborah Henderson, Reed College psych major, NSF REU summer research (2001) Kris Barnett, Pitt Psychology undergraduate, Honor’s thesis research (2000-2001) *Peter Wasserman, Pitt Psychology undergraduate, Directed research (2000) *Jim Basinski, Pitt Neuroscience undergraduate, Honorís research (1999-2000) Ernest Robinson, Pitt Neuroscience undergraduate, Directed research (2000) *Ben Faber, UC-Santa Cruz linguistics major, CNBC summer program (1998) Chris Scott, CMU psychology undergraduate, 6-week summer internship (1998)
Ph.D. Committees Michael Cole, Dept. of Neuroscience (active) Trinity Crapse, Dept. of Neuroscience (active) Erin Ingvalson, CMU Dept. of Psychology (active) Eliezer Kanal, Dept. of Bioengineering (active) Patryck Laurent, Dept. of Neuroscience (active) Katie Russell, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (active) Steven Wilson, Dept. of Psychology-Clinical Program (active) Alison Gilbert, Dept. of Psychology-Clinical Program (2008) Anita Barber, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive (2007) Tepanta Fosset, Dept. of Communication Science & Disorders (2007) DJ Bolger, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2006) Rhiannon Ellis, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2006) Wiltrud Fassbinder, Dept. of Communication Science & Disorders (2006) Elizabeth Tricomi, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (active) Vincent van Veen, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2006) Elizabeth Wheeler, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2006) Nicole Landi, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2005) Rebecca Berman, Dept. of Neuroscience (2004) Jason Chein, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2004) Robert Goldberg, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2004) Matthew Roesch, Dept. of Neuroscience (2004) Roger Taylor, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2004) Stefan Urso, Dept. of Neuroscience (2004) Tasia Bobbit, Dept. of Health and Physical Recreation (2003) Sonya Dougal, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2003) Zara Ambadar, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2002) Mauricio Delgado, Dept. of Neuroscience (2002) Kirsten O’Hearn, Dept. of Psychology-Developmental Program (2002) Julie van Dyke, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2002) --Fiez, pg. 17-- Angus McDonald, Dept. of Psychology-Clinical Program (2001) Rebecca Sandak, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2001) Diane Kendall, Communication Science & Disorders (1999) Mike Worden, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (1998)
Master’s Committees Jeff Phillips, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (active) Elizabeth Ploran, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (active) Leida Tolentino, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2008) Karin Cox, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2007) Nicole Hill, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2005) Michal Balass, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2004) Dimitrios Donavos, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2004) Susan Dunlap, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2004) Alison Moed, Dept. of Psychology-Clinical Program (2004) Jessica Nelson, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2004) Katie Russell, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2004) Sarah Tarbox, Dept. of Psychology-Clinical Program (2004) Steve Wilson, Dept. Psychology-Clinical/Health Program (2004) Anita Barber, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2003) Rhiannon Ellis, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2003) Robert Goldberg, Dept. of Psychology, Master’s Committee (2003) Nicole Landi, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2003) Amy Overman, Dept. of Psychology, Master’s Committee (2003) Elizabeth Tricomi, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2003) Elizabeth Wheeler, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2003) Jason Chein, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2002) Sonya Dougal, Dept. of Psychology-Cognitive Program (2000) George Vaugn, Dept. of Neurology (2000) Rebecca Berman, Dept. of Neuroscience (1999) Mauricio Delgado, Dept. of Neuroscience (1999) Mike Worden, Dept. of Psychology, Master’s Committee (1997)
--Fiez, pg. 18--