BM 410-1 Day One Notes and Objectives s2

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BM 410-1 Day One Notes and Objectives s2

BM418-1 Day One Notes and Objectives Sudweeks Winter 2010 January 5, 2010 Spring 2010 April 27, 2010 1 Introduction 2 Welcome to Class, as for Prayer 3 Day 1 Objectives 4 Help them understand the requirements of this course and fill out the IEP 5 Help them understand another perspective on Wealth 6 Help them understand the Key principles of personal finance 7 Non-teaching Activities 8 Introduce myself: Family, Education, Career Experience 9 Discuss the requirements of this course 10 There are two parts to this class: The “Personal” and the “Finance.” First: its about perspective, principles, and goals. Second: about application. If all you want is math, it is on the website. If you want to learn and do the more difficult aspects, you are in the right class. 11 I would like you to fill out the IEP and Release Form. It helps me see what you want to accomplish from this class (back of the syllabus). 12 I have 3 goals for this class: 1. To feel the Spirit (even in a finance class), 2. To know I care about you individually (this will take some work), and 3. to teach things that will make a difference in your lives (the most applicable class at BYU) and save you $1 million 13 Teaching Activities 14 Ask: “Why did you take this class? What did you want to get out of it? 15 Story: Scott Baird as missionary—miserable 16 Show: Compass versus the watch. Watch: Some try to put more hours in day. Compass: Others are moving in the right direction. We must do both! 17 Handout: Class Syllabus-- talk about it 18 Story: Phil’s Roof: We have to get it done as storms are coming 19 Story: Dad’s plane: Putting it on autopilot 20 Robert Frost poems: Promises to keep: Two Roads: Made all the difference. We have promises to keep: The Road we choose makes all the difference 21 Handout: Class Schedule and Objectives 22 Differences this Semester: the printed e-book and Quicken 2010 Everything on disk. Finance joke: fail the class: Don’t like Quicken, sell & make $30 23 Discuss the Importance of Perspective (need 30 minutes for this) 24 Show: Decide to Decide quote (slide 9) 25 What are the things we must “decide to decide”? 26 Listen to Julie de Azevedo song “Simple Things” 27 Write: What is the purpose of wealth? 28 Write: What are the key principles of understanding wealth? 29 Review: 4 key principles 30 Show: Neal a Maxwell quote 31 Conclusions and Summary: 32 Show watch versus compass: Principles versus Process 33 Phil’s roof: Storms are coming and our brother’s need help 34 Autopilot: We need to put our financial lives on autopilot 35 Notes:

Winter 2010 I started with my introduction, then asked what did you want out of this class. I then went into the syllabus and schedule. I talked about Phil’s roof, and the autopilot. I used the two Robert Frost poems. I showed the Kimball Quote, and played the Simple things song. I asked what perspective was, and talked on the importance of perspective. I then asked about the principles of wealth, and went over them on the PowerPoints. I ended with the Neal Maxwell quote. I finished with the Summary of the entire day which really went well. It felt great. No Reviews:

Fall 2009 I started with my introduction, then asked what did you want out of this class. I then talked about dad and the autopilot, and went into the syllabus and schedule. I used the two Robert Frost poems, I talked about the autopilot on my dad’s plane, and how we needed to put our lives on autopilot. I had a copy of a financial plan. I then talked on the class objectives, and how that worked. I showed the Kimball Quote, and played the Simple things song. I asked what perspective was, and talked on the importance of perspective. I then asked about the principles of wealth, and went over them on the PowerPoints. I ended with the Neal Maxwell quote. I need to spend less time on syllabus and schedule, and more time on stories. Reviews: 7.

Winter 2009 I started with my introduction, then asked what did you want out of this class. I talked about Phil and the storms coming ahead. I then talked about dad and the autopilot, and went into the syllabus and schedule. I used the two Robert Frost poems, and the compass and watch analogy. I talked about the autopilot on my dad’s plane, and how we needed to put our lives on autopilot. I had a copy of a financial plan. I then talked on the class objectives, and how that worked. I showed the Kimball Quote, and played the Simple things song. I asked what perspective was, and talked on the importance of perspective. I then asked about the principles of wealth, and went over them on the PowerPoints. I ended with the Neal Maxwell quote. No Reviews.

Fall 2008 I started with my introduction, then asked what did you want out of this class. I talked about Phil and the storms coming ahead. I then talked about dad and the autopilot, and went into the syllabus and schedule. I used the two Robert Frost poems, and the compass and watch analogy. I talked about the autopilot on my dad’s plane, and how we needed to put our lives on autopilot. I had a copy of a financial plan. I then talked on the class objectives, and how that worked. I finished up with the importance of perspective and the principles of wealth, the Neal Maxwell quote, and the Decided to Decide. No Reviews.

Spring 2008 I started with my introduction, then asked what did you want out of this class. I talked about the syllabus and schedule. I used the two Robert Frost poems, and the greatest generation of youth. I told about the compass and watch analogy. I talked about the autopilot on my dad’s plane, and how we needed to put our lives on autopilot. I had a copy of a financial plan. I then talked on the class objectives, and how that worked. I finished up with the importance of perspective and the principles of wealth, the Neal Maxwell quote, and the Decided to Decide. No Reviews.

Winter 2008 I started with my introduction, then asked what did you want out of this class. I talked about the syllabus and schedule. I used the two Robert Frost poems, and the greatest generation of youth. I told about the compass and watch analogy. I talked about the autopilot on my dad’s plane, and how we needed to put our lives on autopilot. I had a copy of a financial plan. I then talked on the class objectives, and how that worked. I finished up with the importance of perspective and the principles of wealth, the Neal Maxwell quote, and the Decided to Decide. No Reviews. Fall 2007 I started with my introduction, then asked what did you want out of this class. I talked about the syllabus and schedule. I used the two Robert Frost poems, and the greatest generation of youth. I forgot about the compass and watch analogy. I then went into the class syllabus, and talked about it. I had a copy of a financial plan. I then talked on the class objectives, and how that worked. I finished up with the perspective on wealth, the Neal Maxwell quote, and the Decided to Decide.

Spring 2007 I started with my introduction, then asked what did you want out of this class. I added a section from Elder Ballard on Being wise: Focus on People and Principles. I told the Scott Baird story about the young man. I forgot about the compass and watch analogy. I then went into the class syllabus, and talked about it. I had a copy of a financial plan. I then talked on the class objectives, and how that worked. I finished up with the perspective on wealth, the Neal Maxwell quote, and the Decided to Decide.

Winter 2007 It seemed to go well. I started with What did you want out of this class, then wrote the things down. Then I told the Scott Baird story about the young man. I added the compass and watch analogy, and how we needed the direction, not put more hours in the day. I then went into the class syllabus, and talked about it. I had a copy of a financial plan. I then talked on the class objectives, and how that worked. I finished up with the perspective on wealth, the Neal Maxwell quote, and the Decided to Decide.

Fall 2006 I started with my experience, and told about where I had come. Then I handed out the syllabus and talked about it, emphasizing changing behavior and deciding to decide. Then we talked on the spouses schedule, and the objectives. Then we went on to the 4 pillars, and it seemed to work out well. It is not as clean as it should be, and I need to work on it more. I do like that I took off a lot of the material on the slides though. No reviews.

Spring 2006 I started with my experience, and told about where I had come. Then I handed out the syllabus and talked about it, emphasizing changing behavior and deciding to decide. Then we talked on the spouses schedule, and the objectives. Then we went on to the 4 pillars, and it seemed to work out well. It is not as clean as it should be, and I need to work on it more.

Winter 2006 I got there early, and talked with the students. Then I started with handing out the syllabus, and talking through it. I then talked about the spouses schedule, and was surprised that so many were married. Then I went into the new method where handing sections in beforehand was optional, and that seemed to work well. I then asked about perspective, decided to decide, and then went into the 4 pillars. I finished with the Gospel Truths on Wealth. It seemed to work out well.

Fall 2005 I started with prayer, then went into the syllabus and schedule. I didn’t do the spouses class. I started them thinking about what the pillars were on the board, then went into the slides. Then I went through the 4 pillars of Ownership, Stewardship, Agency, and Choice and Accountability. I then went through the corollaries of gospel truths. It seemed to go well. No Reviews.

Spring 2005 I started with prayer, then went into the syllabus and schedule. I didn’t do the spouses class. I started them thinking about what the pillars were on the board, then went into the decided to decide slides. It seemed to work out OK, but I think non-PowerPoint is better. Then I went through the 4 pillars of Ownership, Stewardship, Agency, and Choice and Accountability. I then went through the corollaries of gospel truths. It seemed to go well. No Reviews.

Winter 2005 section 1 I started with prayer, and then went into the syllabus and schedule. I also added the Pilot Study for non-student spouses. It will be interesting to see what happens. I added the Ben Franklin quote on how our views will cause us to act differently—I hope it added value. I also reviewed the gospel perspective on wealth and removed about 15% of it. I really need to eliminate the 4 key points of personal finance. I went through the presentation as written, but I think having them come up with it means more. I need to think through more stories to make the points. Reviews: 8,8

Winter 2005 Section 2 I did the same for section 2, except that I had them come up with the pillars for a gospel perspective on wealth. That seemed to get them more into the discussion. I also asked more questions on how this perspective would impact our lives and our decisions. I seemed to work well. I promised also to reduce the PowerPoints by 10% this semester. Reviews: 6,7,7

Fall 2004 I started with the Decide to Decide theme, and then worked everything from there. It seemed to work out OK. I asked what the principles were for managing success wisely. It was good getting the suggestions. I probably need to spend a little more time on the assignments and homework. I need to clean up the “cleaned up” section on the gospel perspective on wealth. It doesn’t flow very well. Reviews: 8,8,7,6 (someone is going to be a hard grader)

Spring 2004 It seemed to go OK. I feel like I should emphasize more the “Decide to Decide” theme, and say this class is to help you in that process. I need to clean up the hard copy on this, and shorten it and make it clearer. Reviews: did not hand out.

Winter 2004 Section 1 It seemed to go well. I talked through my background, and the class. I like the new format for the syllabus and improved on the homework’s and things to hand in on the Schedule. I then went into the foundation for using wealth wisely, and that went well, and then to the Gospel Truths about wealth. It seemed to go well. I have lots of students that want to add the class.

Winter 2004 Section 2 I taught the class similar to the morning section. Everything seemed to go about the same. It seemed to work out well. There are about 15 students that want to add the class so I am trying to change the classrooms to a larger class. Reviews: none

Fall 2003 This class seemed to go OK, but it wasn’t as clean as the 410 class. I think reading from the notes is better than reading from the PowerPoints. I will include the notes next time. I redid the syllabus to be more learning centered, and I think that it helps. We will see. It is a pretty full class. I started with the comments from President Kimball on decide to decide. Then I stated that it isn’t just for moral decisions, but could be expanded to include financial decisions as well. Then we talked about the foundation and gospel truths. Reviews: 8,8 Spring 2003 This is a small class, with 32 students, so it should be good. I started talking about the class, telling them what to expect. I handed out the syllabus and the class schedule and objectives, and then talked about decide to decide. We then introduced each other, which was good. I had forgotten to introduce myself, so I did that, and talked about how I did a Ph.D. due to 3 works in my patriarchal blessing. It felt good. Then I went into the Spiritual Foundation of Using Wealth Wisely. The PowerPoint’s do not work well for this—it was hard to read the small print. Reviews: 7,8

Winter 2003 I am up to 65 students, and 63 were there. It is a big class. I am losing my voice, so I was appreciative of the prayer. It seemed to work out well. We talked about the class, then introduced everyone. Then I started the decide to decide portion. That is as far as I got. Reviews: 7,7,7,7

September 3, 2002 It seemed to go well. I forgot to have them introduce themselves. I will do that next time. I emphasized more the benefits of the course, handed out the syllabus and objectives. It seemed to go well. I need 30 minutes though for the foundation/perspective objectives, but only had 25.

April 30, 2002 Class seemed to go well today. I talked about the requirements of the class, and then I went through the section on the Gospel Perspective on Wealth. IT is going to be a fun class—especially since it is so small.

January 3, 2002 Went through the outline above, and it seemed to go well. It is so neat to be able to talk about gospel principles and applications when I teach this class. There is a lot of interest in the topic, and it looks like a good class.

September 4, 2001 Seemed to go OK. I like having the objectives and showing a structured class. It seemed to not be a clear transition between the two objectives—may want to smooth it out.

January 8th Introduced the class, discussed my objectives, played the “simple things” song, talked on the Perspectives on Wealth. Talked about little sections. Seemed to go OK. Have too many students who want to add the class—hopefully some will drop. Interesting.

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