01.08-01.12.2017 Jealousy, Ambition, & Power
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01.08-01.12.2017 Jealousy, Ambition, & Power The book of James is “Wisdom Literature.” The main topic in James is The Battle for Authenticity & The Need for Wisdom. It is a message that we very much need to hear, read, study, and meditate on today. This week, in James 3:13-18 James speaks directly to our need for wisdom and problem of jealousy and ambition.
Some Recommendations The goal of the study/reflection questions is to help you get into the text and meet Christ in it, i.e., to worship and meet with God. Avoid engaging with these questions as if it’s a “quiz” where the goal is to get the “correct answer” and then move onto the next question. My prayer, goal, and hope is that the questions will help open up the Word of God – what it means and what it is saying – in order that you might meet God, experience Christ, and hear from the Holy Spirit.
1) I do recommend the full liturgy for each day. 2) If you do not have time to do all the liturgy, the devotional questions are also on page 2 below. 3) Sing the song! (Really) Download the song to your phone or computer so you can listen repeatedly during the day. When we sing, our mind, body, heart, emotions, and will are all engaged in worship! If this week’s song does not appeal to you, substitute a personal favorite. 4) Most weeks we will begin (Monday) with a Lectio Divina approach, Tuesday-Thursday we study the text with guided questions, and on Friday we do something a little different. 5) If you are new to these Daily Worship guides, there is a Song of Commitment and Closing Prayer at the end of this document. 01.08-01.12.2017 Jealousy, Ambition, & Power SCRIPTURE READINGS & REFLECTION - See notes above in yellow.
MONDAY : (If you don’t enjoy the Lectio Divina format – today simply read James 3:13-18 and talk to God about what strikes you or is stirred in you.)
Lectio Divina – Divine Reading, where the reader follows four rhythms for the purpose of hearing God’s word for them that day. Read James 3:13-18 four separate times (following the instructions below).
i. PAUSE and ask God to speak to you as you read. ii. READ – Read the passage, paying attention to words or phrases of Scripture that stand out most to you. After reading, write them down. iii. REFLECT – Read again, and reflect on what is stirred or touch in you personally from this reading. iv. RESPOND – Read again, and ask what you want to do in response to this reading. v. BE or REST – Read again, and then sit in silence to let God further speak to you through the passage. 1)Write down what you experienced from God today. 2)Close with our Closing Prayer below.
TUESDAY 1) Later this week we will get into the frank, direct, and challenging topics of bitter jealousy and selfish ambition. But before we do that, today we reflect and meditate on what God’s Word has to say about the power of the gospel. As a famous pastor/theologian once said, “it is impossible for someone to repent until they have first tasted the grace of God.” It is the powerful grace of God in the gospel that gives us the freedom to face the jealousy and ambition that ensnare us as well as the power to struggle, change, and grow. 2) Read James 3:13-18. 3) Revisit v18. Consider each word/phrase in turn: a. What do the words/phrases mean? b. What is the truth that is being proclaimed/promised in this verse? 4) What would it look like for you, right now to reap the harvest of righteousness that is yours in Christ Jesus? a. Consider receiving/reaping the harvest of righteousness that is yours in Christ Jesus in 1 Peter 2:9-10. (Righteousness = You have been made right with God). 5) Consider how regularly participating in the harvest of righteousness would help you with the daily struggles with jealousy and selfish ambition. 6) Close with our Closing Prayer below.
WEDNESDAY 1) James is “Wisdom Literature,” i.e., it’s similar to Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes. How would you answer the following question: “What are the characteristics of someone who is wise?” 2) Read James 3:13-18 3) According to this passage, how do we know if we are/someone is wise or not? 01.08-01.12.2017 Jealousy, Ambition, & Power 4) Wisdom is the skill of Godly living. Consider how that definition is: a. Supported by James 3:13-18. b. Different from how folks normally think about “wisdom.” 5) In our modern world I think that “success” is more sought after than “wisdom.” Or, perhaps wisdom is only valued in as much as it is a tool to enable someone to achieve success. Consider using the Song of Commitment (and the end of this document) to help you with this - Spend some time: a. Considering that wisdom is the skill (ability) to live a godly life. b. Asking God to increase your desire for wisdom and to grow you in his (this kind of) wisdom. 6) Close with our Closing Prayer below.
THURSDAY 1) Read James 3:13-18. 2) What are the two things that God says, if present in our lives, means that, we are not wise even if we think we are? a. How does this impact you? 3) These two things are not the result of/in accordance with the wisdom that comes from above, but what kind of wisdom are they the fruit of? (v15-16) 4) How does the wisdom of the world (and materialism/the flesh) lead us to both embrace and pursue a life/lifestyle that is deeply marked by those two things? 5) How does jealousy operate in your life and how might it make you bitter? 6) How does ambition operate in your life and how might it make you selfish? 7) Spend some time talking/confessing these things to God. Then read/sing the Song of Commitment below as a prayer. 8) Close with our Closing Prayer below.
FRIDAY 1) The wisdom of the world, the flesh, and the devil lead to lives that are less and less beautiful, authentic, and whole. But the wisdom of God leads in the opposite direction. Reflect on this as you read James 3:13-18. 2) Read v13-16 again and reflect on the destructive path that worldly wisdom leads us down. Then read v17-18 and consider the stark contrast. 3) Go through each word/phrase of v17 and a. Consider what the word means? b. How is it “wisdom” lived out? c. What would it look like/what deeds does it suggest? d. Which of these fruits of wisdom most stand out to you and why? e. Pray that God would deepen your longing for these things. f. Pray that God would grow you in James 3v17 kinds of action/wisdom. 4) Pray v17 not just for yourself, but for Church of the Redeemer, and the church of Jesus Christ in this world, i.e., pray that we would be these kinds of people and that kind of church in the world. 5) Close with our Closing Prayer below.
OPENING PRAYER 01.08-01.12.2017 Jealousy, Ambition, & Power O God, Eternal King and Father of all mercies, whose light divides the day from the night and turns the shadow of death into the morning: To know you is eternal life and to serve you is perfect freedom: Drive far from us all wrong desires, incline our hearts to keep your law, and guide our feet into the way of peace; that we may do your will with cheerfulness during the day, and when night comes, rejoice to give you thanks; through Jesus Christ, our risen and reigning Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory throughout all ages. Amen.
CONFESSION (James 3:13-16) Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. 15 This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
All-knowing God, we confess the many ways we fail to live authentic Christian lives. Too often we are distracted, driven, and reduced by the world, our flesh, and the devil. We confess our grumbling and complaining amidst trials and tribulations. We confess our lack of wisdom to order our lives in light of the gospel and eternity. We acknowledge that we are often consumers of your Word rather than doers of your Word. What we claim to believe is regularly contradicted by our actions. We confess that we often ignore the poor and needy. We confess the indifference and prejudice that is in our hearts and minds. We confess how proud we are of the relative wealth and luxury of our lifestyles. Forgive us for not using our worldly riches more effectively for your Kingdom. Forgive us for how we sin with our tongues. Our gossip, slander, criticism, and judgements reveal much about our hearts. Forgive our lack of prayer for it is the proper response to trials and must be central in every aspect of life. Have mercy on us and lead us into repentance for your glory and for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord.
ABSOLUTION (James 3:17-18, Romans 11:32-33, 36) But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. 18 And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. 32 For God has consigned all to disobedience, that he may have mercy on all. 33 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! 36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.
INTERCESSION Pray this week for your own self, your community, church, city, and this world to know the resurrection of Jesus in accepting the good news of the gospel.
SCRIPTURE READINGS & REFLECTION - 01.08-01.12.2017 Jealousy, Ambition, & Power See notes above in yellow.
MONDAY : (If you don’t enjoy the Lectio Divina format – today simply read James 3:13-18 and talk to God about what strikes you or is stirred in you.)
Lectio Divina – Divine Reading, where the reader follows four rhythms for the purpose of hearing God’s word for them that day. Read James 3:13-18 four separate times (following the instructions below).
i. PAUSE and ask God to speak to you as you read. ii. READ – Read the passage, paying attention to words or phrases of Scripture that stand out most to you. After reading, write them down. iii. REFLECT – Read again, and reflect on what is stirred or touch in you personally from this reading. iv. RESPOND – Read again, and ask what you want to do in response to this reading. v. BE or REST – Read again, and then sit in silence to let God further speak to you through the passage. 1)Write down what you experienced from God today. 2)Close with our Closing Prayer below.
TUESDAY 1) Later this week we will get into the frank, direct, and challenging topics of bitter jealousy and selfish ambition. But before we do that, today we reflect and meditate on what God’s Word has to say about the power of the gospel. As a famous pastor/theologian once said, “it is impossible for someone to repent until they have first tasted the grace of God.” It is the powerful grace of God in the gospel that gives us the freedom to face the jealousy and ambition that ensnare us as well as the power to struggle, change, and grow. 2) Read James 3:13-18. 3) Revisit v18. Consider each word/phrase in turn: a. What do the words/phrases mean? b. What is the truth that is being proclaimed/promised in this verse? 4) What would it look like for you, right now to reap the harvest of righteousness that is yours in Christ Jesus? a. Consider receiving/reaping the harvest of righteousness that is yours in Christ Jesus in 1 Peter 2:9-10. (Righteousness = You have been made right with God). 5) Consider how regularly participating in the harvest of righteousness would help you with the daily struggles with jealousy and selfish ambition. 6) Close with our Closing Prayer below.
WEDNESDAY 1) James is “Wisdom Literature,” i.e., it’s similar to Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes. How would you answer the following question: “What are the characteristics of someone who is wise?” 2) Read James 3:13-18 3) According to this passage, how do we know if we are/someone is wise or not? 4) Wisdom is the skill of Godly living. Consider how that definition is: 01.08-01.12.2017 Jealousy, Ambition, & Power a. Supported by James 3:13-18. b. Different from how folks normally think about “wisdom.” 5) In our modern world I think that “success” is more sought after than “wisdom.” Or, perhaps wisdom is only valued in as much as it is a tool to enable someone to achieve success. Consider using the Song of Commitment (and the end of this document) to help you with this - Spend some time: a. Considering that wisdom is the skill (ability) to live a godly life. b. Asking God to increase your desire for wisdom and to grow you in his (this kind of) wisdom. 6) Close with our Closing Prayer below.
THURSDAY 1) Read James 3:13-18. 2) What are the two things that God says, if present in our lives, means that, we are not wise even if we think we are? a. How does this impact you? 3) These two things are not the result of/in accordance with the wisdom that comes from above, but what kind of wisdom are they the fruit of? (v15-16) 4) How does the wisdom of the world (and materialism/the flesh) lead us to both embrace and pursue a life/lifestyle that is deeply marked by those two things? 5) How does jealousy operate in your life and how might it make you bitter? 6) How does ambition operate in your life and how might it make you selfish? 7) Spend some time talking/confessing these things to God. Then read/sing the Song of Commitment below as a prayer. 8) Close with our Closing Prayer below.
FRIDAY 1) The wisdom of the world, the flesh, and the devil lead to lives that are less and less beautiful, authentic, and whole. But the wisdom of God leads in the opposite direction. Reflect on this as you read James 3:13-18. 2) Read v13-16 again and reflect on the destructive path that worldly wisdom leads us down. Then read v17-18 and consider the stark contrast. 3) Go through each word/phrase of v17 and a. Consider what the word means? b. How is it “wisdom” lived out? c. What would it look like/what deeds does it suggest? d. Which of these fruits of wisdom most stand out to you and why? e. Pray that God would deepen your longing for these things. f. Pray that God would grow you in James 3v17 kinds of action/wisdom. 4) Pray v17 not just for yourself, but for Church of the Redeemer, and the church of Jesus Christ in this world, i.e., pray that we would be these kinds of people and that kind of church in the world. 5) Close with our Closing Prayer below.
Speak, O Lord, as we come to You That the light of Christ might be seen To receive the food of Your Holy Word. today Take Your truth, plant it deep in us; In our acts of love and our deeds of faith. Shape and fashion us in Your likeness, Speak, O Lord, and fulfill in us 01.08-01.12.2017 Jealousy, Ambition, & Power All Your purposes for Your glory. Speak, O Lord, and renew our minds; Help us grasp the heights of Your plans Teach us, Lord, full obedience, for us— Holy reverence, true humility; Truths unchanged from the dawn of time Test our thoughts and our attitudes That will echo down through eternity. In the radiance of Your purity. And by grace we'll stand on Your Cause our faith to rise; cause our eyes to promises, see And by faith we'll walk as You walk with Your majestic love and authority. us. Words of pow'r that can never fail— Speak, O Lord, till Your church is built Let their truth prevail over unbelief. And the earth is filled with Your glory.
CLOSING PRAYER O God, Eternal King and Father of all mercies, whose light divides the day from the night and turns the shadow of death into the morning: You know that I am a hungry and thirsty person who is desperate to be satisfied. Show me this day what gluttony looks like in my life: that I see where I over consume looking for comfort and hoping to feel alive, that I might grow in appreciation for the Cross of Christ. Fill me with your love and patience that I might be more truly free. Guide my heart and feet in the way of serving you and suffering for the gospel so that: I might be freed from the tyranny of self-service, your Spirit might fan into flame embers that have grown cold, entering into the resurrected life you secured for me, I might live more fully alive.
List of Deep Desires Distorted/Deceptive Desires Distorted desires: you long for impact and you take control or manipulate to get it or you long for intimacy and you look to pornography Deceitful desires: when you look to any material, experiential, positional, or relational desire to satisfy a deep desire. Only God can truly satisfy a deep desire.
Godly Deep Desires Purpose, to be part of something larger, transcendence Relationship: to love and be loved, o to pursue and be pursued, (to be noticed, wanted, desired, etc.) o community, o family Impact, significance Honor, respect, valued, understood To protect and provide, to be protected and provided for, security To come through: duty, to hear “well done” Beauty and creativity 01.08-01.12.2017 Jealousy, Ambition, & Power Justice and freedom Peace, wholeness, completion, home