Patient Registration s3
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Chadron Chiropractic Clinic, PC
Patient Name: ______Date of Birth: First Middle Initial Last Address:
City: ______State: ______Zip:
Sex: M/F Home Phone: ______Cell Phone:
Soc. Sec. No.: ______E-mail address:
Employer: ______Occupation: ______Work Phone:
Spouse/Emergency Contact: ______Soc. Sec. No.: ______Phone:
Person Responsible for Charges: ______Soc. Sec. No.: ______Phone:
Who can we release you health information to?______Phone:______
How will charges be taken care of today CASH CREDIT CARD CHECK
***Who may we thank for referring you?
Primary Medical Doctor: ______Phone:
INSURANCE Insurance Company:______Policy No.:
Policy Holder’s Name:______ID#
Policy Holder’s Date of Birth:______Relationship to you:
Policy Holder’s Address (if different)______
Is this related to: Auto Accident Worker’s Compensation Personal Injury Other
Major complaint(s) and symptom(s):
Chadron Chiropractic Clinic, PC Page 1 When did this happen?
What were you doing?
Has the problem progressed? Y/N What do you do to make the problem feel better?
What makes your problem worse?
Has this happened before? Y/N If yes, how often?
Have you seen another doctor for this problem? Y/N Chiropractor/Medical
Name of Doctor: ______Type of Treatment:
Do you have any blood relatives with similar symptoms? Y/N Who?
If you have ever had a listed condition in the past, please check it in the past column. If you are presently troubled by a particular condition, check it in the present column.
Neck pain Rapid Heart Beat Heart attack
Shoulder pain Chest pains Aneurysm Pain in arm/elbow Heartburn/Indigestion Angina Hand pain Excessive thirst High blood pressure Wrist Abnormal weight loss Stroke Upper back pain Abnormal weight gain Asthma Low back pain Chronic cough Cancer Pain in lower leg/knee General fatigue Arthritis Pain in upper leg/hip Chronic sinusitis Tumor Pain in ankle or foot Menstrual problems Diabetes Jaw pain Endometriosis Epilepsy Swelling/stiffness of joints PMS Ulcer Fainting Kidney/bladder problems HIV/AIDS Visual disturbances Abdominal pain Blood disorder Convulsions Constipation Liver disorder Dizziness Skin problems Gallbladder problems
Chadron Chiropractic Clinic, PC Page 2 Headache Depression Colitis Tinnitus (ear noises) Difficulty swallowing Bladder infection Allergies Numbness/Tingling Weakness
Other Complaints:
Please list any past surgeries and hospitalizations:
Do you use tobacco products? Y/N If yes, how much/day?
Do you use alcohol products? Y/N If yes, how much/day?
Do you have any blood relatives with?
Cancer Y/N Who?
Hypertension Y/N Who?
Cardiovascular Y/N Who?
Diabetes Y/N Who?
Arthritis Y/N Who?
I understand and agree that health/accident insurance policies are an arrangement between an insurance carrier and me. I authorize assignment of my insurance benefits (if applicable) directly to Chadron Chiropractic. I authorize Chadron Chiropractic to release and/or request records to or from other providers as necessary. I understand that if I suspend or terminate my care and treatment, any fees for professional services rendered me will be immediately due and payable. An outstanding balance that is patient responsibility and is thirty days and older will be assessed a monthly service fee of $5.00 or interest charge of 21% APR depending on the amount of the balance. A 40% increase on the total balance will be added to all accounts that are turned over to full collection for non-payment. This policy is subject to change.
I hereby authorize the Doctor to examine and treat my condition as he deems appropriate through the use of Chiropractic Health Care, and I give authority for these procedures to be performed. I understand, as with any health care procedures, that there are certain complications, which may arise during chiropractic treatments. I do not expect the doctor to be able to anticipate all risks and complications, and I wish to rely upon the doctor to exercise judgment during the course of the procedure(s) which the doctor feels at the time, based upon the facts then known, that are in my best interest. It is understood and agreed the amount paid the Doctor for X-rays is for information from the x-rays only and the X-ray film will remain the property of this office, according to the laws of the United States Attorney General. I also agree that I am responsible for all bills incurred by me at this office. The Doctor will not be held responsible for any pre-existing medically diagnosed conditions nor for any medical diagnosis.
Patient’s Signature:______Date:
Guardians Signature Authorizing Care:______Date:
Chadron Chiropractic Clinic, PC Page 3 On the figure below please use the following letters to indicate TYPE and LOCATION of the symptoms you currently are experiencing.
A=Ache B=Burning P=Pins & Needles N=Numbness S=Stabbing
Chadron Chiropractic Clinic, PC Page 4 Rate your pain Least 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Severe
Chadron Chiropractic Clinic, PC Page 5