Regular Meeting of Council to Be Held on Monday, , 2001 at 7:30 P s2

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Regular Meeting of Council to Be Held on Monday, , 2001 at 7:30 P s2


PRESENT: Reeve Garry Wasylowski Allen Pfrimmer Councillor, Ward 1 Carol Lavallee Councillor, Ward 2 Diane Woychyshyn Councillor, Ward 3 Les Marchak Councillor, Ward 4 Allen Evanchyshin Councillor, Ward 5 John Livingstone Chief Administrative Officer



With a quorum present, Reeve Wasylowski called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M.

#214/11 MOVED by Councillor Marchak SECONDED by Councillor Woychyshyn

RESOLVED that the agenda for the regular meeting of August 9, 2011 be adopted as amended.



#0215/11 MOVED by Councillor Pfrimmer SECONDED by Councillor Lavallee

RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of July 9, 2011 be adopted as circulated to council.



#0216/11 MOVED by Councillor Marchak SECONDED by Councillor Pfrimmer

WHEREAS THE Financial Statements for the seven months ended July 31, 2011 have been examined and found to be in order;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the said Financial Statements be approved.


ACCOUNTS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT #0217/11 MOVED by Councillor Lavallee SECONDED by Councillor Pfrimmer

WHEREAS the accounts of the RM of Armstrong for the period ending July 31, 2011 have been examined and found to be in order.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that cheque numbers 9556 to 9617, both inclusive, for the total amount of $274,504.68 be approved for payment.



Second Reading

By-Law No. 05/11 Authorizing the conditions of employment for the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer

#218/11 MOVED by Councillor Marchak SECONDED by Councillor Woychyshyn

RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 05/11 being a by-law authorizing the conditions of employment for the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer be read a second time.


Third Reading

By-Law No. 05/11 Authorizing the conditions of employment for the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer

#219/11 MOVED by Councillor Marchak SECONDED by Councillor Woychyshyn

RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 05/11 being a by-law authorizing the conditions of employment for the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer be read a third time.

For Against Abstain

Wasylowski _x______Pfrimmer _x______Lavallee _x______Woychyshyn _x______Marchak _x______Evanchyshin _x______


WARD REPORTS WARD 1 Councillor Pfrimmer NIL

WARD 2 Councillor Lavallee -Followed up with Orish Whittier in regards to house demolition

WARD 3 Councillor Woychyshyn -Silver Event Permit -Survey to be completed -Road inspection re: flood appointments -Protective Services Committee Meeting see committee minutes -Building Inspector – communication and feedback -100th Birthday for Mr. Melnychuk

WARD 4 Councillor Les Marchak NIL

WARD 5 Councillor Allen Evanchyshin NIL



1:00 P.M. – Vera Shupenia – Regarding Drainage

Requesting information regarding her property and the drainage issue involving the drain and that no plans or surveys were shown to her Complaint regarding water being retained on her property Complaint regarding damaging the fence Councillor Evanchyshin stated that the events that occurred regarding public information meeting that were held, that the drainage plan was part of a Canada/Manitoba Infrastructure Program and that fact is supported the information meeting and that adjacent property owners along the drain signed easements such that all property owners in the area could benefit from improved drainage. Councillor Evanchyshin stated that the property owner (Vera Shupenia) would benefit from the work and that an easement has to be signed to complete the work. This was an ongoing process over the past several areas, approximately 17 years. Reeve Wasylowski stated that the issue before the Municipality would be correcting the problem of drainage but the original easement has to be signed to complete the work. The Municipality is prepared to fix the drainage issue but the easement has to be signed so that the Municipality can complete the work and your signing the easement is a requirement. That is the is the Municipality’s position. The decision to sign the easement to complete the work rests with the delegate Vera Shupenia.

A letter will be forwarded to Vera Shupenia to make a final request to obtain the easement.

1:15 P.M. – Carol Kuz – Regarding KUZ Road signs

Concern over the theft or disappearance of road signs as the sign bears a family name.

1:30 P.M. – Stanley Wityshyn – Regarding drainage ditch along PR 229 Concern that additional drainage is needed A request to clean along the north part of the ditch to about ¼ mile in length was made. Drainage issue to be forwarded to the next meeting of the drainage committee.

2:45 P.M. – Wayne Spakowski – Regarding road

Washout, cannot access the property to remove bales 4 miles east of Malonton Tower (North 29-18-3E) and 1 mile south (East of 32-18-3E hole) Please see him for exact locations Tripple culverts have been washed out and should be referred to DFA for repair Sign located at North 26-18-2E has fallen. Needs stop sign at the dead end and dead end sign in ditch to be put back up

Letter to MIT to review the water flow on the east end of the Bass Drain in the R.M. of Armstrong.




#220/11 MOVED by Councillor Evanchyshin SECONDED by Councillor Pfrimmer

WHEREAS Sections 35(1, 2 and 4) of the Municipal Assessment Act states as follows: 35(1) A council shall each year by resolution appoint a board of revision consisting of not less than three members, some or all of whom may be members of the council. 35(2) A council shall appoint a member of a board appointed under subsection (1) to serve as the presiding officer of the board. 35(4) The council shall appoint a person to act as secretary of a board appointed under subsection (1).

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council as a whole shall be appointed to the Board of Revision;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Reeve shall be appointed as the presiding officer of the Board

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the local School Board Trustee be invited to be appointed to the Board of Revision

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chief Administrative Officer and the Acting Chief Administrative Officer shall be appointed to act as Secretary of the Board for the year 2011 that will be held at 10 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rural Municipality of Armstrong in Inwood Manitoba on Wednesday October 19th, 2011.

CARRIED #221/11 MOVED by Councillor Evanchyshin SECONDED by Councillor Pfrimmer

RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Rural Municipality of Armstrong authorize Councillor Les Marchak to attend and speak at the highway traffic board hearing in Winnipeg scheduled for Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 10:00am regarding request for speed changes on PTH 7 at PR 231.


#222/11 MOVED by Councillor Marchak SECONDED by Councillor Woychyshyn

RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Rural Municipality of Armstrong authorize the installation of culvert and approach at the cost of the property owner Carole Lambert of Fraserwood at SW 35-19-2E


#223/11 MOVED by Councillor Pfrimmer SECONDED by Councillor Marchak

RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Rural Municipality of Armstrong authorize Councillor Carol Lavallee to attend the Interlake Development Corporation Annual Golf Tournament at the Sandy Hook Golf Club on August 17, 2011.


#224/11 MOVED by Councillor Pfrimmer SECONDED by Councillor Marchak

RESOLVED THAT Council authorize the following tax additions and cancellations as per the information received from Manitoba Local Government – Assessment Services in an email dated July 29, 2011:

2010 Additions: Roll – 13400 $383.32 Roll – 67250 $429.93 Roll – 83300 $196.06 Roll – 86500 $963.00 Roll – 127600 $477.65 Roll – 167250 $306.00 Roll – 206400 $258.92 Roll – 335800 $309.27

2011 Additions: Roll – 10100 $ 89.88 Roll – 13400 $451.36 Roll – 35900 $697.64 Roll – 67250 $1215.70 Roll – 77200 $1059.31 Roll – 83300 $241.68 Roll – 86500 $2025.74 Roll – 89300 $ 51.18 Roll – 89350 $ 91.68 Roll – 96200 $262.11 Roll – 115500 $ 90.16 Roll – 127600 $588.89 Roll – 127750 $ 79.12 Roll - 145100 $272.96 Roll – 167250 $898.51 Roll – 199150 $838.18 Roll – 206400 $304.87 Roll – 209250 $107.70 Roll – 335800 $2179.20

2010 Cancellations: Roll – 32300 $217.84 Roll – 77200 $314.58 Roll – 302700 $410.32 Roll – 335800 $292.56

2011 Cancellations: Roll – 32300 $268.54 Roll – 89300 $76.40 Roll – 302700 $960.53


#225/11 MOVED by Councillor Marchak SECONDED by Councillor Lavallee

RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Rural Municipality of Armstrong forward a letter of support for the New Horizions Program Based Project for the Armstrong Drop-In Centre second Phase.


#226/11 MOVED by Councillor Marchak SECONDED by Councillor Lavallee

RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Rural Municipality of Armstrong approve the Community Events Permit for the Silver Community Centre for the Home Coming on Saturday September 3. 2011.




Roads Committee: None

Drainage Committee: None Protective Committee: None

#227/11 MOVED by Councillor Evanchyshin SECONDED by Councillor Marchak

RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Rural Municipality of Armstrong approve the request of the Inwood fire Department to purchase $6,000 of search and rescue equipment as per the July 18, 2011 protective committee minutes.


Waste Management Committee: None

Other Committees: None


#228/11 MOVED by Councillor Pfrimmer SECONDED by Councillor Lavallee

RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Rural Municipality of Armstrong close the meeting to the Public and that the matter discussed be kept confidential until it is dealt with in open session.


#229/11 MOVED by Councillor Marchak SECONDED by Councillor Woychyshyn

RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Rural Municipality of Armstrong reopen the meeting to the public.


#230/11 MOVED by Councillor Marchak SECONDED by Councillor Woychyshyn

RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Rural Municipality of Armstrong enter into an agreement with Municipal Consultation to provide consulting services commencing August 8, 2011 and ending October 14, 2011,

And further that the Council for the Rural Municipality of Armstrong direct the signing officers of the Municipality to sign and execute the agreement.


#231/11 MOVED by Councillor Pfrimmer SECONDED by Councillor Lavallee

RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Rural Municipality of Armstrong enter into an agreement with John Livingstone to fill the position of Chief Administrative Officer, And further that the Council for the Rural Municipality of Armstrong direct the signing officers of the Municipality to sign and execute the agreement.



#232/11 MOVED by Councillor Pfrimmer SECONDED by Councillor Marchak

RESOLVED THAT the regular meeting of the Council for the Rural Municipality of Armstrong be adjourned at 4:38 PM.


READ AND CONFIRMED this _____ day of ______, A.D. 2011.



Simple Resolution

#xx/11 MOVED by Councillor SECONDED by Councillor

#xx/11 MOVED by Councillor SECONDED by Councillor

BYLAWS first & second reading and third reading

First Reading

By-Law No. 05/11 Authorizing the conditions of employment for the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer

#217/11 MOVED by Councillor Marchak SECONDED by Councillor Woychyshyn

RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 05/11 being a by-law authorizing the conditions of employment for the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer be read for the first time.


Second Reading

By-Law No. 05/11 Authorizing the conditions of employment for the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer

#218/11 MOVED by Councillor Marchak SECONDED by Councillor Woychyshyn

RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 05/11 being a by-law authorizing the conditions of employment for the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer be read a second time.


Third Reading

By-Law No. 05/11 Authorizing the conditions of employment for the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer #219/11 MOVED by Councillor Marchak SECONDED by Councillor Woychyshyn

RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 05/11 being a by-law authorizing the conditions of employment for the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer be read a third time.

For Against Abstain

Wasylowski _x______Pfrimmer _x______Lavallee _x______Woychyshyn _x______Marchak _x______Evanchyshin _x______


Recorded Vote

#2xx/11 MOVED by Councillor Marchak SECONDED by Councillor Woychyshyn

RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Rural Municipality of Armstrong approve the Community Events Permit for the Silver Community Centre for the Home Coming on Saturday September 3. 2011.

Recorded vote requested by Reeve/Councillor ______

For Against Abstain

Wasylowski _x______Pfrimmer _x______Lavallee _x______Woychyshyn _x______Marchak _x______Evanchyshin _x______


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