For Specific General Meetings

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For Specific General Meetings


I/We, ...... , Names of Owners

of ...... , Address of Owners Registered Proprietor of Unit/s ...... ,Address:………………………..………..., Strata Plan ……….. hereby appoint

(a)* ...... * Delete whichever Name of Person who is to be Proxy is/are inapplicable OR, if no person is named at (a), or the person named is not present

(b)* a representative of WA Strata Management OR, if (b) is deleted (c)* the Chairperson of the Meeting,

To speak and act as my/our proxy and to vote for me/us in my/our name at the General Meeting of the Strata Company held at the above date. We expressly authorize the proxy to vote in the affirmative of all items listed on the agenda of this meeting unless otherwise listed below.




as my/our proxy for the General Meeting of the Strata Company to be held at the above date and any adjournments there of.

...... / / ...... / / Signature of Owner Signature of Owner

...... / / ...... / / Signature of Owner Signature of Owner Affix Company Seal if applicable

WA Strata Management


If you are unable to attend, please complete the attached Proxy Form and return it as soon as possible to this office. It is important to have the proxy as without your support, we may not be able to hold the meeting. In the absence of a quorum at the meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day, of the following week at the same time and venue.

At the adjourned time the person’s present and valid proxies constitute a quorum and the meeting shall proceed. Additional meeting fees will also be incurred.

Please note that if your unit (lot) is in joint names, all co-proprietors are welcome to attend the meeting, however when voting on a show of hands, only one of the co-proprietors can vote, provided a form of proxy has been completed and signed by all co-proprietors nominating the party entitled to vote.

Completed proxy forms may be returned to this office at any time before the meeting or handed in prior to the commencement of the meeting.

A company may appoint a nominee as its proxy and the execution of a proxy form by a company must be signed under the common seal of the company.

If you are unable o attend then please complete the attached proxy form and return to us. You must be financial to vote on any Simple or Special Resolutions. You may be unfinancial to vote on Resolutions Without Dissent or Unanimous Resolutions.

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