3 Credit Courses; 36 Hours; 2 Credit Courses = 24 Hours; 1 Credit Courses = 12 Hours

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3 Credit Courses; 36 Hours; 2 Credit Courses = 24 Hours; 1 Credit Courses = 12 Hours

After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Course Syllabus Template 3 Credit Courses; 36 Hours; 2 Credit Courses = 24 hours; 1 Credit Courses = 12 hours Summer 2015: July 6, 2015 – August 17, 2015

Please complete a full course syllabus using this format, saved in Microsoft Word. This syllabus will be uploaded to the ASPDP website.

Title of Course: Becoming a Culturally Responsive Teacher Course Code: Registration Close Date:______Course Location: Online course, accessible at www.kdsi.org/NYC Instructor’s Name: Sophia Thwaites Instructor’s Telephone #: 1800 E-mail: [email protected] 728 0032 Course Begins: July 6, 2015 Course Ends: August 17, 2015 Total Hours: 36 Educational Partner Fee: Materials Fee (if applicable): $174.00 N/A

In one sentence, what is the focus of this course? This course provides thought-provoking background and practical suggestions for teachers seeking to reach students who are culturally and racially different from them.

What will teachers know and be able to do as a result of taking this course? (50 words or fewer) Educators will understand the direct relationship between teachers’ level of cultural competence and students’ level of achievement, and how issues of privilege and social dominance impact student success and engagement. Teachers will be able to assess their own practices related to the seven principles of culturally responsive teaching.

This course will meet on the following dates: (Please list day of the week and all dates this course will be offered in mm/dd/yyyy format; do not provide a range): 7 days a week; 24/7

This course will meet at the following times: Start time: 24/7______End time: 24/7______

The maximum number of students this class can permit: 999______

Target Grade Level(s): Pre-K-5 Content Area(s): Cultural Competency, Guidance

Specific Content Area(s): (Identify one to two specific content areas) □ Arts □Academic Intervention □Accountability □ ELL □English Language Arts X Guidance □Health/Physical Ed. □Intervention □Mathematics □Mentoring □Methodology X Multicultural Ed. □Science □Secretaries □Social Studies □Special Education □Technology in the Content Area After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Course Information

Course Description 1. In two paragraphs describe your course including the course objectives, key activities or texts, assessment plan, Common Core Standards (where relevant) and key Danielson Components addressed. The description should indicate the research base and/or best pedagogical practices addressed.

This course provides thought-provoking background and practical suggestions for teachers seeking the answer to the question, how do you reach students who are culturally and racially different from you? Participants explore their own assumptions about race, class, and culture; and learn strategies for creating classrooms that are culturally inviting to all. Classroom footage illustrates principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching, including affirming students’ cultural connections, stressing collectivity as well as individuality, and managing the classroom with firm, consistent, caring control. This course includes multiple assessments including pre and post surveys, reflection questions at the end of each unit, a Mid- course project, and a Final Capstone Project.

The Danielson components that apply to this course are Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Competency a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport. Participants explore how to better know both themselves and their students in their full diversity and to use that knowledge to create a classroom culture that facilitates respectful, productive interactions between teachers and students. This equity for students will increase engagement and ultimately raise student achievement. This course also provides methods for helping all students meet the demands of the Common Core State Standards for ELA, particularly in the areas of Speaking & Listening and Writing. Participants will learn and use strategies that prepare them to support students in cross-disciplinary learning with a focus on interpersonal communication and the creation of written materials using various means of expression. Participants who complete this course will be better prepared to support students within the Common Core College and Career Readiness Standards of Comprehension & Collaboration and Presentation of Knowledge & Ideas (Speaking and Listening); as well as Text Types & Purposes and Research to Build Knowledge (Writing). The KDS Theory of Action is the belief that through the combination of 50 hours of learning through Instruction (40%), Coaching (20%), and Practice (40%), educators will have the research-based learning experiences necessary to change their practice. There are three principles that we believe support our course design: Research Based Principle 1: Professional development should be intensive, ongoing, and connected to practice: one study suggests 50 hours of instruction to make any kind of impact, so we design our courses to be approximately 50 hours, Research Based Principle 2:Modeling has been found to be highly effective in helping teachers understand a new practice, so we use authentic clips and classroom video footage of model lessons to demonstrate effective classroom practice, Research Based Principle 3: Teachers’ initial exposure to a concept should not be passive, but rather should engage teachers through varied approaches so they can participate actively in making sense of a new practice, so we use interactive activities, graphics, readings, discussions, and scenario-based activities to support the educator as active learner.

Integration of Danielson Framework 2. Identify and explain how your course will deepen participant understanding of one to two components in Danielson’s Framework for Teaching. (Include Domain # and Component letter e.g. 1E). After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Competency a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport.

Participants explore how to better know both themselves and their students in their full diversity and to use that knowledge to create a classroom culture that facilitates respectful, productive interactions between teachers and students. This equity for students will increase engagement and ultimately raise student achievement.

Integration of Standards 3. In bullet form, list the applicable NYC, NYS, and/or Common Core Standards in course content area (Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies, Applied Learning, the Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in the Arts, National Educational Technology Standards)

 A Framework for Teaching 2 a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport.

 Common Core State Standards for ELA, particularly in the areas of Speaking & Listening and Writing. Participants will learn and use strategies that prepare them to support students in cross-disciplinary learning with a focus on interpersonal communication and the creation of written materials using various means of expression. Participants who complete this course will be better prepared to support students within the Common Core College and Career Readiness Standards of Comprehension & Collaboration and Presentation of Knowledge & Ideas (Speaking and Listening); as well as Text Types & Purposes and Research to Build Knowledge (Writing).

Pedagogical Approach 4. Describe the pedagogical approach that will be used in the course and how you will address the needs of diverse adult learners. What specific method(s) of instruction will you use?

The learning experience we offer to adult learners includes:

Instruction (40%) Coaching (20%) Practice (40%) - 20 hours - 10 hours - 20 hours

. Video Instruction . Video Coaching . Interactive activities . Video modeling and . Expert feedback on Learner . Application scenarios (checks classroom Reflections for understanding) demonstrations . Discussion and collaboration . Mid-course project (3 grad) . Professional Readings with peers . Final capstone project (3 grad) . Feedback on application . Application Toolkit (resources projects facilitated by online for classroom use) coaches . Resources for Facilitation After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

KDS courses are composed of rigorous academic work based on content-rich and high quality components that engage learners. These interactive components include videos, interviews, readings, interactive activities, downloadable resources, and assessments that meet accreditation standards for 3- graduate credit. Course components are varied and meet the needs of diverse adult learners. KDS differentiates instruction for learners in multiple ways, including learning design and supports, KDS coaching services and the KDS Professional Learning Platform (PLP).

At KDS, we design courses of study based on the systemic needs identified within a system of schools to meet teachers where they are and move them through strategic learning progression over time. We design our courses under five core domains, including the Common Core, Diverse Learners, Teacher and Leadership Induction, Using Data and Personalized Learning. For each core domain, we provide courses that range from building foundational knowledge to enriching content expertise and practice. Within each domain course offerings include a range of theoretical approaches led by educational authors and experts in the field. Another way KDS differentiates learning is in how we address learning styles by providing multi-modal learning experiences. To support course engagement, courses are taken asynchronously, therefore allowing educators to learn during a time that is conducive with their teaching schedule and within an optimal learning time for the individual. KDS courses also provide a collection of activities and materials to support different learning styles. In each course, there are units of study that each contain learning through video, readings, interactive activities, checks for understanding, reflection prompts, discussion forums, application materials and resources for bridging learning to practice. In addition, searchable transcripts of the videos are provided for the learner to review and annotate to support their learning of the content. To further differentiate learning, KDS courses are configured and accredited in a way that speaks to differentiated professional pursuits including courses that can be completed for state certification, master's degree programs and career advancement for teachers and administrators at every stage of their career. KDS Online Coaches also support learners to meet differentiated needs. Throughout each KDS course, participants are engaged with an online coach who provides individualized feedback to every learner throughout the course. The coach will respond to key reflections in each unit, prompt and respond to discussion postings, evaluate mid-course and final capstone projects and provide qualitative feedback to the learner to support extension of their learning. In addition, KDS works with systems of schools to design resources for facilitation that can be used for the in-person component of the blended learning professional development. All materials are customized to take into account the identified needs and goals. The KDS Professional Learning Platform (PLP) provides participants with the opportunity to extend their learning during the course and continue their learning after a course has ended. The PLP allows educators to connect, collaborate, converse and share instructional strategies across districts and states. Facilitated discussion forums provide learners with an additional opportunity to share their reaction to new learning, identify new strategies, share struggles and address challenges, and exchange ideas and resources. PLP allows learners to identify and connect with recognized experts within your system of schools on an on- going basis. After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Structural components of Courses

Units: Each KDS course is typically made up of a series of 6-10 Units that function much like chapters of a text. Each Unit starts with an overview and expected learning outcomes. The first Unit is usually a course introduction that provides an overview of the course content and the learner experience. Each Unit ends with a short Quiz, or Check for Understanding.

Segments: Each unit is composed of several distinct segments that deliver content in a variety of interactive ways. A segment can contain a video clip, a reading, or an activity that require participation from the learner. Typically, a reflection question follows each segment.

Reflection Question: A reflection question occurs at the end of each segment and provides an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice. Responses to reflections can be reviewed by the online coach, for courses that include them.

Discussion Prompts: A Discussion Prompt involves a question that the learner may respond to and share via discussion board. These questions are intended to allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Assessments: Each KDS course is composed of a variety of assessments to monitor progress through the course. All courses include a pre and post assessment and Checks for Understanding are made up of 3-5 often scenario-based questions and follow each unit. Courses include both a Mid-course project and a Final Capstone Project. These are often practice based and learners are encouraged to upload the results of their work.

Application Toolkit: The Application Toolkit includes a collection of instructional tools and resources related to the content that can be adapted and used within an educator’s classroom.

Video Components

Video footage is captured and edited by an experienced and specialized production team with years of experience filming educators and students in schools across the country. The varied video components are described in greater detail below.

Interviews: Focal interviews with experts and practitioners intercut with engaging b-roll, animation, text and graphics related to focal content. Interviews with experts allow learners deep insight into the thinking of national renowned leaders of the education field. Interviews with practitioners share and reflect on the instruction and practice of the learner’s colleagues in districts across the country.

Teachers/Experts in Action: High quality video segments that provide vivid exemplars of focal practice and strategies. Can be intercut with interview narration or animated graphics to reinforce key points, identify relevant content or reflect on focal practice. These segments can include classroom instruction, team meetings and other school-based events. Video options include: After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

 Classroom Instruction: Footage is captured from an actual classroom lesson around key topic area or strategy. Can be intercut with VO from teacher interview, and/or graphics and animations that reinforce key elements.  Leadership Practice: Footage is captured of school administrator in action, through various events in his/her role, including staff or parent meetings, coaching sessions, observations, etc. Can be intercut with VO from administrator interview or animated graphics to reinforce key points or relevant content.  Model Lessons: Expert or model teacher leads a classroom lesson. Can be intercut with VO commentary and/or graphics & animation to reinforce content.  Observation Cycles: Principal, Coach or Expert conducts complete observation cycle with classroom teacher or specialist. This typically involves a pre-lesson planning meeting, the focal classroom lesson, and a post-lesson debrief to reflection on instruction.  Mini-workshops: More traditional PD sessions that include active participation and commentary from the Expert/Facilitator as well workshop participants.  Meetings: Teachers and school leaders in collaborative planning meetings related to the content being taught, e.g. a grade-level meeting or a department meeting.

Video Reflections/Debrief: Small group discussion and analysis of previously recorded & edited segments. Expert moderator facilitates shared observations with one or more teachers to reflect on the focal practice or strategies. Segment intercuts between footage of the analysis and discussion with actual footage of focal video strategy. VO descriptions from the discussion can provide commentary on the action.

Educator Roundtable: A small group discussion of a timely and relevant topic of interest to educators. Assembled participants can include an author/expert, teachers, school leaders, parents and other stakeholders. Participants share insights and observations, provide advice or guidance and future direction.

Participant Application 5. All courses must show how participants will link their learning to their own classrooms. Describe how your course will do this.

Participants who complete this course will link learning to their classrooms, and will bring the following back to their classrooms and/ or teaching practice:

 Participants will bring their learning goals to the students.  Begin making improvements in the classroom based on the practice chosen as a focus for this project.  Utilize strategies and new classroom practices to meet goals set in the Capstone project and to create a classroom culture that facilitates respectful, productive interactions between teachers and students.

Assessment and Feedback 6. Explain what assignments and assessments participants will be responsible for, and how their work will be evaluated throughout the course. How will formative and summative feedback be provided? After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Include examples of evidence you will collect that demonstrate how participant learnings will directly impact their students’ learning (e.g., projects, collections of student work, presentations, etc.). Please note: A midterm and a final (projects, journals, papers) must be administered as per the “P” In-Service Course Guidelines.

Participants’ work will be evaluated through a variety of assignments and assessments. Participants will respond in writing to reflection prompts based on the video content and/ or selected readings in each unit of the course. Online coaches will provide feedback on responses to reflection prompts, based on the rubric below. Participants also engage in a discussion forum with their peers throughout each unit, and continuously provide and receive peer feedback. At the end of each unit in the course, there will also be a Check for Understanding, to determine whether participants understand and can apply the key concepts within that unit to their classrooms, in order to impact student achievement. Checks for Understanding will be computer evaluated for instant feedback.

Checks for Understanding and Reflection Rubric:

Assessment Underdeveloped (1) Basic (2) Proficient (3) Distinguished (4)

Checks for 65% or below 66-79% 80-89% 90-100% understanding

Reflection Participant has Participant has Participant has Participant has Question included little to no included little that included provided rich detail content indicating indicates appropriate content and supporting consideration and consideration and from the course examples from the comprehension of comprehension of content. course content. course content. course content. Participant has Participant has made Participant has not Participant has made thoughtful responses to prompts addressed the answered most comments in direct personally questions posed. questions directly response to the meaningful and Participant has but some too prompts. relevant to his or her copied from the briefly. teaching practice. course transcript without synthesis or analysis.

Participants will also be evaluated based on the work they produce for the Mid-course Project, which will be assessed according to the rubric below by an online coach. As a result of completing the Mid-course Project (See Session #7 for a complete description of the Mid-course Project), participants will improve instructional outcomes for students by empowering parents/guardians to support their child’s learning and engagement with the ELA CCSS. This project will also deepen Educators’ knowledge of instructional shifts, which will ultimately impact student learning. After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Mid-course Project Evaluation Rubric:

Project Underdeveloped (1) Basic (2) Proficient (3) Distinguished (4) Score component Quality of Develops a standards- Develops a Develops a Develops a standards- lesson plan based lesson plan that standards-based standards-based based lesson plan that (25%) lacks several critical lesson plan that lesson plan that includes clear and components. lacks one critical includes all critical concise components component. components. and demonstrates planning mastery. Text selection Selects a text for the Selects a text for Selects a text for Selects a text for the (25%) lesson, but is not the lesson but the lesson and lesson and includes a clear about how it loosely aligns it includes a rationale rationale and clear relates to building to demands of the and clear connection to the standards mastery. standards. connection to the standards. Includes standards. additional texts that can scaffold the learning for all students. Assessment Identifies a less Identifies a broad Identifies a Identifies a rigorous (25%) rigorous assessment assessment for rigorous assessment that clearly for the lesson and is the lesson that is assessment that measures student not clear about how it too narrow to clearly measures learning and collects measures mastery. inform next steps. student learning relevant data points and informs next for instruction. steps. Reflection on Provides a narrow Provides a brief Provides a Provides a practice reflection on reflection on thorough reflection comprehensive (25%) strengths and changes strengths and on strengths and reflection on strengths from lesson changes from changes lesson and changes from implementation. lesson implementation. lesson implementation implementation. and provides action steps.

Mid-course Project Performance Summary

Total Score ______/100%

Qualitative feedback:

Finally, the culmination of participants’ work will be evaluated based on the Final Capstone Project, which will be assessed according to the rubric below by an online coach. As a result of completing the Final Capstone Project (See Session #13 for a complete description of the Final Capstone Project), course participants will be able to improve student outcomes by providing learners with a rigorous, Common Core State Standards-aligned English Language Arts learning experience. This learning experience will expose students to texts from different genres and will address multiple standards and instructional shifts. After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Assessments will be used to provide intervention in real time when necessary, and the needs of diverse student learners will drive differentiated instruction. The Common Core State Standards, when effectively implemented, increase student achievement by consistently increasing the complexity of learning opportunities and challenging students to steadily improve their skills, leading to college and career readiness by the end of high school.

Final Capstone Project Evaluation Rubric:

Project Underdeveloped (1) Basic (2) Proficient (3) Distinguished (4) Score component Quality of Develops anchor Develops anchor Develops anchor Develops anchor anchor papers papers that lack papers that lack papers that include all papers that include (25%) several critical one critical critical components. clear and concise components. component. components and demonstrates planning mastery and could be an exemplar. Learning Provides a short and Provides a broad Provides specific skills Provides specific skills tracker broad list of skills list of skills and and list of content and list of content (25%) and steps needed to steps needed to knowledge needed to knowledge needed to complete assignment. complete complete assignment. complete assignment. assignment. Provides process steps that could translate into a lesson plan. Reflection on Provides a narrow Provides a brief Provides a thorough Provides a practice reflection on reflection on reflection on strengths comprehensive (25%) knowledge demands strengths and and changes made reflection on strengths from designing changes from from designing anchor and changes from anchor papers. designing anchor papers. lesson implementation papers. and provides action steps. Quality of Demonstrates little Demonstrates some Demonstrates Demonstrates capstone understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of application standards-based standards-based standards-based standards-based (25%) writing assignment. writing writing assignment. writing assignment assignment. and show clear steps for translating the CCSS writing expectations.

Final Capstone Project Performance Summary

Total Score ______/100%

Qualitative feedback: After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]


7. Explain how the final grade will be calculated, including how much each graded assignment will be weighted (e.g., Midterm=20%, Final=30%, Weekly responses=30%, Participation=20%). Attach rubrics for any assignments as an appendix to this syllabus.

Grading Policy (using rubric 1-4 scale Percentage of Course Credit system) Total grade for the course is a culmination of Course grade is determined by the following: performance grades. A: 3.4 – 4.0 Reflections 15% B: 2.7 – 3.3 Checks for Understanding 25% C: 2.0 – 2.6 Mid-course Project 25% F: <2.0 Final Capstone project 35%

Calendar Session # 0 Date: self-paced Time: self-paced Number of hours for this session: 1 Assignments due today: See “Topics” Topics: List session topic(s) and material(s), e.g. handouts. Indicate midterm and final exam date, as well as an explanation of assignments due at this session. Setting Learning Goals

KDS has implemented a topic at the beginning of the course, Setting Learning Goals, that instructs participants to read the syllabus that contains a course and unit descriptions and then to develop student learning goals related to the domains and components from Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching (at http://charlottedanielson.com/theframeteach.htm). They may also consult the NYC Teacher Effectiveness site (at http://schools.nyc.gov/Academics/CommonCoreLibrary/Toolkit/TeacherEffectiveness/default.htm), and the NYC CCSS (at http://schools.nyc.gov/Academics/CommonCoreLibrary/Why/NYSStandards/default.htm). (Participants may also draw from existing classroom data they have collected from pretests and assessments or know anecdotally.)

Assignments due:

A Reflection Question, which occurs at the end of each segment and provides an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice. Responses to reflections can be reviewed by the online coach, for courses that include them.

A Discussion Prompt, which involves a question that the learner may respond to and share via discussion board. These questions are intended to allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Check for Understanding, which assess a participant’s learning at the end of each unit.

Readings (See resources section)

Objectives: Specify instructional goals and standards for this session, including alignment to NYS Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

 To set goals for participant and his or her students

Methods of Instruction: Explain the method of presenting, e.g. classroom video or interactive hands-on activity. Include strategies to meet diverse learning needs (differentiated instruction). Be specific about session activities and what formative assessment and feedback will take place, so it is clear how they will lead participants to meet objectives.

Formative assessments include reflection questions and discussion prompts. Reflection responses provide an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice, and will be reviewed and responded to by an online coach, for courses that include them. There is a key reflection in each unit, and an online coach will engage in a discourse with a participant around their response, to provide feedback and coaching. Discussion prompts allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Application of Instruction: Specify what specific skills and strategies the participant will bring back to his/her classroom as a result of this session. What analysis of application will participants engage in (e.g., analysis of student work, revision of lesson plan based on student work, etc.)?

Each unit provides resources and/ or an application toolkit that bridge learning to practice in the classroom, e.g., designing lesson plans, analyzing content and skills measured by student assessments. In addition, the use of templates and protocols support applying course concepts to classroom practice and implementing course strategies.

Resources (readings, artifacts, internet sites, videos, etc): Provide the title, author, edition, publisher, cost, and where it is available. If there is a guest speaker, include the presenter’s name and affiliation.

Calendar Session # 1 Date: Self-paced Time: Self-paced Number of hours for this session: 3 Assignments due today: See “Topics” After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Topics: List session topic(s) and material(s), e.g. handouts. Indicate midterm and final exam date, as well as an explanation of assignments due at this session.


In this unit, Gary Howard makes the case for the importance of this course: the data shows that “difference” can predict negative academic outcomes. As educators, we must consciously work at transforming both ourselves and our professional practices so that school is a place where all students feel welcomed, and authentic relationships across differences make academic success possible.

Assignments due:

A Reflection Question, which occurs at the end of each segment and provides an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice. Responses to reflections can be reviewed by the online coach, for courses that include them.

A Discussion Prompt, which involves a question that the learner may respond to and share via discussion board. These questions are intended to allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Check for Understanding, which assess a participant’s learning at the end of each unit.

Readings (See resources section)

Objectives: Specify instructional goals and standards for this session, including alignment to NYS Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

Participants will learn:  A working definition of cultural competence  The relationships between inclusion, equity, and excellence  To identify culturally competent behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes  To connect the course to own work and life

Standards The Framework for Teaching: Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Competency a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Competency b: Establishing a Culture for Learning Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Competency a: Reflecting on Teaching and Learning After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Methods of Instruction: Explain the method of presenting, e.g. classroom video or interactive hands-on activity. Include strategies to meet diverse learning needs (differentiated instruction). Be specific about session activities and what formative assessment and feedback will take place, so it is clear how they will lead participants to meet objectives.

Participants will view video presentations by the instructors, participate in online discussion forums, and collaborate through peer review. Transcripts and slide presentations supplement the video to accommodate diverse learning styles. Participants will be challenged by reflection questions and a unit quiz.

Formative assessments include reflection questions and discussion prompts. Reflection responses provide an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice, and will be reviewed and responded to by an online coach, for courses that include them. There is a key reflection in each unit, and an online coach will engage in a discourse with a participant around their response, to provide feedback and coaching. Discussion prompts allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Application of Instruction: Specify what specific skills and strategies the participant will bring back to his/her classroom as a result of this session. What analysis of application will participants engage in (e.g., analysis of student work, revision of lesson plan based on student work, etc.)?

Participants will bring their learning goals to the students.

Each unit provides resources and/ or an application toolkit that bridge learning to practice in the classroom, e.g., designing lesson plans, analyzing content and skills measured by student assessments. In addition, the use of templates and protocols support applying course concepts to classroom practice and implementing course strategies.

Resources (readings, artifacts, internet sites, videos, etc): Provide the title, author, edition, publisher, cost, and where it is available. If there is a guest speaker, include the presenter’s name and affiliation.

Required eBook: Introduction and Chapter 1, We Can’t Teach What We Don’t Know, Gary R. Howard, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2006

Calendar Session # 2 Date: Self-paced Time: Self-paced Number of hours for this session: 3 Assignments due today: See “Topics” Topics: List session topic(s) and material(s), e.g. handouts. Indicate midterm and final exam date, as well as an explanation of assignments due at this session. After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Personal Growth Toward Racial and Cultural Competence This unit begins with a “Culture Toss” activity, in which participants identify six characteristics by which they define themselves (race/ethnicity, religion/spirituality, language, life value, vocation, and possession), then think about the cost of giving any of these parts of themselves up. Participants consider the big question: What happens to a student’s academic energy when the school environment pressures him to be someone other than who he is?

Howard identifies seven steps in personal growth toward cultural competence, and teachers and students share personal narratives. Finally, each workshop participant identifies a personal growth plan, a goal to enhance his or her cultural competence as an educator.

Assignments due:

A Reflection Question, which occurs at the end of each segment and provides an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice. Responses to reflections can be reviewed by the online coach, for courses that include them.

A Discussion Prompt, which involves a question that the learner may respond to and share via discussion board. These questions are intended to allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Check for Understanding, which assess a participant’s learning at the end of each unit.

Readings (See resources section)

Objectives: Specify instructional goals and standards for this session, including alignment to NYS Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

Participants will learn:  The relationship between teachers’ cultural competence and students’ achievement  The steps in a developmental model used to track growth toward cultural competence  How to learn from students’ personal narratives  To design a personal growth plan

Standards The Framework for Teaching: Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Competency b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Competency a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Competency a: Reflecting on Teaching and Learning After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Methods of Instruction: Explain the method of presenting, e.g. classroom video or interactive hands-on activity. Include strategies to meet diverse learning needs (differentiated instruction). Be specific about session activities and what formative assessment and feedback will take place, so it is clear how they will lead participants to meet objectives.

Participants will view video presentations by the instructors, participate in online discussion forums, and collaborate through peer review. Transcripts and slide presentations supplement the video to accommodate diverse learning styles. Participants will be challenged by reflection questions and a unit quiz.

Formative assessments include reflection questions and discussion prompts. Reflection responses provide an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice, and will be reviewed and responded to by an online coach, for courses that include them. There is a key reflection in each unit, and an online coach will engage in a discourse with a participant around their response, to provide feedback and coaching. Discussion prompts allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Application of Instruction: Specify what specific skills and strategies the participant will bring back to his/her classroom as a result of this session. What analysis of application will participants engage in (e.g., analysis of student work, revision of lesson plan based on student work, etc.)?

Participants will bring their learning goals to the students.

Each unit provides resources and/ or an application toolkit that bridge learning to practice in the classroom, e.g., designing lesson plans, analyzing content and skills measured by student assessments. In addition, the use of templates and protocols support applying course concepts to classroom practice and implementing course strategies.

Resources (readings, artifacts, internet sites, videos, etc): Provide the title, author, edition, publisher, cost, and where it is available. If there is a guest speaker, include the presenter’s name and affiliation.

Required eBook: Chapters 5 and 6, We Can’t Teach What We Don’t Know, Gary R. Howard, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2006.

Calendar Session # 3 Date: Self-paced Time: Self-paced Number of hours for this session: 3.5 Assignments due today: See “Topics” Topics: List session topic(s) and material(s), e.g. handouts. Indicate midterm and final exam date, as well as an explanation of assignments due at this session.

Understanding Privilege, Power, and Social Dominance This unit begins with an activity (We, the People) in which participants consider American ideals of equity After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

vs. our current reality. Teachers and school leaders gain an understanding of how issues of race, whiteness, and social dominance interact to create and sustain race-based educational disparities. They examine how the Dynamics of Dominance impact student outcomes in their own schools and classrooms, and how issues of privilege and power may get in the way of their own practice. Assignments due:

A Reflection Question, which occurs at the end of each segment and provides an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice. Responses to reflections can be reviewed by the online coach, for courses that include them.

A Discussion Prompt, which involves a question that the learner may respond to and share via discussion board. These questions are intended to allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Check for Understanding, which assess a participant’s learning at the end of each unit.

Readings (See resources section)

Objectives: Specify instructional goals and standards for this session, including alignment to NYS Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

Participants will learn:  How issues of privilege and social dominance impact student success and engagement  A historical perspective on issues of privilege, power, and social dominance  To apply the lessons of this unit to teaching practice  To examine how teachers’ race consciousness impacts students’ feelings of inclusion and efficacy

Standards The Framework for Teaching: Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Competency b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Competency a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Competency b: Establishing a Culture for Learning Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Competency a: Reflecting on Teaching and Learning

Methods of Instruction: Explain the method of presenting, e.g. classroom video or interactive hands-on activity. Include strategies to meet diverse learning needs (differentiated instruction). Be specific about session activities and what formative assessment and feedback will take place, so it is clear how they will lead participants to meet objectives.

Participants will view video presentations by the instructors, participate in online discussion forums, and collaborate through peer review. Transcripts and slide presentations supplement the video to accommodate After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

diverse learning styles. Participants will be challenged by reflection questions and a unit quiz.

Formative assessments include reflection questions and discussion prompts. Reflection responses provide an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice, and will be reviewed and responded to by an online coach, for courses that include them. There is a key reflection in each unit, and an online coach will engage in a discourse with a participant around their response, to provide feedback and coaching. Discussion prompts allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Application of Instruction: Specify what specific skills and strategies the participant will bring back to his/her classroom as a result of this session. What analysis of application will participants engage in (e.g., analysis of student work, revision of lesson plan based on student work, etc.)?

Participants will bring their learning goals to the students.

Each unit provides resources and/ or an application toolkit that bridge learning to practice in the classroom, e.g., designing lesson plans, analyzing content and skills measured by student assessments. In addition, the use of templates and protocols support applying course concepts to classroom practice and implementing course strategies.

Resources (readings, artifacts, internet sites, videos, etc): Provide the title, author, edition, publisher, cost, and where it is available. If there is a guest speaker, include the presenter’s name and affiliation.

Required eBook: Chapters 2 and 3, We Can’t Teach What We Don’t Know, Gary R. Howard, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2006.

Calendar Session # 4 Date: Self-paced Time: Self-paced Number of hours for this session: 3.5 Assignments due today: See “Topics” Topics: List session topic(s) and material(s), e.g. handouts. Indicate midterm and final exam date, as well as an explanation of assignments due at this session.

Practical Strategies for Culturally Responsive Teaching

In this unit, participants compare the characteristics of “good to great” students with those who are “missing or not engaged.” They share examples of the successes they have had with their most marginalized students, and identify the key teacher behaviors that produced these successes. Participants are introduced to the Seven Principles for Culturally Responsive Teaching (Shade, Oberg, and Kelly) and asked to identify specific ways they and their colleagues are creating both doorways and barriers related to these seven dimensions of effective practice. After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Assignments due:

A Reflection Question, which occurs at the end of each segment and provides an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice. Responses to reflections can be reviewed by the online coach, for courses that include them.

A Discussion Prompt, which involves a question that the learner may respond to and share via discussion board. These questions are intended to allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Check for Understanding, which assess a participant’s learning at the end of each unit.

Readings (See resources section)

Objectives: Specify instructional goals and standards for this session, including alignment to NYS Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

Participants will learn:  The Seven Principles for Culturally Responsive Teaching  How to assess equity outcomes in school or classroom  To identify teacher behaviors and beliefs that serve as keys to equity and inclusion.

Standards The Framework for Teaching: Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Competency b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Competency a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Competency b: Establishing a Culture for Learning Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Competency a: Reflecting on Teaching and Learning

Methods of Instruction: Explain the method of presenting, e.g. classroom video or interactive hands-on activity. Include strategies to meet diverse learning needs (differentiated instruction). Be specific about session activities and what formative assessment and feedback will take place, so it is clear how they will lead participants to meet objectives.

Participants will view video presentations by the instructors, participate in online discussion forums, and collaborate through peer review. Transcripts and slide presentations supplement the video to accommodate diverse learning styles. Participants will be challenged by reflection questions and a unit quiz.

Formative assessments include reflection questions and discussion prompts. Reflection responses provide an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice, and will be reviewed and responded to by an online coach, for courses that include them. There is a key reflection in each unit, After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

and an online coach will engage in a discourse with a participant around their response, to provide feedback and coaching. Discussion prompts allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Application of Instruction: Specify what specific skills and strategies the participant will bring back to his/her classroom as a result of this session. What analysis of application will participants engage in (e.g., analysis of student work, revision of lesson plan based on student work, etc.)?

Participants will bring their learning goals to the students.

Each unit provides resources and/ or an application toolkit that bridge learning to practice in the classroom, e.g., designing lesson plans, analyzing content and skills measured by student assessments. In addition, the use of templates and protocols support applying course concepts to classroom practice and implementing course strategies.

Resources (readings, artifacts, internet sites, videos, etc): Provide the title, author, edition, publisher, cost, and where it is available. If there is a guest speaker, include the presenter’s name and affiliation.

Required eBook: Chapter 7, We Can’t Teach What We Don’t Know, Gary R. Howard, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2006.

Calendar Session # 5 Date: NOTE: Midterms may be submitted anytime but are due no later than 2 weeks after the final registration date. Time: Self-paced Number of hours for this session: 4 Topics: List session topic(s) and material(s), e.g. handouts. Indicate midterm and final exam date, as well as an explanation of assignments due at this session.


For your midterm, you’ll view the “Student Voices” video clip, in which middle- and high-school students describe how they like to learn, and what gets in the way of learning. Then you’ll survey your own students to elicit similar information about your own classroom. Finally, you’ll design a plan to improve a practice you’ve identified as “getting in the way. For your final, you’ll return to your midterm to review your progress.

A. Student Voices Video View the “Student Voices” video in the e-classroom. Answer the following: To what extent do the concerns voiced by the students in the video seem similar to or After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

different from concerns you might hear from your own students? Explain.

B. Survey Your Students Survey your students to find out what’s working/not working for them in the classroom. Provide each student with a 3 x 5 card and instruct them to write 3 things that “make them feel smart” on one side and 3 things that “get in the way of learning” on the other. In your paper, describe the results of the card activity, reflecting on whether responses differ from group to group (eg. White students feel their concerns are heard in class and Black students feel like they’re not listened to). You should consider student responses across any area of difference: gender, language spoken at home, etc. In your response, note whether the results confirmed or contradicted your expectations. Reflect on anything striking, for example, comments that were gratifying or troubling.

C. Graph the Results Based on the information you collect, create a graph, chart, or other graphic organizer that shows 3 or more things you do that make students “feel smart.” Create a second graph or chart that shows 3 or more things you do that “get in the way of learning.” Your graph should show the differences between responses that vary by group and indicate clear areas of strength and weakness. It may be helpful to group student responses by similarity (i.e.” I like when the teacher gives me a gold star” and “It makes me feel smart when my teacher says good job” could be grouped as praise).

D. Identify a Practice to Improve From the chart, choose a teaching practice you’d like to improve (eg. a positive behavior that you’d like to do more of, or a negative behavior you’d like to reduce). Justify your choice and explain how you will begin to make the necessary changes.

E. Gather Data Collect information on your current practice in one of the following ways: 1. Arrange for a colleague to visit your class in order to provide feedback on the practice you’re working on. Describe his/her observations.

2. Arrange for someone to videotape your class. View the videotape and describe your observations

3. Chart information yourself. For example, use a class roster and place a checkmark next to each student’s name as you call on him/her, or note the amount of time you spend reprimanding students, and for what infraction. Describe what you observe.

Write a reflection on what you or your colleague observed. How do your observations compare with student survey results? What steps can you take to improve your practice at this point in the course?

Note: If you’re an administrator, you may choose to adapt the midterm to identify the needs of a larger population (for example, teachers, parents, or students from a particular grade level) or to work with a teacher to collect similar data for his/her classroom, make a classroom observation, and devise a plan for improving practice. After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Objectives: Specify instructional goals and standards for this session, including alignment to NYS Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

Methods of Instruction: Explain the method of presenting, e.g. classroom video or interactive hands-on activity. Include strategies to meet diverse learning needs (differentiated instruction). Be specific about session activities and what formative assessment and feedback will take place, so it is clear how they will lead participants to meet objectives.

Application of Instruction: Specify what specific skills and strategies the participant will bring back to his/her classroom as a result of this session. What analysis of application will participants engage in (e.g., analysis of student work, revision of lesson plan based on student work, etc.)?

Resources (readings, artifacts, internet sites, videos, etc): Provide the title, author, edition, publisher, cost, and where it is available. If there is a guest speaker, include the presenter’s name and affiliation.

Calendar Session # 6 Date: Self-paced Time: Self-paced Number of hours for this session: 3.5 Assignments due today: See “Topics” Topics: List session topic(s) and material(s), e.g. handouts. Indicate midterm and final exam date, as well as an explanation of assignments due at this session.

The Power of Relationships and Classroom Climate: Building the “Front Porch” for Academic Achievement

In this unit, Gary Howard explains the first three of the Seven Principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching:

 Students are affirmed in their cultural connections  Teacher is personally inviting  Learning environments are physically and culturally inviting

Workshop participants describe how these principles are in evidence in their own classrooms, and what challenges they face in implementing them. We visit classrooms for a first-hand look.

Assignments due: After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

A Reflection Question, which occurs at the end of each segment and provides an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice. Responses to reflections can be reviewed by the online coach, for courses that include them.

A Discussion Prompt, which involves a question that the learner may respond to and share via discussion board. These questions are intended to allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Check for Understanding, which assess a participant’s learning at the end of each unit.

Readings (See resources section)

Objectives: Specify instructional goals and standards for this session, including alignment to NYS Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

Participants will learn:  The first three principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching, the “front porch” for academic achievement  How exemplary educators implement these principles  To identify Principles 1, 2, and 3 as seen in classrooms  From students’ perceptions of their teachers  To assess their own practice in terms of Principles 1, 2 and 3.

Standards The Framework for Teaching: Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Competency b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Competency a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Competency b: Establishing a Culture for Learning Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Competency a: Reflecting on Teaching and Learning

Methods of Instruction: Explain the method of presenting, e.g. classroom video or interactive hands-on activity. Include strategies to meet diverse learning needs (differentiated instruction). Be specific about session activities and what formative assessment and feedback will take place, so it is clear how they will lead participants to meet objectives.

Participants will view video presentations by the instructors, participate in online discussion forums, and collaborate through peer review. Transcripts and slide presentations supplement the video to accommodate diverse learning styles. Participants will be challenged by reflection questions and a unit quiz. After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Formative assessments include reflection questions and discussion prompts. Reflection responses provide an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice, and will be reviewed and responded to by an online coach, for courses that include them. There is a key reflection in each unit, and an online coach will engage in a discourse with a participant around their response, to provide feedback and coaching. Discussion prompts allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Application of Instruction: Specify what specific skills and strategies the participant will bring back to his/her classroom as a result of this session. What analysis of application will participants engage in (e.g., analysis of student work, revision of lesson plan based on student work, etc.)?

Participants will bring their learning goals to the students.

Each unit provides resources and/ or an application toolkit that bridge learning to practice in the classroom, e.g., designing lesson plans, analyzing content and skills measured by student assessments. In addition, the use of templates and protocols support applying course concepts to classroom practice and implementing course strategies.

Resources (readings, artifacts, internet sites, videos, etc): Provide the title, author, edition, publisher, cost, and where it is available. If there is a guest speaker, include the presenter’s name and affiliation.

Reading: Chapter 1, Bright Ribbons, Lotus Howard

Calendar Session # 7 Date: Self-paced Time: Self-paced Number of hours for this session: 3.5 Assignments due today: See “Topics” Topics: List session topic(s) and material(s), e.g. handouts. Indicate midterm and final exam date, as well as an explanation of assignments due at this session.

Powerful and Flexible Instruction: Building a Strong “Foundation” for Diverse Learners

In this unit, Gary Howard explains the fourth and fifth of the Seven Principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching:

 Students are reinforced for academic development  Instructional changes are made to accommodate differences in learners

Workshop participants describe how these principles are in evidence in their own classrooms, and barriers to their implementation. We visit classrooms to see these principles in action. In addition, four foundational beliefs that undergird Culturally Responsive Teaching are explored. After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Assignments due:

A Reflection Question, which occurs at the end of each segment and provides an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice. Responses to reflections can be reviewed by the online coach, for courses that include them.

A Discussion Prompt, which involves a question that the learner may respond to and share via discussion board. These questions are intended to allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Check for Understanding, which assess a participant’s learning at the end of each unit.

Readings (See resources section)

Objectives: Specify instructional goals and standards for this session, including alignment to NYS Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

Participants will learn:  How to reinforce students’ unique strengths  How to reach to students’ diverse ways of learning  How exemplary educators implement Principles 4 and 5  Four (of eight) Foundational Beliefs that undergird the Seven Principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching

Standards The Framework for Teaching: Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Competency b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Competency a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Competency b: Establishing a Culture for Learning Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Competency a: Reflecting on Teaching and Learning

Methods of Instruction: Explain the method of presenting, e.g. classroom video or interactive hands-on activity. Include strategies to meet diverse learning needs (differentiated instruction). Be specific about session activities and what formative assessment and feedback will take place, so it is clear how they will lead participants to meet objectives.

Participants will view video presentations by the instructors, participate in online discussion forums, and collaborate through peer review. Transcripts and slide presentations supplement the video to accommodate diverse learning styles. Participants will be challenged by reflection questions and a unit quiz. After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Formative assessments include reflection questions and discussion prompts. Reflection responses provide an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice, and will be reviewed and responded to by an online coach, for courses that include them. There is a key reflection in each unit, and an online coach will engage in a discourse with a participant around their response, to provide feedback and coaching. Discussion prompts allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Application of Instruction: Specify what specific skills and strategies the participant will bring back to his/her classroom as a result of this session. What analysis of application will participants engage in (e.g., analysis of student work, revision of lesson plan based on student work, etc.)?

Participants will bring their learning goals to the students.

Each unit provides resources and/ or an application toolkit that bridge learning to practice in the classroom, e.g., designing lesson plans, analyzing content and skills measured by student assessments. In addition, the use of templates and protocols support applying course concepts to classroom practice and implementing course strategies.

Resources (readings, artifacts, internet sites, videos, etc): Provide the title, author, edition, publisher, cost, and where it is available. If there is a guest speaker, include the presenter’s name and affiliation.

Calendar Session # 8 Date: Self-paced Time: Self-paced Number of hours for this session: 3.5 Assignments due today: See “Topics” Topics: List session topic(s) and material(s), e.g. handouts. Indicate midterm and final exam date, as well as an explanation of assignments due at this session.

Classroom Management: Respectful Discipline and Creative Grouping

In this unit, Gary Howard and workshop participants explore the final Principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching:

 Classroom is managed with firm, consistent, caring control  Learning environments stress collectivity as well as individuality

Classroom examples are provided. The remaining Foundational Beliefs are described.

Assignments due:

A Reflection Question, which occurs at the end of each segment and provides an opportunity for the learner After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

to connect what they have just learned to their own practice. Responses to reflections can be reviewed by the online coach, for courses that include them.

A Discussion Prompt, which involves a question that the learner may respond to and share via discussion board. These questions are intended to allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Check for Understanding, which assess a participant’s learning at the end of each unit.

Readings (See resources section)

Objectives: Specify instructional goals and standards for this session, including alignment to NYS Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

Participants will learn:  How to manage classrooms with firm, consistent, caring control  How to stress collectivity as well as individuality  How to identify Principles 6 and 7 as seen in the classroom  How exemplary educators implement Principles 6 and 7  To assess their own practices related to Principles 6 and 7  Additional (5-8) Foundational Beliefs that undergird the Seven Principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching.

Standards The Framework for Teaching: Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Competency a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Competency b: Establishing a Culture for Learning Competency c: Managing Student Behavior Domain 3: Instruction Competency c: Engaging Students in Learning

Methods of Instruction: Explain the method of presenting, e.g. classroom video or interactive hands-on activity. Include strategies to meet diverse learning needs (differentiated instruction). Be specific about session activities and what formative assessment and feedback will take place, so it is clear how they will lead participants to meet objectives.

Participants will view video presentations by the instructors, participate in online discussion forums, and collaborate through peer review. Transcripts and slide presentations supplement the video to accommodate diverse learning styles. Participants will be challenged by reflection questions and a unit quiz.

Formative assessments include reflection questions and discussion prompts. Reflection responses provide an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice, and will be reviewed and responded to by an online coach, for courses that include them. There is a key reflection in each unit, After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

and an online coach will engage in a discourse with a participant around their response, to provide feedback and coaching. Discussion prompts allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Application of Instruction: Specify what specific skills and strategies the participant will bring back to his/her classroom as a result of this session. What analysis of application will participants engage in (e.g., analysis of student work, revision of lesson plan based on student work, etc.)?

Participants will bring their learning goals to the students.

Each unit provides resources and/ or an application toolkit that bridge learning to practice in the classroom, e.g., designing lesson plans, analyzing content and skills measured by student assessments. In addition, the use of templates and protocols support applying course concepts to classroom practice and implementing course strategies.

Resources (readings, artifacts, internet sites, videos, etc): Provide the title, author, edition, publisher, cost, and where it is available. If there is a guest speaker, include the presenter’s name and affiliation.

Required eBook: Chapters 4 and 8, We Can’t Teach What We Don’t Know, Gary R. Howard, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2006.

Calendar Session # 9 Date: Self-paced Time: Self-paced Number of hours for this session: 3.5 Assignments due today: See “Topics” Topics: List session topic(s) and material(s), e.g. handouts. Indicate midterm and final exam date, as well as an explanation of assignments due at this session.

Course Summary, CRT Action Research, and Why We Do This Work

Participants are guided in a process of designing their own action research projects for integrating the lessons of this course into their daily educational practice, with checkpoints and markers for assessing their ongoing progress. Participants are challenged to deepen their vision and commitment to equity and social justice, and to remember what it takes to teach and lead in diverse settings.

Assignments due:

A Reflection Question, which occurs at the end of each segment and provides an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice. Responses to reflections can be reviewed by the online coach, for courses that include them.

A Discussion Prompt, which involves a question that the learner may respond to and share via discussion After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

board. These questions are intended to allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course.

Check for Understanding, which assess a participant’s learning at the end of each unit.

Readings (See resources section)

Objectives: Specify instructional goals and standards for this session, including alignment to NYS Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

Participants will learn:  To create an integrated overview of the course purpose and content  To understand the course in the context of school reform  To finalize assessment of teaching practice for each of the Seven Principles  To design and implement an Action Research Project  To revisit Professional Vision created earlier in the course.

Standards The Framework for Teaching: Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Competency a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Competency b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Competency a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Competency b: Establishing a Culture for Learning Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Competency a: Reflecting on Teaching and Learning

Methods of Instruction: Explain the method of presenting, e.g. classroom video or interactive hands-on activity. Include strategies to meet diverse learning needs (differentiated instruction). Be specific about session activities and what formative assessment and feedback will take place, so it is clear how they will lead participants to meet objectives.

Participants will view video presentations by the instructors, participate in online discussion forums, and collaborate through peer review. Transcripts and slide presentations supplement the video to accommodate diverse learning styles. Participants will be challenged by reflection questions and a unit quiz.

Formative assessments include reflection questions and discussion prompts. Reflection responses provide an opportunity for the learner to connect what they have just learned to their own practice, and will be reviewed and responded to by an online coach, for courses that include them. There is a key reflection in each unit, and an online coach will engage in a discourse with a participant around their response, to provide feedback and coaching. Discussion prompts allow learners to share reflections on their practice and what they have learned from the course. Learners are encouraged to read and respond to other posts as part of an online community around the course. After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Application of Instruction: Specify what specific skills and strategies the participant will bring back to his/her classroom as a result of this session. What analysis of application will participants engage in (e.g., analysis of student work, revision of lesson plan based on student work, etc.)?

Participants will bring their learning goals to the students.

Each unit provides resources and/ or an application toolkit that bridge learning to practice in the classroom, e.g., designing lesson plans, analyzing content and skills measured by student assessments. In addition, the use of templates and protocols support applying course concepts to classroom practice and implementing course strategies.

Resources (readings, artifacts, internet sites, videos, etc): Provide the title, author, edition, publisher, cost, and where it is available. If there is a guest speaker, include the presenter’s name and affiliation.

Calendar Session # 10 Date: Self-paced Time: Self-paced Number of hours for this session: 4 Assignments due today: See “Topics” Topics: List session topic(s) and material(s), e.g. handouts. Indicate midterm and final exam date, as well as an explanation of assignments due at this session.

Final PART A:

1. Review the “CRT Personal Reflection” document you completed following Unit 8, Segment 1, and transfer your self-ratings to the left-hand column below titled “Self-evaluation from CRT Personal Reflection”.

2. Use the middle column to record student survey data from the midterm, placing each “makes me feel smart” and “gets in the way of learning” comment next to the principle that best applies.  For example, you might pair “teacher greets us at the door” with Principle 2

3. Add any classroom observations from the mid-term into the right-hand column.  For example, if you noted you spent 1/3 of the class period reprimanding the same 4 students, you’d place that next to Principle 6

Data for Becoming a Culturally Responsive Teacher Final

Principle Self-evaluation from Student Survey Data Classroom Observations “CRT Personal (from midterm) where (from midterm) where Reflection” applicable applicable 1. Students are affirmed in After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

their cultural connections 2. Teachers are personally inviting 3. Learning environments are physically and culturally inviting 4. Students are reinforced for academic development 5. Instructional changes are made to accommodate differences in learners 6. Classroom is managed with firm, consistent, loving control 7. Interactions stress collectivity as well as individuality

PART B: Use the chart above to reflect on your practice as a Culturally Responsive Teacher now that you’ve completed this course. In your reflection, be sure to address what areas you have made improvements in or developed a deeper understanding? Describe your progress. Note: You may wish to refer to the “Elements and Strategies” document in the Resources section for specifics related to each of the Seven Principles.

PART C: With the supportive colleague you identified in your “Personal Action Research Project” document (Unit 8, Segment 2), brainstorm a list of action steps you’ll take to meet the goal you set for yourself. What obstacles do you anticipate in reaching your goal, and what can you do to overcome them?

Note: If you’re an administrator, you should base your final on the work you undertook for the midterm, revisiting the needs of your larger population or returning to the work of the individual teacher you observed at the mid-point of the course.

Objectives: Specify instructional goals and standards for this session, including alignment to NYS Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Danielson’s Framework for Teaching.

Methods of Instruction: Explain the method of presenting, e.g. classroom video or interactive hands-on activity. Include strategies to meet diverse learning needs (differentiated instruction). Be specific about session activities and what formative assessment and feedback will take place, so it is clear how they will lead participants to meet objectives. After School Professional Development Program Zoe Souliotis-Foley, Director [email protected]

Application of Instruction: Specify what specific skills and strategies the participant will bring back to his/her classroom as a result of this session. What analysis of application will participants engage in (e.g., analysis of student work, revision of lesson plan based on student work, etc.)?

Resources (readings, artifacts, internet sites, videos, etc): Provide the title, author, edition, publisher, cost, and where it is available. If there is a guest speaker, include the presenter’s name and affiliation.

Recommended publications