Carolina Excellence in Action

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Carolina Excellence in Action



1. When using these questions, apply the following 6 pt. response scale:

Strongly Disagree/Disagree/Somewhat Disagree/Somewhat Agree/Agree/Strongly Agree

2. All post-event/program surveys that map to Wellness should include the 30K level Wellness Survey Item and the Reflection Item. These act as baseline questions across Student Affairs. If the wording of the suggested question does not work for your program or learning opportunity, you can alter the wording or select a more appropriate question from the 10K or 5K questions below.

3. Post-event/program surveys can include more specific (10K/5K) Wellness questions that align with the program’s learning outcomes. You may also generate other questions designed to measure Wellness that work within the context of your programs or learning opportunities.

Include these 30K baseline questions on a survey when the program maps to Wellness OPTIONAL: 10K Level Wellness Survey Items

To measure


OPTIONAL: 5K Level Wellness Survey Items (continued)

OPTIONAL: 5K Level Wellness Survey Items (continued) (continued)


1. When possible and appropriate, apply a rubric to evaluate students’ development of Wellness. (e.g. evaluating written reflections or journal entries, work performance, samples or portfolio, interactions and engagement in committees or group contexts, etc.)

2. You may use the Wellness Rubric designed by the Assessment Working Group as is, make revisions to the Wellness Rubric designed by the AWG, or develop your own rubric using items that map to Wellness (see Potential Substitute Items). It is very important that you use a rubric that makes sense in the context of your program.

3. If you develop your own rubric, please mirror the 5 performance level format used by the Assessment Working Group (i.e. Beginning/Transition/Developing/Transition/Sustaining). Using a uniform format will better enable us to aggregate results across Student Affairs.

See following pages for the Wellness Rubric & Substitute Items BEGINNING TRANSITION DEVELOPING TRANSITION SUSTAINING Has marked difficulty Is socially engaged, but needs support to Forms trusting and authentic personal forming trusting and recognize and/or form trusting and relationships. Balances self-reliance with SOCIAL WELL-BEING authentic personal authentic personal relationships. May be healthy interdependence. Experiences a relationships. Tends toward socially overly committed. Experiences sense of belonging to, and comfort and social isolation OR strong sense of belonging as weak or easily support from, a community. dependency. Does not challenged. Feels little comfort or support experience a sense of from a community. belonging to, and comfort and support from, a community. Image of self is highly Image of self is somewhat unrealistic and Image of self is appropriately healthy. unrealistic (overly inflated or easily influenced. Needs support to openly Guided by own, socially accepted standards PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL- critical). Relies heavily on express and stand by own standards and and values. Sets goals and demonstrates BEING others to define own values. Recognizes the importance of commitment toward living a life with standards and values. Lacks having a sense of purpose or direction, and direction and meaning. a sense of, and makes no identifies ways to explore. effort to explore purpose or direction. Expresses an ongoing lack of May need periods of focused support to May need occasional support, but generally interest, unhappiness, or sustain a healthy level of interest, expresses a healthy level of interest, EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING agitation. Has difficulty enjoyment, or sense of wellbeing. enjoyment, and overall sense of wellbeing. recognizing and responding Demonstrates inconsistency in recognizing Recognizes and responds appropriately to appropriately to self and and responding appropriately to self and self and others’ emotions. others’ emotions. others’ emotions.

Consistently engages in Occasionally engages in behaviors and Consistently engages in behaviors and behaviors and contributes to contributes to environments that contributes to environments that promote PHYSICAL environments that undermine health and increase risk. May optimal short and long-term physical health WELL-BEING undermine health and consider, but tends to downplay threats to and wellbeing. Demonstrates appropriate increase risk. Easily the health and safety of self and others. concern for threats to the health and safety overlooks threats to the of self and others, and encourages others to health and safety of self and do the same. others. Has difficulty managing Attempts to manage obligations, but needs Applies knowledge and available resources obligations. Lacks basic support to do so effectively. Has to manage obligations. Effectively coping skills, or employs developed basic coping skills, but all anticipates challenges and employs positive RESILIENCE harmful strategies in coping strategies may not be positive or strategies strategies to manage stress. Demonstrates with stressful situations or may not be applied appropriately across motivation and effort to overcome barriers environments. Gives up stressful situations or environments. and challenges. easily when faced with Needs support to persist when faced with barriers or challenges. barriers or challenges. Manages one's personal Inconsistently completes Completes assigned tasks by Completes assigned tasks by deadline; affairs such as short and long assigned tasks by identified identified deadline; quality work is high quality, thorough, and term financial sustainability, deadline. Quality of work often of work is sufficient. advances the project. Looks for ways work obligations, and fails to meet expectations. to help team members complete their health-related issues assigned tasks to a similar level of excellence. Inappropriately uses time and/or Manages time to complete a Efficiently manages time to complete excessive procrastination that project, however some a project without compromising leads to a project not being quality is compromised. quality. completed and/or being completed with unacceptably quality. Financial resource use has been Financial resource use has Financial resource use has shown unpredictable and negligent. been consistent with consistency and meets intended guidelines but does not goals/needs. meet the intended goals/needs. Engages in behaviors and Unable to articulate how their Articulates a vague Articulates a clear and detailed contributes to environments decisions contributed to the understanding of how their understanding of how their decisions that promote health and violation or citation, but makes decisions contributed to the contributed to the violation or reduce risk excuses for behavior. violation or citation but lacks citation. detail. Cannot articulate if or how their Agrees their behavior Is able to state that their behavior did behavior affected the community affected the community but affect the community and has a clear or does not think it did. lacks a clear understanding understanding of how. of how. Cannot articulate plans for how References changing future Clearly articulates specific changes in they will change their future behavior but plan lacks future behaviors. behavior. detail. Student is unaware of risk Student is aware of risk Student consistently implements risk management strategies. management strategies but management strategies. follows them inconsistently. Student is a negative role model. Student can articulate what Student consistently demonstrates it means to be a role model role modeling behavior and supports and demonstrates role others in being a role model. modeling behavior with some inconsistency. Recognizes a connection Does not recognize a connection Inconsistently recognizes a Consistently recognizes a connection among health, wellness, and among health, wellness, and connection among health, among health, wellness, and accomplishing goals accomplishing goals. wellness, and accomplishing accomplishing goals and encourages goals. others to do the same.

Makes purposeful decisions Does not recognize the Describes the importance of Proactively seeks environments and regarding balance among intersection of one's educational, one’s professional and collaborations that fulfill one’s education, work, and leisure work, and personal life. personal life, and recognizes educational, personal and professional time the intersection of each. life, and provides support for others to do the same.

Sets and pursues individual Has not identified goals. Has identified goals, but Has clearly identified goals and works goals does not effectively work towards achieving them, evaluates towards them. progress, and adjusts as needed. Does not set any goals, or goals Sets goals that are Sets goals that are attainable and are inconsistent with values, consistent with VIPS, some consistent with VIPS, and develops Interests, Personality, and Skills goals may be unattainable or reasonable strategies to reach them. (VIPS), or unattainable. may lack strategies to meet goals. Identifies and works to Unable to identify or target areas Able to identify areas in Seeks out opportunities and overcome obstacles or ways to challenge themselves. which to challenge experiences to aid in identified areas themselves, but will not do of challenge for growth. so unless prompted. Is not aware of unfair, unjust or Recognizes unfair, unjust or Confidently and appropriately uncivil behavior. uncivil behavior but does not challenges unfair, unjust or uncivil act. behavior.

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