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Exploring English 5 and 6 by Tim Harris and Allan Rowe

Pearson Education

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MELT Exploring English 5 and 6 Pearson Education correlated to MELT

Pre- and Non-Literate (SPL 0-1) EXPLORING ENGLISH 5 EXPLORING ENGLISH 6 Basic Language ♦ Give personal information orally, and copy onto 69 Book assumes student can give simple forms (name, address, phone, country of personal information. origin, ID/Social Security No., etc.) ♦ Spell, read, and print own name, indicating which is Book assumes student can spell, read Book assumes student can spell, read first, last, and middle. and print own name. and print own name. ♦ Use appropriate greetings/farewells (Hello, good- 29, 68-69, 70, 89, 150 67, 70, 159 bye). ♦ Introduce oneself. 68-70 67 ♦ Read clock time on the hour, half-hour, and quarter 70 47, 128, 140 hour. ♦ Read days of the week. N/A 102-105, 110, 120 ♦ Express a lack of understanding. Teacher can assist student with this Teacher can assist student with this standard at any point during the standard at any point during the course course of this text. of this text. ♦ Ask for repetition. Teacher can assist student with this Teacher can assist student with this standard at any point during the standard at any point during the course course of this text. of this text. ♦ Ask simple “yes/no” questions. Asking questions is covered throughout Asking questions is covered throughout the book, especially pages 66, 67 the book. ♦ Respond to “what” and “where” questions. 13, 15, 19, 24, 37, 72, 96, 115, 125, 4, 35, 46, 82, 94, 112, 131, 145, 159 132 Community Services ♦ Read and interpret emergency words, e.g. FIRE, 113 29-32 POLICE, POISON. ♦ Read, say and dial telephone number for emergency 113 29-32 services. ♦ Using the telephone, spell name and address and 113 29-32 report an emergency in simple terms. ♦ Identify basic community facilities and services (post 129, 151 91, 121, 138, 159 office, school, etc.) ♦ Ask for stamps at a post office. N/A N/A

2 Pre- and Non-Literate (SPL 0-1), cont. EXPLORING ENGLISH 5 EXPLORING ENGLISH 6 Consumer Economics ♦ Identify basic consumer economic services (bank, N/A N/A market, clothing store, etc.) ♦ Cash a check or money order, endorse it, and provide N/A N/A proper ID. ♦ State basic food and clothing needs. N/A N/A ♦ Identify names of U.S. coins and bills and read simple N/A 74, 121, 162 money amounts. ♦ Pay the total amount requested orally or in writing. N/A 74, 121, 162 Employment ♦ Identify common entry-level jobs. 84-90 6-7, 9, 15, 33-35 ♦ Read common warning or safety signs at work. N/A N/A ♦ State previous employment and own job skills in 84-90 N/A simple terms. ♦ State current job status. 84-90 N/A ♦ Print or sign name on time sheet. Book assumes student can print or sign Book assumes student can print or sign name. name. ♦ Ask if a task was done correctly. Asking questions Is addressed Asking questions Is addressed throughout the book. throughout the book. ♦ Ask supervisor or co-worker for help. Asking questions is addressed Asking questions Is addressed throughout the book. throughout the book. ♦ Respond to simple questions about work progress Responding to questions is addressed Responding to questions is addressed and completion of tasks. throughout the book. throughout the book. ♦ Respond to simple oral warnings or basic safety N/A N/A commands. ♦ Give simple excuses for lateness or absence. 69 166-167 ♦ Follow one-step instructions. Instructions throughout the book. Instructions throughout the book. Health ♦ Identify medical facilities, workers and signs. N/A 11-12, 20-21, 149 ♦ State need for medical help (I’m sick; my ___ hurts). 51-53 11-12, 20-21, 149 ♦ Identify major body parts, illness or injuries. 51-53 N/A ♦ State a need for an interpreter. N/A N/A Housing ♦ Identify common household rooms and furniture. N/A N/A ♦ Identify basic types of available housing. 119-126, 134 N/A ♦ Read EXIT signs in housing. Teacher can supplement with this word Teacher can supplement with this word in lessons on housing, pages 119-126 in lessons on housing, pages 119-126 and 134. and 134.

3 Pre- and Non-Literate (SPL 0-1), cont. EXPLORING ENGLISH 5 EXPLORING ENGLISH 6 Transportation and Directions ♦ Ask for location of a place. 129, 151 51-52, 109 ♦ Follow simple oral directions to a place. 129, 151 51-52, 109 ♦ Orally give streets and landmarks near residence. 129, 151 109 ♦ Read a limited number of symbols or N/A N/A transportation/pedestrian signs.

Beginning (SPL 2-3) EXPLORING ENGLISH 5 EXPLORING ENGLISH 6 All of the above plus the following: Basic Language ♦ Write personal information (name, address, phone, Book assumes student can write Book assumes student can write SS#, country of origin, etc.) personal information. personal information. ♦ Ask “what”, “where”, and “when” questions. 13, 15, 19, 24, 37, 38, 72, 96, 115, 125, 4, 35, 45, 46, 82, 94, 112, 131, 145, 132 148, 159 ♦ Ask for clarification. Asking questions and requesting Asking questions and requesting information is covered throughout the information is covered throughout the book. book. ♦ Use appropriate social language to introduce self and 68-70 67 others. ♦ Recognize days, months, and times. N/A 47, 102-105, 110, 120, 140, 141, 158 ♦ Write dates. N/A 141, 158 Community Services ♦ Read emergency words. 113 29-32 ♦ Address an envelope/package, including return N/A N/A address. ♦ Call 911 (or local equivalent). 113 29-32 Consumer Economics ♦ Ask for and read the price of food, clothing, or other N/A 74, 121, 162 items in a store. ♦ Differentiate size by reading tags and request size N/A N/A and color for an item in simple terms. ♦ Ask for information and follow directions for buying Asking for information is covered Asking for information is covered food, clothing, and household items. throughout this book. throughout this book. ♦ Read and ask about store signs, aisle numbers, and Asking questions is covered throughout Asking questions is covered throughout store hours. this book. this book. ♦ Locate and read expiration dates on food items. N/A N/A ♦ Ask for food using common weights and measures. NA N/A ♦ Read abbreviations for weights and measures. N/A N/A

4 ♦ Order and pay for food at a restaurant. N/A 74, 121, 162 ♦ Respond to requests for change. N/A 121 ♦ Buy and fill out a money order. N/A 74, 121, 162 ♦ Identify total amount due on monthly bills. N/A 74, 121, 162

5 Beginning (SPL 2-3), cont. EXPLORING ENGLISH 5 EXPLORING ENGLISH 6 Employment ♦ Enumerate job skills. 84-90 6-7, 9, 15, 33-35 ♦ Fill out simple application forms. 89 N/A ♦ Respond to simple direct questions about work. Students practice responding to Students practice responding to questions throughout the book. questions throughout the book. ♦ Report on work progress and completion of tasks. Students are building language skills to Students are building language skills to meet this standard throughout the book. meet this standard throughout the book. ♦ Read alphanumeric codes. N/A N/A ♦ State need for frequently used material. Students are building language skills to Students are building language skills to meet this standard throughout the book. meet this standard throughout the book. ♦ Locate common materials and facilities at the work 129, 151 51-53, 109 site. ♦ Follow two-step instructions. Instructions throughout the book. Instructions throughout the book. Health ♦ Follow simple instructions during a health visit. Instructions throughout the book. Instructions throughout the book. ♦ Make a doctor’s appointment in person. N/A N/A ♦ Read time and date on an appointment card. N/A N/A ♦ Ask for non-prescription medication at a drug store. N/A N/A ♦ Read generic names of common non-prescription N/A N/A medicines. ♦ Ask about and follow simple instructions for using N/A N/A medicine. ♦ Read and follow simple directions on medicine N/A N/A labels. ♦ Read and report body temperature as indicated by a N/A N/A thermometer. ♦ Ask for a patient’s room number in a hospital. N/A N/A ♦ Identify oneself, appointment time, and doctor’s 69 N/A name upon arrival at a doctor’s office. Housing ♦ Answer simple questions about basic housing needs. 119-126, 134 N/A ♦ Ask about rent. 119-126, 134 N/A ♦ Read common housing signs (FIRE ESCAPE, FOR Teacher can supplement with these N/A RENT, etc.) words during the lessons on housing on pages 119-126, and 134. ♦ Report basic household problems. 119-126 147 ♦ Request repairs in simple terms. 119-126 147 Transportation and Directions ♦ Ask for bus, train or plane destinations. 129, 151 98, 102, 108 ♦ Read signs indicating bus/train destinations and N/A N/A

6 street numbers. ♦ Use a simple map to locate a place. 129, 151 51-52

Intermediate (SPL 4-5) EXPLORING ENGLISH 5 EXPLORING ENGLISH 6 All of the above in Beginning and Pre- and Non-Literate plus the following: Basic Language ♦ Clarify by spelling or writing. Throughout the book. Throughout the book. ♦ Repeat instructions for verification. Throughout the book. Throughout the book. ♦ Ask about the meaning or pronunciation of a word. Throughout the book. Throughout the book. ♦ Ask and respond to “how” and “why” questions. 13, 17, 37, 38, 91, 96, 114, 120, 125, 4, 35, 45, 46, 56, 82, 94, 131, 145, 159 132 Community Services ♦ Report an emergency outside of home. 113 29-32 ♦ Answer questions about a child and fill out simple Students are building the skills to meet Students are building the skills to meet school enrollment form. this standard throughout the book. this standard throughout the book. ♦ Read and respond appropriately to simple written Students are building the skills to meet Students are building the skills to meet communication from school. this standard throughout the book. this standard throughout the book. ♦ Respond appropriately to recorded messages and Students are building the skills to meet Students are building the skills to meet instructions from school. this standard throughout the book. this standard throughout the book. ♦ Ask about correct postage for mailing. N/A N/A ♦ Fill out a change of address form. N/A N/A ♦ Locate telephone numbers in a telephone book or N/A N/A yellow pages. Consumer Economics ♦ Write a check. N/A N/A ♦ Fill out a deposit/withdrawal slip. N/A N/A ♦ Use and report problems in using coin-operated N/A 74, 121, 162 machines. ♦ Read unit price labels to compare products for value. N/A 74, 121, 162 ♦ State reasons for returning an item to the store. N/A 121 ♦ Respond to a cashier’s questions concerning means N/A N/A of payment. ♦ Interpret clothing care labels. N/A N/A Employment ♦ Ask and answer questions at a job interview 84-90 N/A (qualifications, experience, preferences, long term goals, benefits, etc.) ♦ Fill out a standard job application. 89 N/A

7 ♦ Read want ads and identify skills needed for a job. 84-90 6-7, 9, 15, 33-35 ♦ Modify a task based on changes in instructions. Students are building the skills to meet Students are building the skills to meet this standard throughout the book. this standard throughout the book. ♦ Respond to supervisor’s comments about quality of Students are building the skills to meet Students are building the skills to meet work (including mistakes, speed, incomplete work, this standard throughout the book. this standard throughout the book. etc.) ♦ Initiate and respond to social language from co- Throughout the book. Throughout the book. workers. ♦ Report specific problems encountered in completing Students are building the skills to meet Students are building the skills to meet a work task. this standard throughout the book. this standard throughout the book. ♦ Read warnings, storage directions, and emergency 113 29-32 instructions. ♦ Write a note to explain absence from work. 69 166-167

8 Intermediate (SPL 4-5), cont. EXPLORING ENGLISH 5 EXPLORING ENGLISH 6 Health ♦ Identify common symptoms, illnesses, and health 51-53 11-12, 20-21, 149 problems. ♦ Change or cancel a doctor’s appointment. N/A N/A ♦ Make or change a doctor’s appointment by N/A N/A telephone. ♦ Follow oral instructions during a medical exam or N/A N/A about treatment. ♦ Fill out a simple insurance form (with assistance). N/A N/A Housing ♦ Question errors on bills. N/A 74, 121, 162 ♦ Ask about and follow instructions for using and N/A N/A maintaining household equipment. ♦ Ask for information about location, rooms, rent, N/A N/A deposit, and utilities. Transportation and Directions ♦ Identify major streets and landmarks on a map. 129, 151 51-52 ♦ Use a map to find a place. 129, 151 51-52 ♦ Read about and get (with help) a driver’s license. N/A N/A ♦ Give and follow simple oral or written directions to a 129, 151 51-52 place.


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