Minutes of the Meeting of Seagrave Parish Council On

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Minutes of the Meeting of Seagrave Parish Council On

Minutes of the Meeting of Eaton Parish Council held on Action By Tuesday 21st February 2012 at 7.00 pm in Eaton Village Hall Page No. 102 Present: Chairman Cllr M Whiston, Cllrs A Cawthorn, J Fennell, M Gatehouse, S Dickinson, A Hewson

In Attendance: None

Members of the Public: None

Public Participation: None

12/1293 Apologies: None

12/1294 Declarations of Interest on Items on the Agenda – Personal and Prejudicial: None

12/1295 To approve and sign the Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held on the 24th January 2012 at Eaton Village Hall: The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 24th January 2012 were proposed by Cllr Gatehouse and seconded by Cllr Fennell subject to the word unanimous being removed from 12/1280 Minutes of Meeting 28th November 2011, this was agreed and the minutes were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

12/1296 Planning: New: 12/00022/EXT – Renewal of Planning Permission 08/00935/FUL Hill Foot Cottages, Main St, Goadby Marwood 12/00037/FUL – Single storey building & swimming pool 24 Scalford Road, Eastwell, LE14 4EJ 12/00029/FUL – Proposed roof extn to form habitable rooms 4 Hall Lane, Eastwell, LE14 4EE Granted: None

12/1297 Financial Reports: Cheques / Payments for January 2012 030 C Britten - Allotment Refund £ 5.00 031 Ladywell Accountancy £ 25.00 B P C J Hill £ 242.41 D D Eon £ 193.74 B P HMR&C £ 136.40

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Receipts: Interest £ 0.29 Western Power £ 8.41

The bank balance as at 31st January 2012 of £8184.76 was unanimously approved as a true record and countersigned by the Chairman.

12/1298 Amendment to Minutes from November 28th 2011: After discussion it was agreed that minute reference 1268/11 Precept is amended to read “ it was agreed by majority that the Precept should be set at £12500.00”.

12/1299 Eaton: a) Allotments – The Clerk advised that the Tenant of Plot 24 Vicarage Lane had not responded to letters regarding the condition of the plot and had therefore forfeited the deposit of £50.00 and the plot had been re-let. The tenant of Plot 25a had given up the tenancy and the deposit of £25.00 had been returned as plot was in good order. Cllr Fennell advised that following a recent joint meeting of the villages it was proposed to hold a Proms in the Park event on 2nd June to commemorate the Queens Jubilee, this would be in the Community Park in Eaton.

12/1300 Eastwell: a)Eastwell Village Hall - Cllr Cawthorn advised that full planning permission was being applied for, fundraising had reached £2800.00, two Grants for funding were in process dependant on obtaining full planning permission. b) Defibrillators –Martin Fagan on behalf of the Community Heartbeat Trust had agreed to attend the Council meeting on Thursday 29th March to explain more fully what was involved. For Information: Cllr Hewson advised that the History Group were looking into bringing an old steam engine called the Lord Granby back from it current home in Bradford with the intention of restoring it and possibly storing in the new Village Hall building.

12/1301 Goadby Marwood: a) Telephone Box – Nothing had been decided yet. b) Conservation Area Appraisal – Cllr Gatehouse reported she was still studying this and would report to the Clerk shortly.

12/1302 Land Registry: The Clerk advised that the Belvoir Estate were not responding to requests for information regarding the two pieces of land held in trust by the Parish Council in the Herbage Charity. Page 104 12/1302 continued Cllr Hewson offered to talk to the two farmers who rented the land and paid the rent to the Herbage Charity to try and obtain more information about the origin of the matter. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Gatehouse and seconded by Cllr Dickinson that the Council should contact their solicitors and put in hand having the two pieces of land, Land Registered, this was unanimously agreed.

12/1303 Clerks Report: The Clerk reported that he had received two invoices for the annual maintenance of the Church Clock in Eaton, one for 2011 and one for 2012. After discussion it was agreed that as The Parish Council had little idea when the service inspection was done and did not receive a service report, the Clerk should contact the contractor and request this information on a regular basis.

12/1304 Meeting and Training: None

12/1305 Documentation and Literature for discussion by Members: No issues were raised.

12/1306 Emails previously circulated: No issues were raised

12/1307 Items for Next Months Agenda: Eastwell PCC Eastwell Beech Trees

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 29th March 2012 at 7.30 pm in Eaton Village Hall

The meeting closed at 9.08 pm

Signed:______Chairman Eaton Parish Council

Date: ______

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