Fun Activities Guide

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Fun Activities Guide



LENGTH: Approximately 55 Minutes

RESOURCES: One LCD projector and screen Computer White Board or rip chart and markers One general meeting room - capacity 20 - 30 One roll of toilet paper

OBJECTIVES: To provide Members an overview of the Fun Activities Guide Provide ideas from the guide to assist with providing/promoting FUN

INTRODUCTION: Discussion topics include: Introduction activity Getting Acquainted Awards Games Rides Challenges Assistance

Version 12.13 1 Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 1994 A GOLD WING UNIVERSITY MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT SEMINAR Instructor Guide

Slide 1: Introduce yourself and welcome the Title Slide participants to the MEP seminar. Let them know that questions can be asked at any time during the presentation for clarification. Slide 2: Introduction Prior to showing the slide ask for 2 volunteers • FUN Activities can be easy as we just demonstrated Hand a roll of toilet paper to the first • FUN Activities are essential to volunteer and ask them to remove 3 or 4 ensuring Chapter, District or tissues. Do the same for the second Region participants are having fun volunteer

Ask individual to tell 3 or 4 things about themselves personally or GWRRA related

When complete move to this slide and discuss how fun activities are essential in GWRRA Slide 3: Introduction

• Have you ever been unable to Pose the question to the group and see come up with an idea for a Fun how many people would actually give any Activity? feedback

Slide 4: Objectives

• To provide Members an overview To provide Members an overview of the of the Fun Activities Guide Fun Activities Guide

• Provide ideas from the guide to assist with providing/promoting Provide ideas from the guide to assist with FUN providing/promoting FUN

Slide 5: Overview Provide an overview of area that will be • Getting Acquainted covered during the seminar • Awards • Games • Rides • Challenges • Assistance

Version 12.13 2 Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 1994 A GOLD WING UNIVERSITY MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT SEMINAR Instructor Guide

Slide 6: Getting Acquainted Ask the 3 questions to the attendees and let them know they aren’t the first and probably • Do you remember when you went won’t be the last to your very first Monthly Gathering, Chapter Event or Rally Let the attendees know there is an entire • Do you remember that feeling like section devoted to getting acquainted with being the new kid in the class people • How did you get acquainted with other people around you

Slide 7: Getting Acquainted

• Getting to Know You Over the next 3 slides you will describe 3 of – Have someone in your the Getting Acquainted techniques Chapter designated as the available in the Fun Activities Guide “Getting to Know You” person – Each month have them interview someone in the Chapter to find out a little about their personal life, how they came to GWRRA – At the Chapter gathering, have them stand up with the couple/person interviewed and tell their story

Slide 8: Getting Acquainted

Version 12.13 3 Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 1994 A GOLD WING UNIVERSITY MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT SEMINAR Instructor Guide

• Adjective Game Describe the Getting Acquainted technique – Have each guest introduce themselves by using a nice descriptive adjective which starts with the first letter of their name – Example: I'm Mysterious Madalena – Each person, in turn, tells the names of the people before them and then adds their name and adjective – Example: Rick would say, "This is Mysterious Madalena and I'm Rowdy Rick."

Slide 9: Getting Acquainted

• Human Wingo Describe the Getting Acquainted technique – Each person receives a Wingo card and then must go around the room trying to find people who match each square – Once they have found someone, have that person sign or initial the square – To make it more fun, and to encourage more interaction, no one can sign a Wingo card more than once

Version 12.13 4 Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 1994 A GOLD WING UNIVERSITY MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT SEMINAR Instructor Guide

Slide 10: Awards Awards are something everyone likes to receive. There are an infinite numbers of • When done correctly awards can awards that can be created. bring – Sense of Pride When awards are given they do bring a – Challenge sense of pride and a lot of times include a – FUN - not only for those challenge and some awards can bring a lot participating but for others of fun for the participants watching the presentation

Slide 11: Award

• First Timer Recognition Describe the award – Recognize a person the first time they attend a Gathering – Have them tell something about themselves – If a member brought them, have the member add a few comments about how they met – You can present a certificate or ribbon to the person or couple

Slide 12:

Version 12.13 5 Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 1994 A GOLD WING UNIVERSITY MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT SEMINAR Instructor Guide


• Chapter Participation Describe the award – Each year a participation pin and/or year bar is awarded to members who have accumulated enough points throughout the year – To receive the award, the member must accumulate 30 points or more – Members will accumulate points according to the following: • Attending Monthly Gatherings or Chapter functions, charity events or benefits (poker run, bike-a-thon, etc.), Chapter weekend trip, each Traveling Plaque attempt – Chapter determines appropriate award Slide 13: Award

• High Mileage Describe the award – Can be done monthly, quarterly or annually – Eligibility: • CD, ACD or Ride Educator must log the starting and ending odometer readings – One determination to be made is whether the miles will be accumulated through a Chapter activity or all miles accumulated – Chapter determines appropriate award

Slide 14: Awards

Version 12.13 6 Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 1994 A GOLD WING UNIVERSITY MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT SEMINAR Instructor Guide

• Humor Award Humor Awards can be a great thing that is – Award for something funny sure to add fun. The Chapter determines – Presented at the Monthly what type of Humor Award and the Gatherings requirements they want to do – It is given in good spirit – Ideas for Humor Awards Remind attendees that these type of • I Dropped It awards need to be in good spirit and never • Whiner meant to hurt someone • Sloppy • U-Turn Slide 15: Games Games add a lot of fun to events. The goal  Add a lot of FUN to Chapter is to try and get as many people involved in Gatherings, functions or events the game.

 Broken down in individual or couples The Games section is broken down into individual & couples but any of the games can be adapted

Slide 16: Games • Smartie Sucker Describe the game – Need • Small bowls (2 per player) • Straws • Smarties type candy, 1-2 bags – Fill several small bowls with Smarties – Place an empty bowl next to the filled one – Give each player a straw

– Each player has 60 seconds to move as many Smarties from one bowl to the other using the straw Slide 17:

Version 12.13 7 Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 1994 A GOLD WING UNIVERSITY MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT SEMINAR Instructor Guide


• Taboo Words Describe the game – Need • Clothes Pins • Index Cards – Select 5 or 6 Taboo Words – On index cards, write all of the Taboo words + attach 5 . clothespins – Hand person each a card with the clothespins – Explain the rules – Clip the clothespins to their clothes in sight – Anyone caught saying one of the words loses a clothespins. At the end of the game, the person who has collected the most clothespins is the winner Slide 18: Games • Find Your Partner Describe the game – Need • A blindfold • Blindfold one of the women – Have men sit in a line of chairs – Have each woman, one at a time, walk in front of the men feeling their faces only to see if they can guess which one is their husband – Once she thinks she knows, have her stand in front of that man and take her blindfold off to see if she is right – Add a twist to the game, pull out one or two of the men and add a couple of other women Slide 19: Rides

Version 12.13 8 Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 1994 A GOLD WING UNIVERSITY MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT SEMINAR Instructor Guide

• One of the main reasons we join We all joined GWRRA because of the GWRAA is to ride motorcycle and wanting to ride and this will always be the driving factor behind staying • Rides need to be different and maybe challenging Rides need to be different to help promote fun. If a ride is always the same route on • Rides need to be different to the same day there won’t be any fun promote FUN

Slide 20: Rides

• Punch Card Ride Describe the ride – Need • Copies of the grid, (below), hole- puncher, and 3x5 index cards – Each rider & co-rider receives an index card – At each stop, punch a hole in each persons card – At last stop, place grid over all cards & total all points – High Score Wins – Chapter determines prize

Slide 21: Rides

• Progressive Dinner Describe the ride – Option 1: Chapter Participants volunteer to prepare part of the menu and serve it at their home – Option 2: Chapter Participants volunteer to identify restaurants or other food establishments to have four separate courses Slide 22: Rides

Version 12.13 9 Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 1994 A GOLD WING UNIVERSITY MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT SEMINAR Instructor Guide

• Scavenger Hunt Describe the ride – Meet at predetermined time and location – Break up in groups of 5 to 7 depending on the number of Chapter Participants – Provide item list of 5 to 10 – Be creative on the items to obtain. Business cards, menus, cup from a restaurant, etc., but ensure the places you pick are spread apart by distance Slide 2 3: Challenges • Used at the Chapter, District or Challenges are normally used at larger Region level events like a Chapter, District or Region Rally and most times require a larger space to conduct the challenge

• Promote Chapter team work A Chapter Challenge is a perfect opportunity to promote team work because the Chapter has to do it together

• Real FUN!!!!!!! Because you have a number of people participating there is no doubt it is a lot of fun Slide 24: Challenges

• Cracker Relay Race Describe the Challenge – Line up each group – Hand out three soda crackers to each participant in each group – The first person on the team chews the 3 crackers and whistle when they can – Each participant does the same in order until all are complete

Slide 25: Challenges

• Over Under Relay Describe the Challenge

Version 12.13 10 Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 1994 A GOLD WING UNIVERSITY MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT SEMINAR Instructor Guide

– Person at the front of each line has a balloon – Balloon is passed through the first person’s legs to the second person behind the first – Second person then passes the balloon over their head. The game continues as every player passes under- over-under-over, etc. – When the balloon gets to the back of the line, then the last person must run to the front of the line with the balloon and the game starts again

Slide 26: Assistance

• GWRRA needs your assistance! Membership Enhancement Program is • Do you have a FUN Activity always looking to add to the Fun Activities • Send your ideas to the Guide. If you have an idea please submit to Membership Enhancement the Director of MEP Directors • Submitted ideas will be reviewed for inclusion in the Fun Activities Guide • Fun Activities Guide can be found at: Slide 27: Summary

• New and exciting FUN Activities are not always an easy task and can be challenging • Fun Activities Guide is there to assist anyone looking to have some fun

Revision History Prepared by: Rick & Madalena Buck (01/6/09)

Version 12.13 11 Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 1994 A GOLD WING UNIVERSITY MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT SEMINAR Instructor Guide

Edited and Formatted by: Rick Buck (12/1/12) Revised by: Rick Buck (12/26/13)

Version 12.13 12 Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 1994

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