AZ AER Meeting Monday August 24Th, 2009
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AZ AER Full Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday, March 23, 2016 The meeting was called to order by Tamara at 4:00 P.M. Attendance: Anna, Tamara, Becky, Ruth, Pam, Jean, Ken Not attending: Jenny, Sunggye, Julie Last Board Meeting Minutes Changes/additions: With the exception of a misspelled word that Anna will change, the minutes were unanimously approved by all board members present at the meeting. Anna will make the necessary changes, email the updated minutes to the board, and then email them to national to be placed on the website.
1. Housekeeping: None 2. Board Duties: There were no updates in this area beyond Tamara encouraging board members to look over the duties and committee lists and ask questions if needed. 3. Spring Workshop Tamara indicated that registration is looking good at 80 as of this afternoon, and that the program description and registration links are posted on the AZ AER website. Tamara asked if there was any news on if someone can pick up the items that will be submitted for printing from ASDB. Ruth indicated that she will be in Tucson on 3/30/16 for a meeting, and that she could pick them up then. She further stated that she could deliver them to Ken, as he will be attending the conference and arriving the night before. Due to this change, Pam indicated that she needs everything that we need printed by 3/24/16. Tamara went through some reminders of which board members are responsible for which tasks at the conference. Printing – Pam During the meeting, she stated she needs board bios for Jean and Ken. Anna subsequently emailed out the board contacts and bios lists again so she would have them. Morning snacks, water, ice – Jean She stated that she was going to buy much of the supplies the night before so it would be ready to go the morning of the conference. Coffee – Becky – remember to check on cups, sugar, etc. Lunch – Tamara She indicated everything is ready to go in terms of working with Jason’s Deli who will provide lunch. IT Support – Tamara indicated that FBC is providing the IT support, and that some rooms use projectors and some connect HDMI cables to TVs Organize our AZ AER cabinet so we know what we need to purchase, e.g. name tags – Julie Tamara stated that Julie had gone through the contents and that she would follow up with her to see how many name tags we have in case we need to purchase more. Purchasing folders – Pam Dropbox link and handouts – Sunggye Handouts will be sent to him once all of them are received to be placed on the website. Student volunteers – Jean asked how many students were registered and Tamara indicated she would get her the list of students sometime during the next weekend. Tamara indicated that if people can to please come early – 7:00
4. Fall Conference
Tamara indicated that we are still trying to find a keynote and that Dr. Rosenblum did not want to contact speakers, since we are hoping to not pay an honorarium. Tamara will contact possible speakers, has not had a chance to yet, and will do so after the spring conference is over. We are going to Poco Diablo in Sedona also on 11/3 and 11/4 in 2017. They have us down, and we will work out the contract soon – probably after the spring workshop.
5. Newsletter – Tamara indicated that the newsletter went out this week and thanked Jean for all of her hard work! She asked Ken to have national post it on the website, and ask them to send it out as a blast email as well.
6. Secretary - Anna General Updates: Anna stated that she had sent out the updated board contacts and bios lists and that they need to be posted to the AER website. Scholarships Committee: Anna indicated that the scholarship committee has recently awarded several scholarships/grants to include 2 consumer grants to assist VI students who are attending summer camp, a consumer grant to assist an AZ AER member to attend a conference, and a small scholarship to assist a high school student with a college application fee. She stated that she was going to send updated budget and financial information to the committee regarding what we have spent for this year and the amounts we still have left.
7. Treasurer: No updates.
Additional Agenda Items:
1. Updated committees list: Tamara indicated that she had sent out who is on which committee and asked if there were any changes. Advocacy committee – Tamara asked Ken if he would contact Joanne Szabo, the chair, and set up an initial meeting to discuss committee goals and report back to the board. Membership committee – The board discussed the possibility of contacting those who registered for the fall and spring conferences as non-members to give them membership information, and encourage them to join. Jean asked if she could do face to face meetings at the spring conference and hand out information, and Tamara encouraged her to get in touch with Sunggye (who is also on the membership committee) to see what he thought as well. Mary Jo Martinez Award Sub-Committee – Becky is the chair and Irene Topor and Penny Rosenblum are the other members. At this time, Tamara also reviewed the specifics from the policy manual regarding the award:
9.2.4 Committee Establishment Procedure: The selection subcommittee for the Mary Jo Martinez Outstanding Professional Award will initially consist of three members chosen by the President in consultation with the AZ AER Board to represent the geographical and professional diversity of the state. These three members will remain on the subcommittee for three years. After the first recipient has been awarded, he or she will become the subcommittee chair and the committee will consist of four members. After each new award, the newest recipient will become the subcommittee chair. After three awards have been made, the non-recipients will rotate together off the committee, and the three recipients will constitute the subcommittee. After five awards have been made, the committee will be complete. After the sixth recipient has been awarded, the first recipient will rotate off the committee, establishing the procedure to be followed for all future awards. Ken agreed to be on the by-laws committee, and Ruth agreed to be on the memorial committee. 2. Tamara indicated that we need to post the new Policy and Procedures Manual on the website. It was suggested that those individuals who are handling getting things posted to the website call AER directly instead of, or in addition to, emailing them to hopefully have this done quicker. 3. Tamara made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Ruth seconded the motion. The board voted to end the meeting, and it was adjourned at 4:40 P.M.