Women Human Rights
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Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
1. 2UN Charter 1945 2. Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 3. Convention on the Nationality of Married Women, 1957 4. Convention on consent to marriage, minimum age for marriage and registration of marriages, 1962 5. Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, 1967 6. International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, 1966 7. CEDAW, 1979 8. The African Charter on Human and People’s Rights, 1981 9. Arab Charter on Human Rights, 1994 10. Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development and Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development, 1995 11. Beijing Platform for Action, 1995 12. Resolution, Further initiatives for Social Development, 2000 13. The Millennium Declaration, 2000
Message: The Egyptian Government is exerting efforts to ensure that the human rights of women and girls are respected, protected and promoted through the development, implementation and effective enforcement of gender sensitive policies and legislation.
Message from Millennium Declaration: The declaration was adopted by the heads of State and Government at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 6 to 8 September 2000, at the dawn of a new millennium, to reaffirm their faith in the Organization and its Charter as indispensable foundations of a more peaceful, prosperous and just world. They consider certain fundamental values to be essential to international relations in the twenty-first century. Including : • Freedom. Men and women have the right to live their lives and raise their children in dignity, free from hunger and from the fear of violence, oppression or injustice. Democratic and participatory governance based on the will of the people best assures 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
1 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights these rights. •. Equality. No individual and no nation must be denied the opportunity to benefit from development. The equal rights and opportunities of women and men must be assured.
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2 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n 1 EQUALITY All human beings are (Constitution, Chapter Although most of the Review and revise all the AND born free and equal in 3) laws comply with the laws that have both legal FREEDOM dignity and rights Constitution, there are and economic Everyone has the right Art. 8: The State shall disparities in the Penal implications for women. Legal and to life, liberty and guarantee equality of Code, (Specialized studies Law issues security of person opportunity to all Tax Law, Social Security needed). All are equal before Egyptians. Law and the Personal the law and are Status Law that need to Formulate a new entitled without any Art.40: All citizens are be addressed. Moreover, comprehensive and discrimination to equal equal before the law. They implementation of the unified Personal Status protection of the law. have equal public rights law is sometimes Law based on the draft and duties without impeded by tradition; Unified Arab Family Law discrimination due to sex, particularly with respect that addresses social ethnic origin, language, to women's political realities of contemporary religion or creed. (1) rights and her right to women in Egypt. occupy certain positions like the judiciary. Undertake a review of The legislative committee Amend Penal Code, Tax all national laws, of the NCW monitors the Law, Social Insurance policies, practices and laws passed to ensure the Law and any other law procedures to ensure principle of constitutional that includes that they meet equality. In addition, NCW discrimination international human is subjecting a few provisions. rights obligations in discriminatory laws to this matter; expert examination. Provide constitutional (Constitution, chapter2) Political Participation of Affirmative action is guarantees and/or women is extremely low, needed to booster 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
3 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n 2.7% at Parliament and women's political Article 8 - The State shall 5.6% at the Shura participation. A 10% guarantee equality of Council and 1% at the quota has been opportunity to all Local Councils. Consider recommended for Egyptians. introducing a quota Parliament, Shura system to ensure Council and Local Article 10 - The State shall minimum political Councils. This complies guarantee the protection participation of women with Articles 8, 40 and of motherhood and as a temporary measure 11 of the Constitution enact appropriate childhood, look after until women gain and represents an legislation to prohibit children and youth and experience and are able implementation of Article discrimination on the provide the suitable to compete on an equal 4 of CEDAW. basis of sex for all conditions for the basis. women and girls of all development of their ages and assure talents. women of all ages equal rights and their full enjoyment (Constitution, Chapter 3)
Art.40: All citizens are equal before the law. They have equal public rights and duties without discrimination due to sex, ethnic origin, language, religion or creed. Embody the principle A working group composed The vast majority of laws of the equality of men of members of NCW and provide for equality.
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4 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n and women in their relevant government and However, legislation and ensure, non- government parties is implementation is not through law and other established to review any efficient. appropriate means, discrepancies between the practical laws and their application. realization of this principle; Review national laws, Monitoring proper including customary implementation of the laws and legal laws, particularly with practices in the areas respect to equal of family, civil, penal, opportunity to work, to labour and commercial obtain credit and to fill law in order to ensure political and decision the implementation of NCW monitors law passed making positions. the principles and to ensure the principle of Appointment of women procedures of all constitutional equality. In as prosecutors and relevant international addition, NCW is subjecting judges and generally to human rights a few discriminatory laws decision making instruments by means to expert examination. positions. of national legislation, revoke any remaining laws that discriminate on the basis of sex and remove gender bias in the administration of justice; All provisions of penal Article 290, as amended Provisions of the penal Legal reform is needed. codes which constitute by Law No. 215 of code also discriminate Training of Judges and
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5 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n discrimination against 1980 introduces the against women. Egyptian awareness campaigns women shall be death penalty for law imposes harsher are necessary repealed the abduction of a penalties for women woman, if she is committing adultery. A sexually assaulted wife is penalized for not during the more than two years abduction. (article 274), whereas a husband is penalized for The abolishment in 1998 of no more than six months the law that allowed the (article 277). rapist to go unpunished if he marries the victim For adultery, the evidentiary standards are different for women and men. While a wife is penalized for committing adultery anywhere, a husband must do so in the marital home in order for such an act to be considered adulterous.
The murder of a wife (but not a husband) caught in the act of committing adultery is categorized as an extenuating 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
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circumstance, thereby commuting the crime of murder to the level of a misdemeanor (article 237).
The application of article 9c of Law n° 10, 1961 on 'Combating of prostitution, incitement and its encouragement' on habitual practice of debauchery and prostitution shows that women tend to face imprisonment of 3 months to 3 years and the payment of a fine, while their male partners are considered witnesses in court and go unpunished as the definition of “habitual” is only applied to the women in this case and not the men.
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7 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n Everyone has the right (Constitution, chapter 3) Although the Supreme Awareness campaigns to freedom of Art.41: Individual Constitutional Court are needed on women’s movement and freedom is a natural right annulled the Ministerial right to travel to residence within the not subject to violation Decree restricting promote and protect this borders of each state. except in cases of women's right to travel, right. flagrante delicto. No there is still need for The same rights as person may be arrested, campaigns and men with regard to the inspected, detained or awareness raising to law on the movement have his freedom promote and protect this of persons restricted in any way or be right. prevented from free movement except by an order necessitated by investigations and the preservation of public security. This order shall be given by the competent judge or the Public Prosecution in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Art.50: No citizen shall be prohibited form residing in any place or be forced to reside in a particular place except in cases defined by law. Art.51: No citizen may be
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n deported from the country or prevented from returning to it. Art.52: Citizens shall have the right to permanent or temporary emigration The law shall regulate this right and the measures and conditions of emigration. Art.53: The right to political asylum shall be granted by the State to every foreigner persecuted for defending the people’s interests, human rights, peace or justice. The extradition of political refugees shall be prohibited. Minster of Interior Travel *In November 2001 the Supreme Constitutional Court annulled the Interior Minister's decree 3937 of 1996 which required the wife to obtain the permission of her husband before acquiring a
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9 Women Human Rights
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n passport. *Law 1 for 2000, popularly known as the Khul' Law, states that all family disputes over the right to travel should be exclusively determined by the urgent affairs judge. (2)
2 Everyone has the right Amendment to the Implementation of the Forceful implementation to a nationality. Nationality Law no.154 of new amendment is required. NATIONALIT Neither the voluntary year 2004 grants women regarding the nationality Y acquisition of the the same right as men to of children of an nationality of another pass their nationality to Egyptian mother has not Amendment is
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10 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n State nor the their children. The been effective with necessary. renunciation of its Nationality Law stipulates respect to children of an nationality by one of that any child born to an Egyptian mother married its nationals shall Egyptian father or an to a Palestinian. prevent the retention Egyptian mother shall be of its nationality by the Egyptian. This right is not granted wife of such national. to the husband of an Neither the celebration Law No. 26 of 1975 Egyptian wife. nor the dissolution of a (Egyptian Nationality) marriage between one of its nationals and an Article 6 stipulates that a alien, nor the change wife may be granted of nationality by the Egyptian nationality, at her husband during request, if her husband is marriage, shall Egyptian or acquires that automatically affect nationality. Article 11 the nationality of the further stipulates that the wife husband's relinquishment The foreign wife of one of Egyptian nationality of its nationals may, at does not entail its her request, acquire forfeiture by his wife the nationality of her unless she so desires. husband through Under article 12, an specially privileged Egyptian woman who naturalization marries a foreigner procedures; the grant remains Egyptian if she of such nationality wishes to acquire her may be subject to such husband's nationality and limitations as may be
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11 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n imposed in the is permitted to retain her interests of national nationality under the terms security or public of the law to which he is policy. subject. This provision also grant women equal applies to minor children. rights with men to (3) acquire, change or retain their nationality. Each Contracting State agrees that the present Convention shall not be construed as affecting any legislation or judicial practice by which the alien wife of one of its nationals may, at her request, acquire her husband's nationality as a matter of right all appropriate The law grants men and Campaigns and legal and measures, particularly women equal civil rights. financial support for legislative measures, Many women especially women's obtaining ID shall be taken to rural women have no ID and voting cards. ensure to women, cards or voting cards. married or unmarried, equal rights with men in the field of civil law
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n The new nationality law Children of an Egyptian Follow up and advocacy grant women equal no.154 for year 2004 mother and a Palestinian is needed. rights with men with grants women equal rights father have still not been respect to the to men in passing on their granted Egyptian nationality of their Egyptian nationality to nationality. children. their children 3 MARRIAGE Equal rights during Law No.1 of 2000 (khu'l Reservation on article 16 Conduct evaluation marriage and at its law) is a giant step forward of CEDAW study on the effective dissolution. in bringing equality to Islamic Shari’ law implementation of the marriage relations. The provides that a man will Khu'l Law allows women to pay a dowry to the wife obtain divorce unilaterally and will financially considering that they maintain her during surrender their own marriage. At the financial rights to deferred dissolution of the dowry and financial marriage, he will pay her maintenance. The Law also alimony. The wife is not allows women to provide obliged to spend stipulations to the anything on her keep, marriage contract, and retains full rights including restricting over any property that is polygamy and retaining hers. the right to divorce In order to get a divorce unilaterally (allowed under the wife has to get a Shari’a). judge's ruling, but no such requirement is asked of the man. On the other hand, a wife may retain the right to
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13 Women Human Rights
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n unilateral divorce in her marriage contract and may resort to Khu'l.
Marriage shall be Stipulated under law no.1 The legal age of consent NCW recommends this entered into only with year 2000 for females should be change as part of the the free and full raised to 18. new Family Law. consent of the The law states that the legal age of consent for intending spouses. females is 16, and for males is 18. The marriage contract must be registered officially, and marriage status must appear on all official identification papers. There are no legal barriers for males or females to consensually enter into marriage, as long as it is with full and free consent. appropriate penalties The establishment of New premises for Family where necessary and Family Courts under law Courts, and short and establishing a civil or no.10 for year 2004. medium term training other register in courses for all Family which all marriages The creation of the Family Courts staff are required. will be recorded, Insurance System Fund law including legislation, by law no.11 of year2004. Monitoring the shall be taken to This law created a implementation of the specify a minimum age specialized fund (attached law is necessary and for marriage and to to Nasser Social Bank) to training of all judges, make the registration ensure that alimony and prosecutors, social, legal 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
14 Women Human Rights
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n of marriages in an child support payment and psychological official registry orders are enforced. experts is a must. compulsory . Issue of a new Advocacy and awareness comprehensive and campaigns are needed The amendment of law modern Family Law and regarding raising the age States parties to the no.1 of year 2000 to re- mobilizing public opinion of marriage of girls. present convention instate an old clause that to support it. shall take legislative entails that men should action to specify a pay alimony judgments or minimum age for be subject to marriage. No marriage imprisonment. shall be legally entered into by any person The Legislative Committee There are still girls under this age, except at the National Council for married at below the where a competent Women is now working on minimum age of authority has granted drafting a new personal marriage. More a dispensation :is to status family law, as the advocacy is needed. age, for serious present one was issued in reasons, in the interest 1920, with minor of the intending amendments in 1929 and spouses 1985. The draft will include issues such as raising the age of consent to marriage to 18 for females, reconsidering the concept of the “house of obedience,” facilitating divorce based on
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15 Women Human Rights
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n mistreatment or moral prejudice, etc...
The child custody age of the mother was raised to 15 years for both males and females,
NCCM conducted a campaign against early marriage of girls, deprivation of education and FGM.
Women shall have the Sharia assure this right Empowerment of women Campaigns are required same right as men to to practice their legal to reinforce this right. free choice of a spouse and religious rights to and to enter into free choice. marriage only with their free and full consent Women shall have New Family Law Advocacy required. equal rights with men recommends facilitation during marriage and at of divorce for women, its dissolution. In all conditions for polygamy cases the interest of and abolishes house of the children shall be obedience. paramount; Parents shall have The child custody age for The issue of child
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n mothers was raised to 15 custody and for boys and girls. guardianship should be reconsidered as women equal rights and duties are only custodian in in matters relating to case of divorce or death their children. In all of the father, under court cases the interest of supervision. Joint the children shall be guardianship should be paramount. considered during marriage and fathers should also be subject to court supervision. Women have equal There are some Raise awareness on contractual and civil rights. attitudinal barriers, women’s right to inherit They have the right to especially in some in the Media, especially The right to acquire, acquire, administer, enjoy, villages in Upper Egypt, TV administer, enjoy, dispose of and inherit where the women inherit dispose of and inherit property, including the the land on paper, but property, including property acquired during the brothers and uncles property acquired marriage are the one during marriage; administering them, and in certain cases women are deprived from their right to inherit. To ensure that family A lot of work is needed Campaigns and education includes a to support women in the advocacy of a new image proper understanding public sphere of women and men as of maternity as a social equal partner are function and the needed.
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17 Women Human Rights
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n recognition of the common responsibility of men and women in the upbringing and development of their children, it being understood that the interest of the children is the primordial consideration in all cases. Address the acute Article 268/1-2 of the Although female Campaigns for education problems of children, Penal Code enters in circumcision has been and awareness raising inter alia, by application in the case of prohibited by Ministerial are required. Clear supporting efforts in the practice of sexual Decree of the Minister of messages are required the context of the intercourse with child Health in 1996, FGM is from religious leaders United Nations system involving the use of still dominant. that FGM has no relation aimed at adopting violence: with religious. efficient
1. 'every one that rapes a human being by violence or threat or attempted to do so is punished by penal servitude for 3 to 7 years' international measures In the case the victim’s for the prevention and age has not yet reached eradication of female full sixteen (16) years old infanticide, harmful or the offender is one of 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n child labour, the sale those involved in the of children and their second paragraph of organs, child Article 267 of the Penal prostitution, child Code, which deals with pornography and other relatives of the child or all forms of sexual abuse the persons who could and consider have authority over a contributing to the child, punishment may be drafting of an optional extended to reach to the protocol to the maximum limit of the Convention on the penal servitude for a Rights of the Child; certain time. It is considered as a crime Strengthen the in accordance with Article implementation of all 267 regardless of consent relevant human rights of the minor, and use of instruments in order to violence: combat and eliminate, including through 1. 'Any person who international rapes a boy or a girl cooperation, organized minor, not yet full and other forms of eighteen (18) years trafficking in women old, without using and violence or threat, is children, including to be punished by trafficking for the imprisonment. purposes of sexual exploitation, 2. If the victim is under pornography, full seven years or if
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19 Women Human Rights
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n prostitution and sex the offender is one tourism, and provide of those involved in legal and social the second services to the victims; paragraph of the this should include article 267, provisions for punishment of penal international servitude for a cooperation to certain period of prosecute and Punish time is to be those responsible for inflicted.' organized exploitation of women and children;
Article 1 of the Law n° 10, 1961 on 'Combating of prostitution, incitement and its encouragement'
'a) Everyone that incites another whether a male or a female to commit a crime of immorality of prostitution or assists him or her or paves the way for such an act to be 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
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committed and also everyone who uses, persuades or entices another for the purpose of committing an act of immorality or prostitution is to be punished by imprisonment for a period which is not less than one year and does not exceed three hundred pounds.
b) If the victim is a person who has not yet reached twenty-one (21) years, punishment is to be inflicted for a period that is not less than one year and doesn’t exceed five years besides a fine that ranges between 100 pounds and 500 pounds.'
Article 2 of the Law n° 10, 1961 on 'Combating of prostitution, incitement and its
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'Punishment, stated in item (b) of the previous article, is to be imposed on: 1) Everyone who uses, persuades or entices a male or a female person with the purpose of committing an act of immorality or prostitution by way of deceptions, force, threat or misuse of power or by any other means of coercion. 2) Everyone who retains by any of these means a male or a female person against his will in an immorality or prostitution spot.'
Article 3 of the Law n° 10, 1961 on 'Combating of prostitution, incitement and its encouragement' 'Everyone who incites a male person, not yet 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n twenty-one (21) years old or a female person, any age, to depart the country or facilitates the departure or uses or accompanies him or her abroad to be engaged in acts of immorality or prostitution - Everyone, as well, that assists such an act to be committed, while knowing, is to be punished by a term of imprisonment that is not less than one year and is not to exceed five years and a fine ranging between 100 pounds and 500 pounds
The maximum period for the term of imprisonment is seven years in case the crime was committed against two or more persons or in case it was committed by any of the means indicated in item (1) of article (2) other than
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the stated fine.'
Article 4 of the Law n° 10, 1961 on 'Combating of prostitution, incitement and its encouragement'
'The penalty to be inflicted as regards the 3 cases mentioned above is imprisonment for a period ranging between 3 and 7 years, this is to be carried out in case the prejudiced person is under sixteen (16) years old; or the wrongdoer is a relative of the victim or a person who is responsible for raising or taking care of him; or who has authority over him; or a hired servant working for the wrongdoer, or for any of the above-mentioned persons.'
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Article 5 of the Law n° 10, 1961 on 'Combating of prostitution, incitement and its encouragement'
'Everyone who helps or facilitates the entry of a person into the A.R.E. to commit acts of immorality or prostitution, is punished with imprisonment for one up to five years and a fine ranging between L.E. 100 and L.E. 500.'
Article 6 of the Law n° 10, 1961 on 'Combating of prostitution, incitement and its encouragement'
'A person will be punished with imprisonment for 6 months up to 3 years:
a)if he helps a female
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person to practise prostitution, even by spending money; b) if he exploits, by any means, another person’s prostitution or immorality.
The punishment to be imposed is imprisonment for 1 up to 5 years, if the offence is linked with any situation mentioned in article 4 of the Law N°10.'
Article 11 of the Law n° 10, 1961 on 'Combating of prostitution, incitement and its encouragement'
'Every exploiter or manager of a public place or any place of entertainment, or any other place opened for the public using persons practicing immorality or prostitution, for the 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
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purpose of facilitating the practicing of such wrong acts, or exploiting persons in propagandising the place, is punished with imprisonment for up to two years, and a fine up to L.E. 200.
If the wrongdoer is one of the persons referred to in article 2 (a relative or a person responsible or having authority over the victim), the punishment is imprisonment for 2 to 4 years and a fine ranging between L.E. 200 and L.E. 400.
A sentence is to be issued stating the closing of concerned place for a period not exceeding 3 months; this closing becomes final and decisive in case of recurrence.' 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
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Article 14 of the Law n° 10, 1961 on 'Combating of prostitution, incitement and its encouragement' 'Anyone who publishes by any means of advertisement a call implying a temptation for practicing immoral acts or drawing attention to them, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding 3 years and a fine not exceeding L.E. 100 or any of said punishments inflicted upon him.' Article 178 of the Penal Code n°58 of 1937
'A punishment of imprisonment for 2 years and a fine from 20 to 500 L.E. or one of these punishments shall be imposed on anyone who:
manufactured or possessed -
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n printed materials, manuscripts, advertisements, relieves, engraves, manual or photographic drawings, symbolic signs or any other material or photographs violating public morals;
- in case this manufacture or possession was intended to trafficking, adhesion or exhibition.
The same punishment shall be imposed on anyone who:
1. imported, exported or transferred by himself or by any other person any of the above-mentioned materials. 2. Issued an advertisement, publicly exhibited, sold, rented, offered for sale or for rent, even though this was
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n unpublicly effected.
3. Publicly and by direct or indirect means forwarded, even though free of charge and by any means, any of the above-mentioned material.
4. Distributed or handed over with intent to be distributed, by any means, any of these materials.
5. Discretely distributed any of these materials, even though free of charge and with intent to corrupt morals.
As well as the fore-cited punishment is to be inflicted to anyone who:
1. publicly delivered immoral songs, shouting or speeches.
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30 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n
2. publicly seduced committing debauchery or issued advertisements or messages of any expressions.
In case of recidivism the punishment shall be imprisonment and a fine without violating article 50 of this Code.' Article 89 of the Law n° 12, 1996 'Child Law' 'It is prohibited to publish, exhibit or circulate any arranged or audio prints or artistic classifications on children that excite their inner instincts or increase their mal-behaviorism that violates values of society or that encourages their delinquency. With non violation of any more severe penalty that is stipulated by another
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31 Women Human Rights
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n law, penalty is to be imposed on the provision of the previous paragraph with a fine that is not to be less than L.E. 100 and is not to exceed 500 pounds and the violating prints or classifications must be confiscated.' Article 116 of the 'Child Law ' n°12, 1996 'By preparing the child for practicing such an act, assisting, inciting or facilitating to him or her committing such an act by any means, even if delinquency did not actually happen, punishment is to be for not less than 3 months in the case the offender use with the child any means of coercicion or threat or the offender was the relative of the victim or responsible for the victim’s upbringing or the victim was handed 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
32 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n over to him by virtue of law.' 4 Harmful Take urgent action to NCW and NCCM are the Section 60 of the - Delete this Practice and combat and eliminate national institutes Criminal Code states that provision. Violence violence against responsible for issues of “the provisions of the Against women, which is a violence against women. penal code shall not - Conduct a Women human rights violation, Ministry of Health and apply to any deed national study on resulting from harmful Ministry of Social Affairs committed in good faith, violence against traditional or support them where pursuant to a right women and take customary practices, applicable. The Ministry of determined by virtue of necessary cultural prejudices and Social Affairs has over 150 the Shari’a.” This law, measures to extremism; family counseling bureaus applying to any act of implement its to assist victims of violence committed in recommendation household abuse. “good faith,” has been s. used to justify domestic ● Article 267 of violence. Under the law, penal code No.58 acts committed in “good (1937) states a faith” are described as penalty of short- circumstances in which: term hard labour for sexual assault on a 1. the beating is not woman. The severe; penalty is increased to life imprisonment 2. the beating is not and hard labour in directed at the face; cases where the and assailant is a guardian or person 3. the beating is not otherwise entrusted aimed at vulnerable
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33 Women Human Rights
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n to care for the “fatal blow areas." female. Several other articles of the penal code outline harsh penalties that may include the death sentence for cases of assault, coercion or kidnapping of a female. ● Article 290, as amended by Law No. 215 of 1980 introduces the death penalty for the abduction of a woman, if she is sexually assaulted during the abduction. ● Article 269 penalises rape of any male or female with three years of hard labour. In the case where the victim is under the age of 16, or the
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34 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n attacker is a guardian or worker in the victim's Consider legal reform home; the penalty is and launch continuous the legal maximum. advocacy campaigns to In cases where both condemn FGM and conditions occur, demonstrate that it is a the penalty is life The ministerial decree harmful practice and not imprisonment with has a loophole since it a religious requirement. hard labour. allows circumcision when ● Articles 260-263 it is a necessary on penalties provide procedure. short-term hard- labour imprisonment for a person responsible for causing an abortion in a female victim due to beating, abuse or induced drugs. The penalties maybe applied to the woman if she is a willing participant. ● Articles 240-244 of the Penal Code deals with various other instances of
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35 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n accidental or intentional violence or abuse, and penalty is accorded in severity with the action. Penalties may apply to males and females, without regard for legal marital status or kinship/guardianshi p. ● Law No. 6 specifically addresses domestic violence, intimidation and the threat to use force. The penalty is a minimum of two years in prison, five if the threat was made against a female or minor. ● Law No. 10 deals specifically with trafficking. Any act for the purposes of
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36 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n incitement, enticement, procurement, or seduction is criminal. Articles 1 and 2 of the same law compound the severity of punishment if the victim is less than 21 years of age and is forced to act under duress. ● Articles 279 and 306 of the Penal Code deal with sexual harassment, including any indecent act with a woman, or an utterance that may offend a women's modesty. The penalty is prison or a fine, to be increased if the act is repeated within a year. ● A decree was
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37 Women Human Rights
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n issued in 1996 by the Ministry of Health prohibiting FGM.
A national FGM taskforce was established in 1994 following the ICPD conference including a group of advocates and NGO representatives whose community-based interventions and initiatives over the years represent a sustained commitment to ending this form of violence against girls.
Prohibit female genital Since 1995, a number of Attitudinal Barriers: mutilation wherever it positive field experiences Many people still believe exists and give and good practices have in female circumcision, vigorous support to been implemented and cite tradition, efforts including the successful religion, and chastity as application of the positive their reason. deviance approach that has been undertaken in selected districts and
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38 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n villages. Furthermore, among non- several training Data show that 97% of governmental and initiatives have ever married women community been implemented were subjected to FGM organizations and over the past and that more than 80% religious institutions to decade and many of of them have the eliminate such these have targeted intension to subject their practices; medical daughters to the same professionals and practice (Egypt religious leaders in Demographic and Health more than 18 Survey, 2000) governorates across Egypt. In December 1997, the Court of Cassation (Egypt’s highest appeals court) upheld a government ban on the practice of FGM/FGC. Issued as a decree by the Health Minister in 1996, the ban prohibits all medical and non-medical practitioners from performing FGM/FGC in either public or private facilities, except for medical reasons certified by the head of a hospital's obstetric department. 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
39 Women Human Rights
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n Perpetrators are subject to the loss of their medical licenses and can be subjected to criminal punishments. In cases of death, perpetrators are also subject to charges of manslaughter under the Penal Code. Joint collaboration of NCCM and the UN in a campaign to stop FGM in 60 villages In 1999, the Ministry of Social Affairs signed a project agreement with the UNICEF, UNFPA and WHO to combat all practices harmful to women, including eradicating this practice by 2010. Strengthen existing or The establishment of the More Ombudsman Establish a network of establish readily Ombudsman Office at the officers are needed. Ombudsman's offices in available and free or NCW Delta and Upper Egypt. affordable alternative administrative NGOs play a big role in this mechanisms and legal aspect. aid programmes to assist disadvantaged 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
40 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n women seeking redress for violations of their rights; 5 General Work actively towards Treaties ratified by Egypt: ratification of or - Protocol to Prevent, accession to and Suppress and Punish implement Trafficking in Persons, international and Especially Women and regional human rights Children, treaties supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2003) - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, CEDAW (1979) - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights New York 16 December 1966 - International Covenant on Civil and
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41 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n Political Rights New York, 16 December 1966 - Convention concerning Night Work for Women, (revised 1948) - Convention against Discrimination in Education (1960) - Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention (1958) - Convention on the Political Rights of Women (1952) - Equal Remuneration Convention (1951) - Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others (1949) Limit the extent of any Since the ratification of the Reservations made by Lifting the reservation on reservations to the convention, Egypt has the Republic of Egypt: articles 2. Convention on the made progressive efforts Elimination of All that would lead to the Article 2:
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42 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n withdrawal of almost all its General reservation. The initial reservations, Republic of Egypt is particularly reservations to willing to comply with Article 2, 9 (2), and 16 of this article, provided this CEDAW. The government does not contradict with of Egypt has initiated an Islamic Shari’ Law. This Forms of internal process to reservation is not Discrimination against demonstrate that the required as the principles Women; formulate any reservation to article 2 and of Sharia provide for full such reservations as 16 was just precautionary respect of women's precisely and as in nature, and was not in rights and prohibit narrowly as possible; any way meant to protect discrimination against discriminatory laws. women. Moreover, general reservations of this type are contrary to International Law on the right to make reservation. ensure that no reservations are Article 9 (2): incompatible with the Although the Republic of object and purpose of Egypt made this Lifting the reservation on the Convention or reservation upon Article 9(2). otherwise incompatible signature, its stance on with international this article, granting treaty law and women equal rights with regularly review them men with respect to the with a view to nationality of their withdrawing them; and children, has since
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43 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n withdraw reservations changed. The People's that are contrary to Assembly passed a new the object and purpose nationality law giving NCW recommended of the Convention on Egyptian women the lifting the reservation on the Elimination of All right to pass her Article 16 expect for Forms of nationality to her 16(c) and 16(f) for Discrimination against children on an equal cultural specificity Women or which are basis. reasons and not for otherwise incompatible acceptance of with international Article 16: discrimination. treaty law; A reservation was made to the text of this Article relating to equality of men and women in all issues relating to marriage and family relations during marriage and upon its dissolution.
Islamic Shari’a law states that a man will pay a dowry to the wife and will financially maintain her during marriage. At the dissolution of the marriage, he will pay her alimony. The wife is not This reservation should obliged to spend be maintained.
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44 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n anything on her keep, and retains full rights over any property that is hers. In order to get a divorce the wife has to get a judge's ruling, but no such requirement is asked of the man. The reservation was made because the text may be inconsistent with the principles of Shari’ Law.
Article 29 (2): A reservation was maintained on paragraph 2 of this article, stating that it considers itself not bound by paragraph 1, relating to submission to arbitration that may arise due to interpretation or application of the Convention. This is to avoid arbitration.
Efforts have been made by the Egyptian
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45 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n government to remove these reservations.
Consider drawing up national action plans identifying steps to NCW has adopted a improve the promotion participating approach in and protection of engendering the national human rights, plan 2002-2007 and will including the human continue this approach for rights of women, as future plans. recommended by the World Conference on Human Rights; Create or strengthen - The National independent national Council for Women institutions for the (NCW), established protection and by Presidential promotion of these Decree No. 90, as an rights, including the overall national human rights of coordinating and women, as monitoring body, recommended by the with the mandate to World Conference on make policy Human Rights recommendations, draft the national plan for the advancement of women, monitor and
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46 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n evaluate national policies related to women's issues, express views and draft laws concerning women, and providing (2000). An Ombudsman Office was also created to receive women’s complaints and offer them legal advice and help them solve their problems. - There are a number of Egyptian institutions and agencies established pursuant to constitutional principals, national policies and in accordance to committee recommendations, concerning the promotion and advancement of women's issues.
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47 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n - The National Council for Human Rights - Women's Department, Ministry of Social Affairs, established to develop policy and programs, monitor activities and provide recommendations. - Department for Women’s Sports, Ministry of Youth, established to promote and monitor women’s sport and related issues (2002). - Department for Women, Childhood and Motherhood Affairs, Ministry of Youth, established to coordinate with other ministries for the advancement of children and women (2002). - Department for
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48 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n Mother and Child Care, Ministry of Health, established to promote and monitor women's health and related issues. - Policy and Coordination Unit for Women's Agricultural Activities, Ministry of Agriculture, established to coordinate women's activities in the filed, disseminate information and provide overall support. - Division of Research on Women and Children, Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, established to conduct related
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49 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n research (1987). - National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM), established to coordinate between the concerned ministries, review related legislature, propose plans for the advancement of children and women, particularly rural women (1988). - Department of Human Rights and International social and Humanitarian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, activities include and treaties, conventions, international activities relating to promoting women and children's issues (1992).
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50 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n Disseminating All the institutions noted information in plain above have been very language to all groups active in providing training in society about and awareness campaigns people's rights and the that inform women of their means available to rights. NGOs, particularly redress complaints; in rural areas, have the full support of central institutions for information provision and dissemination. Radio and Television are also widely used to inform the public and provide discussion forums on women's issues.
The creation of hotlines in the Ombudsman office at NCW
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51 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n Strengthen and The NCW proposed to 33 A monitoring and Establish a legal encourage the ministries the creation of evaluation mechanism monitoring mechanism development of Equal Opportunity Units, should be established to ensure proper programmes to protect and 30 of them conceded implementation of the the human rights of and now have operating laws on a regular basis. women in the national units. These units affiliated institutions on human directly to the minister’s rights that carry out office and are to underline programmes, such as issues of concern to human rights working woman, integrate commissions or the issues in the ministry ombudspersons, plans, stress the according them participation of women in appropriate status, all stages of decision resources and access making, and ensure that to the Government to women obtain their Coordinate efforts with Establish a coordination assist individuals, in constitutional rights in the NCHR mechanism. particular women, and workplace. ensure that these institutions pay With the establishment of adequate attention to National Human Rights problems involving the Council in 2004, it has violation of the human become the national rights of women; mechanism for coordination and monitoring of human rights activities. In addition, the Ministries of Interior, Justice and Foreign Affairs
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52 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n all have human rights departments.
Develop a The government A cultural development comprehensive human commitment to gender plan is required to rights education issues is embodied in the enhance and promote programme to raise establishment of NCW the concepts and values awareness among which developed concrete of equality participation, women of their human steps and strategies for partnership and respect rights and raise the advancement of for women's dignity and awareness among women: condemn violence others of the human against women and rights of women; NCW in coordination with deprivation from the media channels work education and work or to raise the public participation awareness of the opportunities. importance of women’s 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
53 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n participation in public life and the need to improve women’s conditions as a part of the whole development process in Egypt.
NCW has held several round table discussions and conferences open to Ministries, NGOs and media personnel to disseminate information on CEDAW and its articles, and open discussion on the status of women in Egypt.
The Ministry of Education has been very active in erasing stereotypes from its curricula, and including information on women's rights. Media campaigns strongly advocate women's rights and actively discuss information and issues of importance such as media broadcasting of successful women figures in all fields
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54 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n and reduce physical and verbal violence against women in media programs.. As well as institutional mechanisms that provide information and dissemination efforts on CEDAW, NGOs are also active in this field.
Encourage, coordinate NCW has held several Promote education on and cooperate with round table discussions the human and legal local and regional and conferences open to rights of women in women's groups, Ministries, NGOs and school curricula at all relevant non- media personnel to levels of education and governmental disseminate information on undertake public organizations, CEDAW and its articles, campaigns, including in educators and the and open discussion on the the most widely used media, to implement status of women in Egypt. languages of the programmes in human country, on the equality rights education to The Ministry of Education of women and men in make women aware of has been very active in public and private life, their human rights erasing stereotypes from including their rights its curricula, and including within the family and information on women's relevant human rights rights. Media campaigns instruments under strongly advocate women's national and rights and actively discuss international law; information and issues of
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55 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n importance such as media broadcasting of successful women figures in all fields and reduce physical and verbal violence against women in media programs.. As well as institutional mechanisms that provide information and dissemination efforts on CEDAW, NGOs are also active in this field. Ensure that all women Encourage the and non-governmental development of gender- organizations and their sensitive human rights members in the field of programmes protection and promotion of all human Disseminate information rights - civil, cultural, on national legislation economic, political and and its impact on social rights, including women, including easily the right to accessible guidelines on development - enjoy how to use a justice fully all human rights system to exercise one's and freedoms in rights accordance with the Universal Declaration Include information of Human Rights and about international and all other human rights regional instruments and
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56 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n instruments and the standards in their public protection of national information and human laws; rights education activities and in adult education and training programmes, particularly for groups such as the military, the police and other law enforcement personnel, the judiciary, and legal and health professionals to ensure that human rights are effectively protected; Make widely available and fully publicize information on the existence of national, regional and international mechanisms for seeking redress when the human rights of women are violated; Report on schedule to Reports have been Consultations with the Maintain the consultative the Committee on the submitted, albeit past the governmental agencies approach adopted for Elimination of due date. The latest and NGOs preparation of the sixth Discrimination against reports to be submitted report and evaluate the Women regarding the were the fourth and fifth process for future
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57 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n periodic reports, which improvements. were submitted as one combined report in March implementation of the 2000. The sixth periodic Convention, report is due in 2005.
Support the process Egypt did not ratify the Consider pro's and con's initiated by the optional protocol to of ratification and Commission on the CEDAW prepare an evaluation Status of Women with report by NCW legislative a view to elaborating a Committee. draft optional protocol to Setting an example Art.46: The State shall through State guarantee the freedom of institutions and the belief and the freedom of educational system to practicing religious rights. promote and protect Art.12: Society shall be respect for freedom of committed to safeguarding expression; and protecting morals, democracy; political promoting the genuine pluralism; diversity of Egyptian traditions and heritage, cultures and abiding by the high values; religious standards of religious tolerance and education, moral and principles; and the national values, the national traditions on historical heritage of the which a country has people, scientific facts,
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58 Women Human Rights
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n been built socialist conduct and public manners within the limits of the law. The State is committed to abiding by these principles and promoting them. Art.47: Freedom of opinion shall be guaranteed. Every individual shall have the right to express his opinion and to publicise it verbally, in writing, by photography or by other means of expression within the limits of the law. Self criticism and constructive criticism shall guarantee the safety of the national structure.
Provide gender- Seminars were held by the Respect of human rights Training and advocacy sensitive human rights NCW in collaboration with must become part of our campaigns required. education and training UN bodies to train police culture. to public officials, personnel and members of including, inter alia, the judiciary on a gender police and military sensitive approach in personnel, corrections exercising their officers, health and responsibilities. medical personnel, and UNDP programs for Human
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59 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n social workers, Rights education of police including people who officers and prosecutors. deal with migration and refugee issues, and teachers at all levels of the educational system, and make available such education and training also to the judiciary and members of parliament in order to enable them to better exercise their public responsibilities;
Promote the equal Due to the relatively large Women's representation A political support right of women to be number of professional in trade unions is mechanism is required. members of trade women, their share in still limited to Training is also needed. unions and other professional syndicates is ordinary positions professional and social quite significant, especially and to working organizations in the nursing, applied art, females in the fine art, and social formal sector. professional unions. (8) Females are represented in all 23 unions of the Trade Union Federation. However, they
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60 Women Human Rights
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n constitute only 3.4% of all trade union members.
The representation of women in agricultural unions is relatively low. In application, women workers, especially in factories, are fired upon their joining of trade unions (Aisha Abdel Hadi) Establish effective The National Council for mechanisms for Human Rights investigating violations of the human rights of women perpetrated by any public official and take the necessary punitive Ensure that women In 2003, the first Egyptian Make appointment of The number of judges have the same right as woman was appointed as a women judges more should increase and men to be judges, judge. acceptable to the women should be advocates or other judiciary. appointed as officers of the court, as prosecutors. well as police officers and prison and
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61 Women Human Rights
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Topic Actions Requested GOE Achievements Challenges Future Responsi Time- Recommendations ble frame Institutio n detention officers, among other things Carrying out a regular The mainstreaming of Sustainability of the review of public policy, gender in the socio- initiative and its including health and economic development replication education policies, and five-year plan 2002-2007. public spending from a social and gender The Gender Budgeting equality and equity Analysis project by NCW perspective, and promoting their The Engendering Policies positive contribution to project by NCW equalizing opportunities
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62 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
1. Review and revise all the laws that have both legal and economic implications for women. (Specialized studies needed). 2. Legal reform is needed for inequality articles in the penal code. 3. Delete the provision in section 60 of the Criminal Code that states t “the provisions of the penal code shall not apply to any deed committed in good faith, pursuant to a right determined by virtue of the Shari’a.” 4. Formulate a new comprehensive and unified Personal Status Law based on the draft Unified Arab Family Law that addresses social realities of contemporary women in Egypt. 5. Lifting the reservation on articles 2, Article 9(2) Article 16 expect for 16(c) and 16(f) for cultural specificity reasons and not for acceptance of discrimination of the CEDAW and maintain the reservation on article 29. 6. NCW recommended lifting the reservation on Affirmative action is needed to booster women's political participation. A 10% quota has been recommended for Parliament, Shura Council and Local Councils. This complies with Articles 8, 40 and 11 of the Constitution and represents an implementation of Article 4 of CEDAW 7. Training of Judges and awareness campaigns are necessary to ensure equality in treatment. 8. Monitoring proper implementation of the laws, particularly with respect to equal opportunity to work, to obtain credit and to fill political and decision making positions. 9. Appointment of women as prosecutors and judges and generally to decision making positions 10. Awareness campaigns are needed on women’s right to travel to promote and protect this right 11. Conduct a national study on violence against women and take necessary measures to implement its recommendations 12. Launch continuous advocacy campaigns to condemn FGM and demonstrate that it is a harmful practice and not a religious requirement. 13. Establish a network of Ombudsman's offices in Delta and Upper Egypt. 14. A cultural development plan is required to enhance and promote the concepts and values of equality participation, partnership and respect for women's dignity and condemn violence against women and deprivation from education and work or participation opportunities 15. Conduct evaluation study on the effective implementation of the Khu'l 16. Changes as part of the new Family Law to reflect the legal age of consent for females to get married to be raised to 18 years 17. Advocacy and awareness campaigns are needed regarding raising the age of marriage of girls and empowering them to practice their legal and religious rights to free choice of their husbands. 18. New premises for Family Courts, and short and medium term training courses for all Family Courts staff are required. 19. Monitoring the implementation of the law is necessary and training of all judges, prosecutors, social, legal and psychological experts is a must. 20. Raise awareness on women’s right to inherit in the Media, especially TV 21. Campaigns and legal and financial support for women's obtaining ID and voting cards 5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions
63 Women Human Rights
International Instruments relating to Women’s Rights
22. Campaigns and advocacy of a new image of women and men as equal partners are needed.
23. Promote education on the human and legal rights of women in school curricula at all levels of education and undertake public campaigns, including in the most widely used languages of the country, on the equality of women and men in public and private life, including their rights within the family and relevant human rights instruments under national and international law; 24. Encourage the development of gender-sensitive human rights programmes
25. Disseminate information on national legislation and its impact on women, including easily accessible guidelines on how to use a justice system to exercise one's rights 26. Include information about international and regional instruments and standards in their public information and human rights education activities and in adult education and training programmes, particularly for groups such as the military, the police and other law enforcement personnel, the judiciary, and legal and health professionals to ensure that human rights are effectively protected; 27. Make widely available and fully publicize information on the existence of national, regional and international mechanisms for seeking redress when the human rights of women are violated;
5/30/2018 4:32 上午 N.B. Under the Column: Actions Requested, the actual text/ or the wording of the UN instruments has been used to the extent possible, while avoiding repetitions