Dr and Mrs Uguru
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Camberwell Park Specialist Support School Self - evaluation Schedule 2016 – 2017 ______
Month Senior leaders Middle leaders Governors AUTUMN TERM September Whole school learning Subject leaders Agree School walk action improvement action L Performance Planning plans. e management reviews TA4 s action Finance + a and target setting planning personnel r committee meeting n HT and SBM budget TLR action plan i monitoring Governing body n Timetable scrutiny audit of skills / roles and responsibilities g Review of SEF and action planning W Head Teacher a performance l management with k external assessor s October HT and SBM budget Parent / carer HT and governor / monitoring workshops learning walk –
Monitoring of formative SSAT peer lunchtimes / outdoor C play l assessments / tracking review visit a pupil progress HT and SBM s External QA visit budget benchmarking s SSAT peer review visit r (present to govs) o Standards o committee meeting m External QA visit
November HT and SBM budget Moderation of Monitor and m o monitoring formative evaluate progress in n Monitor and evaluate assessments SIP i progress in SIP Finance committee t meeting o Standards r committee meeting December i Update SESD FGB meeting n g HT and SBM budget SMSC learning walk monitoring / Monitoring of formative assessments / tracking
Camberwell Park Specialist Support School Self - evaluation Schedule 2016 – 2017 ______
w pupil progress o SMSC learning walk r k
s c r u t i n y
m o d e r a t i o n SPRING TERM January Subject leaders Lear HT and SBM budget and TLR FGB meeting ning monitoring postholder Standards Wal interim report. committee ks / TA4s interim Clas report sroo February m Complete budget Monitor progress mon HT and SBM budget plan for subjects against priorities in itori monitoring based on SIP ng / Monitor and evaluate priorities. Finance committee wor progress in SIP Review of SEF k External QA visit scru Total tiny Review of SEF communication / Total communication learning walk mod learning walk
Camberwell Park Specialist Support School Self - evaluation Schedule 2016 – 2017 ______
erati Whole school IEP on monitoring and evaluation March Interim performance Moderation of head teacher management reviews formative performance HT and SBM budget assessments management monitoring Parent’s evening interim review Monitoring of HT and SBM formative budget assessments / benchmarking tracking pupil (present to govs) progress FGB meeting SUMMER TERM April Whole school Governors to Lear HT and SBM budget evaluation of evaluate and agree ning monitoring and setting School new budget Wal new budget Improvement Displays / learning ks / Displays / learning plan progress environment Les environment learning learning walk son walk obs erva tion May s PIVATs assessments Standardisation Monitor progress HT and SBM budget of assessments / against priorities in monitoring PIVATS SIP summative Monitor and evaluate Finance committee assessments progress in SIP HT and SBM Review SEF budget benchmarking (present to govs) Review SEF
June Review pupil End of year Monitor and achievement data and reports evaluate parent / analyse school Subject leaders carer views performance to complete External QA visit Parent / carer summary of questionnaire outcomes for Final performance subject to feed management reviews into SESD / SIP Target setting for
Camberwell Park Specialist Support School Self - evaluation Schedule 2016 – 2017 ______
HT and SBM budget all individual monitoring pupils across the school External QA visit
July Staff questionnaire Class IEP Monitor and Multi-agency evaluation evaluate parent, questionnaire Parent’s evening staff and pupil and multi-agency views HT and SBM budget monitoring FGB meeting Behaviour and safety Behaviour and learning walk safety learning walk August Action planning for priority school improvement plan areas Review SSE calendar needs for following year. LMT meetings / plans for forthcoming year
Learning walks
Learning walks will be carried out each week.
Camberwell Park Specialist Support School Self - evaluation Schedule 2016 – 2017 ______
They will be carried out by a named member of the LMT with a partner (e.g. governor / member of multi-agency team / other staff member) where relevant / possible. Each term one learning walk will be a team walk involving a range of staff across the school with a focus on school as a learning environment. Learning walks will be planned at the end of each term for the following term and information distributed to all staff. The basis of learning walks is to review aspects as a whole school in relation to ‘what went well’ and ‘even better if’. They will be recorded on this basis and feedback will be at a whole school level. There will be a set programme of learning walks with a space for any incidental issue which arises. Focus for learning walks: - Lunchtimes / breaks / outside play - Assemblies / whole school events - Skills time / breakfast clubs - Total communication around school - Behaviour and safety - School environment (Team learning walk)
Ongoing SSE
In addition to SSE on calendar, a number of SSE activities are ongoing including:
- Evaluation / feedback from outreach work / training - Pupil voice as part of annual reviews / school council / year books - External validation as planned e.g. peer evaluation from head teacher colleagues / consultant advice and evaluation - Behaviour logs / evaluation - Unsolicited feedback from parents / carers, visitors