In-Year Transfer Application Form
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For office use only – Ref No:
In-year transfer – application form Please note this application form must be completed in full and submitted with all relevant records about the pupil to Access Service, Level 12, Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1XJ or directly to the school if they process their own admissions (see guidance notes for more details).
SECTION A – Pupil details (to be completed by the parent/carer) Pupil’s details Pupil’s surname: ______Date of birth: ______Year Group: ______First name(s): ______Male/Female: ______Pupil’s address: ______
Name(s) of parent/carer Name: ______Relationship to pupil: ______Telephone number:______Name: ______Relationship to pupil: ______Telephone number: ______Are you looking after someone else’s child for more than 28 days and you are not a ‘close relative’ – (please let us know as this could be a private fostering arrangement that the local authority will need to know about) YES/NO
Current / previous school Home educated Yes/No Name of current school: ______Start date: ______End date:______Local Authority: ______Attending YES/NO On Roll YES/NO Previous school attended: ______Start date: ______End date: ______Number of primary schools attended: ______Number of secondary schools attended: ______Length of time out of education:______(weeks)
New Arrivals to the UK Ethnicity: Date of arrival in the UK: Status in the UK: Country arrived from: First language: Country of origin if different: Does the child speak/read/write English: YES/NO School attended: Last date of attendance at school:
School Preferences (in priority order) Please state below, in priority order, a minimum of 3 preferences of school you are interested in. 1.______2.______3.______
Religion: Baptised Catholic: YES/NO
Sibling Information If your child has a brother or sister at one of the schools you are interested in, please give details below. Name of brother/sister: ______Year group: ______School:______
Parent’s reason for transfer request Please give all details as to why you want your child to transfer schools. ______SECTION B – Information to support the transition. If incomplete the form will be returned. (To be completed by the headteacher/main contact at the current or last attended school) The questions below are for information purposes only and will be passed to the receiving school. Please complete all sections in full and attach all relevant information so that the transfer is processed as effectively and efficiently as possible. Please attach requested details where applicable.
Name of main current school contact: ______Telephone number:______
Please circle Yes or No and provide attachments where requested Is the pupil looked after or has been looked Home Authority: after previously? Y/N Name of Social Worker: Please attach PEP Name of Social Worker: Is the pupil on a Child Protection Plan? Y/N
Is the pupil ‘Child In Need’ Status? Name of Social Worker: Y/N
Does the pupil have a statement of special Primary Special Need: educational needs or Education, Health and Y/N Please attach Statement/EHC Care Plan? Plan Is the pupil on the SEN register? Undergoing Statutory Assessment Y/N Primary Special Need: Y/N SEN Support Y/N
If yes, please attach details and Does the pupil have any medical conditions include details of or disabilities? Y/N adjustments and/or interventions in school Has the pupil been permanently excluded Name of Pupil Referral Unit: from school? Y/N Reason:
Has the pupil had any fixed-term If yes, please attach details exclusions? Y/N
Does this pupil have a Pastoral Support If yes, please attach Plan or Individual Education Plan in place? Y/N
Does this pupil have Family Support or an If yes, please attach details Early Help Assessment in place? Y/N
Please give attendance for last academic Please attach attendance year and current attendance figures records
Agency Involvement - Please tick Signatures must be completed
Education Attendance Service Authorised by: QEST Full Name: Educational Psychologist Position: Healthy Young Minds Signature: Youth Offending Team Date: Social Care Parent/carer signature: Health Authority Date: Other Agency Please attach all available reports from the agencies above. Guidance notes for parents
Please note if this form is not completed it will be sent back to parent / carer. This includes section B. Parent / carers are expected to get pupils current/last school to complete section B.
Remember: You are responsible by law for ensuring your child’s attendance at school. Unless your child has been excluded he/she will remain on roll and is expected to attend their current school until the transfer has been completed.
Important: Pupils should only be admitted to a new school at the start of a new term (January/April/September) unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Why transfer? The decision to transfer schools must never be taken lightly. A settled school placement throughout the primary or secondary phase is important, not only to give a child the best possible educational opportunities, but also to help social and emotional development. If your child is having difficulties at school or you are considering a transfer for other reasons, please discuss the issues with your child’s class teacher, head of year or Headteacher before you complete the form. Often the issues can be resolved within the school.
We do realise that in some circumstances it may be necessary to transfer your child to another school, for example:
• If you are moving house on a permanent basis and the distance would make it impossible for your child to attend their current school. • Where, after careful discussion with the Headteacher at your child’s current school, it is decided that the issues cannot be resolved and a change of school would be helpful to the child.
Transfer requests that are based on medical conditions or exceptional family circumstances may require you to provide evidence from your GP, Social Care, etc. This information will be treated confidentially.
Who has parental responsibility? Transfer requests must be discussed with all those with parental responsibility for the child. In law this responsibility is given to:
• A mother automatically has parental responsibility for her child from birth. • Both parents if they are married to each other at the time of the birth or jointly adopt a child; this never ends, even if they divorce or separate. • Unmarried fathers may acquire parental responsibility by jointly registering the birth of the child with the mother (from 1 December 2003), by obtaining a parental responsibility order from the courts, by entering into a parental responsibility agreement with the mother, or by obtaining a residence order. • Other adults may obtain parental responsibility if a residence order or special guardianship order is made in their favour and will last as long as the order is in force.
If I decide a transfer is appropriate, what is the next step? The form should be completed, preferably at a meeting with the Headteacher of the current school. He/she will be able to help you complete the form and will need to complete the Headteacher’s section explaining the reasons for the transfer. You and the Headteacher must sign the form.
Please see – school admissions – in year transfers for details of where to send the completed form to.
Applications for Voluntary Aided Schools may need a supplementary form completing. Please check and request this from the school directly.
Will my application be successful? Your application will be refused in certain circumstances:
• If there are no places in the particular year group. An alternative school may be offered or your child could remain at their current school. You will be offered the right of appeal for a place at the school. • The Admission Authority may decide to refuse the transfer of a child to a school who falls within the definitions of the Fair Access Protocol.
Please contact the Admissions Team on 0161 770 4213 should you wish to discuss any of the above.