Tentative Yearly Voluntary Calendar of HRC Thematic Resolutions

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Tentative Yearly Voluntary Calendar of HRC Thematic Resolutions

06.06.2014 Tentative yearly voluntary calendar of HRC thematic resolutions


Ad Hoc Committee on 1 Birth registration Arbitrary deprivation of nationality complementary standards Children 2 Business & HR Administration of justice All related issues Advisory Committee 3 Combating religious intolerance Climate change Interactive dialogue 4 Counter-terrorism Corruption Arbitrary detention 5 Cultural rights Education Composition of OHCHR 6 Democracy & Rule of Law Extreme poverty Conscientious objection

Disabilities Contribution of parliaments to the 7 Freedom of assembly/association All related issues HRC and UPR Cooperation with the UN 8 Economic, Social & Cultural Rights Freedom of expression (Reprisals) Effective implementation of HR 9 Health Death penalty instruments 10 Environment Internally Displaced Persons Enforced disappearances 11 Food Independence of judges & lawyers Equitable international order 12 Foreign debt International solidarity Forensic genetics From rhetoric to reality: a global call 13 Freedom of religion or belief Migrants for concrete action ag. racism 14 Good governance Migrants from North Africa Hazardous wastes Racism 15 HIV-AIDS + Access to medicine Only reporting by Special HR education & training Rapporteur IGWG Private Military & Security 16 Housing Right to peace Companies Incompatibility between racism & 17 HR defenders Social Forum democracy Indigenous peoples 18 IGWG Durban Summary executions All related issues Technical cooperation Integration of gender perspective 19 Illicit funds HC & Vol. Fund briefing Annual Panel Joint work plan UN Women // 20 Integrity of the judicial system Trafficking OHCHR Only reporting Women 21 International cooperation (Discrimination, Violence against Maternal mortality women, Annual day discussion) Mainstreaming 22 Mercenaries Annual Panel Minorities National HR Institutions 23 All related issues

*Initiatives under items 4, 10 and 7 (HR in the occupied Syrian Golan, HR situation in the OPT, Israeli settlements in the OPT and Right of the Palestinian people to self-determination are presented annually in March) are not reflected in this tentative yearly calendar of thematic resolutions.


Civil society space 24 Peaceful protests Equal political participation 25 Prevention of genocide

26 Technical cooperation Impact of arms transfers on HR Annual discussion

National policies 27 Torture

28 Older persons

29 People of African Descent

30 Prevention

Promoting HR through sport and the 31 Olympic ideal

32 Regional arrangements Regional cooperation in the Asia- 33 Pacific region

34 Right to development

35 Right to truth

36 Slavery Technical cooperation 37 Resolution 38 Terrorist hostage-taking

39 Traditional values

40 Transitional justice Truth, justice, reparations, 41 guarantees of non-recurrence 42 Unilateral coercive measures

43 Water & sanitation World Programme for Human Rights 44 Education

2 1. SPECIAL PROCEDURES This proposal aims at synchronizing Special Procedures reporting before the HRC and related interactive dialogues with mandate renewals (when required) and the adoption of related thematic resolutions (if any). MARCH JUNE SEPTEMBER SR adequate housing SR education WG arbitrary detention (Germany-Finland) (Portugal) (France) Next mandate renewal: HRC34 Next mandate renewal: HRC26 Next mandate renewal: HRC33

SR sale of children SR freedom of association IE equitable international order (GRULAC-EU) (USA) (Cuba) Next mandate renewal: HRC34 Next mandate renewal: HRC33 Next mandate renewal: HRC27 (September) IE foreign debt SR IDPs WG enforced disappearance (Cuba) (Austria) (France) Next mandate renewal: HRC34 Next mandate renewal: HRC32 Next mandate renewal: HRC27 Biannual thematic resolution SR freedom of religion/belief SR freedom of expression SR Indigenous Peoples (EU) (USA-Egypt) (Mexico, Guatemala) Next mandate renewal: HRC31 Next mandate renewal: HRC34 Next mandate renewal: HRC33 (March) Biannual thematic resolution SR human rights defenders (Norway) WG business & HR + Forum (Norway SR slavery Next mandate renewal: HRC34 & core group) (UK) Next mandate renewal: HRC26 Next mandate renewal: HRC33 SR cultural rights SR health WG mercenaries (Cuba) (Brazil) (Cuba) Next renewal: HRC28 Next mandate renewal: HRC33 Next mandate renewal: HRC33 (September) SR food SR summary executions SR hazardous wastes (Cuba) (Sweden) (Afr. Gp.) Next mandate renewal: HRC31 Next mandate renewal: HRC26 Next mandate renewal: HRC27 SR minorities SR independence of judges/lawyers SR water and sanitation (Austria) (Hungary) (Spain, Germany) Next mandate renewal: HRC34 Next mandate renewal:HRC26 Next mandate renewal: HRC33 SR countering terrorism SR migrants WG people of African descent (Mexico) (Mexico) (Afr. Gp.) Next mandate renewal: HRC31 Next mandate renewal: HRC26 Next mandate renewal: HRC27 Biannual thematic resolution Biannual thematic resolution SR torture IE international solidarity (Cuba) SR truth, justice (Denmark) Next mandate renewal: HRC26 (Argentina, Switzerland & core group) Next mandate renewal: HRC34 Previously reporting in September Next mandate renewal: HRC27 IE environment SR trafficking IE older persons (Maldives & core group) (Germany, Philippines) (Argentina, CELAC) Next mandate renewal: HRC28 Next mandate renewal: HRC26 Next mandate renewal: HRC33 WG discrimination against women (Mexico, Colombia) Next mandate renewal: HRC32

SR violence against women (Canada) Next mandate renewal: HRC32 SR extreme poverty (France) Next mandate renewal: HRC26 SR racism (Afr. Gp.) Next mandate renewal: HRC34 (March) Related thematic resolution in September

3 4 2. OTHER HR MECHANISMS, BODIES and PANELS This proposal aims at synchronizing Annual Panels, HR mechanisms & bodies reporting before the HRC, related interactive dialogues (if any) and the adoption of related thematic resolutions (if any). MARCH JUNE SEPTEMBER SRSG violence against children Annual debate women’s rights Annual debate on integration of gender (EU-GRULAC) (Chile) perspective See HRC res. 6/30 (Chile) See HRC res. 6/30 SRSG children & conflict Social Forum IGWG Private Military & Security (EU-GRULAC) (Cuba) Companies Previously reporting in September Previously reporting in March (Afr. Gp.) See HRC res. 19/24 See HRC res. 15/26 Annual debate children Technical cooperation: HC briefing & Advisory Committee (EU-GRULAC) Voluntary Fund Technical Cooperation (Interactive dialogue with HRC) See HRC res. 7/29 (Thailand) See HRC res. 16/21, §38 See HRC res. 18/18

Annual ID disabilities WG on the right to peace Ad Hoc Committee on complementary (Mexico-New Zealand) (Cuba) standards See HRC res. 7/9 See HRC res. 23/16 (Afr. Gp.) See HRC res. 3/103 Panel on HR mainstreaming Forum on business and HR Annual Panel on Indigenous Peoples (HRC President) (Norway) (Mexico, Guatemala) See HRC res. 16/21, §42 See HRC res. 17/4 See HRC res. 18/8 IGWG Durban WG on Rights of Peasants Expert Mech. Indigenous Peoples (Afr. Gp.) (Bolivia) See HRC res. 6/36 See HRC res 21/19 Annual discussion on technical WG on the Right to Development cooperation (NAM) (Thailand) See HRC res. 9/3 See HRC res. 18/18 Forum on Minority Issues (Austria) See HRC res. 19/23

5 3. REPORTS BY UN SG AND HC and OTHER RESOLUTIONS This proposal aims at synchronizing the presentation of SG and HC reports with related thematic resolutions. This table also includes other regular thematic resolutions which do not include reporting obligations. MARCH JUNE SEPTEMBER Birth registration Arbitrary deprivation of nationality Administration of Justice (Mexico, Turkey) (Russia) (Austria) 1 SG report HC report Biannual resolution Biannual resolution Previously reporting in March Combating religious intolerance Business & HR Composition of OHCHR (OIC) (Norway & core group) (Cuba) 2 SG report HC report Previously reporting in September Previously reporting in March Counter-terrorism Climate Change Conscientious objection (Mexico) (Philippines-Bangladesh) (Croatia) HC report Democracy & Rule of Law Extreme Poverty Contribution of parliaments to the (Romania) (France) HRC and UPR 3 HC report (Ecuador) Biannual resolution Effective impl. of HR instruments Migrants from North Africa Cooperation w/ the UN (reprisals) (Canada) (Afr. Gp.) (Hungary) 4 Only annual SG reporting HC report? SG report See HRC res. 9/8 Previously reporting in September Biannual resolution

Elaboration of intl. complementary Death penalty standards to the ICERD Right to peace (Belgium) 5 (Afr. Gp) (Cuba) Only annual SG reporting See HRC dec. 18/117

ESCR Violence against women Forensic genetics (Portugal) (Canada) (Argentina) 6 HC report HC report HC report ? Previously reporting in June Biannual resolution

Good governance Negative impact of corruption on the From rhetoric to reality: a global call (Poland) enjoyment of human rights for concrete action ag. racism (Afr. HC report (Morocco) Gp) 7 Biannual resolution Refers to SR racism, IGWG, WG People of African Descent. SG progress report HIV-AIDS HR education & training (Brazil) (Switzerland, Morocco & core 8 HC/SG report? group) Biannual resolution Biannual resolution

Illicit funds Incompatibility between racism & (Afr. Group) democracy 9 (MERCOSUR) HC report Biannual resolution Integrity of the judicial system Indigenous issues 10 (Russia) (Mexico, Guatemala) HC report MARCH JUNE SEPTEMBER

6 International cooperation Joint work plan UN (NAM) Women//OHCHR 11 HC report (Chile) Only annual SG reporting Previously reporting in March Minorities National HR Institutions 12 (Austria) (Australia) HC report SG reports Peaceful protests National policies 13 (Switzerland) (Peru) HC report HC report at HRC27 Persons with disabilities Maternal mortality 14 (Mexico, New Zealand) (Colombia, B. Faso, N. Zealand) HC report HC report Prevention of genocide Regional arrangements (Armenia) (Belgium & core group) 15 HC report at HRC28 Biannual resolution Biannual resolution Rights of the child Regional cooperation in the Asia- (GRULAC-EU) Pacific region 16 SG/HC report (Host of workshop) HC report Biannual resolution Vol. Fund for participation in UPR Right to development 17 HC report (NAM) HC & SG report Vol. Fund for victims of torture Right to truth (Denmark) (Argentina) 18 SG report HC report? Biannual resolution Role of prevention 19 (Ukraine) HC report Technical cooperation 20 (Thailand) Annual resolution Terrorist hostage-taking 21 (Algeria) Traditional values 22 (Russia) Transitional justice (Switzerland) 23 HC report Biannual resolution Unilateral coercive measures 24 (NAM) HC report World Programme for HR education (Costa Rica & core group) 25 HC report Biannual resolution


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