Members Absent: Welden Elliott and Chad Moody

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Members Absent: Welden Elliott and Chad Moody

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Hemphill Independent School District Board of Education met in regular session on Thursday,

July 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. for a regular Board Meeting in the HISD Administration Office with the following members present: Lloyd Ford, Janis Speights, Stephen Crowell, Lynn Lindsey, and

Carolyn Wych.

Members absent: Welden Elliott and Chad Moody.

Also present were Andy Trekell, Superintendent, Sally Butler, Business Manager, Kelli Barnett, Marc

Griffin, Beth McBride, Susan Smith, Stephanie Corley, and Daniel Havard.

Lloyd Ford, School Board President, called the meeting to order and established a quorum.

Andy Trekell gave the invocation.

Lloyd Ford led the pledge to the flag.

Lynn Lindsey read the Hemphill ISD Mission Statement.

The Board approved the minutes of the Special Board Meeting on June 25, 2012 on a motion by Janis

Speights, seconded by Lynn Lindsey, passed unanimously.

The Board approved the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on June 26, 2012 on a motion by

Carolyn Wych, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously.

Andy Trekell, Superintendent, gave the Superintendent’s Report:


School 2010 – 2011 2011 - 2012

High School 274 270

Middle School 307 299

Elementary School 343 303

Total 924 872

National Forest Counties and Schools Coalition

Mr. Trekell reported on

TASA/TASB Convention

September 28 – 30, 2012 at Austin, Texas

Resurfacing Athletic Track

To repair the athletic track it will cost $ 2,800.00

Technology Report

Daniel Havard reported on the projects he has been doing so far.

C Scope Conference

Several teachers attended the conference in San Antonio

DPS Audit

A DPS employee came out and audited the school. We received a very good report. Hemphill ISD’s future relationship with the Sabine County Appraisal District

As of August 31, 2012 the school will terminate benefits to the Sabine County Appraisal District employees for TRS and TRS Active Care. If there are any residual funds left they will be refunded to the Sabine County Appraisal District.

Mr. Trekell then presented the Superintendent’s Recommendations:

Mr. Trekell recommended approval of renewal contract with Linebarger, Goggan, Blair, and Sampson,


The Board approved the renewal contract with Linebarger, Goggan, Blair, and Sampson, LLP on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously.

There were not student overnight trip requests.

Mr. Trekell recommended approval of a Broadcasting Agreement with Radio Station KTHP 103.9 for

2012 – 2013 Hemphill Hornet games.

The Board approved a Broadcasting Agreement with Radio Station KTHP 103.9 for 2012 – 2013

Hemphill Hornet games on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Lynn Lindsey, passed unanimously.

Mr. Trekell recommended approval of cafeteria prices.

The Board approved cafeteria prices as presented on a motion by Stephen Crowell, seconded by Janis

Speights, passed unanimously.

Mr. Trekell recommended renewal of Worker’s Compensation Insurance.

The Board approved renewal of Worker’s Compensation Insurance with Texas Association of School

Board Risk Management Fund for Claims Liability of $ 52,256, Fixed Cost of $ 12,420, for a total of

$ 64,676 on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Lynn Lindsey, passed unanimously.

Mr. Trekell recommended approval of District’s audit services.

The Board approved Alexander, Lankford, & Hiers, Inc. for the audit of School District funds for the year ending August 31, 2012 for an estimated fee of $ 19,100 on a motion by Carolyn Wych, seconded by Lynn Lindsey, passed unanimously.

Mr. Trekell recommended approval of auction bids.

The Board approved the auction bids received on a motion by Stephen Crowell, seconded by Lynn

Lindsey, passed unanimously.

Mr. Trekell recommended a proposed tax rate of $ 1.03740 for the 2012 – 2013 school year.

The Board approved a proposed tax rate of $ 1.04 for the 2012 – 2013 school year on a motion by

Lynn Lindsey, seconded by Carolyn Wych, passed unanimously.

Executive Session: To discuss personnel as allowed in Gov. Code Sub Chapter 551.072 and 551.074,


The Board convened into executive session at 7:55 p.m.

The Board returned to open session at 8:38 p.m. Continue Superintendent’s Recommendations:

Mr. Trekell recommended accepting resignations.

The Board approved accepting resignations from the following on a motion by Lynn Lindsey, seconded by Carolyn Wych, passed unanimously.

Beverly Rocha – Paraprofessional- Effective July 16, 2012

Mr. Trekell recommended employment of personnel.

The Board approved employment of the following on a motion by Stephen Crowell, seconded by Lynn

Lindsey, passed unanimously.

Tonia Edwards – Bus Driver

Robyn Shapley – SCSSA Educational Diagnostician

Sally Butler, Business Manager, presented the financial report for the month of June 2012.

The Board approved the financial report for the month of June 2012 on a motion by Carolyn Wych, seconded by Lynn Lindsey, passed unanimously.

Sally Butler, Business Manager, presented Budget Amendment # 6 for the 2011 – 2012 school year.

876 00 1290 00 000 2 00000 $ 28,343.78

876 41 6146 00 750 2 99000 $ (28,343.78)

To amend budget for funds required to be paid to Teacher Retirement, payment expected from

Toledo Bend Teachers Credit Union

The Board approved Budget Amendment # 6 for the 2011 – 2012 school year on a motion by Janis

Speights, seconded by Lynn Lindsey, passed unanimously.

There was not a Memo regarding Special Revenue Funds

There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m. on a motion by

Stephen Crowell, seconded by Carolyn Wych, passed unanimously.

______Lloyd Ford, President Stephen Crowell, Secretary Hemphill Board of Education Hemphill Board of Education

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