Environmental Engineering Department
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Environmental Engineering Department College of Engineering University of Baghdad
The Department of Environmental Engineering at University of Baghdad - College of Engineering has dedicated faculty applying state of the art technologies, utilizing excellent facilities, small classes, and a supportive staff to help students in the department to reach their academic and career goals. Graduates students, who can be found in agencies and businesses throughout the country, are the best indicator of the dedication to student success. Environmental Engineering Department at the College of Engineering- Baghdad University began as a postgraduate program at the Civil Engineering Department in 1986. In 1997, the present department was established as the Department of Environmental Engineering for postgraduate studies. Undergraduate studies were included in 2005 making the Department a full-fledged one at the College of Engineering.
In this department more than 250 papers have been published, in which 100 of them were a joint work with other Iraqi establishments. Most of these papers were published in International Journals with impact factors. The department graduated more than 210 PhD. and MSc. students.
Scientific research activities included different environmental areas, such as, pollution of water, air and soil, in particular industrial and radioactive contamination, and their effect on human and the surrounding environment. Many of the achieved projects have been registered as patents.
Many of the faculty members of the department have participation in international and Arabic conferences deal with different environmental areas. The department offers engineering programs leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Degree of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Environmental Engineering. The annual system of study is followed in the department for the (B.Sc.) undergraduate study. The study period is 4 years with 152 units distributed over the four years of study. For the postgraduate study, the semester's system of study is followed in the department. The minimum period of study is 2 years for the M.Sc. and 3 years for the Ph.D. degrees. The first year for both studies is for courses with two semesters. The second year for M.Sc. is for thesis work. The second and third years for Ph.D. are for dissertation work. The Ph.D. students had to pass a comprehensive exam before they can register on a dissertation.
For the BSc.'s degree in Environmental Engineering, the syllabus of this degree covers the theoretical and practical studies in different environmental areas.
BSc Course syllabus
FIRST YEAR 1st Semester 2nd Semester Hours/Week Hours/Week Code Subject Units .Theo Applied Lab .Theo Applied Lab EnE101 Calculus I & II 5 2 1 - 2 1 - 2 ـ 2 2 ـ EnE102 Analytical Chemistry 6 2 2 ـ 2 2 ـ EnE103 Organic Chemistry 6 2 2 - 2 - ـ - EnE104 Physics for Environmental 3 .Eng - ـ - 2 ـ EnE105 Environmental 3 2 Microbiology EnE106 Computer Programming 4 1 - 2 1 - 2 EnE107 Engineering Drawing 4 1 - 2 1 - 2 EnE108 Technical English 4 2 - - 2 - - EnE109 Work shop Technology 2 - - 2 - - 2 EnE110 Arabic Language 2 1 1 - 1 1 - Total 39 13 2 12 13 2 12 Total hours per week 27 27 SECOND YEAR 1st Semester 2nd Semester Hours/Week Hours/Week Code Subject Units Theo Applied Lab Theo Applied Lab EnE201 Engineering Statistics 5 2 1 - 2 1 - EnE202 Calculus III 5 2 1 - 2 1 - EnE203 Engineering Hydrology 4 2 - - 2 - - 2 ـ 2 - ـ ـ EnE204 Environmental Geology 3 EnE205 Thermodynamic 5 2 1 - 2 1 - - - 2 - - ـ EnE206 Ecology 2 EnE207 Static & Strength of 5 2 1 - 2 1 - Materials 2 ـ 1 2 ـ EnE208 Computer Programming 4 1 - - ـ - EnE209 Engineering Economy 3 2 2 EnE210 Human Rights 2 1 1 - 1 1 - Total 38 14 7 2 16 5 4 Total hours per week 23 25
THIRD YEAR 1st Semester 2nd Semester Hours/Week Hours/Week Code Subject Units Theo Applied Lab Theo Applied Lab EnE301 Engineering Analysis 5 2 1 - 2 1 - EnE302 Numerical Analysis 5 2 1 - 2 1 - EnE303 Fluid Mechanics 6 2 1 2 2 1 2 EnE304 Mass Transfer 5 2 1 - 2 1 - EnE305 Solid Wastes 4 2 - - 2 - - - - 3 - - ـ EnE306 Hazardous Wastes 3 EnE307 Soil Science & Pollution 7 3 - 2 3 - - - - 2 - - ـ EnE308 Industrial Safety 2 Summer training pass Total 37 13 4 4 18 4 2 Total hours per week 21 24
Note: Summer training is one month for third year must be applied. FOURTH YEAR 1st Semester 2nd Semester Hours/Week Hours/Week Code Subject Units Theo Applied Lab Theo Applied Lab EnE401 Industrial processes 5 2 1 - 2 1 - wastewater treatment 2 ـ 2 - ـ ـ EnE402 Geodesy & GIS 3 EnE403 Air Pollution 6 3 - - 3 - - EnE404 Ground water Pollution 4 2 - - 2 - - EnE405 Environmental Engineering 6 2 1 2 1 2 Control System EnE406 Environmental Management 4 2 - - 2 - - EnE407 Water Supply & Sewage 6 2 1 2 2 1 2 treatment EnE408 Environmental Eng. 4 2 - - 2 - - Projects Design Total 38 15 3 2 17 3 6 Total hours per week 20 26
Calculus I & II Dependent and independent variables, functions, domain and range, continuity, limits, derivatives and its applications, graph of functions, trigonometric functions. Analytical Chemistry Chemical bonding and molecular geometry, chemical equations and quantitative reactions, methods of expressing concentrations, redox reactions ionic eqilibria in aqueous solutions; acids and bases in solutions , pH; chemical properties of water, electrochemical processes. Organic Chemistry Classification and identification of organic compounds, structural characterization of organic compounds, properties and preparation, environmental significance of petroleum products, halogenated and de- halogenated solvents, selected polymers, pesticides, industrial intermediate Physics for Environmental Eng . Review of dynamic physics, energy and power laws, optics and light, electromagnetic fields, radiation, sound and vibration, physical pollution. Environmental Microbiology Organizations of the microbial world, microorganisms in the water, air, and soil environment, aspects of bacteria of special interest to environmental engineering, biochemical reactions, introduction to biological reactor configurations. Computer Programming Historical background, computer units, files and folders, Window XP, Word, Excel, Power Point, SPSS. Engineering Drawing Introduction, selection of instruments, engineering lettering applied, geometry, fundamentals of dimensioning on engineering drawing, orthographic projection (models, auxiliary views), sectional views, pictorial drawing and sketching, sketching and drawing, dimensions, graphic charts and diagrams, projection theory (orthographic), projection of point, projection of line , projection of plans, frontal line on plans. Technical English Basic language of scientific English (sentence patterns, structural words, non-structural vocabulary), engineering education-environmental engineering, research and development, technical report writing.
Work shop Technology Measuring tools, fitting tools, Lathe, metal working, drilling, and welding. Arabic Language According to the College syllabus
Engineering Statistics Data presentation, measure of central tendency, measure of dispersion, sampling, statistical expectation, testing hypothesis, correlation, linear and non-linear regression Calculus III Hyperbolic functions, polar coordinates, partial differentiations in and its applications, multiple integration, differential equations, complex variables. Engineering hydrology Water cycle, measurements and variation of metrological data, precipitation, stream flow, runoff hydrograph, unit hydrograph, synthetic hydrographic flood routing.
Environmental Geology Principle of geology science, classification of rock masses, geological data collection, regional geology and geophysical exploration, core logging, graphical presentation of geological data, physical and chemical properties of the rocks. Thermodynamic The first law and other basic concepts, Joules, experiment internal energy, formulation of first law of thermodynamics, the thermodynamic state and state functions, enthalpy, the steady state flow process, equilibrium. The phase rule, reversible process, constant-volume and pressure process, volumetric properties of pure fluids, the PVT of pure substances, the virial equation, generalized correlations for gases generalized correlations for liquids, the standard heat of reaction, the standard heat of formation, the standard heat of combustion, effect of temperature on the standard heat of reaction, second law of thermodynamics, statements of the second law , the heat engine , carnot cycle for an ideal gas , entopy ,entopy changrs of an ideal gas, the third law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties of fluids, thermodynamic properties for homogeneous phase at constant composition, residual properties. Ecology Principles of general ecology, biochemical pathways, kinetics ecosystems structure and function, nutrient cycling, development and application of mass balance models for lake eutrophication, preliminary design of waste ponds and constructed wetlands. Transfer of toxic chemicals in food webs. Static & Strength of Materials Axial stress, shear stress and moment diagram, bending stresses in beams, shear stress in beams, Torsion, combined stresses, Mohr's circle for stress and strains, deflection of beams. Computer Programming Basic, visual basic, FORTRAN, Matlab Engineering Economy Economic perspective, the human environment relationship, environmental and natural resource economics, the basic pessimist model, the basic optimist model, distinguishing good out comes from bad, static and dynamic efficiency, sustainability, property rights, and externalities as a source of market failure. Freedom & Democracy According to the College syllabus.
THIRD YEAR Engineering Analysis First order differential equations, second order differential equations, applications, simultaneous differential equations and applications, Fourier series, Laplace transform, partial differential equations. Numerical Analysis Approximation and round of errors, Roots of equations, Interpolation, Linear algebraic equations, Curve fitting, Numerical differentiation problems, Numerical Integration, Ordinary differential equations, Advanced numerical differentiation, Advance numerical integration, Partial differential equations, Solution of set of partial differential equations, Numerical solution of partial differential equations elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic, Parabolic equations in two spatial dimensions, Numerical solution of nonlinear equations, Applications. Fluid Mechanics Physical properties of fluid, pressure and its measurements, gates force acting on a curved surfaces, buoyancy force, continuity equation, flow through pipes, energy equation, tanks problems, momentum equation, jet and nozzles, flow through packed columns, dimensions analysis, flow measurements devices, flow in open channels.
Mass Transfer Introduction to mass transfer molecular diffusion, mass transfer theories, two film theory, penetration theory, surface renewal theory, the film penetration theory, mass transfer coefficient, overall mass transfer coefficient, individual mass transfer coefficient, relations between coefficients, An experiment to determine of mass transfer coefficient, gas absorption, adsorption, leaching, drying. Solid Wastes Quantities and characteristics of solid waste (municipal and industrial solid waste), generation of solid waste, on site handling storage and processing collection of solid waste, transfer station and transport of solid waste, processing and treatment, resource recovery and recycling, disposal methods of solid waste. Hazardous Wastes General definition of hazardous waste, preregulatory disposal of hazardous waste, hazardous waste environmental legislation and disposal regulations, classification and characterization of hazardous waste, source analysis, material balance and waste audits, hazardous waste site assessments, estimation of source concentrations for hazardous material, spills, sampling away from the source, hazardous waste reduction and resource recovery, basic treatment technologies, case studies. Soil Science & Pollution Origin and composition of soils, soil structure, chemical and physical properties of soil, soil permeability and flow of water through soils, soil behavior under stress, compressibility, shear strength, environmental geotechnology, soil erosion and pollution, ion exchange in soils, soil as an aid to waste disposal. Industrial safety The work environment, material guidance note, chemical agents, physical agents, biological agents, psychosocial factors, site injury, selection of safety roles, personal protective equipment (PPE), incident reporting, maximum permissible concentrations.
FOURTH YEAR Industrial processes wastewater treatment Basic raw material and material balance in industrial processing, environmental impact of industry location, compatibility of industry and municipality, characteristics of industrial wastes, theories for industrial volume and strength reduction, joint treatment of raw industrial wastes with domestic sewage, application and design of basic wastewater treatment technology. Geodesy & GIS Basic of satellite image transportation and processing, environmental mapping via-satellite, georeference mapping, image processing and analyzing, aerial data decoding and explaining, strategy of GIS implementation, data-base management system, concept and structure, digital data acquisition and global positing, structural Query language. Air Pollution Properties, effect and sources of air pollutants, air pollution sampling and measurements, Meteorology, atmospheric dispersion, air pollution control methods and equipment, air quality and emission standards. Ground water Pollution Porous media characteristics, flow in porous media (Darcy equation), aquifer systems, general flow equation and its solutions, advection dispersion relations, control methods of some ground water pollution situation. Environmental Engineering Control System Laplace transforms, inversion by partial fractions, further properties of transforms, linear open-loop systems, response of first order system, physical example of first-order systems, response of first-order system in series, higher-order systems, second order and transportation, linear closed-loop systems, control systems, control and final control elements, closed-loop transfer functions, stability, root-locus methods, root locus transient response from root locus, application of root locus to control systems, frequency-response methods, introduction to frequency response, control system design by frequency response, nonlinear methods, phase space, methods of phase plane analysis and example. Environmental Management Environmental impact assessment (EIA), risk assessment, environmental audit (EA), occupational safety and health (OSH), the national environmental policy act (NEPA). Water Supply & Sewage treatment Water supply: Introduction, quantity of water, collection of water, quality of water supplies, treatment of water (clarification, filtration, miscellaneous water treatment methods), distribution of water supply. Sewerage: amount of storm sewage, sewer pipes and appurtenances, design construction and maintenance of sewer system, characteristic of sewage, sewage treatment and disposal, preliminary, primary and secondary treatment, sewage sludge treatment and disposal, miscellaneous sewage treatment problem. Environmental Eng. Projects Design Design systems for water, soil, and air pollutants treatment. College of Engineering (Environmental Engineering Department (M.Sc. courses
Nu 1st term 2nd term mb C er Tota .No Course name Theoreti Tutori Practic l Total od of Theoretical Tutorial Practical e unit cal al al hour hours s s
Surface and EnE 1 ground water 3 3 - - 3 501 pollution
EnE Hazardous 2 3 3 - - 3 502 wastes
EnE Advanced 3 - - 2 2 503 statistics
Treatment EnE 4 3 3 - - 3 plant 504 Industrial EnE 5 3 3 - - 3 waste water 505 Solid wastes 6 and 3 3 - - 3 EnE management 506 Air pollution EnE 7 control for 3 3 - - 3 507 particulates Air pollution EnE control for 8 3 3 3 . . 508 gaseous emmision
EnE 9 Optimization 3 3 - - 3 509
EnE 10 English 2 2 2 2 2 510
1. Surface and ground water pollution 1. Biological aspects of stream sanitation 2. Hydrological considenation in stream analysis 3. Self purification process 4. Estimating of organic content of the water 5. Formulation of the BOD 6. Dissolve oxygen sag in streams
2. Hazardous wastes 1. Introduction on hazardous wastes 2. Source analysis 3. Partitioning, sorption and exchange at surfaces 4. Volatilization 5. Abiotic and biotic transformation 6. Contaminant release and transport from the source 7. Quantities toxicology 8. H.W Risk Assessment 9. H.W minimization, remediation, treatment and disposal 10. land filing design 3. Advanced statistics 1. General preview 2. Probability 3. Random variables and probability distribution 4. Statistical expectations 5. Testing hypothesis 6. Commutation analysis 7. Regression analysis single 8. Degassing analysis multiple 9. Analysis of variance 10. Stochastic analysis
4. Treatment plant 1. Introduction waste water, analysis, production organic matter content in sewage, types of wastewater ………………………………….2hrs 2. Essential microbiology – microorganism of importance Metabolism, types of bacteria, biological oxidation and synthesis, Growth of bacteria …………………………………………...... 4hrs 3. Generation rate of municipal sewage, its components Estimate of sewage generation rate and its organic load , BOD, COD and other parameters estimate ………...... 4hrs 4. Design of sewage treatment plant, objective, treatment Method, site selection, degree of treatment …...... 2hrs 5. Sewage treatment units design …………...... 16hrs - Screening device types, design & selection - Grit removal devices – types, design & control - Principles of sedimentation of suspended matter - Primary treatment – sedimentation tanks - Secondary treatment – methods, Trickling filters Activated sludge and its modification Oxidation ponds -sludge treatment and final effluent disinfection before desposal to water courses Areport particular assignment is to presented by each student
5. Industrial wastewater 1. Types and sources of pollutants in industrial wastewater. 2. Sampling and gaging of industrial wastewater. 3. Theories for minimizing the effects of industrial wastes on receiving streams 4. Treatment processes and technologies 5. Types & characteristics of w.w from specific industries and the suggested treatment methods
6. Solid wastes and management 1. Introduction: Impacts of solid wastes, generation in a technological society, projection for future 2. The evaluation of solid wastes and management 3. Function element – discussion as all the functional element 4. Generation of solid wastes 5. On site handling, storage and processing Collection of solid wastes – advanced technique of analysis, collection routes planning and analysis 6. Transfer and transport, feasibility study transfer stations types & location, Environmental impacts 7. Processing technique and equipments 8. Recovery of resources, conversion products and energy 9. Disposal of solid wastes and residual matter Sanitary land fills –methods & operations Reactions in sanitary land fill, gas & leachate production and movement control Design of land fill for municipal & hazardous waster Incineration and composting of solid waster 10. Management issues, planning study and selection of alternatives and final decision Note: Each student should prepare a report based on field study
7. Air pollution control 1. Design of industrial ventilation systems 2. Hood specifications 3. Duct design 4. Settling chambers 5. Inertial devices 6. Electrostatic precipitators
8. Air pollution 1. Air pollution system: ambient air quality, standard emission, standards, criteria pollutants, non criteria pollutants 2. Air pollution, sources, and effects 3. Meteorology 4. Dispersion of pollutants in atmosphere 5. Air pollution sampling, measurement 6. General control of air of pollutants
9. Optimization 1. Problem formulation ''The nature and organization of optimizing problem''. 2. Fitting models to data. 3. Formulation of objective function. 4. Optimization theory and methods. 5. Optimization of unconstrained functions one-dimensional search. 6. UN constrained multivariable optimization. 7. Linear programming and applications. 8. Nonlinear programming with constraints.
English .10 1. Part 1: Grammatical Issues 2. Part 2: the principles of effective writing 3. Part 3: Research writing 4. Part 4: the Mechanic of writing 5. Part 5: Citation of References and Reference lists College of Engineering Environmental Engineering Department (Ph.D. courses)
1st term 2nd term Number Code .No Course name of units Total Total Theoretical Tutorial Practical Theoretical Tutorial Practical hours hours
Environmental 1 3 3 - - 3 EnE601 Biotechnology
Advanced 2 3 3 - - 3 EnE602 mathematics
Multiphase fluid 3 3 3 - - 3 EnE603 flow
EnE604 Radiological 4 3 3 - - 3 pollution
Environmental EnE605 5 Nano 3 3 - - 3 Technology
EnE606 6 Finite elements 3 3 - - 3
Advanced fluid EnE607 7 3 3 - - 3 flow
Environmental EnE608 8 3 3 - - 3 management
EnE609 9 English 2 2 2 2 2 College of Engineering Environmental Engineering Department (Ph.D. courses)
Environmental Biotechnology .1 1- Basics of microbiology.
2- Stoichiometry and bacterial energetic.
3- Microbial Kinetics and modeling.
4- Biofilms kinetics.
5- Bio-reactors design.
6- Aerobic transformation processes by mixed microbial community.
7- Anaerobic transformation processes by sulfate reducing bacteria, metal reducing bacteria, and methanogensis.
2. Advanced mathematics 1. Special functions 2. Laplace transform 3. Inverse Laplace transform 4. Fourier series 5. Fourier transform 6. Inverse Fourier transform 7. Solution of partial D.E. 8. Applications and review
3. Multiphase fluid flow 1. Basic characteristics of rocks. 1.1- Porosity. 1.1.1- Definition. 1.1.2- Determination of porosity. 1.1.3- Compressibility of porous rocks. 1.2- Permeability. 1.2.1- Definition. 1.2.2- Poiseuille′s and Fanning’s equations. 1.2.3- Darcy′s equation. 1.2.4- Kozeny equation. 1.2.5- Pressure and potential. 1.2.6- Horizontal flow. 1.2.7- Vertical flow. 1.2.8- Radial flow. 1.2.9- Permeability of combination layers. 1.2.10- Channels and fractures. 1.2.11- Measurement of permeability. 1.2.12-Factors affecting permeability measurements. 1.2.13- Porosity and permeability relationships. 1.3- Fluid saturations. 1.3.1- Definition. 1.3.2- Determination of fluid saturations. 2. Properties of porous media containing multiple fluid saturations. 2.1- Surface forces and capillary pressure. 2.1.1- Fundamentals of surface and capillary forces. Wetting. Rise of fluids in capillaries. Capillary pressure in packing of uniform spheres. Saturation history. 2.1.2- Measurement of capillary pressure. 2.1.3- Water saturation from capillary pressure data. 2.1.4- Converting laboratory data. 2.1.5- Equilibrium in an initial state reservoir. 2.1.6- Pore size distribution and calculation of permeability from capillary pressure. 2.2- Effective and relative permeability. 2.2.1- Definition. 2.2.2- Determination of relative permeability curves. 3. Immiscible fluid displacement mechanism. 3.1- Piston-Like Displacement. 3.2- Fractional Flow Equations. 3.3- The rate of frontal advance equation. 3.3.1- Stabilized zone concept. 3.3.2- After breakthrough. 3.4-Two and three dimensional, two phase flow. 3.4.1- Definition of mobility ratio. 3.4.2- Concept of critical speed, formation of a tongue. 3.4.3- Fingering and coning. 4. Miscible displacement. 4.1- Ternary diagram. 4.2- Thermodynamic Miscibility. 4.3- Miscibility pressure. 4.4- Dispersion in porous media. 4.4.1- Calculation of dispersed fluid concentration. 4.4.2-Factors affecting dispersion in porous media. 5. Simultaneous flow of multiple phases in porous media. 5.1- Derivation of the general flow equation governing the flow of oil, water, and gas through porous media. 5.2- Flow regimes. 5.2.1- Transient flow. 5.2.2- Semi steady state flow. 5.2.3- Steady state flow.
4. Radiological pollution 1. Introduction to radiological principles. 2. Principles of radiation protection. 3. Sources of environmental radioactivity. 4. Biological effect of radiation. 5. Radiological hazardous associated with ultra-violet radiation 6. Radiological hazardous associated with electromagnetic fields.
5. Environmental Nanotechnology 1. Environmental fate and transport of nanoparticles & nanomaterials. 2. Environmental implications of nanomaterials. 3. Environmental aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. 4. Sensing, remediation, and treatment for nanotechnology. 5. Wet chemical techniques for nanoscale materials.
6. Finite elements 1. Concept of finite element method. 2. Variational method and weighed residual. 3. One dimension linear elements 4. Finite-element formulation. 5. Two-dimensions element. 6. Coordinate systems. 7. Field problems. 8. Boundary conditions and initial conditions. 9. Applications and unsteady state problems.
7. Advanced fluid flow 1. Viscosity, the mechanism of momentum transport. 2. Velocity distribution in laminar flow. 3. The equation of change for isothermal systems. 4. Velocity distribution with more than one independent variable, stream function, potential function. 5. Velocity distribution in turbulent flow. 6. Interphase transport in isothermal systems friction factor, friction factor for packed columns.
8. Environmental management 1. Environmental management systems. 2. Environmental Assessment. 3. Environmental criteria for sitting of large projects. 4. Environmental auditing. 5. Environmental laws and policy. 6. Sustainable development.
9. English 1. Grammatical issues. 2. The principles of effective writing. 3. Research writing. 4. The mechanic of writing. 5. Citation of references and reference lists.