English 9 Final Examination

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English 9 Final Examination


You will have three hours to complete both the Literature Multiple-Choice Questions and the Task II Writing Assignment on the exam.

Part A: Literature Multiple-Choice. There are a total of 80 questions in this section of the final exam. You will only have to answer 60 questions total; in other words, you may choose the questions you want to answer. Each question is worth one point for a total of 60 points.

Part B: Task II Writing Assignment. You will read an article, study the charts/graphs, answer the five multiple-choice objective questions about your reading, and write a response based on a specific situation assigned. This section is worth 40 points.

Please fill out the heading on your answer sheet and fill in all answers with a blue or black pen only on the answer sheet. Before handing in your answer sheet, you must write “I do so declare” and sign your name on the back of the answer sheet - your test will not be graded if you do not do this.

There are 6 parts to the test; this includes the Task II essay. All answers must be recorded on the answer sheet with a pen. If you answer all of the questions, then only the first 60 will be counted. All answers must be marked on the answer sheet.


THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS! English 9R/9R+ June 2007 Examination

Part I: Grammar and Usage Section.

Directions: Select the sentence that is grammatically correct. Mark your answer in the correct line on the answer sheet.

1. A. Your the best at this game! B. You’re the best at this game!

2. A. The cat licked its tail. B. The cat licked it’s tail.

3. A. They’re coming to the store with me. B. Their coming to the store with me.

4. A. A loudspeaker paged Mike and me. B. A loudspeaker paged Mike and I.

5. A. The cords on the parachute was twisted. B. The cords on the parachute were twisted.

6. A. I saw Bill Cosby on television. B. I seen Bill Cosby on television.

7. A. Our friends had already went to the party. B. Our friends had already gone to the party.

8. A. This orange doesn’t have any seeds. B. This orange doesn’t have no seeds.

9. A. Danny cooks very good. B. Danny cooks very well.

10. A. The principal speaker at graduation is a former student. B. The principle speaker at graduation is a former student.

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Part II: Short Fiction Section.

Directions: Select the best answer from the choices provided. Mark your answer in the correct line on the answer sheet.

11. Which literary element is most significant to the development of the plot of the short story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell?

A. Point of view B. Irony C. Setting D. Tone

12. At the conclusion of “The Most Dangerous Game,” the protagonist Rainsford is characterized as A. a murderer. B. a winner. C. a victim. D. an explorer.

13. In the excerpt from the autobiography “Black Boy” by Richard Wright, Richard makes a choice at the end of the story which enables him to succeed in the street. Richard has won all of the following except

A. respect. B. his mother’s protection. C. freedom to use the streets without fear. D. some measure of adulthood.

14. In the selection from “Black Boy,” one external conflict the narrator faces is

A. between himself and his mother. B. between his hunger and his manners. C. between his shame and his pride. D. between his obligations and his exhaustion.

15. By the conclusion of the short story “The Interlopers” by Saki, what can the reader infer?

A. The wolves attack and kill Georg and Ulrich. B. The characters Georg and Ulrich attack and kill the wolves. C. Georg and Ulrich become friends and help one another out of the woods. D. The story’s resolution does not give the reader any clue as to what happens

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the characters Georg and Unrich.

16. In the “Interlopers,” the story’s ending is an example of situational irony because

A. the reader expects the approaching figures to be men B. the reader expects the two men will not meet in the woods C. the reader expects the approaching figures to be wolves D. The reader is lulled by the soothing tone of the selection

17. What is the theme in the short story “The Washwoman”?

A. Human beings are selfish and are primarily looking to gain a profit. B. Humans are not determined to work hard and strive for success. C. The human spirit can be shown through attributes or characteristics of duty, endurance, and determination. D. The theme is hard work.

18. In “The Washwoman,” Isaac Bashevis Singer characterizes the washwoman as being

A. selfish and bitter B. angry and unfair C. reliable and hardworking D. happy and easily excitable

19. The quotation below is taken from the first line of the short story “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut.

“The year was 2081….”

What literary element is show in the quotation below?

A. Setting B. Character C. Point of view D. Metaphor

20. Kurt Vonnegut wrote “Harrison Bergeron” as a humorous way of criticizing governments’ attempts to treat everybody “equally.” This type of literature is an example of a(n)

A. Drama B. External Conflict C. Satire D. Internal Conflict

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21. In the short story “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry, what motivates the character, Della, to cut her hair?

A. A casual remark Jim makes about her hair. B. A picture in a magazine. C. Her own financial desperation and need. D. Her own greed.

22. Which of the following items refers to an ironic situation in the story “The Gift of the Magi”?

A. Della has only one dollar and eighty-seven cents. B. The Youngs have a lower weekly income than they used to have. C. Della does not need combs for her short hair. D. Jim drives home on time, despite heavy traffic

23. In the short story “The Necklace” Mme. Loisel borrows an expensive necklace to wear to a fancy party. The necklace is a symbol for

A. higher class status. B. beauty. C. burden. D. honor.

24. By the end of the short story “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant, what can the reader infer?

A. The necklace is stolen by Madame Forestier. B. The Loisels have suffered needlessly. C. Madame Forestier is a very materialistic person. D. Madame Forestier is a very dishonest person.

25. Why is it effective to have the short story “Snow” by Julia Alvarez told from a child’s point of view?

A. The child is innocent in direct contrast with the images of possible war-- “air-raid drills,” etc. B. The author Julia Alvarez has less to write about. C. A child character is more interesting than an adult. D. The child is guilty of throwing snowballs.

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26. The first person point of view of “Snow” allows the reader

A. to know what the teacher is thinking B. to know what the other students are thinking C. to know why the narrator is afraid when she sees snow D. to gain an in-depth understanding of the international nuclear conflict

27. In the short story “Helen on Eighty-Sixth Street” by Wendi Kaufman, the main character, Vita, compares her absent father to Odysseus. This is an example of

A. irony. B. allusion. C. alliteration. D. imagery.

28. Given the sentences below from the short story “Helen on Eighty-Sixth Street,” identify the definition of the underlined word.

‘The gods must have envied me my beauty, for now my name is a curse. I have become hated Helen, the scourge of Troy.

A. cause of serious trouble or great suffering B. belief in more than one god C. conveys the impression of represents D. humble plea or request

29. In the short story “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst, which of the following events best symbolize Doodle’s fate?

A. Doodle crawls backwards. B. Doodle lies about people who have wings and fly wherever they go. C. The scarlet ibis falls from the bleeding tree and dies. D. Doodle is the only member of the family who hears the rain frog.

30. In “The Scarlet Ibis,” the two factors that motivate the narrator to help Doodle are

A. pride and selfishness. B. compassion and love. C. cruelty and power. D. shame and laziness.

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31. In the short story “A Christmas Memory” by Truman Capote the author uses details of sight, sound, and smell to recreate the experience of baking fruitcakes. This is the use of

A. imagery. B. irony. C. alliteration. D. experientialism.

32. While reading the short story “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe the reader knows that Montresor wishes to harm Fortunato, but Fortunato does not know it. This is an example of

A. situational irony. B. verbal irony. C. contradictional irony. D. dramatic irony.

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Part III: Non-Fiction Section

Directions: Select the best answer from the choices provided. Mark your answer in the correct line on the answer sheet.

33. In the excerpt of the autobiography “When I Lay My Burden Down by Maya Angelou,” who is the narrator?

A. The narrator is the grandmother. B. The narrator is the author, Maya Angelou. C. Harriet Jacobs is the narrator. D. The narrator is the uncle.

34. Angelou’s descriptions in “When I Lay My Burden Down” of “cold, molasses-slow minutes” of an apron so stiff with starch that it could have stood alone and of children with “greasy, uncolored hair” is an example of

A. a simile B. a theme C. imagery D. a protagonist

35. In the speech “Choice: A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” by Alice Walker, she claims Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave people

A. trouble in the community. B. heaven up above. C. a place called Home. D. history.

36. In her address, “Choice: A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,” Alice Walker says of King: “His is a complex and revolutionary philosophy that few people are capable of understanding fully or have patience to embody in themselves.” In this context the word “embody” means:

A. to exercise, to work out B. to make real, give form to, or include C. to be aware of D. to take away one’s possessions

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37. In the memoir “Haven’t I Made a Difference!” by James Herriot, he describes Mrs. Donovan as

A. a local woman who medically treated animals because she had little faith in veterinarians. B. a nosey and ignorant woman. C. a local woman who has great trust in the local veterinarians. D. a gossipy woman who cause a lot of problems in the community.

38. Which of the following is an example of cause and effect in “Haven’t I Made a Difference!”?

A. Because of Mrs. Donovan’s care for Roy, the dog became strong and healthy. B. Because Mrs. Donovan didn’t know Roy, she decided to take him into her home. C. Because Rex died, Mrs. Donovan treated Roy poorly while he was in her care. D. Because Rex had not died, Mrs. Donovan did not want Roy.

39. In the excerpt from the speech “An Indian’s Views of Indian Affairs,” by Chief Joseph, what does Chief Joseph think “good words,” or promises are unable to do?

A. Promises cannot give his people decent wages. B. Promises cannot restore his youth and optimism. C. Promises cannot give his people back their memories. D. Promises cannot give his people back their land.

40. Given the line below from the speech “An Indian’s Views of Indian Affairs,” identify the type of appeal it presents.

“When I think of our condition, my heart is heavy.”

A. The type of appeal it presents is emotional appeal. B. The type of appeal it presents is logical appeal. C. The type of appeal it presents is persuasive appeal. D. The type of appeal it presents is exaggerated appeal.

41. In the essay “Darkness at Noon,” what experiences does Harold Krentz share with his audience?

A. Harold Krents shares his experiences as an athlete. B. Harold Krents shares his experiences being blind. C. Harold Krents shares his experiences being married. D. Harold Krents shares his experiences being deaf.

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42. In “Darkness at Noon,” Harold Krents uses personal anecdotes to support his points. What are anecdotes in non-fiction writing?

A. An anecdote is a comparison of two things. B. An anecdote is a very brief story of an actual incident which provides an example. C. An anecdote is a remedy to counteract poison. D. An anecdote appears at the bottom of a page to give explanations of vocabulary.

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Part IV: Poetry and Application

Directions: Select the best answer from the choices provided. Mark your answer in the correct line on the answer sheet.

43. What type of poem is “Daily” by Naomi Shihab Nye?

A. The poem is a sonnet. B. The poem is a catalog poem. C. The poem is a dramatic poem. D. The poem is an elegy.

44. The line “The hands are churches that worship the world” from Shihab Nye’s poem “Daily” is an example of

A. a simile. B. a hyperbole. C. a conflict. D. a metaphor.

45. Ishmael Reed’s poem “Beware: Do Not Read This Poem” tells the story of a woman that disappeared into a mirror. This kind of poem is a(n)

A. haiku. B. sonnet. C. imitation poem. D. narrative poem.

46. In the poem “Beware: Do Not Read This Poem” Ishmael Reed leaves letters out of his words. This shows the reader that the author

A. cannot spell. B. is making a parallel between missing persons and missing letters. C. uses language to impress the reader with his individual style. D. invents new words or uses neologisms.

47. In the poem “My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodore Roethke, Roethke makes use of sight (“the battered knuckle”), sound (“You beat time on my head”), and smell imagery (“The whiskey on your breath”). What is imagery?

A. Imagery is a genre in which feelings are expressed in verse form. B. Imagery is language not meant to be taken literally. C. Imagery is the representation of language of sense experience: what can be seen, heard, touched, tasted, smelled, as what can be felt internally such as fear, hunger, etc.

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D. Imagery is a statement whose real meaning is completely opposed to its surface meaning.

48. In Theodore Rothke’s “My Papa Waltz,” which of the following best describes the speaker’s internal conflict?

A. He doesn’t know why his mother is frowning. B. He loves and needs someone who is hurting him. C. He wants to go to bed. D. He wants to dance, but he wants to please his mom.

49. Which of the following is a subject of the poem “The Gift” by Li-Young Lee?

A. The subject of “The Gift” is strife. B. The subject of “The Gift” is love. C. The subject of “The Gift” is hatred. D. The subject of “The Gift” is intolerance.

50. What point is the speaker making to his audience in “The Gift” by Li-Young Lee?

A. The point the speaker is making is that the same tenderness a parent can offer to a child in ridding him of pain is the same tenderness that child, when grown, will bestow upon a loved one. B. The point the speaker is making is that love is important in families. C. The point the speaker is making is that love conquers all. D. The point the speaker is making is that taking out a splinter takes focus and good judgment.

51. Why is the poem, “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, a metaphor?

A. The roads represent the past and the present. B. The roads represent knowledge. C. The roads represent chosen and unchosen choices in life. D. The roads represent suffering.

52. In the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, the speaker says, “I took the [road] less traveled by; And that has made all the difference.” What is the theme of the poem?

A. Always ask for directions or you will get lost B. Always take the path that is the easiest in order to accomplish your goals in life C. By making the tough choices in life, people will learn from their experiences. D. Become a cultured person by traveling all over the world to make a difference

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Applying What You Know

Directions: Read the poem carefully. For questions 53-57, choose the letter of the best answer and mark that letter on your sheet.


The giant metal monsters Eat up the tress Regurgitating* solid cement A new super highway spans the horizon. 5 Briskly the breeze blows the field Yet only yesterday, I remember: The huge redwoods covered the ground Birds, chipmunks nested in the area Humans came and went with ease 10 Pausing for a moment of ecstasy.

*Regurgitate means to vomit 53. The “monsters” in line 1 are a metaphor for A. animals B. men C. bulldozers D. diseases

54. The speaker in the poem is probably a

A. nature lover B. road worker C. city planner D. lumberman

55. Progress makes the speaker A. proud B. hopeful C. afraid D. sad

56. The main idea or theme of the poem is that A. progress is not always good B. the poet remembers his youth C. animals are being driven away D. better roads are being built

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57. Line five contains an example of which type of figurative language:

A. simile B. metaphor C. personification D. alliteration

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Part V: Major Works Section

Directions: Select the best answer from the choices provided. Mark your answer in the correct line on the answer sheet.

58. What is the genre of The Odyssey by Homer?

A. Mythology B. Personal anecdote C. Song D. Lyric poetry

59. Why is The Odyssey an example of epic poetry?

A. It is a narrative poem about the deeds of Odysseus. B. It is a long, narrative poem which relates the deeds of Odysseus, a larger than life hero who embodies the values of Greek civilization. C. It is a poem written in free verse about the deeds of the hero Odysseus. D. It has many parts or segments to it

60. In The Odyssey, Penelope and Telemachus display what Greek value in their treatment of the beggar?

A. compassion B. hospitality C. sensitivity D. bravery

61. Even though on his return home Odysseus is disguised as a beggar, he is instantly recognized by:

A. his dog, Argus B. the suitors C. his servant, Eumaeus D. Zeus

62. In describing Odysseus’ attempts to get back to his wife Penelope and Penelope’s attempts to avoid marrying the suitors, Homer shows the underlying theme of

A. undying love. B. unreturned love. C. the god's hatred. D. the fickleness of love.

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63. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet the Prologue states:

“Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.”

The most accurate paraphrase of this line into modern English would be

A. Two houses on the same block in the same town break up an old fight when good people realize that they have been grimy.

B. Two families and their servants, with the same societal standing, In the city where the play takes place, From a multi-generational battle break into a new disturbance of the peace, Where civilized people engage in shedding of each others blood.

C. Two homes, equally well built, In the city where our play takes place, From an old disagreement break into a new fight, Where civil people get dirty hand and need to wash.

D. Romeo and Juliet meet in Italy, fall in love and die.

64. In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, when Juliet says, “Wherefore art thou Romeo?” she means . . .

A. “Why do you have to be a Montague?” B. “Where are you hiding?” C. “How can you hurt me in this way?” D. “Why don’t you leave me alone?”

65. In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, when Romeo falls out of “love” with Rosaline and in “love” with Juliet, the audience knows that he is

A. stressed out. B. angry. C. hateful. D. inconsistent.

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66. Which line below from The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, is an example of a simile?

A. “Death lies on her like an untimely frost” (4.5.28). B. “It is the East, and Juliet is the sun” (2.2.3). C. “Being but heavy, I will bear the light” (1.4.12). D. “Well-appareled April on the heel/ Of limping winter treads”

67. Which of the following is irony in Night by Elie Wiesel?

A. The people of Sighet did not believe Moche the Beadle when he told them that the Germans were coming. B. Elie Wiesel was born in Sighet and not Auschwitz. C. Elie Wiesel knew how to read English, not German. D. ElieWiesel had to wear a Jewish star.

68. In Night by Elie Wiesel, Madame Schachter’s constant screams of seeing fire while she was in the cattle car is an example of

A. a metaphor. B. a simile. C. foreshadowing. D. personification.

69. Which word best describes the characterization of Moshe the Beadle?

A. spiritual B. greedy C. ambitious D. evil

70. In Night by Elie Wiesel, the steps taken by Germans to limit Jews’ freedom and to deport to the concentration camps included all of the following except . . .

A. Jews had to wear a yellow star. B. Jews had to live in ghettos. C. Jews had to sell their possessions to the SS soldiers. D. Jews had to have a curfew.

71. The Pearl is a parable or

A. a short story B. an epic C. a moral or spiritual lesson D. a play

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72. Which of the following are examples of irony in The Pearl?

A. The men try to steal the pearl from Kino. B. Instead of bringing Kino and his family happiness, the pearl only brings death and sorrow. C. People are jealous of Kino because he has the pearl. D. Kino gets money to better his family’s finances.

73. In John Steinbeck’s novella The Pearl the doctor symbolizes

A. helpful professionals who offer trustworthy judgment B. the racial tensions in the community C. poverty D. none of the above

74. All of the following are valid thematic statements for The Pearl except:

A. You can’t trust family. B. Wealth often causes conflict. C. Dreams are sometimes unattainable. D. Education and high social standing does not always indicate heightened values.

75. In A Hero Ain’t Nothin’ but a Sandwich by Alice Childress, the setting of the novel takes place in

A. San Francisco, California B. Harlem, New York C. Miami, Florida D. New Orleans, Louisiana

76. In A Hero Ain’t Nothin’ but a Sandwich, Benjie is struggling with a choice. He can either get help with his drug addiction or continue on a self-destructive path. Benjie is having what type of conflict?

A. an external conflict B. an antagonistic conflict C. an internal conflict D. a symbolic conflict

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77. In A Hero Ain’t Nothin’ but a Sandwich, Benjie is in denial. He is in denial about all of the following except:

A. lying and stealing from his family B. being friends with Tiger C. his heroin addiction D. his love for, Butler, his step-father

78. In A Hero Ain’t Nothin’ but a Sandwich, the subject(s) that is conveyed in the novel is:

A. racism B. poverty C. choices D. All of the above

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Part VI: Task II Writing Assignment


Directions: Read the article, study the charts/graphs, answer all the objective questions about your reading, and write a response based on the situation described below.

SITUATION: For each work of literature your English class reads this year, your teacher selects a student to do some background research about the work and report to the class. You are selected and find some material in the books and on the Internet.

Your Task: Write a paper for class giving your classmates a factual overview of the Holocaust, stressing how the Holocaust developed and what impact it had on Jews in Europe.


 Tell your audience how the Holocaust developed and what impact it had on Jews in Europe.

 Use specific, accurate, and relevant information from the text and the graphs to develop your discussion.

 Use a tone and level of language appropriate for your class paper.

 Be sure to indicate any words taken directly from the article and accompanying data by using quotation marks or referring to the author.

 Organize your writing in a clear and logical order.

 Follow the conventions of standard written English.

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The Holocaust

Answer these multiple choice questions based on the article and data.

____1. The purpose of this article is to

A. give a complete history of the Holocaust. B. explain why Hitler sought to destroy the Jews. C. give readers an overview of the Holocaust. D. help people learn some of the terms associated with the Holocaust.

____ 2. The word “atrocities” as used on the third page most nearly means

A. horrible crimes. B. helping Jews escape the Holocaust. C. fights. D. operating gas chambers.

____ 3. Based on information in the Appendix, it is correct to conclude that

A. France had more Jews killed than did Lithuania. B. Denmark had the fewest Jews killed. C. Only about 15% of Lithuanian Jews survived the Holocaust. D. Austria and Norway had about the same percentage of Jews who survived the Holocaust.

____ 4. According to the article, the Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews because

A. the Jews had harmed Germans over many centuries. B. the Germans discovered secret plans the Jews had for taking over Germany. C. the Germans felt that the Jews stood in their way of dominating Europe. D. the Germans could not tolerate anyone who did not agree with them.

____ 5. Based on information in the article, which statement is true?

A. Hitler was never brought to trial. B. The Nazis did not kill any people who were non-Jews. C. The Auschwitz concentration camp opened before the concentration camp at Buchenwald. D. The “Final Solution” refers to the actions of the Nuremberg trials.


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