Village of Pound

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Village of Pound

PUBLIC2002 CTY. Q NOTICE* POUND, WI –54161 BOARD www.villageofpound.comMEETING Phone: 920-897-4307 / Fax: 920-897-2808 [email protected]

DATE: July 3, 2017 TIME: 6:00PM PLACE: Village Hall –2002 Cty. Q

Notice: Discussion and Possible Action may be taken on any of the Agenda items as follows:

AGENDA Call Meeting To Order and Roll Call Approve July 3, 2017 Agenda Clerk Report 1. Approve June 12, 2017 Board meeting minutes Fire Dept. Report (Chief Turner Gross) 1. June Activities – Update 2. 2017 FD Picnic – Summary & Financial Report 3. Lease with Prue Holdings LLC – Deny or Approve for Acceptance & Signatures 4. Resignation of Fire Chief – Acceptance 5. Recommendation of New FD Chief – Accept & Approval Public Works Report (Kevin Schutte) 1. June Activities – Update 2. Lawnmower Quotes – Approve or Deny 3. Property Maintenance or Condemnation of 105 Colburn – Update 4. Street Construction Standards Policy – Update & Review Ordinance #9-11-00 for amendment Community Development 1. 141 BP Retaining Wall & Lights - Update Old Business 1. VOP Car Show – Summary & Financial Report New Business  None Treasurer Report 1. Approve June Bills Paid 2. Approve June Financial Report Public Comments (Time limit: 3 minutes per person)


Posting Places: Village Hall – 2002 Cty. Q / Community Center 1013 Cty. Q / US Post Office – 1018 Cty. Q /

Posted By: Patricia Schutte 6.30.17 @ 11:00am Patricia Schutte, WCMC (Clerk/Treasurer) Date and Time of Posting

1 Requests from persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should contact the Village Clerk’s Office at (920) 897-4307. When contacting the Clerk Office, please state which type of assistance is needed and please notify the Clerk with as much advance notice as possible. VILLAGE OF POUND BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 3, 2017 CALL MEETING TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Meeting called to order by President Earley at 6:00pm. Board Present: Terry Earley, Mary Meyer, John Homontowski, Jerry Rogge, David Naivs & C/T Schutte Absent: None Depts: DPW K.Schutte-FD Chief Gross General Public: Peshtigo Times-Wayne & Nancy Gross-Mark Podoski AGENDA - Approve July 3, 2017 Agenda Earley asked to approve July 3, 2017 agenda….motion to approve July 3, 2017 agenda; Rogge/Meyer; Vote 5/0; Carried.

CLERK REPORT – Approval of Meeting Minutes 1. Approve June 12, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes Motion to approve June 12, 2017 Board meeting minutes as written; Homontowski/Earley; Vote 5/0; Carried.

FIRE DEPT. REPORT 1. June Activities – Update June Activities Reported by Chief Gross: Apparatus & Equipment need to replace 1 small electric motor on out ladder truck; Hydrants in good working order; Fire/Emergency Calls: 2 structure fires & 3 power line calls; Membership & Meetings prepared for the upcoming picnic; Training none; Inspections Prue has completed; Donations & Fundraisers no donations for June & hoping to have final picnic number for August meeting. 2. 2017 FD Picnic – Summary & Financial Report Chief Gross said the picnic went really well & should be a good year…financial report not complete yet. 3. Lease with Prue Holdings LLC – Deny or Approve for Acceptance & Signatures Chief Gross brought up the lease contract & wants to make sure the building is an “additional insured” on our policy....Gross asked for this issue to be put on the Aug meeting since he hasn't had time to look over the contract. 4. Resignation of Fire Chief – Acceptance Chief Gross read his resignation out loud & thanked the Board for their support of the dept over the years. The Board also thanked Chief Gross for the great job he has done as chief. Earley asked for a motion to accept the resignation of Fire Chief Turner Gross....motion to accept the resignation of Chief Turner Gross as FD Chief; Earley/Meyer; Vote 5/0; Carried. 5. Recommendation of New FD Chief – Accept & Approval Chief Gross & membership recommends Jarred Edgecombe be the new FD Chief.....motion to accept the recommendation of Jarred Edgecombe as FD Chief; Earley/Rogge; Vote 5/0; Carried.

PUBLIC WORKS REPORT 1. June Activites – Update June Activities Reported by K.Schutte: Fixed stuff & grass at the Park...fixed mower again....started painting the Village hall & asked the Board to go & look at the back to see if that's the color they want the hall to be....the Board walked outside to view....Board agreed to go with the color he started with. 2. Lawnmower Quotes – Approve or Deny K. Schutte stated a new mower would be approximately $17,000-$18,000 for a mower....Torro & JD....this will be on hold for now since the deck is now fix....K.Schutte said Martens handed in a bill for cutting the lawn at 2006 Cty. Q & would like the Village to forward the bill to the owner. 3. Property Maintenance or Condemnation of 105 Colburn - Update C/T Schutte said the properties in question regarding property maintenance were all sent letters. Owner of 105 Colburn, Mark Podoski, was in attendance to find out what the Village is doing regarding his property....Earley asked 2 to see the ordinance & read it out loud.....some discussion on the next set to the properties in question....Podoski states he planned on fixing it up....some discussion on the health & safety matters regarding this property….Earley said this issue will be on the next meeting & you need to tell the Board what is going to get done w/his property. 4. Street Construction Standards Policy – Update & Review Ordinance #9-11-00 for amendment C/T Schutte gave the Board a copy of the current Ordinance #9-11-00 & suggests there should be an amendment to the ordinance....some discussion on the policy regarding driveway aprons, curb & gutter….Gross & Earley would like to see the policy…Navis said he read something in past meeting minutes regarding this issue…C/T Schutte will try to find the meeting minutes....motion to leave Ordinance #9-11-00 as is; Earley/Homontowski; Vote 5/0; Carried.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1. 141 BP Retaining Wall & Lights - Update K.Schutte stated due to weather, rain, working on the lights & retaining wall was not possible….once it starts drying up the work will continue.

OLD BUSINESS 1. VOP Car Show - Update C/T Schutte said considering the rain, the turnout was better than expected…about 120 entries. The financial report will be complete for the August meeting….a couple bills to come in yet. The proceeds go towards park equipment….some ideas are fitness equipment &/or a splash pad.


TREASURER REPORT 1. Approve June Bills Paid Motion to approve June bills paid; Meyer/Homontowski ; Vote 5/0; Carried. 2. Approve June Financial Report Motion to approve June financial statement as written; Meyer/Rogge; Vote 5/0; Carried

PUBLIC COMMENT (Time limit: 3 minutes per person)  Navis asked about putting village equipment away by the FD building…Earley will get w/Schutte

ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn July 3, 2017 meeting; Homontowski/Earley; Vote 5/0; Carried. Adjourn at 7:16pm

Respectfully submitted to the best of my ability and knowledge:

Patricia Schutte Patricia Schutte, WCMC – Clerk/Treasurer Date: July 3, 2017 Rec: C-4/0-1:32:22

(The minutes submitted are of “Draft” form until approved by a motion of the Village Of Pound Board Trustees.)


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