English Proficiency Assessment

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English Proficiency Assessment

English Proficiency Assessment Advanced Intermediate High Beginner Low Beginner

Gram Exhibits strong control of Uses complex Handles short sentences well and with some Makes many errors, but some matic     al grammar and vocabulary, making only occasional errors sentences but accuracy simple sentences may be that do not interfere with intelligibility may exhibit correct Accur Able to talk about familiar topics, but has unevenness in  acy  Rarely searches for words limited vocabulary, often searching for or  Uses limited vocabulary, but & grammar that doesn’t interfere misusing words. has some command of basic Voca vocabulary in field bular with y Use communication  Sufficiently controls most vocabulary with some searching for words Pron May have a non-native accent but is almost always Has non-native Has a considerable accent and may not always Is somewhat difficult to uncia     tion comprehensible accent that be comprehensible; requires close attention by understand and may require occasionally listener considerable attention by the hinders listener Uses some stress, rhythm, and intonation communication  patterns accurately  Has problems with pausing,  Generally uses rhythm, stress, and/or Has several consonant and vowel sounds that stress, rhythm,  intonation and intonation are distracting to the listener, but does not Has several consonant and effectively interfere with understandability  vowel sounds that are Omits some word endings and often  Has some  distracting to the listener and problems with mispronounces the ones used occasionally interfere with consonant and understandability vowel sounds  Omits most word endings  Omits some word endings but accurately pronounces the ones used Com Develops ideas logically and cohesively Uses some Uses some transitions, mostly simple ones Ideas sometimes follow a muni     sophisticated such as first, second… logical order but fall short of catio Uses examples and details effectively  transitions to coherence n of Ideas follow a logical order, but may leave out establish  Ideas  Paraphrases important ideas Uses few, if any, transitions coherence important information   Answers questions with ease  Uses examples  May use some examples to clarify points  Presents information with underdeveloped or unclear and details to Has some difficulty conveying information  support clarify points outside field and answering questions.  May use some  Has considerable difficulty paraphrasing of conveying information outside important ideas of field or answering questions  Able to use language for more than conveying field- specific information and answer questions adequately. Over Shows fluency and has command of English Has fluency but Has fluent delivery of erroneous English Has little fluency all     may speak Fluen Sounds enthusiastic & confident May exhibit a slight lack of confidence but is Seems nervous and reluctant to  hesitantly or too   cy engaged in the topic speak  Demonstrates concern about whether listener understands slowly/quickly his/her speech  Sounds relaxed  Rarely initiates conversation  Never initiates conversation  Initiates conversation and shows a  Can converse about concrete ideas but has  May frequently pause, hesitate, little enthusiasm some difficulty talking about abstract ideas. or repeat  Seems able to converse confidently in both concrete and while presenting abstract scenarios  Might demonstrate slight concern about whether the listener understands his/her speech  Sometimes initiates conversation Liste Is able to understand the overall message and details of an Is able to Is able to interpret most conversations in Is able to understand only ning     Comp extended discourse on a wide variety of professional, understand main standard English simple face to face academic, and every day topics. ideas and most conversation rehen Is able to identify the main idea of a short supporting detail  sion Is able to respond to commands relating to listening passage; may need to ask for  everyday clarification or requests only after several repetitions conversation  Is able to understand simple instructions when and simple presented orally academic topics  Is able to understand oral instructions Overall Rating:  Advanced  Intermediate  High Beginner  Low Beginner No additional language training Additional language training available Required to take first available Everyday Additional English language training required upon arrival to GT Conversation course upon arrival to GT required before participating in J Exchange Program at Georgia Tech Updated: February 16, 2015

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