Work Session Tuesday, , 2006 Convenes at 7:00 P

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Work Session Tuesday, , 2006 Convenes at 7:00 P



Regular Meeting – Wednesday, August 17, 2016 – convenes at 7:00 p.m. for Executive Closed Session followed by the Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Pitman High School Media Center.




Notice of this Regular Meeting of the Pitman Board of Education was advertised in the South Jersey Times, posted at Borough Hall, a copy thereof delivered to all Pitman Schools to be posted, and posted on the district’s web site. Further, notice was posted and filed as required by law stating that the Board would meet in Executive Closed Session at 7:00 p.m. followed by the Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Pitman High School Media Center. The President shall entertain any objections, with supporting reasons, to the conduct of this meeting on the grounds that it violates the Open Public Meetings Act.


Pitman Boys’ Soccer Team Jackets Pitman Boys’ Track Team Jacket

PUBLIC HEARING – (15 minutes)

Our attorney has advised us that we cannot prevent you from making remarks about our employees. He has requested we advise you that our employees are not Public Officials and you are not immune from civil actions they may bring as a result of your remarks.



Suggested motion – “That the minutes of the Pitman Board of Education as held on the dates listed below are approved as printed and reading dispensed with:

Wednesday, July 20, 2016”

Suggested motion – “That the minutes of the Closed Sessions of the Pitman Board of Education held on the dates listed below are approved as printed and the reading dispensed with:

Wednesday, July 20, 2016 - 7:00 pm”


1. Suggested motion – “That all line-item transfers be approved for the month of June 2016.”

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2. Suggested motion – “That the Board Secretary’s Report is in accordance with 18A: 17-36 and 18A: 17-9 for the month of June 2016. The Board Secretary certifies that no line-item account has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A: 23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. The Board Secretary in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A: 23A-16.10(c)2 certifies that there are no changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources.”

3. Suggested motion – “That the Pitman Board of Education certifies – pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A- 16.10(c)4, that after review of the Board Secretary’s monthly financial report for the month of June 2016 and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A: 23A- 16.10(b); and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.”

4. Suggested motion – “That the Treasurer’s Report is in accordance with 18A: 17-36 and 18A: 17-9 for the month of June 2016. The Treasurer’s Report and Board Secretary’s Report are in agreement for the month of June 2016.”

5. Suggested motion – “That all bills are properly approved and certified to be paid.”

6. Suggested motion – “That the Student Fund Report be accepted and approved for the month of July 2016.”

7. Suggested motion – “That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following resolution to accept and close the financing of the 3-year lease purchase of $149, 412.49 in technology equipment with U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing & Finance, Inc. at an interest rate of 2.50%. ”

RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY At a duly called meeting of the governing body of Lessee held in accordance with all applicable legal requirements, including open meeting laws, on the 17th day of August, 2016, the following resolution was introduced and adopted: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A MASTER TAX- EXEMPT LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT, AND RELATED INSTRUMENTS, AND DETERMINING OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. WHEREAS, the governing body of the Pitman Board of Education (“Lessee”) desires to obtain certain equipment (the “Equipment”) described in the Equipment Schedule to the Master Tax-Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement (collectively, the “Agreement”) with U.S. Bancorp Government Leasing and Finance, Inc. (“Lessor”), the form of which has been available for review by the governing body of Lessee prior to this meeting; and WHEREAS, the Equipment is essential for the Lessee to perform its governmental functions; and WHEREAS, Lessee has taken the necessary steps, including those relating to any applicable legal bidding requirements, to arrange for the acquisition of the Equipment; and

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WHEREAS, Lessee proposes to enter into the Agreement with Lessor substantially in the forms presented to this meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF LESSEE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. It is hereby found and determined that the terms of the Agreement in the forms presented to this meeting and incorporated in this resolution are in the best interests of Lessee for the acquisition of the Equipment. Section 2. The Agreement and the acquisition and financing of the Equipment under the terms and conditions as described in the Agreement are hereby approved. The Business Administrator of Lessee and any other officer of Lessee who shall have power to execute contracts on behalf of Lessee be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to execute, acknowledge and deliver the Agreement with any changes, insertions and omissions therein as may be approved by the officers who execute the Agreement, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by such execution and delivery of the Agreement. The Business Administrator of the Lessee and any other officer of Lessee who shall have power to do so be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to affix the official seal of Lessee to the Agreement and attest the same. Section 3. The proper officers of Lessee be, and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all papers, instruments, opinions, certificates, affidavits and other documents and to do or cause to be done any and all other acts and things necessary or proper for carrying out this resolution and the Agreement. Section 4. Pursuant to Section 265(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), Lessee hereby specifically designates the Agreement as a “qualified tax-exempt obligation” for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code.

The undersigned further certifies that the above resolution has not been repealed or amended and remains in full force and effect and further certifies that the Agreement executed on behalf of Lessee are the same as presented at such meeting of the governing body of Lessee, excepting only such changes, insertions and omissions as shall have been approved by the officers who executed the same.

EDUCATION COMMITTEE – Downham, Savage, Conklin

1. Suggested motion - “That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following curricula for the 2016/2017 school year (on file in the Board of Education office):

Course Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Pre-Calculus Anatomy/Physiology Biology

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Biology Chemistry Forensic Science Freshman Science Environmental Science Law, Justice, & Modern Times Entrepreneurship/Marketing Hand Chimes Choir Science – Grades 6-8 Social Studies - K Science - K ELA - Reading & Writing – K-5 Mathematics K-5”

2. Suggested motion—“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the Pitman School District Professional Development Plan for the 2016/2017 school year.”

3. Suggested motion—“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the submission of the District Professional Development Plan and District Mentoring Plan Statement of Assurance to the New Jersey Department of Education for the 2016/2017 school year.”

4. Suggested motion—“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the admission of regular tuition students for the 2016/2017 school year:

5. Suggested motion – “That the Pitman Board of Education finds the travel and related expenses particular to attendance of staff and board members on the attached list of approved school business leaves (Conference/Workshop/Meeting/Staff Training) are justified and therefore reimbursable.”


1. Suggested motion—“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following Extra-Service Contracts for the 2016/2017 school year. Stipend in accord with the agreement with Pitman Board of Education.

Middle School Robin Arabia PEP MS Enrichment $3,348.00 Robert DiTizio PEP MS Enrichment $3,348.00”

2. Suggested motion—“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following volunteer advisors for the 2016/2017 school year: 3.

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Middle School Vincent Chiaro PEP Enrichment Norman VanFossen PEP Enrichment”


1. Information: Policy 1140 – Affirmative Action Program (M) (Revised)

The only revision is the inclusion of “gender identity or expression” in the protected class of individuals. The administrative code was revised to be consistent with New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (LAD).

Suggested motion – “That Policy 1140 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

2. Information: Policy 1220 – Employment of Chief School Administrator (M) (Revised)

There are only citation changes in administrative code.

Suggested motion – “That Policy 1220 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

3. Information: Policy 1310 – Employment of School Business Administrator/Board Secretary (Revised)

These revisions include updated citations. The training and/or experience skills outlined in the second paragraph align with the requirements in the new code. In addition, it indicates the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary position will be appointed by the Board, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, which is consistent with N.J.S.A. 18A:27-4.1.

Suggested motion – “That Policy 1310 (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

4. Information: Policy 1523 – Comprehensive Equity Plan (M) (Revised)

The only revision required in this policy is an additional paragraph on page 1 and a few word changes on page 2.

Suggested motion – “That Policy 1523 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

5. Information: Policy 1530 – Equal Employment Opportunities (M) (Revised)

The only revision is the inclusion of “gender identity or expression” in the protected class of individuals.

Suggested motion – “That Policy 1530 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

6. Information: Regulation 1530 – Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint Procedure

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(M) (Revised)

The only revision is the inclusion of “gender identity or expression” in the protected class of individuals.

Suggested motion – “That Regulation 1530 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

7. Information: Policy 1550 – Affirmative Action Program for Employment and Contract Practices (M) (Revised)

The only revision is the inclusion of “gender identity or expression” in the protected class of individuals.

Suggested motion – “That Policy 1550 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

8. Information: Policy/Regulation 2200 - Curriculum Content (M) (Revised)

References to other policies have been updated; outdated legal cites were removed from the regulation and the protected classes of individuals has been revised to be consistent with New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (LAD) in paragraph one.

Suggested motion – “That Policy/Regulation 2200 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

9. Information: Policy 2260 – Affirmative Action Program for School and Classroom Practice (M) (Revised)

One of the revisions required is the inclusion of “gender identity or expression” in the protected class of individuals. The administrative code was revised to be consistent with New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (LAD). The other revision is regarding English language learners (ELLs), which is a new term recently approved in N.J.A.C. 6A:15 – Bilingual Education.

Suggested motion – “That Policy 2260 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

10. Information: Policy/Regulation 2411 - Guidance Counseling (M) (Revised)

One of the revisions required is the inclusion of “gender, gender identity or expression” in the protected class of individuals. The other revision is changing “social or economic” status to “socioeconomic” status. The administrative code was revised to be consistent with New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (LAD). The other revision is the removal of the reference to “legal guardians.”

Suggested motion – “That Policy/Regulation 2411 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

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11. Information: Policy/Regulation 2423 Bilingual and ESL Education (M) (Revised)

The new code revisions change the reference from student of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) to English language learners (ELL). In general, the new code Chapter provides some additional clarification to a school district in meeting the requirements of providing a bilingual, an English as a second language (ESL), and an English language services program for ELLs. The new code sometimes lists legal guardians and sometimes it does not, based on the legal definition of parent in the administrative code, parent includes legal guardians and others.

Suggested motion – “That Policy/Regulation 2423 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

12. Information: Policy 2610 – Educational Program Evaluation (M) (Revised)

There is no change to policy language—only the deletion of an administrative code that is no longer valid.

Suggested motion – “That Policy 2610 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

13. Information: Policy 2622 – Student Assessment (M) (Revised)

The only revision is a citation.

Suggested motion – “That Policy 2622 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

14. Information: Policy 3125 – Employment of Teaching Staff Members (M) (Revised)

This revision includes citation changes. There is one major addition to the policy based on a recent court decision which suggested that a school district must provide an employee specific notice if the employee is serving as a replacement staff member. Suggested motion – “That Policy 3125 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

15. Information: Policy 3240 (M) Revised/Regulation 3240 – Professional Development for Teachers and School Leaders (Revised)

A major revision in this policy includes administrative codification and aligns professional development for teachers and school leaders to professional standards, providing more details on professional development.

Suggested motion – “That Policy 3240 (M) (Revised)/Regulation 3240 (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

16. Information: Policy/Regulation 3244 – In-Service Training (Abolished)

Professional Development for Teachers and School Leaders provide the professional development requirements for teachers and administrators. Thus, this policy and regulation has

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been abolished.

17. Information: Regulation 5330 – Administration of Medication (M) (Revised)

A clarification has been made regarding the citations in this regulation.

Suggested motion – “That Regulation 5330 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

18. Information: Policy 5339 – Screening for Dyslexia (M) (Revised)

This policy revision reflects an administrative change to align with the IDA Board-approved definition approved by the NJDOE.

Suggested motion – “That Policy 5339 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

19. Information: Policy 5750 – Equal Educational Opportunity (M) (Revised)

One of the revisions is the inclusion of “gender, gender identity or expression” in the protected class of individuals. The other revision is changing “social or economic” status to “socioeconomic” status. The administrative code was revised to be consistent with New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (LAD).

Suggested motion – “That Policy 5750 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

20. Information: Policy 5755 – Equity in Educational Programs and Services (M) (Revised)

One of the revisions is the inclusion of “gender, gender identity or expression” in the protected class of individuals. The other revision is changing “social or economic” status to “socioeconomic” status. The administrative code was revised to be consistent with New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (LAD).

Suggested motion – “That Policy 5755 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

21. Information: Policy/Regulation 8630 – Bus Driver/Bus Aide Responsibility (M) (Revised)

This policy is revised to include language requiring a parent of a child with an IEP to complete a Commissioner-developed student information card to be provided, with parental consent, to the student’s bus driver and aide. Districts are required to document the training of bus aides and drivers regarding these protocols.

Suggested motion – “That Policy/Regulation 8630 (M) (Revised) be approved for first reading.”

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PROPERTY & SUPPLY COMMITTEE – Schultz, Conklin, Downham

1. Suggested motion - “That the Pitman Board of Education enters into a joint purchasing agreement with Penns Grove-Carneys Point Regional School District consortium to purchase baked goods, milk, juice, dairy and ice cream products, for the 2016/2017 school year.”

2. Suggested motion - “That the Board of Education approves the purchase of a 2017 Ford F250 pickup truck from Winner Ford (New Jersey State Contract #88758, T2100); in the amount of $29,355.00.”

3. Suggested motion – “That the Board of Education enters into the following lease agreements with Ricoh USA, starting October 1, 2016 under State Contract #A40467:

Location Model Cost/Month Duration Board of Education Office MP5054SP $223.00 4 years”

4. Suggested motion - “That the Pitman Board of Education enters into Jointure Agreement with Delsea Regional High School District for the following routes for the 2016/2017 school year: R oute # Destination (September 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017) Cost SP01 St. John of God $12,870.00 SP02 YALE, Cherry Hill $24,552.00 SP05 Bankbridge South $14,784.00 SP09 GCIT Career Center $19,912.00 SP12 Bancroft $23,760.00 AC01 GCSSSD – GCIT Full Time Academies $27,456.00 AC03 GCSSSD – GCIT Full Time Academies $44,308.00”

5. Suggested motion – “That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following resolution to withdraw Maintenance Reserve.

Resolution to Withdraw Maintenance Reserve

WHEREAS, NJSA 6A:23A-14.2(d) permits a Board of Education to withdraw such funds from the maintenance reserve account and appropriate into the required maintenance account lines at budget time or any time during the year for use on required maintenance activities for a school facility as reported in the comprehensive maintenance plan pursuant to NJAC 6A:26A-4.

WHEREAS, the aforementioned statutes authorizes procedures, under the authority of the Commissioner of Education, which permit a board of education to withdraw funds from a district’s Maintenance Reserve Account any time during the year by resolution, and

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WHEREAS, the Pitman Board of Education is desirous to withdraw funds from the Maintenance Reserve Account and appropriate said funds into the required maintenance account line in the general fund for the following:

$ 9,937 Change Order #1 for the rebuilding of the existing parapets and repair of roof on original building at Kindle School

WHEREAS, according to 6A:23A-14.2(e), the Pitman Board of Education shall restore any unexpended required maintenance appropriations, up to the amount of maintenance reserve account funds withdrawn, to the maintenance reserve account at year-end.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Pitman Board of Education that it hereby authorizes the district’s School Business Administrator to make the necessary transfer consistent with all applicable laws and regulations.”

PERSONNEL COMMITTEE – Savage, Downham, Walker

1. Suggested motion – “That additions to the Substitute List for the 2016/2017 school year be approved.”

2. Suggested motion—“That the Pitman Board of Education approves an additional 20 hours total for the following individuals to provide services in the guidance office during the summer of 2016, at an hourly rate of $34.00 (stipend in accord with the agreement with the Pitman Education Association:

Guidance Counselors

Cynthia Thompson Middle School” Christina Skanes 3. Suggested motion—“That Matthew Newcomb, High School English teacher, is approved to teach two (2) eight-week English sections of the evening SAT Review Program (Fall), dates to be determined, for the 2016/2017 school year, stipend $2,996.00. Stipend in accord with the agreement with the Pitman Board of Education.”

4. Suggested motion—“That Doris Cioffi, High School Mathematics teacher, is approved to teach two (2) eight-week Mathematics sections of the evening SAT Review Program (Fall), dates to be determined, for the 2016/2017 school year, at a stipend of $2,996.00. Stipend in accord with the agreement with the Pitman Board of Education.”

5. Suggested motion - “That the Board of Education approves the following Extra Service Contracts for the 2016/2017 school year. Stipend in accord with the agreement with the Pitman Board of Education (Italics – In-house):

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Name Position Stipend David Hampton Custodian-In-Charge $ 750.00 Richard Booth Boiler License $ 500.00 Paul Maden Boiler License $ 500.00 Christopher Williams Boiler License $ 500.00 Christina Hatley Boiler License $ 500.00 David Hampton Boiler License $ 500.00 David Derby Boiler License $ 500.00 Thomas Rumaker Marching Band Equipment Driver $3,009.00”

6. Suggested motion – “That the Pitman Board of Education approves the appointment of Siobhan Collins, Middle School Language Arts Teacher, effective September 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, for the 2016/2017 school year, at a salary of $47,372.00 BA/Step 1 with benefits, and also be approved for emergent hiring (if necessary) as per N.J.S.A. 18A-6-7 et. seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et. seq., or N.J.S.A. 18A:6-3.13 et. seq., as applicable; at the recommendation of the Superintendent. Salary in accord with the negotiated agreement with the PEA.”

7. Suggested motion – “That the Pitman Board of Education approves the appointment of Jennifer R. Gillen, Replacement Science Teacher at Pitman Middle School, at a prorated salary of $47,372.00 – BA/Step 1 with benefits, effective September 1, 2016 through on or about January 6, 2017, for the 2016/2017 school year and also be approved for emergent hiring as per N.J.S.A. 18A-6-7 et. seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et. seq., or N.J.S.A. 18A:6-3.13 et. seq., as applicable; at the recommendation of the Superintendent. Salary in accord with the negotiated agreement with the PEA.”

8. Suggested motion – “That the Pitman Board of Education approves the appointment of Ronald DeMuro, Replacement Science Teacher at Pitman Middle School, at a salary of $56,500.00 – MA+60/Step 6 with benefits, effective September 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, for the 2016/2017 school year and also be approved for emergent hiring as per N.J.S.A. 18A-6-7 et. seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et. seq., or N.J.S.A. 18A:6-3.13 et. seq., as applicable; at the recommendation of the Superintendent. Salary in accord with the negotiated agreement with the PEA.”

9. Suggested motion – “That the Pitman Board of Education accepts the resignation of Kristen Wojtkowiak, Panther Club Site Leader (PM Extended Day) at Walls School, effective June 30, 2016.”

10. Suggested motion – “That the Pitman Board of Education accepts the resignation of Kellianne Barr, Food Service Worker at Pitman Middle School, effective August 31, 2016.” 11. Suggested motion – “That the Pitman Board of Education employs the following personnel for Panther Club effective September 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 for the 2016/2017 school year, at the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools (Account #62-105-100-101/106).

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Site Leaders (Contracted) Name School Position Rate Hours/Week Laura Gallucci Kindle PM $13.35 18 Kellie Barr Memorial AM $15.75 7.5 Kellie Barr Memorial PM $15.75 18 Jessica Mitchell Kindle AM $13.58 7.5 Jessica Mitchell Walls PM $13.58 18 Shawn VanMeter Walls AM $18.73 7.5 Shawn VanMeter Walls Extended Day AM $18.73 22

Counselors (Time Sheets) Name Rate Name Rate Rachel Adams $11.29/hr. Brianna Jones $8.93/hr. Hope Brown $8.93/hr. Danielle Joyce $9.74/hr. Justine Collier $8.93/hr. Grace Kennedy $9.48/hr. Cecily DiPatri $8.93/hr. Meagan Knowles $8.70/hr. Angelina Faustino $8.93/hr. Grace Morris $9.48/hr. Faith Gallucci $8.93/hr. Grace Shainline $8.70/hr. Allison Homeyer $8.70/hr. Kayla Tredway $8.93/hr. Logan Johnson $8.70/hr. Chelsea Wilson $9.97/hr. Madeline Campisi $8.70/hr. Owen Anderson $8.70/hr. Cali Folker $8.93/hr.”



PUBLIC HEARING – (15 minutes)

Our attorney has advised us that we cannot prevent you from making remarks about our employees. He has requested we advise you that our employees are not Public Officials and you are not immune from civil actions they may bring as a result of your remarks.

EXECUTIVE SESSION – if necessary


The next Board of Education Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21, 2016 in the Pitman High School Media Center.

The Pitman Board of Education reserves the right to add and/or delete motions or make changes to motions in this agenda up to the time of the meeting and during the actual meeting.

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