Think.Com 1-Day Training Workshop
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb 1-day Training Workshop Table of Contents
THINK.COM TRAINING ACTIVITIES...... 3 Demonstration 1: My Class...... 4 Activity 1: My Class - My Account & Build Pages...... 4 Demonstration 2: People...... 8 Activity 2: People - Searching & Stickies...... 8 Demonstration 3: Email...... 10 Activity 3: Read the notes on Email...... 10 Demonstration 4: Projects...... 11 Activity 4: Projects - Creating a Project...... 11 Demonstration 5 : Support...... 19 Activity 5: View the Support Facilities...... 19 Demonstration 6: Best Practices...... 19 THINK.COM TRAINING ACTIVITIES...... 20 Demonstration 7: Administrator Tools (Part 1)...... 20 Activity 7: School Settings and Manage Accounts...... 20 Demonstration 8: Administrator Tools (Part 2)...... 25 Activity 8: Review Content:...... 25 Activity 9: Group Discussion...... 28 APPENDIX 1 – SCHOOL SETUP...... 29 APPENDIX 2 - ADMIN TOOLS SUMMARY...... 32 APPENDIX 3 - THE FIRST STEPS WITH THINK.COM...... 33 APPENDIX 4 - THINK.COM SUPPORT...... 35
Page 2 Training Activities
Go to and type in your username and password
cvaccaro.ocean ********
The Username and Password
Each member uses a unique username and password. The username for adult members consists of the first letter of their given name and their full surname plus a dot followed by the school id. The id and the teacher admin’s password are given to the school once their application has been approved. All passwords must contain a minimum of six characters with both numbers and letters.
Example: Carmela Vaccaro a teacher from Oceanview Primary would have the username: cvaccaro.ocean Carmela’s password may look something like this: 11fish22
Note: Student usernames are comprised of their given name and the initial of their surname plus a dot followed by the school id. Priya Sistla, a student at Ocean Primary would have this username: priyas.ocean
For the duration of the training, write your username and password below until memorized.
Username: Password:
Once you have correctly input your username and password, you will be ‘inside’ The Terms of Use for the site will be the first screen viewed. Agree to the Terms of Use to view the site.
Click “Accept”
Page 3 Demonstration 1: My Class
The course tutor will demonstrate My Class then you will complete the activity that follows.
My Class (teacher/admin) / My Site (student) My Class is where you build, change and view the pages that other users will see when they visit you.
Activity 1: My Class - My Account & Build Pages
Go to and type in your username and password. My Class is the first page visible after you login.
Setup Your Preferences
Click on My Account Choose a personal icon (choose from the Icon Builder or Icon Gallery) Change your password. Click on Change My Password. Check/change My Contact Information
Page 4 Build Your First Page
Click on My Class and view the 3 Create Tool Categories
Write: Clicking this button opens a text creation template. In three easy steps, users can publish text to their Webpages. This tool was previously known as the Author tool.
Media & More: Click this button to access the Upload Pictures, Upload Files, Multimedia, List, and Mini Pics Gallery tools.
Interact: To publish an interactive forum on your page, click this button and choose from the Message Board, Ask Me, Debate, Brainstorm, and Vote tools.
Click on My First Page
Use the Write tool to write a short autobiography (e.g. mention who you are, what you do and what your hobbies include)
Decorate your page with some Pictures. Click on Media & More tools, then Click on Upload Pictures
Page 5 Create a Brainstorm on a subject of your choice. Click on Interact tools, then click on Brainstorm. This brainstorm will be used in a later exercise. e.g. How can we encourage students to take more exercise? Where should we go on our next school trip and why? Is there a traffic problem where you live? How could you help solve it?
Page 6 Build Your Parents Page
To setup your parents page:
Locate My Pages and click on Parents Page Accept the terms of use for the Parents Page
Once “I Accept” is clicked, the Parents Page will be displayed. Please note that the Create Tools will only contain WRITE and MEDIA & MORE. Since this is a public (no username and password needed to view), there are no INTERACT tools available.
Create some content on your Parents Page. Here are a few suggestions for your Parents Page: Homework assignments Lesson or Unit objectives Teacher information Where you went to school How long you have been teaching Contact information A list of great educational websites This weeks spelling list
Access your Parents Page from outside of You will need to Sign Out of first. If you are not there already, go to
Click on Parents
Click on your country, state/province, city/town, school, and teacher name. Your Parents Page will now be displayed. Anyone online can access this page (they do not need a username and password to view the Parents page). Page 7 Demonstration 2: People
The course tutor will demonstrate People then you will complete the activity that follows.
People Visit 'People' to see who is online at that moment or conduct a search by name, topic, or school. It is your starting point for finding other users in both your school and in other schools on
Activity 2: People - Searching & Stickies
Search For Content and People
Click on the People Tab Search for Content e.g. Volcanoes, Australia, Egypt Search for the name of a person in today’s training
Choose an icon from “Who’s Online” and visit their page
Page 8 Leave a Sticky & Add a Buddy
Find someone who is attending today’s training and leave them a Sticky message (you can use the search facility or find them from who’s online)
I love your Page!
Add this person to your Buddy List (You should see your Buddy’s name now in your Buddy List)
Contribute to this member’s Brainstorm (this brainstorm was created in an earlier exercise)
Page 9 Demonstration 3: Email
The course tutor will demonstrate the Email facitlity then you will read the notes that follow.
Email Communicate with other people using email. Schools can choose whether to provide email for their students or not. If this option is chosen, its use can be restricted.
Activity 3: Read the notes on Email
What is your email address?
Your email address is made up of two parts. The first part is your username (for example, or followed by ''. A complete email address would be [email protected] or [email protected].
Each member can have a total of 6 folders. This includes the Inbox and Sent folders. Teachers can also have an “unknown” sender folder Students can have a total of 20 messages per folder. Teacher/ Teacher Admins can have up to 40 messages per folder Size limitations are set at 2MB for students and 5MB for adults One Click megabyte or smaller files are recommended as attachments
Page 10 Demonstration 4: Projects
The course tutor will demonstrate Projects then you will complete the activity that follows.
Projects Within Projects, students and teachers use the same tools available on their personal websites to co-author web pages, exchange ideas, and share information on a specific topic. Content can be limited to members of the project team only or visible to the entire community.
Activity 4: Projects - Creating a Project
Learn how to navigate around the Projects space. Read the details below.
This is the Projects tab. When highlighted, you are in the Projects space.
Projects has three subtabs: My School, World, and Organizations. When My School is selected, only projects within your school are displayed. World is the default view for all users and displays projects by all users. Organizations are educational institutions or groups that partner with You may be a member of one these organizations such as WebPlay.
Most recently created projects are listed under New Projects. The last six results are shown here. You can filter by Open or Closed Membership. To view the last 100 projects created, click More.
Page 11 Visit a School allows you to search for projects by Country.
My Projects is a list of all the projects of which you are a member. Project teams can consist of teachers and students. If you created the project, you are the Lead Coach. Other teacher members are referred to as Coaches.
Click New Project to create a new project. A template will appear so that you can categorize your project under one of the 12 topic categories.
Getting Started takes you to the Project Tutorial, which will include examples of projects created by teachers once the Beta phase of Projects is complete.
Create a Project within your School or World
Click on the Projects tab. Then, click the to open the Projects form.
o Enter a Project Title and Timeline. Specifying a timeline will restrict student participation to dates that fall within the timeline. Coaches can participate outside of the timeline, allowing them to set up content in advance and edit content afterwards.
o Select a Category that aligns with the topic of your project, and write a Summary of the project. Consider including an essential question or a curriculum goal. The summary is public.
Page 12 o o Select the Membership Type for your project to be Open Membership. Open Membership allows anyone in the community to request to join your project. De-selecting this option limits membership to students that you assign.
o Set the Age Range for your project. For example, if you choose 4th to 6th grade, only students in 4th to 6th grades may request membership and submit contributions to your project.
o Select options for Publishing and Editing. All project members can create content, but the owner of the project (Lead Coach) sets publishing and editing privileges.
. Publishing: Selecting yes allows students to publish their work for all members to see. Selecting no places the responsibility of publishing on the Lead Coach.
. Editing: Selecting yes allows students to edit other students’ content. When no is selected, students are only able to edit their own content.
Page 13 o Click Create. You are now looking at your project.
Begin building pages by clicking under Pages. Write a title for the page, include a banner (image file), choose the order and click Save.
Page 14 Each project includes space for a maximum of 25 pages with 10 pieces of content per page. The standard Create Tools are available once you have created your first page.
After you create a content item, click on the open or closed eye to make it visible or invisible to visitors who are not members of the project team. You can see what the page will look like to a project member or a visitor by clicking on the options in the upper right corner.
Assign students to your project: o Click on the Members subtab of your project, and then click on Assign Students
Page 15 o If your school is new to, you will not have any student accounts in your school. You will learn how to create students in a later activity. Click Done.
If you do have student accounts already setup, select the checkbox next to the students you would like to assign, and click Assign. When you are finished assigning students, click Done.
Page 16 Invite a Coach (teacher) to your project: o Click on the Members subtab of your project, and then click on .
If your school is new to, you will not have any teacher accounts to choose. If you are the Admin, teacher accounts will need to be created.
When teacher accounts for your school exist, click the drop down menu and choose the teacher you would like to invite to your project. The teacher’s name will appear with a message box. Please type a brief message as an invitation to join your project and click Enter.
The message will accompany the sent invitation and will appear as an announcement with a link to the project. The teacher will accept or decline the invitation.
When a teacher accepts an invitation to join a project, they become a ‘Coach’ of the project. Once a coach, this teacher can assign their students as members of the project. o When inviting a teacher outside of your school, click Choose a teacher from another school and Enter.
o Using the drop down menu, choose the country, state/province, city/town, school name, and teacher name that you intend to invite to your project. Click Enter. The The message will accompany the sent invitation and will appear as an announcement with a link to the project. Page The 17 teacher will accept or decline the invitation.
When a teacher accepts an invitation to join a project, they become a ‘Coach’ of the project. Once a coach, this teacher can assign their students as members of the project. teacher’s name will appear with a message box. Please type a brief message as an invitation to join your project and click Enter.
The message will accompany the sent invitation and will appear as an announcement with a link to the project. The teacher will accept or decline the invitation.
When a teacher accepts an invitation to join a project, they become a ‘Coach’ of the project. Once a coach, this teacher can assign their students as members of the project.
Read the details below on the Projects space.
Joining How do I Request to join a project with Open Membership ?
Teachers: 1. Click on the title of the project you wish to join. 2. Click the Join button, enter the reason you would like to join, and click Submit. A request will be sent to the project’s Lead Coach. 3. Once the Lead Coach accepts your request, you will receive an announcement that you are now a Coach of the project team. Clicking on the link within the announcement will take you to the project. You can also click on the Projects tab and then refer to My Projects to see a list of all the projects of which you are a member. 4. If you wish to assign students to the project, follow the instructions above. Students: Please note that students cannot request to join a project if they are not within the Age Range set by the Lead Coach.
1. Click on the title of the project you wish to join. 2. Click the Join button and enter the reason you would like to join. 5. If there are no Coaches from your school already on the project team, you will need to ask a teacher from your school to join with you by choosing a name from the drop- down menu. When finished, click Submit. A request will be sent to your teacher. 3. Once your teacher accepts your request, another request will be sent to the project’s Lead Coach. 4. Once the Lead Coach accepts your request, you will receive an announcement that you are now a member of the project team. Clicking on the link within the announcement will take you to the project, where you can begin creating content.
Approving How do I approve or decline requests to join a project with Open Membership ?
1. If there are requests to join one of your projects, you will receive an announcement. You can also view requests to join a project by clicking on the Members subtab and looking at the list under Requests. (Remember, if your project does not have Open Membership, there will be no membership requests.) 2. Click on Accept or Decline next to each request. Page 18 Leaving How do I leave a project ?
1. Click the Leave button to remove yourself from a project team at anytime. 2. If you are a Coach and you leave a project, your students will also be removed from the project team. 3. If you are the Lead Coach and you leave a project, another Coach will become the Lead Coach. However, if there are no other Coaches on the project team, the entire project will be deleted.
Organizations are Educational institutions or groups that partner with They have their own web pages on and run projects with schools. The instructions above on joining and leaving a project are the same for joining and leaving an Organization project.
Demonstration 5 : Support
The course tutor will demonstrate Support then you will complete the activity that follows.
Activity 5: View the Support Facilities
View Support
Click on the Support link and view the Support forums View Tutorials, FAQs, news and updates from Herald
Demonstration 6: Best Practices
The course tutor will demonstrate Best Practices
Page 19 Training Activities
School Administrator: Tools and Responsibilities
Demonstration 7: Administrator Tools (Part 1)
The course tutor will demonstrate the Administrator tools (Part 1) then you will complete the activity that follows.
Activity 7: School Settings and Manage Accounts
Go to and type in your username and password Click on the Admin Tools link above the People Portal
The School Id was defined upon school setup and cannot be changed
Modify your School Settings
Check your School Information. Click EDIT on the School Information screen to change any of the information. Make sure the Year/Grade range is correct. Only School Admins can edit this information Check your visibility settings. Note, if you choose “My School Only” your students will not be able to navigate to student web pages outside of their school
Vacation & Holidays Add the Start and End Date of your school’s summer vacation Click on Vacations & Holidays Select “Add” Add the start and end date of your school’s summer vacation Click “Save”
Page 20 “Vacations & Holidays” is located in the Admin area in Admins can temporarily “turn off” to all their students for any specified amount of time when the site will not be monitored. If the school is put on “vacation”, the teachers and Admins will still have access to
View your Email Settings
School Admins can choose whether email is available to their members. The Admin can change this at anytime.
Admins who opt for email may allow or disallow students from receiving mail from outside and whether or not attachments may be received. Teachers are exempt from such restrictions.
Add a word to the Bad Language List
Click Bad Language Click Add Bad Language Enter the word “Bad” into your Bad Language list
Note: this is for test purposes and will be used in a later exercise
The Bad Language Tool is designed to search for inappropriate words that might be used by school members in their published work. If a student or teachers use words from the Bad Language list, they will be alerted immediately. A log of all attempts to use words in the Bad Language list is recorded against the student and can be viewed by any Teacher or Admin.
Page 21 Manage Accounts
Create and Manage Student Accounts
There are three methods of creating accounts for your student users. 1. Teacher Admins can create accounts for students in Admin Tools 2. Teachers can create accounts directly for students at My Class> My Students 3. Students can request an account. (Requested accounts will only be created upon teacher approval)
Create a Student Account (manually) By Teacher Admin
Click Manage Accounts
Click Add Students
Create ONE Student Account for yourself for the purposes of this workshop. Enter your own first name and last name in the appropriate fields and select a student grade from the drop down list. Click Create. Please do not create more than one student account .
The new account information will be displayed, once “create” is chosen. Take note of your student account(s). These details cannot be displayed again.
For our activity, create only ONE account. Write down your student username and password.
Page 22 Created accounts will look like this:
Login as a student and create content Login with your new student account and complete the following: (This content will be used in a later exercise)
Use the Write tool to craft a short paragraph on any subject Try to type the word “bad” in your paragraph and view the results Upload an image Add a email address into your Address book
Note: We added the word “bad” to the Bad Language List in a previous exercise. Once you are finished with the “student tasks”, you will need to REMOVE the word “bad” from your list. (Login> Click on Admin Tools> Choose Bad Language List> search for the word: “bad”> select the word and choose REMOVE)
Create a Student Account (manually) By Teacher (You are only required to read this section)
Go to and type in your Teacher username and password
Click on (My Class Tab) Select My Students
Click on the “add students” button Choose from the school list or add students by clicking “create accounts”
Page 23 Start a New School Year (you are only required to read this)
The Start a New School Year tool lets you move your students to the next grade/year and remove all student accounts that have completed the highest grade/year and left the school.
*Since is available for school aged students only, any student over 18 must be deleted. In most countries, an 18-year-old person is considered an adult.
You have completed Activity 7 – Well done!
Page 24 Demonstration 8: Administrator Tools (Part 2)
The course tutor will demonstrate Administrator tools (Part 2) then you will complete the activity that follows.
Activity 8: Review Content:
Review Content is a collection of tools that give you the ability to monitor the activity of students in your school. There are 3 tools:
Review Pictures Flagged Content Address Book Entries
Review Content
Review Student Pictures This tool allows Teachers/Admins to view all the pictures that have been uploaded (added) to by students in the school. Review the pictures you created with your student account. Click Review Content Click Pictures Click to Approve the pictures you recently created with your student account
Flag Content
Flag Student Content
If any student/teacher on publishes anything deemed offensive or inappropriate, it can be flagged. Any Admin or Teacher can take this action. In some cases Herald, mascot, will place the flag on the offending content. Flag your Student Content Login using your Admin account Search for your Student page (under the People Portal)
Click on ‘Flag Content’ and select to flag one of the items and enter a suitable message.
Page 25 This flagged item will now be invisible to all students apart from its owner. Teacher/Admins can still view the content. When an item has been flagged, it appears in the offending school’s Flagged items list. Therefore, if the student is a member of your school, it will appear in your schools’ flagged list
Click on the Review Content tab under My Class Click on Flagged Content
You will see something like this-
Find the content you flagged and Click to Remove the Flag (the Approve option). This will now make the content visible to all users.
The content can be deleted or the flag removed by any Teacher or Admin from the school where the student content was created.
Important information regarding student safety:
When a student has an item flagged, on their next login to, they are required to take a safety quiz. Students will receive a Warning Notice if they have between five and nine flagged items. Student accounts are automatically deactivated, once they have ten or more flagged items. Flagged items more than 15 days old are automatically deleted.
Example of the Student Safety Quiz
Page 26 Review Address Book Entries
This tool enables teachers to view all saved email addresses in student Address Books. The addresses viewed will only be those NOT ending in
Review the addresses you created with your student account Click Review Content Click Address Book Entries Click to Approve
Admin and Teacher Safety Warnings:
Warning messages will appear in the “Announcements” area upon login to inform Teachers and Admins that the Review Tools have not been used for 15, 30 and 60 days. These messages also include a warning if an Admin has not logged in for 15, 30 or 60 days. If after 90 days either of these conditions has not been met, all students in the school will be prevented from entering
Announcements will usually be one of the following:
Welcome Message for new members Project invitations (teacher only) Notices to Students and Teachers if Project Requests are approved or declined Student account requests Flagged Content notices Safety notices (such as reminders to Review Student Content)
Page 27 Custom messages from (such as downtime, important bugs and issues)
You have completed Activity 8 – Well done!
Activity 9: Group Discussion
Participate in the Group Discussion Registering for, The Role of the School Admin, The First Steps for the new School Admin, Project and Lesson ideas, Support, Q&A
Page 28 Appendix 1 – School Setup is a protected site for teachers and school aged students. To enter the site, members must possess a specific username and password. The teacher that applied for membership becomes the Teacher Admin. His/her username and default password were included in the acceptance email from the Registration Team. (If you already have a username and password, proceed to page 6.)
If you are the Teacher Admin for your school and this is the first time you have logged into, you will need to enter your temporary username and password. (Username: email address entered at the time of registration; Password: the alphanumeric code provided in the Registration emails addressed to you).
Teacher Admins are responsible for creating additional teacher accounts at their school. Both teachers and teacher Admins will create student accounts. Before this can occur, Teacher Admins must login to with their temporary username and password. There are 8 steps to complete before the school will be set up in the system. To Begin:
Go to and type in your username and password in the Log In box.
This is step 1 of 8. Once you have correctly input your temporary username and password, you will be ‘inside’ Agree to the Terms of Use and click NEXT
Click “Accept”
Step 2 of 8: Create a School ID and click NEXT.
Page 29 Step 3 of 8: Establish your location and click NEXT.
Step 4 of 8: Choose to be part of the World Community or restrict visibility with My School Only and click NEXT.
Step 5 of 8: (optional) Set school holidays and click NEXT.
Step 6 of 8: (optional) Set the school email settings and click NEXT.
Step 7 of 8: Read only and click NEXT. Page 30 Step 8 of 8: Review the information and click NEXT.
Your permanent username and password will now be displayed. The username consists of the first name initial followed by the full surname, plus a dot (.), and the school abbreviation. Student usernames are their first name followed by their last name initial, plus a dot (.), and the school abbreviation. Use your permanent surname and password and login to
Page 31 Appendix 2 - Admin Tools Summary
An Admin has the highest privilege within a School. Students cannot and should never access any of the Admin tools.
What can teachers do?
Create/approve/edit/delete student accounts Reset student passwords Flag items Remove flag/delete flagged items Review all student images Review all students’ external email addresses
What can Admins do?
An Admin can do everything that a Teacher can do +
Edit school details and email settings (under school settings) Create/edit/delete teacher accounts Reset teacher passwords Set Vacation & Holiday Start a New School Year Add and edit items in the Bad Language list
Admins can promote Teacher accounts to Admins
Page 32 Appendix 3 - The First Steps with
Learning a new technology can be a daunting proposition. One of the best ways to start is to break the process down into smaller, realistic steps. The purpose of this document is to outline a logical way to get started using, once you are back at your school.
1. Create accounts 2. Student First Page 3. Create a Parent Page 4. Create a curriculum page 5. Explore the Admin Tools 6. Debate/Message Board of the week 7. Create a Class List
Create accounts
This should be the first step. A Admin creates teacher accounts. Every school will have at least one Admin. Each teacher then creates student accounts. To minimize duplicate accounts, a student’s primary teacher should create the accounts. Here are the simple steps for creating student accounts:
1. Login to 2. Click Admin Tools link (above the People Tab) 3. Click manage accounts link 4. Click add students 5. Enter student first/last name 6. Select student grade level 7. Click create 8. Print page with accounts 9. Repeat steps 3-8 to create additional accounts Accounts created under My Class> My Students
Student First Page
Getting students to create a simple first page is a great way to introduce to them. Don’t be over ambitious on this first foray into Have the students create something that is familiar to them and easy to create. Consider only using a few of the tools (Write, List, Mini Pics). The goal is to have students create their first page in just a few minutes. Don’t forget to give them time to look at the pages their classmates have created. Here are some suggested topics for a student first page: Autobiography Write – Their autobiography (paragraph or two) List – Their favorite things Favorite Animal Write – Their favorite animal and why List – Links to websites about their animal Picture – a picture or two of their animal Message Board – What is your favorite animal? Holiday / Vacation Write – What I did/am going to do over holiday Picture – a picture or two that relates to their topic Message Board – What did you do? Are going to do? Book Report Write –Their book report List – Links to related sites (author’s webpage, etc) Message Board – Write a review of this book Page 33 Create a Parent Page
Jump right in and create a Parent Page. What kinds of content might go on this page? Here are a few suggestions: Homework assignments Lesson or Unit objectives Teacher information Where you went to school How long you have been teaching Contact information A list of great educational websites This weeks spelling list Upcoming events Parents will access the Parent Page by clicking on the Parents tab located on the main web page.
Create a curriculum page
Create a page that goes along with what you are currently studying. Studying Egypt? The Planets? The Metric System? Make a page. Here are suggestions on what you could put on here: List - Create a list of related websites Write - Broadcast the unit assignments Brainstorm - Find out what the student’s know about a topic
Explore the Admin Tools
All teachers have access to a set of tools that allow them to create, edit and monitor student user accounts. Access the Admin Tools by clicking the Admin link above the People portal. Spend some time exploring these tools.
Debate/Message Board of the week
An easy way to do an integrated Language Arts activity is to host a weekly Message Board or Debate. The topic could be current event based or relate in some way to your current unit of study. As you get more comfortable with, consider having a student create and host this activity on their page.
Create a Student List
Once all of your students have accounts on, you will need an easy way to get to their pages to see what they are doing. Creating a student list will allow you to navigate to any of your student’s pages in just a couple of clicks – no matter where you are on the system. To add a new student list, go to the ‘My Class’ portal Click on the My Students Click the New button and title your list Add students to your student list Click Done
To access the student list, click on ‘My Students’ and all your student lists will be displayed. Click on the list and a full list of your students will be displayed. You can easily navigate to their web pages. As an extra bonus, creating a student list will also automatically create an email list of your students in your email address book. This will allow you to email all your students with just a click. You are also able to review content based on your class list.
Page 34 Appendix 4 - Support Support encompasses the full range of managing feedback, general inquiries, technical issues, escalating bugs and system issues, communicating planned outages to members, monitoring user supported Question and Answer Boards and assisting Administrators with various inquiries. Support is provided both external and internal to the system:
External Support
Click on the Support Tab on the main login page,
External Support provides access to general information about, important documents, tutorials, safety lessons, and classroom units.
Frequently Asked Questions - Information regarding the vision, history, and requirements of
Tutorials/Safety Lessons/Classroom Unit - Explore our online tutorials, safety lessons, and classroom activities.
Documents - Download legal agreements and policies regarding the use of, and access links on Internet safety.
Partners - Information on becoming a partner
Internal Support (only available when logged into
Internal Support is only available to members of, once they have logged into the system. Within there is both a “Support” link at the top of each page in addition to a “Help” link also at the top of each page. Internal support provides the same features as external support while adding On-line Help and Question & Answer Boards.
On-line Help - Just a click away! Contextual help files can be accessed from any page inside to provide just-in-time assistance. The files are indexed and can also be searched.
Question & Answer Boards - Members have access to user-supported Q&A boards. Ask a question or help another member by answering their question. staff monitors the boards and helps to answer member questions.
Page 35