Report of the Pan-African Nppos Meeting for the Review of Drafts International Standards
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Report of the Pan-African NPPOs Meeting for the Review of Drafts International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures 09 - 13 August, 2010 Lusaka, Zambia
By Nana Sani Flaubert Agronomist-Plant pathologist
1 Assistant to the Senior Scientific Officer Phytopathologist AU-IAPSC Yaoundé-Cameroon
August 2010 Contents Pages 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………. …. 3 2. Opening ceremony …………………………………………. ………………….. 3 3. Purpose of the workshop……………………………………………………...... 5 1. Draft ISPMs……………………………………………………………………... 5 2. Draft specifications……………………………………………………………… 5 4. Adoption of the agenda……………………………………………………...... 5 5. Overview of the IPPC …………………………………………………………. 6 6. Organization of working groups and election of bureaus……………………….. 6 7. Review of documents and discussion on 2010draft ISPMs and draft specifications…………………………………………………………………….. 6 1. 2010 draft International Draft Standards for Phytosanitary Measures………….. 6 1.1. Systems approaches for pest risk management of fruit flies………………… 6 1.2. Submission of new treatment for inclusion in ISPM no 15………………… 7 1.3. Integrated measures approach for managing pest risks associated with International trade of plants for planting……………………………………. 7 1.4. Irradiation treatment for Ceratitis capitata (Annex to ISPM28) …………….. 7 1.5. Diagnostic protocol for Plum pox virus……………………………………… 7 2. 2010 draft specifications……………………………………………………... 7 2.1. Minimizing pest movement by air containers and aircraft…………………... 7 2.2. Systems for authorizing phytosanitary activities……………………………. 7 2.3. Safe handling and disposal of waste with potential pest risk generated during international voyages………………………………………………… 7 8. Organization of future regional workshops on draft ISPMs………………… 8 1. Identification of sponsors for future workshops……………………………… 8 2. Funding strategy and action plan……………………………………………... 8
2 3. Topics for considerations at future workshops………………………………. 8 9. Other Business………………………………………………………………… 9 1. Progress reports by participants on the implementation of adopted ISPMs….. 9 2. Presentation of outline comment system for draft ISPMs……………………… 3. Presentation of Mechanism for the request for diagnostic protocol translation into FAO languages before the 100 days consultation period……………… 9 4. Guides for Foresters…………………………………………………………. 9 5. IPPC website…………………………………………………………………. 9 6. Participant survey……………………………………………………………. 9 7. Participation of African nations in sanitary & phytosanitary standard- Setting organizations (PAN-SPSO): update on activities…………………… 9 8. Report of the technical meeting………………………………………………. 10 9. Mechanism for building common position……………………………… ….. 10 9.10 Online system for compiling member comments…………………………... 10 9.11. The potential training areas to be targeted during phase II of Better Training for Safer food (BTSF) Africa Programme…………… …………… 10 9.12. The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Developpement Programme (CAADP) 11 9.13. Capacity Building Strategy Plan …………………………………………….. 11 10. Adoption of the report………………………………………………………… 11 11. Date and Venue of the Next Session…………………………………………... 11 12. Closing ceremony…………………………………………………………….. 11
I. Introduction
The regional workshop for the review of draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) is an annual activity which contracting parties are called upon to implement. This meeting came up after the publication of the 2010 draft ISPMs by IPPC for comments. It is the second meeting to be organized by the Inter-African Phytosanitary Council of African Union (AU-IAPSC) with the logistical Support of the PAN- SPSO project under the sister Organization; the Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources of African Union (AU-IBAR). During this meeting, participants (annex2) from African contracting parties, FAO, AU-IAPSC and other organizations had to review and provide input to five ISPMs and three draft specifications including the quarantine guide for forestry. Specifications for ISPMs provide the basis for the content of the future ISPM. The specification provides the drafting group with directions on what to consider when building the ISPM, and also outlines the content and sets the scope of the future ISPM. Available Templates of draft ISPMs and draft specifications for submission of comments were properly and carefully filled by each of the two groups upon appropriate discussions and presented in the plenary for adoption by consensus. The templates containing comments from the participants will be submitted through the IPPC contact point to the Secretariat by e-mail to [email protected]. The official deadline for
3 comments for all National Plant Protection Organizations and Regional Plant Protection Organizations is 30 September 2010.
2. Opening ceremony
The opening ceremony of the meeting was held at the conference hall of Mika hotel. It was marked by five allocutions:
The Welcoming address of the Director of AU-IBAR was pronounced by Dr. Biaou who thanked participants for accepting the invitation, before emphasizing on the Inter- African Phytosanitary Council (IAPSC) and the Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (IBAR) which are both technical offices of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA) of the African Union Commission responsible for sanitary and phytosanitary matters. This justify why the Project Participation of African Nations in Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standard-setting Organizations (PAN-SPSO) is implemented mainly by the two offices. This project was actually launched in response to the pressing need of enhancing the capacity of AU Member States’ participation in Standard Setting Organizations. Within this project, issues related to animal health and food safety are dealt with at AU-IBAR; the part related to plant protection is under the responsibility of AU-IAPSC. He also urged active participation in the discussions and sharing experiences and trusted commitment of participants to help Africa defending its interests at the root where decision making tools are produced. He hoped participants will come up with coordinated and common position of Africa on ISPMs as well as with a sustainable mechanism of coordination of Africa position.
Ms.Clarendon, Plant Protection Officer FAO, Accra brought greetings to participants on behalf of FAO and the IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) Secretariat. She spoke of the importance of the consultation meeting and the presence of the members of the Standard Committee who are key in facilitating the consultation; they represent Africa and therefore need to be informed by NPPOs on issues pertaining to the Draft Standards and to inform CPM Bureau on issues of Africa. This workshop was previously organized first by the IPPC Secretariat, then, by FAO RAF, now it has been passed on to IAPSC for the hosting and coordination. This has been done since 2009 and FAO is looking forward to their continued involvement in that role. She also recognized the key input by the PAN SPSO Project (Participation of African Nations in Sanitary and Phytosanitary standards Setting Organizations), facilitating the hosting of the consultation on the Draft ISPMs, development of standards for Africa and the implementation of adopted standards; the growth which has taken place the strides made by the countries and the RPPO. She encouraged the countries to continue to participate fully, make timely contributions. IAPSC was assisted to set the international agenda, by bringing issues to the table.
On behalf of the European Commssion, Mr Moustapha Magumu, Advisor to the European Union(EU) delegation to the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, thanked Dr Mezui M’Ella, IAPSC’s Director, the Competent Authorities of Zambia, the representatives of Regional Economic Communities, FAO, IPPC, the Organisers and all the experts for inviting the EU to this worthwhile PAN-African NPPOs meeting on the review of Drafts International Standards for Phyto-Sanitary Measures. He declared that his presence was a testimony of the great inportance the EU and others attach to the Phytosanitary issues affecting Africa. He
4 does advise on SPS and public health issues as they relate to the continent. He congratulated the AU-IBAR and AU-IAPSC for their hard work, which is begining to show fruitful results in preparing African Delegates to put forward common positions in meetings of the OIE, Codex and IPPC. The EU is proud to be associated with these positive developments of the PAN-SPSO programme, which of course, EU strongly supports.
Dr. Jean-Gérard MEZUI M’ELLA, Director, and AU-IAPSC presented his speech by thanking the Government and people of Zambia for hosting the meeting and the PAN- SPSO project and his institution for preparing the consultation and offering necessary logistics. In addition he also spoke about the five draft ISPMs and draft specifications to be reviewed by participants under the guidance of African members of standards committee and provided future directions. The participants were welcomed; especially the delegations from COMESA, SADC, FAO and EU. The NPPOs were also thanked for allowing the participants to attend the workshop. It was noted that this consultation was being organized and held for the second time by IAPSC.
Mr. Moses Mwale, Deputy Director of the Zambia Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI) on behalf of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives gave the opening speech. He spoke about the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), which is the official organ under the World Trade Organization (WTO) that is developing standards for International use for plants and plant products. This ensures safe trade and prevention of the spread and introduction of pests of plants and plant products especially into endangered areas, and to promote appropriate measures for their control. The high level of participation underlined the importance attached to topics of the workshop. He advised participants to take this precious time to kindly review the five draft ISPMs and draft specifications, discuss and formulate recommendations that would be vital in the development of the national comments for the draft ISPMs in question. Being aware that some African countries have not yet signed the convention he then therefore urged them to consider doing so for the benefit of all. It was a time to start thinking of how future pan African meetings will be sustained. He finally thanked the organizers, facilitators and sponsors of the workshop. He urged foreign delegates, to be welcome to Zambia and declared the workshop officially opened.
3. Purpose of the workshop
Prof. Bahama, Senior Scientific Officer Phytopathology of IAPSC outlined that the main purpose of this workshop was to provide participants from African countries with a regional forum to discuss the draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs). These discussions would help participants gain a better understanding of the national and regional impact of these proposed standards and provide a basis for the development and submission of national comments. This workshop covered the following draft ISPMs and draft specifications:
3.1. Draft ISPMs Systems approaches for pest risk management of fruit flies; Submission of new treatments for inclusion in ISPM No.15;
5 Integrated measures approach for managing pest risks associated with International trade of plants for planting; Irradiation treatment for Ceratitis Capitata (Annex to ISPM 28) and Diagnostic protocol for Plum pox virus;
2. Draft Specifications
Minimizing pest movement by air containers and aircraft; Systems for authorizing phytosanitary activities; Safe handling and disposal of waste with potential pest risk generated during international voyages
Guide to implement phytosanitary standards for forestry
4. Adoption of the agenda
The agenda was adopted with little modifications as per annex1.
5. Overview of the IPPC
Dr. Khaled ALROUECHDI briefed participants on an overview of IPPC, ISPMs, the SPS Agreement, IPPC administrative framework, and the Standard setting process. He emphasized on opportunities for member participation and member consultation process; implementation and exchange of information and finally on Technical Assistance. The IPPC adopted in 1951 and revised in 1979 and 1997 respectively, currently has 173 members and aimed at protecting the world’s plant against pests. The author developed the relationship between IPPC and WTO-SPS, the IPPC key principles, obligations of contracting parties, its administrative framework (CPM, NPPO, RPPO and secretariat). He also discussed the Standard Committee (SC), the Expert working groups, the Technical panels (TPs), subsidiary body on dispute settlement, status of NEPPO, the ISPM and standards setting programme as well as steps in the standard setting process. New topics added to the five draft ISPMs to be reviewed were highlighted. He finally threw more light on information exchange before opening the floor for discussion. It was noted that this meeting is held to assist countries in the preparation of their comments on draft ISPMs. Official comments should be submitted to the IPPC Secretariat by the national IPPC contact point before the deadline of 30 September 2010. During this presentation additional information were done by the African members of the IPPC bodies: Bureau (Mr.Arundel Sakala, Zambia), Standards Committee (SC), (Mr. Mike Holtzhausen, South Africa), subsidiary body on Dispute settlement (Mr.
Lucien Kouame, Côte d`Ivoire), 2NPPOs, (Sudan and Côte d`Ivoire), and RPPO ( Mr. J.G.
Mezui M`ELLa), Director of IAPSC.
6. Organization of working groups and election of bureaus
6 Participants were grouped into two; English and French speaking. The meeting elected Dr. Nagat Mubarak El Tayeb and Dr. Lucien Kouame as chairpersons, and Mr. Randy Stravens and Mrs. Seraphine Minko as Rapporteurs for respectively, the first and second group.
7. Review of documents and discussion on 2010 draft ISPMs and draft specifications.
The following five draft ISPMs and draft specifications were reviewed and comments were recorded. Participants were grouped into English and French speaking groups. In each group a chair and rapporteur were elected. Drafts were reviewed and adopted by consensus one after another by each group before being taking to the plenary session. In each group a power point presentation of each draft was done by an appointed participant by the chair, to the entire group, followed by explanation by the member of Standard Committee. Thereafter, the draft text and draft template were projected simultaneously to the wall by the rapporteur. The chair progressively and diligently read the text; paragraph per paragraph and coordinated comments from the group. These comments (substantial, translation or editorial) were recorded on the template of the said draft by the rapporteur. At the end of each presentation, the group had a break, before continuing with the next draft. The chairs had to appoint some of the members of the group to take their places and those of the rapporteurs for the smooth functioning of the session. Participants were always reminded to follow the instructions for the use of the template. Each group at the end of reviewing individual draft and draft specification took time to re-examine the entire comments of draft templates before taking them to the plenary session. Each participant could also note down necessary comments which will be used at national consultation level prior for submission to the IPPC secretariat. During the plenary session, both rapporteurs of the groups read their respective reports and they were adopted by consensus by participants. The following sections capture the main discussion points for each of the draft ISPMs and draft specification reviewed.
7.1. 2010 draft International draft standards for phytosanitary measures:
7.1. 1. Systems approaches for pest risk management of fruit flies An appointed participant in the group by the Chair read the power point presentation of the draft ISPM and the text was clear to everyone. Substantive comments were effective on references paragraph number 10 and 20; background 30 and section1.2 paragraph no 46, 60 and 93
7.1.2. Submission of new treatments for inclusion in ISPM No.15
The power point presentation was clear to all participants. The general comment was reviewed. Substantive comments were done on introduction paragraph no 6 and 7; section 2 paragraphs no 22 and 23. Editorial comments were done on paragraph 7, 22 and 33.
7.1.3. Integrated measures approach for managing pest risks associated with International trade of plants for planting
Upon reading the power point presentation of this draft, it was clear to everyone. However substantive comments were done on paragraphs no
7 18,31,44,57,61,63,74,78,98,92,95,108,114,119 and 121. Editorial comments were effective on paragraphs no 3,17,18,32,41,52,81,82,85,87,98,100,106 and 110.
7.1.4. Irradiation treatment for Ceratitis Capitata (Annex to ISPM 28)
The power point presentation was clear and no substantive issue was raise during the review of the document.
7.1.5. Diagnostic protocol for Plum pox virus
Upon reading of the power point presentation the draft was so technical which required specialists. The general comment was reviewed. Substantive comments were done on paragraphs 6, 10 and 11. There was a need to insert into the text example of facultative hosts which may be found in Africa. Collaboration of NPPOs with agricultural research institutes and universities is necessary. There is also a need to enhance the capacity of African countries on this draft.
7.2. 2010 draft specifications Three draft specifications were reviewed in addition to the guide on forestry.
7.2.1. Minimizing pest movement by air containers and aircraft
The reading of the power point presentation was clear. No comment was made on the text.
7.2.2. Systems for authorizing phytosanitary activities
The reading of the power point presentation was clear. No comment was made on the text.
7.2.3. Safe handling and disposal of waste with potential pest risk generated during international voyages
The power point presentation upon reading was clear to participants. The general comment was reviewed. Substantives comments were made on scope and purpose section.
8. Organization of future regional workshops on draft ISPMs
Participants agreed that it was a time to start thinking of how future pan African meetings will be sustained, since the Project Participation of African Nations in Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standard-setting Organizations (PAN-SPSO) is ending in 2011. This project has helped organizing the past and current consultation meeting on draft standards. They recommended that IAPSC should start exploring other financial sources, so that the holding of the continental consultation meeting on draft ISPMs should be sustainable.
8.1. Identification of sponsors for future workshops
8 IAPSC will work to put in place a sustainable mechanism through identification of sponsors.
8.2. Funding strategy and action plan
IAPSC together with the existing African Regional Economic Communities were charged to deal with decreased resources and consider alternative sources of funding consultation meetings on draft ISPMs. National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) with IAPSC will strongly lobby for funding and resources for workshop and travel at different donors and government institutions. A request shall also be table by IAPSC and/ or NPPO to IPPC secretariat for assistance in holding future consultation meetings. The Director of IAPSC was requested to seek the support of the African Union Commission (AUC) in order to sustainably fund activities of the proposed Secretariat for phytosanitary measures and the common position building process for better position of Africa in standard setting. These activities should be included in the annual Agenda of AU-IAPSC in accordance to its continental mandate. NPPOs should always think ahead with research organizations, universities and ministries.
8.3. Topics for consideration at future workshops
There were not specific topics for consideration for future workshops agenda item. However since there are a weak and / or absence of collaboration between forestry and Phytosanitary people, effort will consist to set up guides binding the plant quarantine and forestry services. Consultations shall continue at national level to come up with specific topic prior for proposition to the IPPC secretariat. Limitation of the propagation of pests by water and Minimization of the risks related to the dissemination of pests through transport of waste by the sea and railway could be scrutinized to be proposed as new topics for consideration.
9. Other Business
9.1. Progress reports by participants on the implementation of adopted ISPMs
Participants pointed out that adoption of ISPMs are faster than their implantations. There is a need reflecting on this issue and strengthen the capacity of African countries on compliance with these standards.
9.2. Presentation of outline comment system for draft ISPMs The IPPC Secretariat gave a brief presentation on the development of the online draft ISPM comment system and requested volunteers to participate in testing in summer 2010. Substantives and editorial comments were made on draft ISPMs and these comments are attached at the report (annexes 4&5). Participants were invited to take note of comments collected at this workshop and utilize these comments as they felt appropriate in their preparation of national comments. National comments should be submitted through the NPPO contact point to the IPPC secretariat no longer than 30 September 2010. 9.3. Presentation of Mechanism for the request for diagnostic protocol translation into FAO languages before the 100 days consultation period The IPPC Secretariat presented the details of this mechanism, in focusing that contracting parties who are unable to review the draft ISPMs (including diagnostic protocol) in English, may submit a request to the IPPC Secretariat to be translated into one of FAO`s languages. This request should be submitted within two weeks from the date of posting the
9 list of ISPMs approved for member consultation. Requests will be only accepted from the NPPO Contact Point and should be submitted to [email protected]. However, based on the difficulties identified during the development of the Diagnostic protocol for Plum pox virus, which were presented during the meeting only in English, the African French speaking countries did not appreciate the mentioned mechanism and wished IPPC keep in mind the important need to translate theses ISPMs automatically into French languages. 9.4. Guides for Foresters The IPPC Secretariat presented briefly information on the Guide to implementation of Phytosanitary Standards in Forestry. It was mentioned that the guide will be published next year in all the FAO languages. 9.5. IPPC website Issues regarding navigating the new website of IPPC were presented and discussed, in collaboration with representatives of Cameroon and Burkina Faso. The limited time didn’t permit to give more of details related to several requested points. However a long discussion on this subject took place separately outside of the meeting sessions.
9.6. Participant survey A link to the online participant survey for the workshop was provided in English and French languages and it was demonstrated how to complete the survey online. The participants were encouraged to submit it during the meeting. English version id=workshops_on_draft_ispm_eval&no_cache=1&L=0
French version id=workshops_on_draft_ispm_eval&no_cache=1&L=2&tx_simplesurvey_pi1[showUid]=13&c Hash=424588c82c
9.7. Participation of African nations in sanitary & phytosanitary standard-setting organizations (PAN-SPSO): update on activities
PAN SPSO is a project which covers 47 African ACP countries with an implementation period ranging from May 2008 to December 2011. It is funded by the European Commission: € 3.35 M and the AU: € 0.5 m. It aims at Facilitating effective participation of African countries in the activities of the OIE, IPPC and Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) during the formulation of international standards on animal (terrestrial and aquatic) and plant health, and food safety. Upon completion expected results are:
1. African countries strengthened to empower SPS offices for effective participation in SPS standard setting activities
2. Common position of African nations in SPS standards at continental and REC levels strengthened
3. Technical capacity of African countries to draft standards and to develop arguments strengthened
10 4. Relevant SPS-related data and information are acquired and disseminated to African countries through established accessible information sharing platform Studies and applied research.
In each of the above cited expected results, Dr .Biaou pointed some achievements so far obtained before projecting on activities done or in pipeline.
9.8. Report of the technical meeting
The secretariat chart (Annex3) drawn by experts, during the technical meeting held at the COMESA conference hall August 6-7, 2010 was presented to the participants for comments.
9.9. Mechanism for building common position
A tentative TOR for the IAPSC`s secretariat for phytosanitary measures, its missions and functioning mechanism were presented to participants for comments. They agreed to further look into the issues at national levels.
9.10. Online system for compiling member comments
The purpose of online system which is, achieving standard setting work programme goals with limited secretariat staff resources and streamlines commenting system for members was discussed. Emphasis was put on time line, system workflow schema and mechanism for the requests for diagnostic protocol translation.
9.11. The potential training areas to be targeted during Phase II of the Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF) Africa Programme.
Mr. Moustapha Magumu, EU Delegation to the AU presented Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF) activities and the background of DG SANCO which provides training in the areas of Food and feed law, animal health rules, animal welfares rules, and plant health rules which is of interest to participants. He emphasized on the second phase of BTSF (2011-2013) which will concern phytosanitary issues that include implementation of the referential, rapid alert, traceability and border inspection controls and regional / pan-African food safety authorities and inspectorate bodies.
9.12. The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP)
Ms. Clarendon of FAO Accra presented the four pillars of CAADP which involve; extending the area under sustainable land management, improving rural infrastructure and trade-related capacities for market access, increasing food supply and reducing hunger and agricultural research, technology dissemination and adoption. However the crop protection situation analysis issues of the continent should be taken into account in this important programme.
9.13. Capacity Building Strategic Plan
11 Mr. Sakala pointed out that the development of ISPMs are faster that their implementations. The ability of individual country to effectively implement the 34 existing ISPMs is very weak. Therefore aspiration of NPPOs should reflect on the national policy. The experts working group came up with 6 areas or obligations that National phytosanitary planning in turn to achieve in the next 3-5 years. These include standards setting and implementations, information and communication, resources mobilizations and management, advocacy and monetary sustainability.
10. Adoption of the Report
The two groups (English and French speaking) presented in the plenary, results of their consultations, regarding the review of five draft ISPMs and draft specifications which were approved by consensus (annexes 4&5). The main task is left to the NPPO official focal points of IPPC to coordinate national consultation prior for submission to the secretariat.
11. Date and Venue of the Next Session
Participants agreed that the next year`s meeting should be held in Libreville – Gabon during the last week of July 2011. The Inter African Phytosanitary Council of African Union (AU-IAPSC) was requested to organize the meeting.
12. Closing ceremony
Closing remarks were given respectively by Ms. Annah Clarendon, FAO Accra, Dr. Cyprien Biaou AU-IBAR, Dr. Jean Gerard Mezui M`Ella, Director of IAPSC and Mr. Arundel Sakala of ZARI. Participants were thanked for their valuable contributions and encouraged to coordinate the submission of national country comments to the IPPC Secretariat. AU-IAPSC was also thanked for their special contribution, as were the PAN –SPSO Project Coordinator and AU-IBAR who helped make the workshop possible by providing logistics. Finally it was noted that experience and continuity were achieved by having the same person participate each year and the group benefited from the expertise of many different disciplines and experiences.
Annex1. Agenda
PanAfrican NPPOs Meeting on the Review of Drafts International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures 09 - 13 August, 2010 Lusaka, Zambia
12 Monday, 09 August 2010
Session 1. 8.30 – 10.00 am Registration
10.00 – 10.30 am: Opening Session
Welcome: Ahmed El Sawalhy, Director, AU/IBAR Remarks: Hannah CLARENDON, FAO Remarks: Andrew OWEN-GRIFFITHS, EU Address: Jean-Gérard MEZUI M’ELLA, Director, AU-IAPSC Opening speech: Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Zambia GROUP PHOTO
10:30 – 11:00 pm Coffee/Tea
Session 2.
11.00 – 11:30 am Overview of workshop: IAPSC - Adoption of agenda - Local and logistical information
- Introduction – Objective and expected outputs of the workshop Prof. Bahama
Overview of the IPPC: (IPPC)
Update on activities of PAN-SPSO: IBAR
11.30 – 1.00pm Session 3: Review of Draft ISPMs (in 2 groups: Anglophone and Francophone)
Election of Bureau (Chairperson and rapporteurs)
1. Systems approaches for pest risk management of fruit flies.
1.00 – 2.00 Lunch
2.00 – 3.30: Systems approaches for pest risk management of fruit flies. Cont
3:30 – 3.45 pm Coffee/Tea
3.45 – 5:30 pm: 2. Submission of new treatments for inclusion in ISPM No.15
13 Tuesday, 10 August 2010
8.30 – 09.30 am Submission of new treatments for inclusion in ISPM No.15
09.30 – 10.30 3. Integrated measures approach for managing pest risks associated with international trade of plants for planting
10.30 – 11:00 am Coffee/Tea
11:00 – 1:00 pm 3. Integrated measures approach for managing pest risks associated with international trade of plants for planting
1:00 – 2:00 pm Lunch
2:00 – 3:30 pm Integrated measures approach for managing pest risks associated with international trade of plants for planting (continued)
3:30 – 3.45 pm Coffee/Tea
3.45 – 5.30 pm 4. Irradiation treatment for Ceratitis Capitata (Annex to ISPM 28)
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
8.30 – 10.30 am 5. Diagnostic protocol for Plum pox virus
10.30 – 11:00 am Coffee/Tea 11:00 – 1:00 pm Diagnostic protocol for Plum pox virus (continued)
1:00 – 2:00 pm Lunch
2:00 – 3:30 pm: Draft specification 1:. Minimizing pest movement by air containers and aircraft
3:30 – 3.45 pm Coffee/Tea
3.45 – 5.30 pm: Draft specification 2: Safe handling and disposal of waste with potential pest risk generated during international voyages
14 Thursday, 12 August 2010 8.30 – 09.30 am Draft specification 3: Systems for authorizing phytosanitary activities
09.30 – 10.30 am K. ALROUECHDI: Guide to IPPC standards for Foresters;
-Mechanisms for the requests for diagnostic protocol translation into FAO languages before the 100-day consultation period;
-Online system for compiling Members’ comments;
-IPPC website demonstration
10.30 – 11:00 am Coffee/Tea
Session 4: Mechanism for building common position
11.00 – 11.30 am: Building process of African countries Common position on IPPC (Expert Group meeting report)
11.30 - 01.00: Discussion
1:00 – 2:00 pm Lunch
2:00 – 3:30 pm: Topics for New Standards & Priorities for Standards
3:30 – 3.45 pm Coffee/Tea
3.45 – 5.30 pm: Preparation of groups’ reports
Friday, 13 August 2010 8:30 – 10:30 am: Session 5: Reports of the 2 groups and discussion
10.30 – 11:00 am Coffee/Tea
15 11:00 – 11:30 am The potential training areas to be targeted during phase II of the Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF) Africa Programme. Moustapha MAGUMU
11 – 12:00 Capacity Building Strategic Plan A. SAKALA
11.00 – 12.30 Session 6 Organization of future regional workshops on draft ISPMs (2011 session) -tentative date and venue 2011 consultation -identification of sponsors -funding strategy
12.30- 02:00 Lunch 02.00 -2.30: Session 7: Closing of the workshop
16 Annex2: list of participants
PAN-Africa NPPOs Regional workshop for the review of draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) and draft specifications 9-13 August 2010 Lusaka, Zambia
Participants List
Name: Mme Mariam DAMOUE SOME Name: Mr. Eliakim Sakayoya Position : Ingénieur Agronome Position: Directeur Address: Address: Plant Protection Department Direction Protection des Végétaux Ministère de BP 114, Gitega l’Agriculture, de l’Hydraulique et des Burundi Ressources Halieutiques, Tel: 257 22 40 20 36 BP 5326, Ouagadougou, Mobile: 257 79 97 62 14 Tel: +226 50 36 19 15 /50 36 18 65 Fax: 257 22 40 21 04 Mobile: 226 70 28 85 24 Country: Burundi Fax: 226 50 37 58 05 E-mail: [email protected] Country: Burkina Faso [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Name: Mr. Marcel Prosper BAKAK Name: Aimé Pascal Ngoumbango-Nzabe Position: Deputy Director Position: DPV/RCA Address: Department of Regulation & Address: Ministère du Développement Rural et Quality Control of Agricultural Inputs & de l’Agriculture, BP 786 Products Bangui Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development Rep. Centrafricaine (MINADER) Tel: 236 75 5023 24 Cameroon Mobile: 236 Tel: +237 99 96 1337 Country: Rep. Centrafricaine Country: Cameroon E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
17 Participants Name: Mme Okala Neloumta Madibé Name: Mr. Mohamed Assoumani Issimaila Position: Chef de Service Diagnostic- Position: Chef de Service de la Protection des Expérimentation Végétaux Address: Direction de la Protection des Address: Ministère de l’Agriculture Végétaux et du Conditionnement, BP 289 Moroni Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Irrigation Comores BP 1551, N’Djamena Tel: 269 333 1102 Chad Mobile: 269 333 1102 Tel: 235 6631 64 51 Country: Comores Mobile: 235 6631 64 51 Country: Chad E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Name: Mr. Damas Mamba Mamba Name: Dr. Lucien KOUAME Position: Chef de Division, Protection des Position: Director Vegetaux Address: Plant Protection & Quality Control Address: Ministère de l’Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Croisement des avenues batetela et 30 juin, 14th Floor, Caistab Building Commune de Gombe 01 BP 944 ABIDJAN Kinshasa. RDC Cote d’Ivoire Tel: 243 812959330 Tel: +225 20 22 2260 243 8129 59330 /899 523531 Fax: +225 20 21 2032 Country: RDC Mobile: +225 0790 3754 E-mail: [email protected] Country: Cote d’Ivoire [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Name: Prof. Magdy Mohamed Salem Name: Mr. Agustin Mane Ela Andeme Position: Professor Position: Ingenier Fitopatology/Chef SPV Address: Plant Protection Research Institute Address: Ministère de l’Agricultura y Bosques, Agricultural Research Center C/Hassan II 7 Nady El-Seed Str, Dokki , Giza Malabo, Equat. Guinea Egypt Tel: 240 2222 46511 Tel: 0109372218 Mobile: 240 2222 46511 Mobile: 0109372218 Country: Egypt Country: Equat. Guinea E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Name: Mr. Elias Saheledengle Name: Mrs. Seraphine Minko Position: Plant Quarantine Officer Position: Chef de Service de la Protection Address: Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Végétaux Development Address: BP 8952 Animal & Plant Regulatory Directorate Libreville PO Box 62722 Addis Ababa Gabon Ethiopia Tel: 241 0663 4795 Tel: 251 911 463388 Mobile: 241 0717 1427 Fax: 251 011 646 2379 Country: Gabon Country: Ethiopia E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
18 Participants Name: Mr. Landing Sonko Name: Mr. Edmund Kojo Jack-Vesper Suglo Position: Head of Plant Protection Services Position: Director Address: Plant Protection Services Address: Plant Protection & Regulatory Department of Agriculture Services Directorate (PPRSD) Ministry of Agriculture PO Box M37, Pokuase Yundum Western Region Accra, Ghana The Gambia Tel: 233 302 99044/244 388275 Tel: 220 779 6623 220 9344 003 Mobile: 233 244 388275 Mobile: 220 779 6623 Country: Ghana Country: The Gambia E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Name: Mr. Koikoi Kalivogui Name: Dr. Washington Otieno Position: Directeur National Adj. Position: Address: Service National de la Protection des Address: KEPHIS/Kenya Végétaux et des Denrees Stockees PO Box 49592 Nairobi Ministère de l’Agriculture Kenya Conakry Tel: 254 20 3536171/2 Tel: 224 165 49 48 49 Fax: 254 203536175 Mobile: 224 6055 1332/654 94891 Mobile: 254 722 427097 Country: Conakry Country: Kenya E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Name: Mr. Ali Abdou Gado Name: Mr. Wolo Y. Traoré Position: Directeur Général Adj. Position: Chef Division Réglementation et Address: Ministère de l’Agriculture Contrôle Phytosanitaire Office de Protection des Végétaux (OPV)/Mali, Address: Ministère du Développement Rural, Quartier du Fleuve Direction de l’Agriculture Square Patrice Lumumba BP 180, Nouakchott Rue 305 Porte 82 Mauritanie BP E/281 Tel : 222 653 3132 Bamako, Mali Mobile : 222 653 3132 Country: Mali Country: Mauritanie E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Name: Mr. Afonso Ernesto Sitole Name: Mr. Konis Elungi Position: Plant Protection Officer Position: Extension Officer Address: Ministry of Agriculture Address: Ministry of Agriculture Departmento de Sanidade Vegetal PO Box 21658 Recinto Do IIAM Windhoek, Namibia Av FPLM CP 3658 Tel: 264 61 2087496 Maputo, Mozambique Fax: 264 61 2087778 Tel/Fax: 258 21 460 591 Mobile: 264 8149 64738 Mobile: 258 82 451 4190 Country: Namibia Country: Mocambique E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
19 Participants Name: Mr. Abdou Kogo Name: Mrs. Stella Omotayo Onwuaduegbo Position: Directeur de la Réglementation et de Position: Director, Plant Quarantine Suivi Environnemental, p.i. Address: Nigeria Agricultural Quarantine Address: Ministère de l’Agriculture et de Service l’Elevage, Direction Générale de la Ralph Sodeinde Street Protection des Végétaux Enugu House, Central Business Area BP 323 Niamey, Niger Garki, Abuja,Nigeria Tel: 227 20 74 25 56 Mobile: 234 8033087900 Fax: 227 20 74 19 83 Country: Nigeria Mobile; 227 96 97 12 41 E-mail: [email protected] Country: Niger [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Name: Mr. Abdoulaye Ndiaye Name: Mr. Randy Stravens Position: Chef Division Législation Position: Snr. Plant Protection Officer Phytosanitaire et Quarantaine de Plantes Address: National Plant Protection Office (DPV) (NPPO), Plant & Health Services, Address: Ministère de l’Agriculture, Direction Seychelles Agricultural Agency (SAA) de la Protection des Végétaux (DPV) Ministry of Investment, Natural Resources & Route de Rufisque, Km, 15 Industry BP 20054 Dakar, Sénégal PO Box 166, Union Vale Tel: 221 33 834 0397 Mahé, Seychelles Fax: 221 33 834 2854 Tel: 248 611475 Mobile: 221 77 611 1175 Fax: 248 610223 Country: Sénégal Mobile: 248 762676 E-mail: [email protected] Country: Seychelles E-mail: [email protected] Name: Dr. IbrahimM.O. Shamie Name: Dr. Mike Holtzhausen Position: Head of Crop Protection Services Position: Deputy Director Address: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Address: Directorate APIS Food Security Private x 258 Youyi Building, Freetown Pretoria 0001 Sierra Leone Rep. of South Africa Tel: 232 77542939 Tel: 27 12 3196100 Mobile: 232 78542939 Fax: 27 12 3196335 Country: Sierra Leone Mobile: 27 82 787 7788 E-mail: [email protected] Country: South Africa E-mail: [email protected]
20 Participants Name: Ms. Tiyani Beaulla Nkuna Name: Dr.Nagat Mubarak El Tayeb Position: Snr. Plant Health Officer Position: Director, Plant Quarantine Address: Department of Agriculture, Forestry Address: Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, 30 Hamilton Str. Plant Protection General Directorate 535 Harvest House PO Box 14 Khartoum North Private Bag, 14 Gezina Sudan 0031 Arcadia Tel: 249 185 33 9442 Rep. of South Africa Fax: 249 185 339423 Tel: 27 12 319 6103 Mobile: 249 912 181812 Fax: 27 12 319 6102/6025 Country: Sudan Mobile: 0786718944 E-mail: [email protected] Country: South Africa E-mail: [email protected] Name: Ms. Rebecca Jackson Mawishe Name: Mr. Kokou Hadah Bassimbako Position: Senior Agriculture Officer, working Position: Ing. Agro. Chef Division in Plant Health Services Entomologie et Quarantaine phytosanitaire Address: Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Address: Ministère de l’Agriculture, de Cooperative, l’Elevage et de la Pêche Department of Crop Development Direction de la Protection des Végétaux Plant Health Services BP 1347 Lome PO Box 9071 Togo Tanzania Tel: 228 240 0821 Tel: 255 22 286 5642 Mobile: 228 916 5898 Mobile: 255 784 216240/ Country: Togo 255 685 21 6240 E-mail: [email protected] Country: Tanzania E-mail: [email protected] Name: Mrs. Ephrance Tumuboine Name: Mr. Arundel Sakala Position: Head of Phytosanitary Services Position: Principal Research Officer/National Address: Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Coordinator Industry & Fisheries Address: Phytosanitary Services PO Box 102 Entebbe Private Bag 7 CHILANGA Uganda Zambia Tel: 256 414 320 801 Tel: 260 278 130 Mobile : 256 703 661 689 Fax: 260 278 130/ 278 141 Country: Uganda Mobile: +260 0955661829 E-mail: [email protected] Country: Zambia E-mail: [email protected] Name: Mr. Keneth Msiska Name: Mr. Justine Kalaba Position: Senior Agricultural Officer Position: Senior Agricultural Research Officer Address: Zambia Agricultural Research Address: Zambia Agricultural Research Institute Institute Private Bag 7 Private Bag 7 Chilanga, Zambia Chilanga, Zambia Tel: 260 977 771503 Fax: 260 1 278130 Country: Zambia Mobile: 260 955 416836 E-mail: [email protected] Country: Zambia E-mail: [email protected]
21 Participants Name: Mr. Martin Siazemo Name: Ms Michelo Makwembo Position: Plant Health Inspector Position: Plant Health Inspector Address: ZARI, P/B 7 Chilanga Address: ZARI, P/B 7 Chilanga Zambia Zambia Tel: 260 0977 332162 Tel: 260 0977 332162 Country: Zambia Country: Zambia E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Name: Dr. Gilbert Zongo Name: Mr. Brian Nsofu Position: Programme Officer Position: Asst. Programme Coordinator Address: CEN-SAD General Secretariat Address: COMESA Secretariat PO Box 4041 PO Box 30051 Tripoli, Libya Lusaka, Zambia Tel: 218 9262 97665, 214 447570 Tel: 260 211 229725/32 Fax: 214 4440076 Fax: 260 211 225107 Organization: CEN-SAD Mobile: 260 966 039504 E-mail: Organization : COMESA/Zambia [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Name: Mrs. Hannah E. Clarendon Name: Dr. Khaled Alrouechdi Position: Crop Protection Officer Position: Agricultural Officer Address: FAO Regional Office for Africa Gamel Abdul Nasser Road Address: FAO - IPPC PO Box GP 1628 Plant Production & Protection Division Accra, Ghana Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Tel: 233-21 675000 Ext. 3137 Rome, Italy 233-21 7010930 Tel: + 39 328 964 5627 Fax: 233-21 7010943/668427 Fax: + 39 0657054819 Organization: FAO Regional Office for Africa Organization: FAO E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Name: Mr. Moustapha Magumu Name: Prof. (Dr) Jean-Gerard Mezui M’Ella Position: Advisor, SPS & Health Position: Director Address: Fitawrari Damtew Street Address: AU/IAPSC Kirkos Sub City, Kebele 10 PO Box 4170 Yaoundé PO Box 25223/100 Cameroon Addis Ababa Tel: +237 22 21 19 69 Ethiopia Fax: +237 22 21 19 67 Country:Ethiopia Organization: AU-IAPSC E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Name: Dr. Abdel F. Mabrouk Amer Name: Prof. Jean-Baptiste Bahama Position: Senior Scientific Secretary, Position: Senior Scientific Officer, Entomology Phytopathology Address: AU/IAPSC Address: AU/IAPSC PO Box 4170 YAOUNDE PO Box 4170 YAOUNDE Cameroon Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 19 69 Tel: +237 22 21 1969 Fax: +237 22 21 19 67 Fax: +237 22 21 19 67 Mobile: +237 77 65 3138 Organization: AU/IAPSC Organization: AU-IAPSC E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
22 Participants Name: Mr. Nana Sani Flaubert Name: Dr. Cyprien F. Biaou Position: Agronomist-Plant pathologist Position: Team Leader, Standards & Assistant to the Senior Scientific Regulations Officer Address: AU/IBAR Phytopathology Kenindia Business Park Building, Address: AU/IAPSC Museum Hill, Westlands Road, PO Box 4170 YAOUNDE PO Box 30786-00100 Cameroon Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +237 22 21 1969 Tel: +254-20-3674000 Fax: +237 22 21 1967 Organization: AU/IBAR Cell: +237 77 87 2764 E-mail: [email protected] Organization: AU/IAPSC E-mail: [email protected] Name: Mrs. Ruth Wambugu Name: Ms. Miriam Mulure Position: Accountant Position: Ag. HR & Admin Assistant Address: AU/IBAR Address: AU/IBAR Kenindia Business Park Building, Kenindia Business Park Building, Museum Hill, Westlands Road, Museum Hill, Westlands Road, PO Box 30786-00100 PO Box 30786-00100 Nairobi, Kenya Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254-20-3674000 Tel: +254-20-3674000 Organization:AU/IBAR Organization: AU/IBAR E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
23 Annex3. Table illustrating summarizing time frame and activities undertaken among IPPC secretariat, IAPSC and African NPPOs
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