English Language Proficiency Standards

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English Language Proficiency Standards

WIDA Consortium


English Language Proficiency Standards

2004 Edition Kindergarten through Grade 12

Copyright © State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. These standards are the result of the collaborative efforts of nine states known as the WIDA Consortium: Wisconsin, Delaware, Arkansas, District of Columbia Public Schools, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Illinois. English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting.

Domain: LISTENING — process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  position manipulatives  position manipulatives  follow verbal directions  follow verbal  follow sequence from or realia according to or realia according to by comparing them with directions without verbal directions K-2 oral commands such as multiple oral commands visual or nonverbal cues visual or nonverbal without visual or to show spatial relations such as to show spatial from teachers or peers support nonverbal support (e.g., “Put the book on relations (e.g., “Fold the paper in (e.g., “Put your name (e.g., “Put your name the table.”) (e.g., “Put the cubes in half and place it on your on the top line of the on the left-hand side a row across the table the long way.”) paper.”) of the paper, then put paper.”) the date on the right- hand side.”)  identify materials  match materials or  select materials or  sequence use of  evaluate use of needed to complete resources needed to resources needed to materials or resources materials or resources 3-5 tasks from realia and complete tasks with complete tasks based on needed to complete needed to complete oral statements their uses based on realia and oral tasks based on oral tasks based on oral realia and oral descriptions directions discourse directions  follow commands or  role play or identify  role play positive ways of  role play or identify  role play identify positive and examples of etiquette interacting socially and situations of peer consequences of 6-8 negative behaviors and manners associated culturally based on oral pressure based on succumbing to peer from illustrations and with activities based on descriptions oral descriptions pressure based on oral statements (such as illustrations and oral oral scenarios in school, on the descriptions (such as playground, in gym sports rules or turn class, or on the bus) taking)  follow instructions or  follow conversations  process and respond to  process and respond  evaluate the 9-12 requests from peers (e.g., telephone), discourse from unfamiliar to discourse from appropriateness of (e.g., “Meet me at my process and respond to speakers (such as at indirect sources (such messages or locker after 9th announcements over assemblies or on field as cassettes or CDs) information from a period.”) the intercom or by trips) variety of sources teachers


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting.

Domain: SPEAKING — engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  give and ask for  share feelings and  indicate interests,  persuade peers to join  negotiate solutions to permission or make emotions, likes or opinions, or preferences in activities or games problems, K-2 requests dislikes interpersonal misunderstandings, or disputes  ask for assistance with  ask or provide the  ask questions to seek  ask for or provide  ask for or provide 3-5 a task or needed meaning of words, information or provide clarification of specific information supplies phrases, or uses of opinions, preferences, or information by that confirms or relevant resources wishes restating ideas denies beliefs  respond to and offer  ask questions or  initiate or engage in  initiate and respond  express or respond to 6-8 greetings, compliments, exchange information conversation with peers or to idiomatic humor or sarcasm in introductions, or with peers within a small group expressions or slang conversation farewells in conversation  state preferences for  describe preferred  recommend games, songs,  discuss pros and cons  critique and evaluate 9-12 types of music, games, movies, magazines, books, films, poems, or of plays, films, plays, films, stories, TV programs, or stories, or authors computer programs and stories, books, songs, books, songs, poems, recreational activities give reasons for selection poems, computer computer programs, programs, or or magazine articles magazine articles


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting.

Domain: READING — process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols, and text with understanding and fluency

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  respond to icons or  respond to pictures with  respond to words or  follow written  follow written pictures on board words or phrases on phrases on board games directions with peer directions K-2 games or in activities board games or in or in activities or teacher assistance independently activities  use cues for sounding  use visually supported  use punctuation for  use self-monitoring  adjust pace and 3-5 out unfamiliar words context to derive expression and fluency and self-correcting expression while with accompanying meaning and facilitate  confirm predictions based strategies to increase reading orally visuals fluency on prior knowledge fluency  evaluate validity of  identify words or  use prior knowledge to  compare/contrast information based on phrases around school make predictions personal experiences personal experiences or the community with text  search topics of interest  classify topics  sort relevant from  arrange information  reread information on on the Internet or in identified through irrelevant information on on topics gathered topics gathered from 6-8 libraries hypermedia or multiple topics gathered from the from the Internet or the Internet or sources Internet or libraries libraries in logical libraries to confirm or order summarize sequence  preview visually  connect information  scan material to verify  skim material for  revise thoughts and supported text to glean from visually supported information or hypotheses relevant information conclusions based on 9-12 basic facts text to self information from text


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 1: English language learners communicate in English for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting.

Domain: WRITING — engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  draw or orally dictate  draw or label personal  produce phrases or  maintain diaries or  produce illustrated personal experiences experiences sentences about personal journals of personal stories based on K-2 experiences experiences personal experiences  draw, label, and  describe pictures of  describe procedures to  describe strategies for  create brochures or differentiate between unsafe practices around take in cases of maintaining personal newsletters that safe and harmful school, home, or emergencies at school, safety and health at outline safety or pictures of substances community (such as home, or community school, home or health rules with 3-5 or objects around pedestrian safety) (such as fire or disaster community examples for the school, home, or drills, accidents on the classroom, school, community playground) home, or community  respond to requests,  respond to and initiate  respond to and initiate  respond to and  respond to and invitations, “to do” lists e-mails, messages, ads, suggestions, initiate raps, songs, initiate humor or 6-8 through pictures and postcards, or notes to announcements, journal poetry, or prose language that words friends entries, complaints, contains multiple apologies, or thank you meanings notes  jot down key points  test appropriate use of  reflect on use of newly  edit, revise, or  expand and elaborate about language learning newly acquired acquired language or rephrase written written language as 9-12 (such as use of capital language (such as language patterns (such as language based on directed letters for days of week through spell or through self-assessment feedback and months of year) grammar check or checklists) dictionaries)


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of LANGUAGE ARTS.

Domain: LISTENING — process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  follow along in role  role play familiar,  role play characters seen  reenact scenes seen in  reenact, role play, or play activities described everyday activities in plays, TV shows, or plays, TV shows, or dramatize grade level K-2 orally described orally videos videos stories that are read or seen  respond to teachers’  respond to teachers’  respond to or interact with  respond to or interact  respond to or interact 3-5 reading of picture reading of illustrated teachers and/or peers with teachers and/or with teachers and/or books by pointing to stories or trade books during shared reading to peers during guided peers regarding letter combinations, by following directions show comprehension reading to show use stories and chapter words, parts of books, (such as creating word (such as giving thumbs- of reading strategies books during or illustrations families or word walls) up/thumbs-down signals) literature circles to show self-reflection  match oral commands  follow oral directions  follow oral directions in  practice identifying  use multiple learning 6-8 with learning strategies associated with learning using learning strategies and using learning strategies associated represented visually strategies represented (such as “Answer easy strategies associated with grade level oral (such as fill in bubbles visually (such as use of questions first on tests.”) with oral discourse discourse on answer sheets) multiple-choice format)  process information  match information from  form general ideas based  identify summaries of  integrate information 9-12 from speakers who use TV, films, video, or on information from information from from oral visual or graphic DVDs to titles of familiar speakers or radio, cassettes, CDs, documentaries and support (such as segments media or multimedia other sources on meteorologists) unfamiliar topics


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of LANGUAGE ARTS.

Domain: SPEAKING — engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  take risks with new  interact in small group  converse about classroom  describe and share  participate in and language (such as or paired activities and social activities personal experiences contribute to K-2 participate in choral and school-related academic classroom recitation, songs, activities discussions chants, nursery rhymes)  describe self with  compare self with other  compare self with  compare self with  explain differences words and gestures familiar persons (such characters in literary motives or points of between self-motives 3-5 (such as features, as friends, family works view of characters in or points of view and clothing, or likes and members, or movie literary works those of characters in dislikes) stars) literary works  answer WH- questions  restate or paraphrase  present reviews from  present reviews of  give oral book regarding visually visually supported newspapers/magazines trade books or short summaries or reviews 6-8 supported information information from (such as cartoons or stories including critiques on ads, cartoons, signs, newspapers, magazines, advice columns) and self-assessment or posters or brochures  state facts about  do task analyses of  give narrative speeches on  give persuasive  engage in debates on 9-12 personal interests or familiar processes (such personal topics of interest speeches on school- school-related topics those of friends or as recipes [how to make related topics or issues members of your family X] and games [how to play X])


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of LANGUAGE ARTS.

Domain: READING — process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols, and text with understanding and fluency Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  follow directionality of  match voice to print by  cross-check pictures and  use phonics clues to  predict what word or K-2 print pointing to words phonics clues sound out words phrase comes next  sequence a series of  match a series of  select titles to match a  sequence sentences to based on grade level pictures to tell stories pictures that tell stories series of pictures tell stories text with sequence words  sequence short (such as first, then, last) paragraphs to tell stories  follow repetitive word  follow language  identify language patterns  identify language  identify and select patterns from leveled, patterns from and story structure from patterns from language patterns 3-5 illustrated books predictable, illustrated illustrated fiction (such as different forms of associated with trade books (such as fairytales, legends, or tall prose or poetry various genres from repetitive phrases) tales) grade level language arts materials  identify words or  match vocabulary in  predict types of genres  match summaries  infer types of genres phrases supported by context, supported by based on language with excerpts from associated with 6-8 illustrations associated illustrations, associated structures integrated into genres read orally or written descriptions with various genres with excerpts of genres text or oral description in writing (such as or summaries from read orally (e.g., the (e.g., a long time ago, in mythology, science grade level language flying horse) ancient Greece) fiction, or ballads) arts text  identify facts from  use graphic organizers  compare/contrast  critique information  evaluate validity of 9-12 pictures and sentences to compare/contrast information between and from various sources, information from information between among texts using graphic including the Internet various sources, texts organizers including the Internet


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of LANGUAGE ARTS

Domain: WRITING — engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  produce icons, letters,  produce symbols and  produce word patterns  produce and organize  produce and organize or pictures (for wall words (for wall charts and pictures (for wall word patterns and word patterns, K-2 charts or displays) or displays) charts or displays) phrases (for wall phrases, or sentences charts or displays) (for wall charts or displays)  produce word lists for  use models to create  edit own writing based on  edit and revise own  edit and revise own personal reasons from phrases as personal teacher feedback writing based on writing (using word 3-5 pictures reminders class or peer reviews processing) to (such as chores or (such as homework produce final drafts shopping) assignments)  use bilingual or picture  use computers, peers, or  engage in peer editing  use thesauruses,  use rubrics to self- 6-8 dictionaries to generate models to check using checklists during dictionaries, or assess process writing language relevant to the spelling or grammar process writing checklists for self-  evaluate self or peer task  use graphic organizers  select and use graphic editing during writing by comparing  use graphic organizers to plan writing (such as organizers to present process writing information on to brainstorm words or T charts) ideas for writing (such as  use graphic graphic organizers to phrases associated with venn diagrams) organizers to reflect that in pieces writing topics (such as on writing (such as semantic webs) KWL charts)  jot down key words or  list key phrases or  take notes and produce  produce outlines and  produce essays based 9-12 symbols from visuals sentences from sentence outlines from summary paragraphs on notes from pertaining to discussions discussions and lectures from lecture notes lectures discussions


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 3: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Domain: LISTENING — process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  use manipulatives or  use manipulatives or  use manipulatives, draw  use manipulatives or  complete or produce realia to illustrate oral draw pictures to pictures, or make tallies to bar graphs to graphs (such as K-2 math statements illustrate math illustrate oral math compare oral histograms) to show operations from oral stories information (e.g., comparisons given directions “There are more girls orally (e.g., “Most here today than children are wearing boys.”) red, some are wearing blue, and one child is wearing green.”)  estimate prices (using  compare prices (using  narrow the range of prices  make relative  make conditional visually supported visually supported (using newspaper ads) comparisons (using purchases (using 3-5 newspaper ads) from newspaper ads) from from oral questions newspaper ads) from newspaper ads) from oral questions oral questions (e.g., “Which one costs oral questions oral questions (e.g., “Which one costs (e.g., “Which one costs under $1000?”) (e.g., “Which one is (e.g., “If you had about $1000?”) more, X or X?”) most expensive?”) $1000, which items would you buy?”)  identify language  depict graphically  select appropriate  make predictions  make inferences associated with examples of measures measures of central about estimates based about uses of 6-8 measures of central of central tendency tendency based on visual on measures of measures of central tendency displayed based on oral directions and oral descriptions of central tendency from tendency from oral visually (such as range, real-life situations oral scenarios scenarios of grade the distance from one level materials place to another)  identify properties of  visualize, draw, or  compare two and three  locate intersections of  follow oral directions quadrilaterals based on construct geometric dimensional figures geometric figures from grade level 9-12 visual representations figures described orally (including circles and described orally material to transform and oral descriptions spheres) based on oral (such as points, lines, figures (such as descriptions or planes) rotations, reflections or enlargements)


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 3: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Domain: SPEAKING — engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  give identifying  give examples of things  give examples of how or  tell how to play  tell a story that information that with numbers when you use numbers games that involves involves numbers K-2 involves numbers (such (such as room #s, bus outside of school numbers (such as from oral scenarios as age, address, or #s, or calendars) sports, board games, telephone number) or hopscotch)  repeat new information  rephrase new  relate new information  explain or discuss  integrate or 3-5 about math processes information about math about math processes uses of information synthesize involving computation processes involving involving computation to about math processes information about with use of computation with use of previous experiences involving math processes manipulatives or realia visual support computation involving (e.g., “Here are 3 computation to create groups of 4.”) own problems  define real-life objects  identify measurement  describe situations where  explain how to use  explain how to 6-8 or figures in terms of tools (from pictures and measurement is needed measurement in real convert measurement measurement using objects) and state uses (such as at the clinic or life situations (standard or metric) words and gestures (e.g., “You use a scale marketplace) (such as construction, in real life situations (such as height or to weigh things.”) architecture, or (such as in recipes or weight) cartography) temperatures)  identify steps in  sequence steps in  sequence steps in problem  describe two or more  describe and give 9-12 problem solving using problem solving using solving relying on mental approaches to solving examples of realia or visual support technology or visual math or think-alouds the same math strategies for solving support (such as problems grade level math calculators) problems


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 3: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Domain: READING — process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols, and text with understanding and fluency

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  sort real-life objects by  sort real-life objects by  match real-life  estimate measurement  decide appropriate size or weight using size or weight using non- pictures/ words with of objects from standard, metric, or K-2 pictures and descriptive standard measurement standard, metric, or pictures and text using non-standard words (such as big, little) and comparative non-standard standard, metric, or measurement tools language (such as measurement tools non-standard based on grade level smaller, longer, lighter) (such as use of measurement tools text for everyday paperclips, hands, (e.g., “About how situations rulers, or yardsticks) many...”)  recreate drawings from  construct or recognize  construct scale  build models based on  build models based on models and written scale drawings from drawings from pictures and written pictures and written 3-5 directions (e.g., “Make a models and written everyday experiences sets of directions (such instructions (such as 3D car like this.”) directions based on written sets as geoboards) puzzles) of directions  compare values noted on  follow listed instructions  follow instructions  follow instructions to  follow instructions that everyday products (such that involve hands-on that involve hands-on determine when and require interpretation of 6-8 as nutritional facts, math (such as games or math (such as from how to apply percent various representations serving sizes, or % daily recipes from cookbooks sewing kits or alarm in real life situations of numbers (such as use) or the Internet) clocks) (such as sales tax, percent, decimals, or interest rates, or tips) scientific notation)  organize graphically  collect and organize  collect, organize, and  collect, organize,  collect, organize, 9-12 displayed data from a set graphically displayed display data in charts, display, and interpret display, and interpret of written directions and data from newspapers or tables, or graphs data data; generalize and models (such as rank magazines (such as stock apply findings to other players or teams based market trends) data sets on statistics from sports)


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 3: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS

Domain: WRITING — engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  make collages or  dictate, draw, or make  keep an illustrated log or  describe uses of  explain how you use pictures of numbers and notes of examples of journal of examples of everyday math with everyday math (such K-2 quantities (from everyday math everyday math illustrated examples as when shopping or newspapers or cooking) magazines)  show what’s needed to  show process of  give step-by-step process  describe strategies to  analyze and evaluate problem solve through problem solving of how to problem solve use in the process of strategies to use in 3-5 drawings and labels through drawings and and check work math problem the process of math sequential language solving (such as problem solving (e.g., “First…. mental math or use of Second…”) calculators)  record and label  estimate probability  estimate probability with  describe  explain and justify outcomes of events with words or sentences and illustrations combinations which combinations 6-8 involving chance illustrations from a from a sample of possible based on are most likely based (such as coin flips or sample of observed observed outcomes and probability on probability rolling cubes) outcomes describe results  produce information  make generalizations  summarize information  draw conclusions  provide a rationale 9-12 related to data related to data related to data from related to data from and explain use of presented in graphs, presented in graphs, graphs, tables, or charts graphs, tables, or data presented in tables, or charts tables, or charts taken from everyday charts from everyday graphs, tables, or depicting practical depicting practical sources sources charts situations (e.g., “This situations (e.g., “It rains (such as newspapers and shows rain in more in June than magazines) summer.”) July.”)


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 4: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SCIENCE.

Domain: LISTENING — process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  explore movement of  follow movement of  compare movement of  predict movement of  interpret the effects of real-life objects by real-life objects by objects based on oral objects by pointing to force on motion by K-2 following commands following multiple step statements by pointing to pictures or pointing or (e.g., “Roll the ball.”) directions pictures or objects demonstration based demonstration based (e.g. “The car goes (e.g., “Which goes fastest, on oral statements on oral descriptions backwards then bikes, buses, or (e.g., “Show what forwards.”) airplanes?”) happens when you let go of balloons.”)  differentiate between  select/draw healthy  compare choices for  categorize choices for  evaluate choices for 3-5 healthy and unhealthy choices for meals or meals or lifestyles by meals or lifestyles meals or lifestyles by foods or lifestyles from lifestyles from realia, following oral directions and chart following following oral realia, magazines, or magazines, or (e.g., “Choose the oral directions descriptions newspapers following newspapers following healthier food for dinner: oral directions oral directions banana bread or carrots.”)  match oral statements  create scientific models  classify examples of  apply oral  seek explanations of 6-8 of scientific facts with based on illustrations properties (of light, descriptions of the properties (of illustrations and oral directions sound, stars or planets) properties (of light, light, sound, stars or (e.g., “White is made (e.g., “Show how light based on illustrations and sound, stars or planets) through oral up of all colors.”) or sound travels;” oral directions planets) to everyday scenarios “Show how the earth life goes around the sun.”)  collect and prepare real-  replicate scientific  build different hypotheses  match different oral  conduct scientific 9-12 life materials needed experiments using real- based on oral descriptions explanations of the inquiry using for scientific life materials based on of science issues results with evidence multimedia resources experiments based on oral directions of the findings that include oral input oral directions


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 4: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SCIENCE.

Domain: SPEAKING — engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  associate body parts  give examples of how  describe a series of  explain why senses or  predict what you with senses and or when you use your activities that involve other body parts are would do if one of K-2 physical actions senses or other body using your senses or other useful your senses or other parts body parts body parts was injured  make collections,  describe natural  describe the step-by-step  compare features of  report on the physical organize, and identify phenomena from real- process of making and natural phenomena relationships among 3-5 natural phenomena life examples (e.g., organizing collections of (e.g., “This leaf has natural phenomena (such as leaves, insects, “This leaf has five natural phenomena (e.g., five points while this or rocks) points.”) “First, I went to the one has two.”) park.”)  chart change over time  describe differences  compare differences  summarize and  explain patterns of and offer information over time based on based on information present information change over time 6-8 from charts or graphs information from charts from charts or graphs from charts or graphs based on evidence (such as phases of the or graphs related to change from charts or graphs moon, temperatures, daylight hours)  create and present  brainstorm ideas based  describe ways in which  discuss pros and  engage in debates on 9-12 collages or depictions on illustrations of scientific issues can be cons of scientific scientific issues of scientific issues scientific issues that resolved (e.g., “How can issues using graphic (such as genetic affect everyday life we reduce pollution?”) organizers engineering, nuclear (e.g., “What are some energy) examples of pollution?”)


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 4: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SCIENCE.

Domain: READING — process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols, and text with understanding and fluency

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  make posters from  search for words in big  distinguish activities that  classify activities that  sequence sentences to magazine pictures books or trade books use water or other natural you do with water or show how to do K-2 labeled with different associated with water or resources from those that other natural resources activities that involve forms of water or other other natural resources don’t, based on written from those you do in water or other natural natural resources (such as rain, ice, hot) phrases and pictures (such water (such as brush resources (such as as “brush hair” or “take a teeth or go cooking rice) bath”) swimming )  collect, sort, and  find ways to conserve  sequence descriptive  find solutions to  compile a class recycle materials or use water and energy from sentences and pictures to environmental portfolio of agencies 3-5 other energy sources pictures and written text illustrate the recycling problems presented in and organizations that based on labels and (e.g., “Stop leaving lights process or other forms of texts deal with conservation realia on.” “Stop leaving the conservation from grade level shower on.”) reading material  chart time and places of  respond to WH-  identify characteristics  compare natural  interpret impact of natural disasters (such as questions regarding and conditions related to disasters using natural disasters on 6-8 hurricanes, tornadoes, natural disasters based natural disasters based on multiple written people and places from floods, typhoons, or on graphic organizers text and pictures sources, including the grade level text earthquakes) based on and pictures Internet and graphic headlines and pictures organizers  match pictures of  match pictures of  identify scientific  identify scientific  evaluate relative use 9-12 scientific equipment with scientific equipment with equipment needed for equipment associated of scientific equipment their uses (such as descriptions of kinds of scientific investigations with descriptions of based on readings from telescope-see stars) scientists (e.g., “You are examining scientific scientific (e.g., “Biologists use this the migratory patterns of investigations investigations (e.g., tool to see cells.”) birds. Which scientific “Which works best to tools will help you?”) predict weather patterns and why?”)


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 4: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SCIENCE

Domain: WRITING — engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  collect, identify, label  match objects or  describe objects made of  produce a sequence  evaluate the (and make collages of) pictures of different different materials or of the process for usefulness of K-2 objects made of materials or textures textures from pictures or making different different produced different materials and with their sources (such realia (e.g., “Silk is shiny natural and synthetic goods from natural textures (such as paper, as rubber with trees) and smooth.”) materials and synthetic cotton, or wool) materials  draw pictures and label  draw pictures and note  describe observations,  maintain scientific  maintain scientific scientific phenomena observations of with visuals, of scientific journals based on journals with 3-5 based on observations scientific phenomena phenomena (in learning observations explanations of (such as life cycles) logs) observations  make posters or label  make posters or label  create science exhibits  create science  create science diagrams related to diagrams following the with statements for each exhibits with exhibits with 6-8 scientific questions scientific method step of the scientific descriptions of each explanations of each (such as force or method step of the scientific step of the scientific motion) method method  use drawings, words,  use phrases, sentences,  complete lab reports  produce lab reports  produce narrative lab 9-12 and phrases to answer and diagrams to answer following step-by-step from outlines or reports based on WH-questions on lab questions on lab reports procedures based on learning logs based grade level science reports based on based on experiments experiments on science experiments experiments experiments


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 5: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SOCIAL STUDIES.

Domain: LISTENING — process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  identify neighborhood  identify buildings in  locate places in  find locations using  construct maps or signs from pictures neighborhoods from neighborhoods from maps maps of reproductions of K-2 (such as traffic lights, pictures (e.g., “The house is next neighborhoods neighborhoods based schools or railroad (e.g., “Firefighters work to the park.”) (e.g., “The school is on field trips or oral crossings) here.”) at the corner of First directions and Oak.”)  identify prehistoric  identify prehistoric  match pictures of  re-enact the lives of  interpret the work of 3-5 animals or tools from animals or tools from prehistoric animals or prehistoric animals or paleontologists and pictures and oral pictures and oral tools and their events surrounding anthropologists statements descriptions (e.g., “This environments with oral the creation or use of through oral readings, (e.g., “This animal animal was taller than a scenarios tools based on videos, or movies looked like a horse.”) 5 story building.”) videos or movies  locate places using a  select appropriate maps  select appropriate maps  compare and contrast  evaluate the 6-8 variety of geographic to identify regions, based on oral information different types of usefulness of representations (such as countries, or land forms about regions, countries, maps from oral different types of globes, maps, aerial from oral statements land forms, or highways descriptions maps for different photos, or satellite purposes from oral images) from oral descriptions commands  identify distribution of  indicate availability of  compare availability of  analyze distribution  interpret implications 9-12 natural resources natural resources from natural resources of two of products from of distribution of around the world from oral statements by or more countries from natural resources products from natural maps or graphs and oral constructing graphs or maps or graphs and oral among global resources among statements maps statements markets from maps or global markets from graphs and oral maps or graphs and descriptions oral descriptions


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 5: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SOCIAL STUDIES.

Domain: SPEAKING — engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  participate in  state classroom or  provide suggestions for  discuss the  explain consequences brainstorm of school rules based on classroom or school rules importance of of breaking K-2 classroom or school models based on pictures, lists, classroom or school classroom or school rules based on models models, and experiences rules rules  locate and show places  describe locations of  share locations of places  give directions from  give explanations for on maps by pointing places on maps on maps with partners place to place on places on maps 3-5 (e.g., “Here is (e.g., “Wisconsin is (such as two-way tasks maps using (e.g., “I know it’s the Delaware.”) between Minnesota and where each student has a sequential language capital because there Michigan.”) map with half of the (e.g., “First, next, is a star.”) locations indicated) finally.”)  identify historical,  describe historical,  role play scenes from  re-enact historical  participate in plays or governmental, or social governmental, or social historical events or the events or the lives of give monologues of 6-8 figures or events from figures or events from lives of governmental or governmental or historical events or photographs and photographs, social figures from social figures based people illustrations illustrations and video photographs, illustrations, on multi-media video, and readings  state current events (in  restate or orally sketch  discuss current or past  analyze current or  critique current or 9-12 the news) supported current or past events events or situations and past events, past events, visually supported visually their personal impact situations, or issues situations, issues, or policies giving pros and cons


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 5: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SOCIAL STUDIES.

Domain: READING — process, interpret, and evaluate written language, symbols, and text with understanding and fluency

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  distinguish among  find weather related  categorize  compare  draw pictures of colors associated with words and pictures characteristics of characteristics and seasons described in K-2 seasons from pictures associated with seasons different seasons activities associated grade level text or (such as by making (such as in illustrated (such as from open with different seasons match seasons with collages or murals with trade books) sorts of phrases and (e.g., “It’s colder in written descriptions pictures and color pictures) winter.”) words)  trace immigration or  compare immigration or  organize information  compare information  identify reasons and migration routes on migration routes based about students’ home about students’ home explanations for 3-5 globes or maps on globes or maps (e.g., cultures or immigration cultures and the U.S. immigration or “Asia is farther from patterns through through investigation migration based on the U.S. than Mexico.”) investigation (using (on the Internet or in grade level graphic support) newspapers, libraries) multicultural stories  chart trends based on  compare data based on  compare data from  predict data for  interpret data from statements with graphic same year information year-to-year based on upcoming years year-to-year based on 6-8 support (such as from text and charts information from text based on information information from grade changes in crop (e.g., “Which state has and charts (e.g., from text and charts level text and charts production or the most people “Which crop is (e.g., “If this trend (e.g., “Why do you population shifts over a today?”) produced less today continues, which think X crop has five-year period) than 5 years ago?”) state will have the increased over the past most people in 5 5 years?”) years?”)  locate visually  locate visually  process information in  compare and contrast  evaluate authenticity or supported information supported information newspaper and information from bias in information 9-12 from photographs, in newspaper articles, magazine articles or on various news sources from various news headlines, and bylines magazines, or on the the Internet sources in newspapers, Internet magazines, or the Internet


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved. English Language Proficiency Standard 5: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SOCIAL STUDIES

Domain: WRITING — engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences

Grade Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Cluster Entering Beginning Developing Expanding Bridging  draw, select, or label  match pictures of  describe features of  describe favorite  maintain logs about pictures of animals or animals or plants and animals or plants from animals or plants and caring for classroom K-2 plants (such as at the their habitats or visual prompts (e.g., defend your choice animals, personal zoo or on a farm) characteristics (e.g., “Dogs bark. Birds fly.”) pets, or plants “Birds live in nests.”)  reproduce historical  produce entries for  maintain historical  produce reports from  produce historical highlights from historical journals from journals in historical journals documentaries from 3-5 timelines or visually timelines or visually chronological order (using technology) multiple sources supported newspaper supported newspaper based on timelines or (using technology) headlines headlines newspaper headlines  use graphic organizers  use graphic organizers  use graphic organizers  use graphic organizers  use graphic to produce features of to compare features of to produce descriptions to produce contrastive organizers to produce 6-8 historical periods historical periods of historical periods summaries of historical historical essays periods  label results of visually  plot and describe results  develop and administer  develop, analyze, plot  develop, analyze, and 9-12 supported surveys of surveys related to surveys related to social results of surveys plot results of surveys related to social studies social studies using studies using WH- related to social related to social using yes/no questions WH-questions (in small questions and analyze studies, and summarize studies, summarize, (in small groups) groups) results (in small groups) responses to interview and explain results (in questions (in small small groups) groups)


Copyright © 2004 State of Wisconsin. All rights reserved.

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