CGLL Rookie 7 League Rev. D (2-08), Date: 1/4/2013

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CGLL Rookie 7 League Rev. D (2-08), Date: 1/4/2013

CGLL ROOKIE 7 LEAGUE REV. D (2-08), DATE: 4/7/2018

Table of Contents

I. Weekday Games...... 1 II. Saturday Games...... 1 III. Accidents...... 1 IV. Weekly Activities...... 2 V. Game Balls...... 2 VI. Umpires...... 2 VII. Discipline...... 2 VIII. Protests...... 2 IX. Substitutions...... 2 X. Infield Fly Rule...... 3 XI. Pitching...... 3 XII. Batting...... 3 XIII. Defensive Alignment...... 4 XIV. Base Running and Stealing...... 4 XV. Replacement Players...... 6 XVI. Scoreboard Operations...... 6 XVII. Sportsmanship...... 6 XVIII. Special Notes...... 7 XIX. Facilities...... 7 XX. Appendix A...... 8

i CGLL ROOKIE 7 LEAGUE REV. D (2-08), DATE: 4/7/2018

The Rookie 7 League is an instructional league aimed at teaching the game of baseball to seven-year-old players. Emphasis should be on having fun while teaching baseball fundamentals and good sportsmanship. Overhand coach pitch.

I. Weekday Games.

A. Both teams are responsible for preparing the field for the games. This includes lining the diamond and, upon completion of the game, grooming the diamond. Weekday games start at 6:00 p.m. (5:45 for evenings with multiple scheduled games) Infield practice will begin fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the game. Each team get approximately seven (7) minutes of infield practice with the visiting team going first and then the home team. A new inning will not be started if 1 hour and 45 minutes has passed since the start of the game OR 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES ON DAYS WHERE THERE ARE MULTIPLE GAMES SCHEDULED . A new inning begins when the third out is made in the previous inning. Games may be shortened on account of darkness if, in the opinion of the home plate umpire, it is too dark for play to safely continue. The officer of the day has the authority to end the game.

II. Saturday Games.

A. Both teams are responsible for preparing the field for the games. Infield practice between games will depend upon available time. All games will begin as close to the scheduled time as possible, which may limit the time available for infield practice. Any available time will be divided equally between the two teams.

B. A new inning will not be started if 1 hour and 30 minutes has passed since the start of the game. A new inning begins when the third out is made in the previous inning.

C. In the event of rain on Friday night, all managers and coaches are requested to come to the field by 8:00 a.m. Saturday in an attempt to get the diamonds in shape and avoid a delay of any games that day.

D. Managers and coaches should not assume that any game has been rained out. Your team is responsible for reporting to the field at the scheduled time unless otherwise instructed. The officer of the day present will make the decision. Voice mail will be updated as soon as possible. Honey Creek voice mail number is (317) 881- 6704.

III. Accidents.

A. All accidents or injuries must be reported immediately to the umpire as a matter of record. If the injury appears to be serious, keep the player still and contact the officer of the day. Note: All injuries sustained during a game or practice requiring medical attention, must have an Accident/Injury report filled out by the Manager and submitted to the Safety Officer. See form in Appendix A. 1 CGLL ROOKIE 7 LEAGUE REV. D (2-08), DATE: 4/7/2018

IV. Weekly Activities.

A. The maximum number of activities (games plus practices) allowed per week is three (3).

V. Game Balls.

A. Each team shall supply one new game ball for use during the game. Only league issued balls are to be used. This league uses regular baseballs.

VI. Umpires.

A. Each team will supply one umpire. One will be designated as the plate umpire and the other will be the base umpire. We encourage umpires to be managers or coaches, if possible.

VII. Discipline.

A. All players on the roster in attendance for the game must play unless the Player Agent or, in his absence, the League Director or Officer of the Day has been notified in advance of the game as to why the player cannot or should not play and agrees with the reason. Note: This does not apply to player injury. Notify the opposing coach and umpire in this event.

VIII. Protests.

A. Protests are not permitted.

IX. Substitutions.

A. All players must play at least three defensive innings and bat one time. A player not meeting the minimum playing requirements must start in and complete requirements in previous and next scheduled games. This modifies Regulation IV(i) of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules for Little League Baseball book relating to mandatory play.

B. In the event of a shortened game, managers are expected to comply with the spirit of the rule - non-starters must be inserted by the third inning. Free defensive substitutions are permitted in lieu of Rule 3.03 of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules for Little League Baseball book.

C. Each player must play a minimum of two (2) innings in the infield.

D. The only substitutions permitted during an inning by the defensive team will be for an injured or ill player.

2 CGLL ROOKIE 7 LEAGUE REV. D (2-08), DATE: 4/7/2018

X. Infield Fly Rule.

A. The infield fly rule is not in effect for this league.

XI. Pitching.

A. Coaches will pitch to their own team. Coaches may pitch overhand, but must pitch from the pitcher’s circle.

B. The player in the pitcher’s position (“pitcher’s helper) will begin to play behind the pitcher’s plate and within the pitching circle. A batting helmet with a faceguard must be worn by the “pitcher’s helper”.

XII. Batting.

A. A batting order which includes all team members present will be established prior to the game and followed throughout the game regardless of whether the player is in the game defensively. See Rule 4.04 of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules for Little League Baseball book.

B. Once the game has started; a player arriving late will be inserted at the end of the batting order, unless the batting position has not yet occurred for the first time. Notes: No penalty will be assessed against a team in the event a player is injured, ill or must leave for any reason. However, once a player leaves, he can not return for that game. Exception: An injured or ill player may return to the game and resume his position in the batting order.

C. No “on deck” batters allowed. The “on deck” batter must wait in the dugout until called to bat. The “on deck” batter is not allowed to pick up a bat until leaving the dugout to take a turn at bat. This is a safety rule that must be strictly enforced.

D. No bunts or base on balls are allowed.

E. The following batting rules apply:

1. Strikeouts occur through swings not “called strikes”, except as provided under E.(3.)

2. Each batter is allowed three swinging strikes.

3. Every pitch after the sixth (6th) pitch will automatically be a called strike. If the batter refuses to swing after six pitches, the umpire shall call a strike on all subsequent pitches.

3 CGLL ROOKIE 7 LEAGUE REV. D (2-08), DATE: 4/7/2018

4. If, on the third strike, the batter misses the ball, the batter is out.

F. There will be no batting practice taken on the field immediately prior to the start of a game. Baseball soft toss into the fence or backstop is strictly prohibited. Provided it does not interfere with another team, tennis balls or plastic golf balls may be used for batting practice only in the outfield area.

XIII. Defensive Alignment.

A. Ten (10) players are allowed in the game at the same time defensively. The defensive team shall use four (4) outfielders, equally spaced apart. Note: Defensive coaches are not allowed on the playing field.

B. Catcher(s) must be equipped in full catcher’s equipment, including a catcher’s cup. The catcher’s mask must have a dangling throat guard.

C. Position the catcher approximately four feet behind home plate to avoid injury.

D. A minimum of nine (9) players must be present for each team to begin the game. See Rule 4.16. Note: At the discretion of the umpire, a reasonable delay (no more than ten minutes) will be permitted to wait for the ninth player.

C. After the start of the game, if a team is unable to play the game with a minimum of nine players, then the game cannot continue. See Rule 4.17. It cannot be declared a forfeit for this reason.

XIV. Base Running.

A. A runner must attempt to avoid contact on plays at the bases or home plate. Generally speaking, it is expected that the runner will slide in those situations. If the fielder has the ball, the runner should slide when possible or make every attempt to avoid contact. The runner may be called out if he does not slide and a collision occurs. If the fielder does not have the ball but is blocking the base or home plate, he is guilty of obstruction. This is a judgment call to be made by the umpires. Note: Fake tags by a fielder without the ball is prohibited.

B. There are no head first slides permitted unless returning to the last occupied base. The runner will be called out for a head first slide.

C. A maximum of one base on a defensive overthrow may be taken per batter. Runners may attempt to take the extra base only if the runner initiates the attempt prior to the play being ruled “dead”. The extra base is not automatic. Runners advance at their own peril.

D. No steals are permitted.

4 CGLL ROOKIE 7 LEAGUE REV. D (2-08), DATE: 4/7/2018

E. Runners may not advance on a “passed ball”.

5 CGLL ROOKIE 7 LEAGUE REV. D (2-08), DATE: 4/7/2018

E. “Courtesy runners” referred to in Rule 3.04. in the Official Regulations and Playing Rules for Little League Baseball book do not apply since all players are in the batting order.

XV. Replacement Players.

A. If a team should permanently loose a player or players subsequent to the draft, contact the Player Agent or League Director immediately. A permanent replacement player will be added in a timely fashion any time prior to the last two weeks of the regular season.

B. A permanent replacement player may be obtained from any available waiting list of 7-year-old players.

C. A temporary replacement player may be obtained from the Player Pool List. See Regulation V(c) of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules for Little League Baseball book.

1. Contact the Player Agent or League Director.

2. A temporary replacement player obtained from the Player Pool List may play any defensive position.

3. A temporary player cannot be used if your team has at least nine regular players available for your game. If regular players show up late, the temporary player must be removed from the game at the completion of the inning in which the regular player arrives.

XVI. Scoreboard Operations.

A. It is the responsibility of the team occupying the dugout with the scoreboard controls to appoint a responsible individual to operate the scoreboard.

XVII. Sportsmanship.

A. Managers and coaches are responsible not only for their own conduct, but the conduct of their players and fans as well. Please take particular notice of the following rules:

1. There shall be no jeering or distractions involving players, whether in the dugout or in the field.

2. No profanity or obscene language will be tolerated on the part of anyone.

3. No smoking in the dugouts or on the playing field by anyone.

6 CGLL ROOKIE 7 LEAGUE REV. D (2-08), DATE: 4/7/2018

4. No foreign objects shall be thrown onto the field.

5. All decisions involving judgment calls by the umpires are final and shall be accepted with restraint and grace. Please, do not question calls. We are all volunteers.

6. All managers and coaches are expected to set a positive example for their team.

XVIII. Special Notes.

A. A five (5) run rule is in effect for the first four (4) innings of any game. Unlimited runs are permitted thereafter. This replaces Rule 4.10(e) of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules for Little League Baseball book. MERCY RULE IS IN EFFECT FOR THIS DIVISION WHICH IS 18 RUNS AFTER 4 INNINGS, 15 RUNS AFTER 5 INNINGS.

B. The Home Team will occupy the dugout along the third base line.

C. Two adult base coaches are permitted, one in the first base coaching box with the other in the third base coaching box. When not acting as base coach, managers and coaches must remain in the dugout. Notes: There are no more than four adults allowed in the dugout or playing field. One adult must be in the dugout at all times.

D. All players must be in full uniform identical in color and style to participate. This includes, but is not limited to, baseball caps, shirts, and pants. The catcher must wear a catcher’s cup. The catcher’s mask must have a dangling throat guard.

E. If an injury occurs, time out must be asked for and received from an umpire before leaving the dugout or coaching box.

F. Each team will provide a scorekeeper. The home team will be considered the official book. Scores shall be reconciled after every inning. Both teams shall record the scores in the Official Score Book located in the concession building.

G. If the third out in an inning is made on a force play, no run can score. If the third out in an inning is made in any other fashion, runners must have crossed home plate before the third out is made; otherwise, any runner not having crossed home plate does not score.

H. To help keep the game moving, have your catcher keep his shinguards on if he is not one of the first three batters in an inning. After his turn at bat, promptly have him put his catcher’s gear back on.

I. The Official Little League Operating Manual and the Official Regulations and Playing Rules for Little League Baseball book will govern all situations not specified or covered herein. 7 CGLL ROOKIE 7 LEAGUE REV. D (2-08), DATE: 4/7/2018

XIX. Facilities.

A. Parking is allowed in all designated areas. Park at your own risk.

B. Obey a maximum speed limit of 10 mph throughout Honey Creek.

C. Police all dugouts and under bleachers for trash. Instruct your players to properly dispose of trash.

D. Please help keep the park clean for everyone, as this is a volunteer organization.

XX. Appendix A.

A. Special forms are found on the following pages.


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