Shasta County Office of Education Alternative Education District Advisory Committee Minutes February 4, 2013 Oasis Community School, Room 7 - 3711 Oasis Road, Redding

Mission To develop educated, socially responsible citizens

Members Parents/Community: Chris McFarland, Chris Magara Students: Angelica Zuniga, Sage Barlow, Isaiah Cash Classified: Rita McCue Classroom Teachers: Mike Kelley, Phil Mayer, Janeen Seim, Threasa Hibbett Administration: Jennifer Baker

1. Opening 1.1 Welcome/Call to Order – the meeting was called to order at 3:48 pm by Co- chair Mike Kelly 1.3 Approve Minutes for the June 29, 2012 , 2013 meeting: It was moved by Rita McCue and seconded by Phil Mayer that the minutes be approved. The motion passed unanimously. 1.4 Public Input: There was no public input

2. By-laws 1.1 Approve By-laws: Jennifer Baker reviewed the by-laws that were approved at the June 29, 2012 DAC meeting, Rita McCue made a motion to keep and approve, the existing by-laws and seconded by Mike Kelley. The motion passed unanimously. 1.2 Fill vacant positions: Jennifer Baker went over the openings on the DAC. There were two student openings, and one teacher opening. Sage Barlow made a motion to nominate Isaiah Cash and Angelia Zuniga, Mike Kelley seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Rita McCue makde a motion to nominate Threasa Hibbett, Phil Mayer seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

3. LEA Plan 1.1 Review & give input: Jennifer Baker discussed the SPSA for Richard B. Eaton (RBE) and how the EIA funds fit into the plan. During the fall the Site Council for RBE/Oasis and the staff at RBE provided input into the needs for RBE and how to best meet the needs of students. Out of those discussions the following was decided: a portion of EIA would be spend on providing Careen Technical Ed framework and instructional technology training for staff, and developing a replacement plan, and begin to purchase technology to ensure student and staff access to relevant technology to support instruction. 1.2 Approve: Phil Mayer made a motion to approve the plan for funding, Rita McCue seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Discuss Site Plan and the use of funding