Kimbolton & Stonely Parish Council s1
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KSPC KIMBOLTON & STONELY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday, 28 July,2005 at the Fire Station, Kimbolton.
91/05 PRESENT Councillors K Hutchinson (in the Chair);R Gooderham;D Poole;C Ayrton;Mrs D Gooderham;Mrs D Hellett;T Sutton;P Seabrook;Mrs R Lloyd and L Farrer.
IN ATTENDANCE County Councillor R Downes;District Councillor J Gray; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and two members of the public.
92/05 APOLOGIES were received from Councillor Mrs V Blair.
93/05 PUBLIC FORUM was not used.
94/05 MINUTES of the Council meeting of 30 June 2005 were read,approved and signed as a true record of that meeting, subject to the addition of Councillor Mrs D Gooderham to the working party referred to in 83/05, to look at the District Guide.
95/05 MATTERS ARISING 77/05 A member mentioned the rubbish in Maurice Close and wondered if the HHP Streetwarden would be able to remove it. He also asked whether an update on the Warden’s activities in Kimbolton could be provided. 81/05 It was proposed by Councillor Mrs D Gooderham, seconded by Councillor D Poole and agreed to place a gate across Pound Lane, near to its junction with Duchess Walk, subject to the agreement of the land owners. One member voted against. The Clerk will contact the landowners and the Police and seek their views. Community Action Scheme. Councillor R Gooderham said that we need to advertise that we are doing this and get the names and addresses of interested parties. The first order would be COD and afterwards an account could be established. The likely discount was up to 2p per litre. An advertisement will be placed in the parish magazine. Groundsman Transport. The Clerk had further information on the Piaggio Ape 50 which members thought sounded suitable. He was instructed to obtain information on who had purchased these vehicles and to seek the purchasers’ views. He should also ask the suppliers if they are able to provide one here as a demonstrator. It was proposed by Councillor D Poole, seconded by Councillor L Farrer and agreed to purchase a Piaggio Ape 50 pickup for the sum of £2750 plus VAT.,subject to satisfactory reports. The Leys. It was proposed by Councillor R Gooderham, seconded by Councillor C Ayrton and agreed to protect the hedge with a panel fence to a cost of £400. Headstone Safety The Clerk reported on the investigations as to the necessity of undertaking the work to test headstones and had concluded that there was no choice. To ignore the advice would leave us open to Health and Safety action if anyone was to be injured. It was therefore agreed to obtain a quotation for the testing and have the work completed as soon as possible. Notices will need to be posted and published advising of our intentions. A member mentioned the ‘Beautification Fund’ which was thought to be in the hands of the PCC. It was suggested that Mrs Phyllis Parratt, as a former Clerk, might have some information. Pedestrian Crossing. All the indications were that there is little hope of obtaining funding for a crossing, but it might be worth pursuing it as a part of the Safer Routes to School initiative. George Corner bollards. Councillor Seabrook wondered why there appeared to be a change in the style of the proposed bollards and suggested that the Highways Dept be asked.
96/05 PLANNING MATTERS Mulberry Cottage, Hatchet Lane – extension. A member of the public present commented that the applicants have reflected in these new plans all the previous comments. The mulberry is protected, the frontage is no bigger and the extension is within the proper boundaries. A letter from a neighbour was read. It was proposed by Councillor C Ayrton, seconded by Councillor R Gooderham and agreed no objection. Erection of Telecom mast at Hungry Hill.
Councillor J Gray joined the meeting at this point.
Members were not happy about this proposal which, they felt, would result in the mast being seen from the Pertenhall to Riseley road as well as the footpath. They thought that more effort should be made by telecoms companies to work together and share masts. Orange also had existing planning approval for a mast to Bicton Industrial Estate. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Lloyd, seconded by Councillor Poole and agreed to recommend refusal of this application. This was agreed with 3 members being in favour and 2 abstentions. 69a Main Road,Stonely – removal of condition re access. Members were mindful of previous problems with safe access here and were concerned that the original access should not be re-used. Accordingly, it was proposed by Councillor Mrs Lloyd, seconded by Councillor Mrs D Gooderham and agreed to recommend refusal. The Chairman reminded members that the closing date for comments on the Local Development Plan Core Strategy was a week on Monday.
Councillor Peter Downes joined the meeting at this point.
It was agreed that this Council’s response would confirm acceptance of Kimbolton as a Key Centre (Limited Growth) whilst expressing concern about employment figures and how little account appeared to be taken of the effect of Kimbolton School as an employer. This was proposed by Councillor Ayrton, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and agreed, with 5 being in favour and 2 against. Robinson’s Garage A letter had been received from the Planning Officer regarding the application to extend the period of the original approval to replace the garage with residential properties. The Planning Officer had pointed out to the applicant that he would now be required to provide an element of affordable housing (social Housing) within the development. The Planning Officer felt that if she did not insist on this, she would be unable to insist on similar provision with any other proposed development. This was noted by Council, but the need for social –rented- housing was questioned. Members were unhappy about the way in which housing is allocated in Huntingdonshire. Apparently it is purely on a points system, whereas in Northants those living in the village have first refusal, then those within a certain radius and so on, meaning that local needs are satisfied first. It was agreed to ask the Housing Officer, Frank Mastandrea, if he would attend a future meeting. High Street paving. Councillor Gray said that the County and District have each promised £5000, but he was sceptical about the scheme being designed and had had some very harsh words to say to the Cabinet member. Members were dismayed at the lack of progress on this and also agreed to write to the Cabinet members at the County and District Councils.
County Councillor Peter Downes said that the correct bollards for George Corner are still not available. The slurry repairs to footpaths were inadequate and the people who did it have been sacked and solvent used to take the marks off the walls. A Youth Worker supervisor for this area has now been appointed.
Councillor Downes left the meeting at this point.
97/05 WORKING PARTIES a) Pound Lane The Clerk had been investigating alternative uses for the field as there seemed to be little interest from football teams. He wondered whether bowls and croquet might be popular. He had spoken to the Croquet Association who were enthusiastic as there is no croquet club in this area or, indeed, in Cambridgeshire. Members thought that the idea was worth investigating and hoped that someone from the Association and from the bowling world might be able to come and talk to Council and explain the likely costs of establishing the games and the on-going upkeep. b) Car Park The Clerk had received a letter from the police saying that they had to obtain the best price for their land and that it had last been valued at £55000. They would see whether the police authority would grant a lease of reasonable length, so as to make the expenditure on a car park viable. We currently have no formal lease, the original having expired in the 1970s and not been renewed. Members asked the implications of this and the Clerk said that he had been told by our solicitor that, notwithstanding the lack of the lease, we are in the same position as if the lease was continuing. Members wished to have this confirmed in writing. c) Mandeville Hall. The Youth Club was discussed and a letter from Max Hartley, the Chairman of the Hall Committee, read.
98/05 CORRESPONDENCE Notice from Barclays of changes to interest rates. Members were concerned whether we were getting the best rates on our investments and the Clerk was asked to provide details for the next meeting. Calc courses for Councillors and Clerks. Letter from Mr Dubock of Stonely, making observations re Gardeners Cottage, Grass Yard. County Council re Heavy Commercial Vehicle routes. Letter from Mr J Burton of Grass Yard re complaint by a member about the ‘mess’ in Grass Yard and asking if this is the considered view of the members present. It was agreed that the land around the old school did appear to be overgrown with weeds, looked a mess and that this was the view of the majority present. Letter from Mr Barclay of Grass Yard also expressing disappointment at the detrimental reference to Grass Yard and saying that he would have preferred the member raising the point to have approached the residents of Grass Yard.
99/05 ACCOUNTS The following were approved for payment: R R Gooderham & Son Sundries £75.34 inc VAT McAlpine Government Service Streetlight mtnce £26.78 “ “ A D Tibbett Pay July £554.87 no “ C L Thatcher “ “ £561.98 “ “ Inland Revenue PAYE/NIC July £228.70 “ “ Cambs County Council Pension July £266.24 “ “
100/05 MEMBERS’ POINTS OF INFORMATION The Chairman said that he had received the SATS results in respect of Overhills School. These will not be published due to the numbers on the roll, but he thought them worthy of repeating, especially due to the earlier criticism of the school. Benchmark Level 4 and above English 90% National average 78% Maths 90% “ “ 74% Science 100% “ “ 86% Key Stage 1 (7 years) was well above the national average. Members were delighted to hear the results, which they decided to publish in the magazine. They also send their congratulations to the staff and pupils for these achievements. He also mentioned Longsands School, which has been granted ‘specialist’ status in media, technology and the arts. They will receive additional funding of around £1M over the next 4 years. Also worth mentioning was the fact that the College had raised £50,000 in sponsorship, including sponsorship by Microsoft. Councillor D Poole said that the hedge at the Butts and Montagu Gardens needs cutting. Councillor Mrs Gooderham asked about the guttering at cemetery cottage and mentioned the cemetery gates, one of the small ones being closed and which should remain closed. Councillor Poole wondered what would happen about the re-siting of the bottle banks when the Youth Centre is sold. It was agreed to write to the District Council asking them to give consideration to other locations. Councillor Mrs Lloyd asked that ‘milestones’ be placed on the agenda of the next meeting.
101/05 NEXT MEETING The next meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 25 August 2005, commencing at 7p.m. at the Fire Station.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2233 hours.