Kamloops District Licensee Meeting Agenda

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Kamloops District Licensee Meeting Agenda

Okanagan TSA Steering Committee Minutes Okanagan Shuswap Forest District Conference Room 9:00 am – 12:30 pm, June 25th, 2009 Chair: Bob Annand Scribe: Mike Beck

Participants: Alex Born, Ray Crampton, Brian Drobe, Dave Gill, Grant Thompson, Dave Hails, Greg Hislop, Ken Stowe, Lyle Knight, Ashley Ladyman, Katherine Ladyman, Andree Maxwell, Dale Richter, Kerry Rouck, Richard Toperczer

Minutes (Test Template)

Standing Topics Topic Outcome Action (yes or no, and # in table) 1. Professional  Is Professional Reliance working? Individual Reliance  Is there more we could do? Some aspects of PR are going into the quick wins (CP applications, Cruising)  A reminder that completing a Peer Review gets you a 5 year grace period from audit.  All documents produced by a professional should have a sign and seal, initials and RPF/RFT initials. There is more need for signing & sealing. The FP Board also must sign & seal their reports. 2. I-Team Update: I-Team paying attention to… No Richard  Quick wins – considering the process and how the I-team should be involved.  Silviculture discussion paper – reviewed at a very high level. Authors are looking for input from all.  Best Silviculture Management for the best dollar ($), Short rotation fiber plantation – economics, Zero net deforestation, Carbon protocols  FFT – working on delivery model and more clarity of FFT specifics.  Community adjustment fund (CAF); $30 to $60 million. Idea is to work with community to employee locals.  FIA budget down from $14 to $8 million - going to existing and on-going projects only. MFR to distribute. $2 Million to Ecosystem  Top 3 priorities of C&E are; RMCP, Fish Passage, Road Safety  Silviculture sub-committee to look at cost savings & process, operational costs, efficiencies & results.  Road \Permit deletion and transfer to other Licensee and FSR Road Use Permits in terms of the appraisal and negative stumpage.  Standards of deactivation – working on risk basis to not remove all cross drainages.  Licensees suggesting the option to take over an FSR without a road permit/use permit in certain cases. 3. FSP  Larry - is available regarding any concerns about FSPs. N  Bob - Business Improvement process for district FSP review/approval/amends is complete. Will “roll out” the process in late summer. 4. Association  Kerry – ABCFP “The Increment” is the best source of what is new N Update 5. FN NRFL Update  PIB NRFL – currently consulting on the area within the old Penticton District boundary N 1 6. Safety  Road safety communications in regards to multiple user groups such as: N  Mine users, forestry, FN, Recreational & Range users; Quad/motocross Traffic and is growing  Public traffic maintenance issues.  Road checks underway by Worksafe BC with RCMP over industrial safety on FSR roads.  MOT looking at interface zones, grading highway to BCMOT contractors to be on the channels being used.  Need to post signs in order to enforce speed limit and to allow for ticket issuance.  Truck numbering project is “parked” for now while reviewing how other regions are handling the issue. Issues include; who to call regarding violations, tracking of the truck company, which driver, and vehicle numbering.  Weyco training for the truckers on proper truck and trailer brake setting has been well received. 7. State of the  Ken – Monte Lake: Stumpage dropped July 1, 2009 which helps some N Industry  Not much going well and can’t sell saw logs anywhere, mill is running 1 shift post and rail and still getting orders from the US…not enough for 2 shifts hoping later on. Started logging as inventory is low. Finding fir, larch in boundary sales is difficult….not losing that much money.  Ash- Stella: almost 1 km road built, logging, and starting new cutting permit. Issuance by district took only 2 weeks. Plans in Revelstoke and hoping to find some fir. Can’t sell a saw log to break even.  Cedar is still positive, Celgar to open on July 15, 2009 and thinking it’s going to open…Tough to find takers of wood.  Katherine SSS: a few active salvagers struggling to make a dollar ($). Cost of submitting a salvage permit is prohibitive to many.  Kerry – Gorman: Starting logging next week & 2 shifts….keeping inventories down to about 3 days.  Dave- BCTS: 6 sales – average sale 35,000m3 and 2 no bid and road building and just finished planting program. BCTS expects to sell 700 to 750km3 in the Okanagan, and about a million m3 across the entire Business Area this fiscal.  Grant – WFN: Logging crew back in June1, 2009. Looking at stands with 80% pine. Deliveries depend on how well mills are doing.  Brian - Weyco: Princeton mill has been down during June, 2009  July 8 – log delivery. 70% pine is dead. Uneconomical to harvest some of these hard hit stands.  Sec 18 transfer to Merritt for 50K m3  Greg – Federated Co-op: VP of Coop is retiring as of Oct 2009. Replacement search is underway.  Small blip in Plywood sales. Coop is reduced to 3 day work week as inventory was filling up the entire yard.  Logging started and CP and RP’s approval has been quick and very helpful. Focus is Cedar, Cedar poles, peelers and help to get through tough times.  Mill still down for 1 ½ years and maybe another year.  Federated is currently going through a certification process.  Peter - Tolko: Upside – 8 laid off will be working through JOP funded project - brushing crews. ($20/hr).  Canadian response to U.S. black liquor tax rebate will have a big impact on chip supply.  Plywood - June will be a write-off. We have orders till end of July  Saw logs and lumber - Canadian dollar and lumber prices stink….$190. Many down days this year. Logging plan is down to about ½ of last year (2.2 million down to only logging about 1 million. Tough winter ahead. 2  Mike – LP: 4 companies interested in sale of License, final bids on Friday.  Hope to start logging by July 1, 2009; road construction is tentative due to capital cost.  Golden – running. Start logging by July 1 or 6.

New Business District Update: Dave  Deputy minister visit to the District N  Top Priority Topics 1) Economics- how to support the forest industry SLA – stewardship on ground and competitiveness. 2) Fostering Bio-energy & climate change initiatives 3) Internal organization of agencies for efficiency  Round table: most recommendations will be implemented but many need legislation and regulation change.  Budget Info  District down 20%. This translates into staff loss of 8 - 9 people. Currently there are 5 vacancies. Shedding resources and changing core duties. Effect will be known by Sept through Nov.  Current District downsizing through attrition (44% of staff will be eligible to retire by 2012).  Trying to keep the right balance of new and old staff during this difficult economic situation.  Expect new provincial budget by September 1, 2009.  Personnel  Dave – has been busy meeting with Ranchers, Industry, and FNs to get a sense of issues in the District.  Phil Z (Acting ADM) offered an extension. Larry P (Acting RED) declined an extension offer (returning to DM in Arrow Boundary). Madeline M. is new acting RED effective July 1, 2009.  Kirk moving on to Salmon Arm Fire Zone as Manager Discussions on  As MPB timber subsides industry will be looking at mid term timber within community watersheds. Individual Watershed  3 community watershed tours with other agencies. Communications:  Kimm and Richard went out with MOE to look at local community watersheds sites (June 24, 2009 – field Richard trip).  Water purveyors, licencees, professional hydrologists, FN, Forestry and Range well rounded diverse group. Concern in consistency, risk assessment, and recommendations by professional hydrologists. Disagreement upfront ….what is the effect of dead tree vs. clear cut, heavier cut upstream,…etc.  Reviewed 1980’s MPB practices in RMZ’s. No blanket solution every watershed, course and block is different and must apply knowledge to each specifically.  Kerry took Mayor and council of Summerland on tour with professional hydrologists.  Suggests we all should get out to watersheds and talk about harvest and road construction plans with city councils.  BCTS hosted a field trip to Oyama Lake area with Lake Country Irrigation District, industry, range, and media. Discussion on  We should all be doing more to communicate to the public, FN, community on watersheds and Y (# 1) 3 Advocacy professional forest management. Once beetle timber is gone we will be looking at green timber in watersheds. This could create a public outcry. We as professionals need to advocate on behalf of the forest industry on our ability to use best practices.  Stakeholders often just remember the failures. We need to reinforce and promote our successes in the publics mind.  Suggest we set up field trips with different parties.  Looking for a group to review concerns and brainstorm ideas/opportunities to discuss forestry issues with user groups and public. Members indicated a willingness to meet and develop a coordinated approach to improve advocacy by industry and MFR.  ACTION: Rich will coordinate a group & plan to develop advocacy strategy for Forest Management. Interested in including BCTS, NRFL licenses & other licenses. Meeting sometime in July.  First  Penticton Indian band signed FRO Y (# 2) Nations Update  OGMA – FN bands are very concerned about changes and relocation of OGMAs. Part of concern is cultural heritage areas. The request is to contact the FN bands regarding proposed OGMA changes and show proposed changes on maps during info sharing.  Some licensee concern over complications where multiple referrals can be required.  ACTION - Mahrusa to add a step in the FN referral procedures for OGMA changes. 8. Surplus Areas  Most are “economically challenged” areas N  Any surplus areas that licensees identify should come to this table or to the Bark Beetle committee table (not directly to salvagers).  Areas greater than 2000m3 are not suitable for SSS direct award.  Recci’ed a significant number of areas this past winter and came up with a number of area’s that are actionable.  60K m3 Gorman area, 200k m3 Weyerhaeuser, 18k m3 – Tolko, 75K m3 Tolko.  Will offer these areas to the bands. If FN rejects them, MFR will re-direct.  Advertisements for competitive licence opportunities (NRFL, FLTCs, etc) will all be done through BC Bid. 9. 15 Quick Wins:  Richard: - District level. May 5th last update District/Region  If you have question/ clarification/ concerns/ dissatisfaction you can contact the specific Quick Win lead.  Some concern expressed about the alignment between the district(s) and the region. It was pointed out that the RED has committed to ensuring the districts follow thru with the quick wins. Y (# 7)  Need volunteers for specific quick-wins from other districts.  Ray: - SIR quick-wins team  300 quick wins reviewed with Jim Schafthuizen (Regional Staff Manager)...and placed into 10 categories.  10 teams were struck. Peter – Tenures team, Kerry – Range team  235 were considered quick wins, 113 completed, 78 are in progress, 11 combined, 19 non-action.  Communication / access via share-point site for 15 quick wins. 10. Check Cruising  Ash – The issue is timely check cruise which creates challenges for CP submission. Y (# 8)  ACTION: Mike to review process 11. Results  Brian – Some small blocks in Results have disappeared in the system & can’t move forward with the Y (# 3) issue  ACTION: Ted to review 4 12. Improvements on Group Comments: Meeting  Great to have Dave Hails attending  Dave H: More background information with agenda – will provide a new template for consideration Y (# 9)  Ray C: Make sure we have the right topics on the agenda. Range & Planning participation would be a benefit.  Brian: Need more time for in-depth discussion on district quick wins to get a better understanding.  Greg: Difficult to focus on agenda and what to process  Peter: Send background information with the minutes but work with the Action Items.  Andree: Bob has done a good job with agenda and getting information up front. Quick wins discussion was difficult to help make operations smoother and more efficient.  Bob: Full Agenda – may need to extend meetings to allow for more background information and in- depth discussion. 13. Next Meeting  September 17, 2009 MFR DOS Okanagan Room

Action Tracking

Topic From Due What Who Meeting (date) 1 Advocacy June 25, Next Rich will coordinate a group & plan to develop advocacy strategy for Forest Richard & 2009 Meeting Management. Interested in including BCTS, NRFL licensees & other licensees. Licensee’s 2 First Nations June 25, Next Add Standard Operating Procedures for First Nation Referral for OGMA changes Mahrusa 2009 Meeting 3 RESULTS June 25, Next Some Weyco Blocks in Results have disappeared and can’t move forward. Patch the Advise Ted 2009 Meeting glitch. 4 C&E Direction March After C&E follow-up on planning and clarity of direction. Weyco has been receiving different Patrick 2009 Budget information from what C&E shared with this group. 5 FSP extension June 25, After next I- Has MFR put thought into process required for upcoming FSP extension versus new Rich & Pete 2009 Team submissions? Rich and Pete have taken to the I-Team but have not received any feedback yet. Report back to SC. 6 15 quick wins June 25, July 2009 DOS meeting next week to review our own 15 quick wins. Will send out a detailed Rich 2009 progress report to the steering committee. Based on the update, licensees can consider the need to pursue items from the other districts. 7 15 quick wins June 25, Next Need volunteers for specific quick-wins from other districts. Next Regional Meeting for ? 2009 Meeting Quick wins is June 25th. 8 Check June 25, Next Timely check cruise which creates challenges for CP submission. Mike Cruising 2009 Meeting 9 Meeting June 25, Next Try new template including backgrounder doc for submitting topics. Dave, Bob 5 Format 2009 Meeting


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