Fenton Planning Commission Agenda

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Fenton Planning Commission Agenda


301 South Leroy Street  Fenton, Michigan 48430-2196  (810) 629-2261  FAX (810) 629-2004

FENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES City Hall Council Chambers Thursday, May 25, 2017 7:00 P.M.

Chairperson Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.


Present: Morey, Bancroft, Grossmeyer, Thompson, Ogger, Carpenter, Stickel, Riggs, Yeotis Absent: No one Others Present: Mike Reilly, Building/Zoning Administrator, Carmine Avantini, CIB Planning


Motion by Grossmeyer, supported by Yeotis to approve the minutes from the April 27, 2017 meeting.

Motion passed all Ayes.


A. Panera Bread, 3500 Owen Road, Tax ID #53-34-100-047. To consider a special land use request to allow a drive-through window for Panera Bread. The property is located on the northwest corner of Silver Parkway and Owen Road, and is zoned GBD, General Business District, where restaurants and drive-through windows are special land uses in that District.

At this time, Matt Diffin, Diffin-Umlor & Associates, 49287 West Road, Wixom, MI, stated he is the consultant for Panera Bread. Adding a drive through window would help with the breakfast crowd not wanting to come into the restaurant to order. It will also help with the lunch ordering with people who would like to order ahead and pick their order up in the drive-through window. The addition being added to the back of the building will be a kitchen specifically for the pick-up window.

The public hearing was opened at 7:10 p.m. There being no speakers the hearing was closed.

Justin Sprague, CIB consultant gave his review as follows:

GENERAL SPECIAL LAND USE STANDARDS According to ARTICLE 14, any special land use must adhere to all of the following general standards listed in the Zoning Ordinance:

1. Be compatible and in accordance with the goals, objectives, and policies of the City of Fenton Master Plan and promote the intent of the zoning district in which the use is proposed.

Finding - In compliance: The subject site is located in an area designated commercial and one of the Master Plan goals is to “eliminate or minimize impacts of existing land use conflicts and prevent new conflicts from occurring through sound planning and zoning.” The abutting uses are commercial. In addition, the intent of the GBD District is to “accommodate commercial establishments that serve community-wide shopping and service needs, including motorists using U.S. 23. This district is intended to create cohesive commercial areas that take advantage of access provided by the city's roadway system but also provide convenient vehicular access between businesses in attractive settings, thereby ensuring the safety and discouraging undesirable commercial development.” This site meets the above intent of the GBD District with convenient, signalized road access from Owen Road and nearby US-23. The proposed use meets the objectives of the Master Plan, as well as the intent of the zoning district, conditioned upon site plan approval.

2. Be constructed, operated, and maintained so as to be compatible with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and so as not to change the essential character of the area in which it is proposed.

Finding - In compliance: The proposed drive-through window is similar to other ones in the area, including the Burger King on the opposite side of Silver Parkway; thereby fitting in with the current and intended character of the area. 3. Be served adequately by public facilities and services, such as highways, streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, water and sewage facilities, and primary and secondary schools.

Finding - In compliance: Access to the drive-through window is via the internal Walmart drive and the subject site will be adequately served by existing facilities and roads.

4. Not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, and equipment or conditions of operation that will be detrimental to the natural environment, public health, safety, or welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, odors, or other such nuisance.

Finding - In compliance with conditions: The special use should not have a negative impact on the above items through the excessive production of noise, traffic, etc. The window is located on the north side of the building, facing toward Walmart.


The special land use application has been reviewed utilizing the following specific standards outlined in Section 36-14.08, Special land use specific requirements, of the Fenton Zoning Ordinance. l. Drive-through window facilities for banks, restaurants or other permitted uses.

1. Sufficient stacking capacity in accordance with Article XIX, Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards, for the drive-through portion of the operation shall be provided to ensure that traffic does not extend into the public right-of-way.

Finding - In compliance conditioned upon site plan approval: The ordinance requires 10.0 stacking spaces, plus up to 2.0 longer spaces designated for recreational vehicles and semi-trucks (as required by the building official/zoning administrator for sites in proximity to U.S. 23).

Proposed are the required ten (10) spaces along with two (2) RV/truck spaces.

2. A bypass lane shall be provided around the stocking [stacking] spaces.

Finding - In compliance: A bypass lane is provided.

3. In addition to parking space requirements, at least three parking spaces shall be provided in close proximity to the exit of the drive-through portion of the operation to allow for customers waiting for delivery of orders.

Finding – In compliance: Four spaces have been provided. 4. Only one ingress/egress driveway shall be permitted on any single street. If the use is located on a corner lot access to the drive-through facility shall be only from the street which carries the least amount of daily traffic at the time the application is approved, except that such access from any other street may be shared with an adjoining property.

Finding - In compliance: There are currently no points of exit or entry on a public street. The property is accessed via a service drive through the Walmart parking lot.

5. The planning commission may require direct vehicular access connections with adjacent commercial developments where feasible.

Finding - In compliance: Cross-access is the only means of entry/exit to this site.

6. Access driveways shall be located no less than 100 feet from the centerline of the intersection of any street or 75 feet from the centerline of any other driveway.

Finding - In compliance: Cross-access is the only means of entry/exit to this site.

8. Overhead canopies shall be setback at least 20 feet from the right-of-way and constructed of materials consistent with the principal building. The proposed clearance of any canopy shall be noted on the site plan. The canopy shall be no higher than the principal building . Finding - In compliance: No overhead canopies are proposed.

9. Outdoor speakers for the drive through facility shall be located in a way that minimizes sound transmission toward neighboring property and uses.

Finding - In compliance with PC approval: The only outdoor speakers are in the menu board and the applicant must ensure that they are not loud enough to hear from the abutting properties.


Based upon the above analysis, we recommend approval of the special land use for the Panera Bread Bakery Café Drive-through at 3500 Owen Road, conditioned upon site plan review.


A. SPLU17-0002 – Special Land Use for Panera Bread Drive-Through, 3500 Owen Road – A request to allow a drive-through window for Panera Bread, Tax I53-34-100-047. There being no other comments made, the following motion was made:

Motion by Morey, supported by Grossmeyer to approve the Special Land Use for Panera Bread, conditioned upon site plan approval.

MOTION CARRIED (9 -0) – Bancroft-aye, Morey-aye, Grossmeyer-aye, Thompson, aye, Ogger – aye, Carpenter – aye, Stickel – aye, Riggs – aye, Yeotis – aye.

B. PSPR17-0007, Site Plan Review for Panera Bread, 3500 Owen Road, located at the northwest corner of Owen Road and Silver Parkway, west of U.S. 23, zoned GBD, General Business District, approximately 2.0 acres.

Sprague gave the following review for the Panera Site Plan;


1. Area and Bulk. The proposed site was reviewed in accordance with Article 15 shows that both the front yard and side yard building setbacks are in compliance. 2. Landscaping. Per Section 36-21.02, Landscape plan specifications, a separate landscape plan has been submitted. The only required item needed is 1 tree. 3. Drive-through Lane Screening. Additional landscaping is needed to screen the drive-through lane from Silver Parkway. We recommend that a low hedge row be planted to the north and south of the landscaped island where the menu and ordering boards are located. 4. Parking Lot Requirements. In compliance 5. Loading Zone. A loading zone has been provided at the rear of the site, in front of the dumpster enclosure, calling for deliveries to be restricted to non-peak hours and must be approved by the Planning Commission. 6. Building Design & Materials. Section 36-2.20, Non-residential design requirements, calls for buildings to “possess architectural variety” and use “durable building materials which provide an attractive, quality appearance.” This section also states that “the predominant building materials should be quality materials that are characteristic of Michigan such as earth-toned brick, decorative tilt-up panels wood, native stone, and tinted/textured concrete masonry units and/or glass products.” The proposed elevations will utilize the same brick as the primary building. 7. Dumpster Enclosure. A dumpster enclosure, meeting the requirements of Section 36-2.35, Waste receptacles and enclosures, has been provided. 8. Lighting. It appears that no new lighting is proposed but should new fixtures be added, details must be submitted for administrative review and approval. 9. Signs. No new signage is proposed 10. Other Approvals. The proposed site plan must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate city departments, consultants, and agencies. RECOMMENDATION

Based on the above comments and concerns, we recommend that the site plan for Panera Bread Bakery Café be approved, conditioned upon the following:

1. Revisions to the landscape plan identified under items #2 and #3 above, for administrative review and approval; 2. Planning Commission approval of the loading zone shared use location; and 3. Review and approval by the appropriate city departments, consultants, and Agencies.

Commissioner Riggs thought the dumpster was in an inappropriate location next to the drive-through window. Sprague agreed, but technically it is in compliance with the ordinance because it is not in the front yard. The Planning Commission can request that it be placed elsewhere. Grossmeyer concurred that it should be relocated. The applicant stated he would prefer to move it also. Stickel asked if Mr. LaMourie’s concerns were all addressed and Sprague stated they were. Grossmeyer asked the applicant what they considered to be their loading/unloading times. Mr. Diffin stated between 2 pm and 5 pm.

Motion by Grossmeyer, supported by Bancroft to approve the Site Plan Review for Panera Bread, noting the CIB letter of May 12, 2017, along with the comments for the missing tree. The applicant has agreed to relocate the dumpster, and the location of the loading zone won’t interfere with substantial traffic or parking.

MOTION CARRIED (9 -0) – Bancroft-aye, Morey-aye, Grossmeyer-aye, Thompson, aye, Ogger – aye, Carpenter – aye, Stickel – aye, Riggs – aye, Yeotis – aye.

C. PSPR17-0006 – Site Plan Review for Dr. Velasquez – Construction of a new 3,000 square foot dental office on 1.567 acres, lots 7 and 8 of Fenway Plaza on Allow Drive, zoned OPD, Office Park District, on vacant land in the Fenton Business and Technology Park.

Charles Sawdon, of Asselin, McLane Architectural Group, was present for the applicant and would address any questions the Planning Commission had. He gave a brief presentation. Justin Sprague, CIB Planning added the following; The front yard building setbacks, along with the side yard, rear yard and maximum lot coverage all were found to be in compliance with the city ordinance.

Building Design & Materials appear to be consistent with the ordinance, colors have not been provided and should be indicated at the Planning Commission meeting. In addition, we asked that consideration be given to locating two (2) windows to the right of the main entrance, matching those to the left of the front door. The revised elevations does have one window matching those on the opposite side of the building. The Parking Lot Requirements are all in compliance.

The Loading Zone has been provided at the end of the entry drive lane. Loading zones are not permitted in the front yard of a facility and the proposed loading space is 10’ x 25’ while 10’ x 50’ is required. The applicant will have to discuss this with the Planning Commission and prove that the smaller loading zone will accommodate the delivery trucks anticipated.

Dumpster Enclosure. A dumpster enclosure, meeting the requirements of Section 36-2.35, Waste receptacles and enclosures, has been provided. Dumpster enclosures are not allowed in the front yard and the location will have to be discussed with the Planning Commission. In addition, the detail indicates that the sides will utilize split faced block to match the color of the building while the ordinance requires that primary building material be utilized, which is brick.

Landscaping. Per Section 36-21.02, Landscape plan specifications, a separate landscape plan has been included in the site plan submission and the following information summarizes the requirements for this project:

Parking Lot: 1 canopy per 8 spaces, 1/3 within parking lot islands; 3 trees required. Only 2 trees are provided. This is Not in compliance since one (1) additional parking lot tree is needed; preferably along the south edge of the parking lot.

Greenbelt: 20 foot width, 1 canopy trees and 6 upright shrubs per 30 linear feet; 10 trees, 60 upright shrubs required. Only 8 trees and 48 shrubs are provided. This is Not in compliance

Detention Basin: 1 canopy or evergreen tree and 10 shrubs per 50 feet of pond perimeter, as measured along the top of the bank elevation; 6 trees and 60 shrubs required. There are 6 trees and 60 shrubs are provided. This is In compliance.

* Please note: the Norwegian Pines should be replaced with a species that is native to Michigan.

Lighting. An acceptable lighting plan has been submitted including a photometric grid and manufacturer’s specification sheets for all light fixtures. Please note that Section 36-23.05(a)(4), Lighting standards, of the ordinance, states that “The maximum height of parking lot light fixtures shall be 20 feet, except that the planning commission may permit a maximum height of 30 feet within commercial, industrial, and office zoning districts and for institutional uses in residential districts when the poles are no closer than 150 feet to a residential district or use.” The proposed height of the poles is 20’6” and the additional 6” must be approved by the Planning Commission.

Signs. A place holder for the ground mounted sign is located on the site plan but a separate sign permit must be obtained.

The proposed site plan must be review and approved by the appropriate city departments consultants, and agencies.


Based on the above comments, we recommend approval of the revised site plan for the Dr. Velasquez office building, conditioned upon the following items, for administrative review and approval:

1. Consideration be given to adding windows to the right of the main entrance, matching those to the left of the front door; 2. Planning Commission approval of the location and size of the loading zone; 3. The dumpster enclosure being relocated to a side or rear yard and the sides utilizing the same brick material as the building; 4. The landscaping plan be revised to address the concerns outlined under item #6 above; and 5. Review and approval of the appropriate city departments, consultants, and agencies.

Mr. Sawdon stated with reference to the lighting, the poles will not exceed the 18 feet in height, the landscaping requirements will be met, and the dumpster enclosure will be changed to brick to match the building. As far as the location of the dumpster, he felt that it would be more attractive from the road looking at the brick instead of the gates. Regarding adding additional windows to the right of the main entrance to match the left front door, the building wasn’t really set up to be symmetrical and with the inside layout of the building, the additional windows will not function as well because the area without windows is for medical files. They did change the shape of the windows to make it look more symmetrical.

Sawdon added regarding the loading zone, in the first submission they had added two more parking spaces than what was required so they took them and made that an actual loading space so it’s not in the way or blocking any other parking when there are deliveries being made. They receive FedEx and UPS style truck deliveries which are smaller and do not require that large of a space. The straight in and straight out of the location of the delivery zone, they felt that would suffice. Sprague asked the Commission if this would be sufficient and waive the additional 25 feet. Yeotis stated that it might not always be an eye doctor’s office. Sawdon added that the location of where the deliveries will be made it can actually be extended to 50 feet.

Grossmeyer stated the Commission needs to decide where the best place for the dumpster should be and if it needs to be moved to the side location. If so, then that is where the pavement needs to be extended where the loading zone is so that would solve the two issues of the loading area and dumpster location. Stickel made a point of order that the only two compliance issues are the dumpster and the loading zone. Sprague said that would be correct. He then concurred with Grossmeyer. Thompson asked Sawdon if this would work for the applicant. Sawdon stated he would rather not be required to do that mainly because the visual of seeing the dumpster in the driveway and this places it next to the employee entrance door. The dumpster was also placed on the other side of the building for balance purposes due to the building not having windows on that side and the dumpster would bring some symmetry.

Avantini agreed with the applicant of not moving the dumpster and also adding additional landscaping on that corner of the parking lot so from the road you would not see the dumpster until you were on the site.

The following motion was made;

Motion by Bancroft, supported by Grossmeyer to approve the Site Plan Review for Dr Velasquez Office Building, noting the conditions in the CIB letter of May 18, 2017, and adding the light poles to be18 feet in height, along with lengthening the loading zone and adding additional landscaping around the brick dumpster.

MOTION CARRIED (9 -0) – Bancroft-aye, Morey-aye, Grossmeyer-aye, Thompson, aye, Ogger – aye, Carpenter – aye, Stickel – aye, Riggs – aye, Yeotis – aye.

D. PSPR17-0008 – Site Plan Review for the Marathon Station, 402 W. Silver Lake Road, located on the northwest corner of W. Silver Lake Road and Lincoln Street. Approximately .286 acres, Zoned CBD, Central Business District/PUD, Planned Unit Development. A request to convert the gas station into a convenience retail building with an exterior remodel.

Manoli Yousife, 51600 Merry Lane, Shelby, MI 48316, along with Mr. Samona of Samona Construction, gave a brief description of changing the now gas station/car repair shop into a gas station/convenience store. Carmine Avantini, CIB Planning gave the following review;

The Marathon station would like to renovate and convert the existing Marathon station into a retail market, while retaining the existing gas pumps at the site. Proposed is the conversion of the approximate 1,427 s.f. gas station into a convenience retail building with a remodeled exterior. No other improvements are proposed for the site. The current use is auto repair combined with the sale of gasoline; neither of which is permitted in the CBD District. Convenience stores without the sale of gasoline is a permitted use in the District so conversion of the building from auto repair to convenience would make the use more conforming with the ordinance. The sale of gasoline would remain a legal, nonconforming use but Section 36-25.01(d), Nonconforming uses, structures, and lots, in general, of the ordinance, states that “The city intends to allow continued use of these lots and structures in certain cases. Accordingly, this article establishes regulations that govern the completion, restoration, reconstruction and expansion of nonconforming structures which do not increase the nonconforming situation.” The proposed conversion of the building to a retail market would not increase the nonconforming uses on the site.


Section 36-16.05 of the City of Fenton Zoning Ordinance lists the submittal requirements for site plan review. Based on our review of the proposal, discussions with Mr. Mike Reilly, Building Official/Zoning Administrator, a meeting with the applicant, and a visit to the site, we offer the following comments for your consideration:

1. Façade Improvements. The proposed stone façade and stucco fascia will be an improvement over the current structure and meet the Downtown Design Guidelines for the conversion of an existing structure. The application indicates that the north building elevation will only be painted.

Also, material samples must be provided for the stone and stucco brick, to be reviewed and approved administratively.

2. Rooftop Mechanical Unit Screening. The site plan indicates that the rooftop mechanical unit will be screened by individual screening. We would like additional information on the height of the unit and how much the parapet walls will screen it.

3. Parking. The ordinance requires 1.0 space per 250 sq. ft. of GFA plus spaces required for automobile gasolines stations plus 2.0 stacking spaces. At 1,427 sq. ft. of GFA, a total of six (6) parking spaces are required and nine (9) are provided, thereby meeting ordinance requirements. It also appears that the two (2) stacking spaces for the pumps can be met, although customers will generally not wait for more than one (1) vehicle in line.

4. Site Access. The number of curb cuts on Silver Lake Road fail to meet the standards of Section 36-20.03, Number of driveways, and we continue to recommend the closure of the easternmost entryway. Not only will this help the site better meet ordinance requirements, it will channel traffic to the pumps in a more defined, safer fashion. The applicant wants to keep it open for truck delivery but Lincoln Street could be used for that purpose. 5. Dumpster Enclosure. A detail is needed for the dumpster enclosure, meeting the requirements of Section 36-2.35, Waste receptacles and enclosures.

6. Fencing. A new solid vinyl screen fence is proposed along the north property line and the wood fence along the west property line is to be painted.

7. Light Fixtures. Locations and details must be provided for any new light fixtures, meeting the requirements of Section 36-23.04, Submittal requirements, of the ordinance. 8. Signs. The electronic message sign on the lower part of the freestanding sign was installed without a permit and is in violation of the City sign ordinance. This sign must be removed as a condition of site plan approval. In addition, the building elevation should indicate the proposed location of all signs.

9. Other Approvals. The proposed site plan must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate city departments, consultants, and agencies.


Based upon the above review comments, we recommend approval of the site plan for the Marathon Station remodeling at 402 W. Silver Lake Road, conditioned upon the following items, to be reviewed and approved administratively:

1. Material samples being provided for the stone and stucco brick; 2. Additional information being provided for screening of the rooftop mechanical units; 3. Submission of a detail for the dumpster enclosure, meeting the requirements of Section 36-2.35, Waste receptacles and enclosures; and 4. Removal of the electronic message sign panel, on the lower part of the freestanding sign, prior to issuance of a building permit. 5. Review and approval by the appropriate city departments, consultants, and agencies.

The applicant stated he did not have any problem with complying to the conditions requested. The following motion was made;

Motion by Grossmeyer, supported by Ogger to approve the Site Plan Review for the Marathon Station, 402 W. Silver Lake Road, conditioned upon the items listed above.

MOTION CARRIED (9 -0) – Bancroft-aye, Morey-aye, Grossmeyer-aye, Thompson, aye, Ogger – aye, Carpenter – aye, Stickel – aye, Riggs – aye, Yeotis – aye.

E. PSPR17-0009 – Site Plan Review for 15155 Silver Parkway, Rally’s Burgers. Requesting façade changes to include new panels and red LED lighting.

At this time, Mr. Alan Balen, franchisee of Rally’s Burgers, gave a brief presentation of how he would like to change the façade to mimic the other Rally’s restaurants. Avantini gave the following report;

From the information provided, it appears that the proposed improvements include: 1) the installation of black, white, and red metal architectural panels on the upper portion of the building; 2) bands of red LED lighting around the building; 3) the painting of locations on the building; and 4) the installation of “Rally’s” box signs above the door(s). Section 36-16.02(q), Uses Requiring Site Plan Review, allows for administrative approval of façade improvements if consistent with the standards of the zoning ordinance and the Silver Lake Village PUD Design Guidelines. However, the PUD Design Guidelines require Planning Commission approval for neon bands on the building.


This application has been reviewed utilizing the standards in Article 19, Site Plan Review Standards. Based on our review of the proposal, discussions with Mike Reilly, Building and Zoning Administrator, and a visit to the site, we offer the following comments for your consideration:

1. Zoning Ordinance Requirements. Section 36-2.20, Non-residential design requirements, of the ordinance states that “The predominant building materials should be quality materials that are characteristic of Michigan such as earth-toned brick, decorative tilt-up panels, wood, native stone, and tinted/textured concrete masonry units and/or glass products” and “Other materials such as smooth-faced concrete block, undecorated tilt-up concrete dryvit panels, or pre-fabricated steel panels should only be used as accents and not dominate the building exterior of the structure.” The proposed metal panels appear to be acceptable as do the re-painting of areas on the building. The checkered panels are very different from designs found on other buildings in Silver Lake Village but the Planning Commission has typically allowed greater discretion to restauranteurs.

2. Stone on Building. The application proposes maintaining the existing stone as-is on the front (west) and side (south) elevations as part of the facade renovations. Please note the cornice above the stone will likely be painted, and we recommend that it be black versus white or red.

3. Painting of Building. Several locations on the building are currently painted either black or chocolate brown and will now be painted white under this proposal.

4. Red LED Lighting Bands. The proposed facade change includes the installation of a red LED light band at the bottom of the fascia, around the building. The revised Silver Lake Village Design Guidelines state that “Decorative building-mounted exterior lighting like LED, neon, etc. is prohibited without prior Planning Commission approval.” In addition, Section 36-23.05(B)(3), Lighting standards, of the Ordinance states that “The planning commission may approve decorative light fixtures or internally illuminated architectural bands as an alternative to shielded fixtures when it can be proven that there will be no off-site glare and the proposed fixtures will improve the appearance of the site or is necessary for security purposes.” The Planning Commission has generally allowed architectural bands such as this when it can be shown that there will not be offsite glare. The applicant must provide information showing that the LED band will not create off-site glare. 5. Signs. Building-mounted box signs are not permitted under the Silver Lake Village Design Guidelines and for some reason, we were not asked to review this facade renovation by the previous Building and Zoning Administrator. Otherwise we would have identified the signs as not meeting ordinance requirements; we are now of the opinion that in-kind replacement should not be allowed. We therefore recommend that signs with red/white rear panels and individual internally-illuminated letters be utilized instead of box signs.

6. Roof-Mounted Flags. The roof-mounted flags shown on the originally-submitted Rally’s photograph are not permitted under City ordinances and the Silver Lake Village PUD Design Guidelines.


Based upon the above discussion, we recommend approval of the proposed Rally’s facade changes at 15155 Silver Parkway, conditioned upon the following, for administrative review and approval:

1. The cornice above the stone (which will not be painted) to be painted black, versus white or red; 2. The applicant proving that the LED band will not create off-site glare; and 3. That signs with red/white rear panels and individual internally-illuminated letters be utilized for the building-mounted signs instead of box signs.

Mr. Balen stated he does not have any problems with compiling with the conditions, however, he will check with the Corporate Office about changing the company’s boxed, logo sign to comply with the city’s sign ordinance and the PUD. He stated one way or another the sign will comply even if it means using the existing sign and changing out the shields.

Commission members stated they would prefer corporate comply with the city’s ordinance instead of the Commission granting a waiver.

The following motion was made;

Motion by Riggs, supported by Stickel to approve the Site Plan Façade Review for the Rally’s Burgers, 15155 Silver Lake Road, conditioned upon the items listed in the CIB letter dated May 19, 2017, along with the LED ban on the building be no more than 20 feet in length, and no mounted flags on the building.

MOTION CARRIED (9 -0) – Bancroft-aye, Morey-aye, Grossmeyer-aye, Thompson, aye, Ogger – aye, Carpenter – aye, Stickel – aye, Riggs – aye, Yeotis – aye.

TABLED ITEMS A. PSPR17-0002, Site Plan Review for 3401 Owen Road – Construction of a new 19,655 square retail center, approximately 2.702 acres, located on the south side of Owen Road, west of U.S. 23, zoned GBD, General Business District.

B. SPLU17-0001 Special Land Use for 3401 Owen Road – A request to allow a drive-through window for the proposed retail building. Tax ID #53-34-300-023.

Chairperson Thompson stated the applicant asked for these items to be tabled until a traffic study can be done.

Stickel added that he hopes they change the building façade designs because it doesn’t seem to meet the standards of the other buildings in the area. Grossmeyer also added that the drive-through window spaces needs to be reviewed again because he believes there needs to be more.

CALL TO THE AUDIENCE No one at this time.

ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS Nothing at this time. CIB ITEMS Avantini wanted to make an official welcome to Justin Sprague to CIB Consulting and to tell Chairperson Thompson she is doing a fantastic job as chairperson.

COMMISSION MEMBER ITEMS Nothing at this time.

ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by, Linda Davis Recording Secretary,

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