Your Board Briefs from the September 12, 2013 Board Meeting

From our superintendent… Sandy Lewandowski shared two new journal articles that feature North Education Center. The first article is in American School & University magazine entitled “Special-Needs Interiors” and the second article in Finance & Commerce magazine showcases “Top Projects”.

Sandy presented five items as part of her Superintendent Report: 1. The September 24 Get on the Bus & Local 2209 Board Breakfast will be hosted at South Education Center and will focus on ALCs. 2. An update was provided on the September 12 meeting with Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) Commissioner Cassellius on the Hennepin County Graduation Initiative. 3. A timeline was provided on the Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding for Member Districts. 4. A new 2012-2013 Innovation Report Card was shared that highlighted key features of the district’s work in this strategic priority area. 5. Safety areas were highlighted with the annual board policy report on emergency preparedness to be presented at a future Board meeting.

From our instructional services… Rose Hobson and Anne Runck presented to the Board on the opening of the new alternative high school program run in collaboration with Hennepin Technical College. Gateway to College offers dual college and high school credit and provides additional support, so that students at risk of dropping out of high school can gain a high school diploma. However in addition they gain both the skills to access post-secondary education and can start the process of acquiring a post- secondary degree.

Sandy referred Board members to a memo What Board Members Should Know about Our 2013- 2014 Back to School Start-Up.

From our administrative services… Colleen Baumtrog shared information about the District Service Center (DSC) Redesign Project.

Colleen presented and the Board approved the resolution for the Hennepin County Recycling Grant for the North Education Center.

Board Briefs is produced bi-weekly for all employees and stakeholders of Intermediate District 287. If you have a question about the content, please contact Wauneen Denson-Mgeni at 763-550-7101 or [email protected]