February 8, 2012, Special Conference Edition

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February 8, 2012, Special Conference Edition

February 8, 2012, Special Conference Edition

Feast of Saint Josephine Bakhita Wednesday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time February 22 – Ash Wednesday

Question of the Week Where can I find all the information about and associated with the NCCL 76th Annual Conference and Exposition in San Diego, California May 7-10, 2012? It’s all right here in this special edition of CL Weekly – Conference Edition. For the most up-to-date information, please check http://www.nccl.us/ on a regular basis.

NCCL News Conference Theme

NCCL has long held the belief that “God offers his grace to all” (NDC, n. 42E, p. 167). “’Christ lives in me’ is the singular confession of the Christian who has been led by God’s grace and who trusts that true life comes only through the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus Christ.”(NDC, n. 46, p. 184).

The theme for this year’s 76th annual conference and exposition Embrace Grace is an imperative call to embrace all of life for all of life is a gift from God. To adopt the ways of Christ and become a disciple is to freely adopt a way of life that is full of God. “Grace conforms the Christian to Christ. It enables us to give ourselves freely in response.” (NDC, n. 42A, p. 163). To watch and listen to a thematic reflection on the theme, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=gqyQWn28q7k&context=C34b7e6aADOEgsToPDskKsZvJDxOEAPNyjT3rc6IQN. General Sessions - Great speakers – Great topics Monday May 7 Keynote: Rev. Frank DeSiano, CSP – Theme: Embrace the People Tuesday TED* keynotes: Martha Fernández-Sardina – Theme: Embrace the Message

John Roberto – Theme: Embrace Faith

Jonathan Sullivan - Theme: Embrace New Methods

Wednesday TED* keynotes: Marcellino D’Ambrosio – Theme: Embrace Grace in the Sacraments

Ann Garrido - Theme: Embrace Grace in the Church

Jack Jezreel – Theme: Embrace Grace in the World Thursday Keynote: ValLimar Jansen – Theme: Embrace and Live the Mission

For more information, go to http://www.nccl.us/. You can also watch a short video about these speakers at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV2td_pfBUk&feature=youtu.be .

* A TED style keynote is a 17 minute, intense, in depth presentation by top people in their respective fields from a specific discipline and/or perspective with time afterward to reflect, integrate, and apply, sometimes with follow-up learning sessions as appropriate.

Special Events with Fr. Leo Patalinghug

By special arrangement, NCCL was able to engage Fr. Leo Patalinghug the host of Grace Before Meals to be a part of this conference. Fr Leo has been scheduled for three (3) distinct presentations. The first offering takes place immediately following the presentations by the two officer slates. To learn more please go to http://www.nccl.us/schedule/frleopatalinghug.html.  Monday 2:10 pm Embrace Grace Before Meals: A presentation and cooking demonstration (Additional Fee)  Monday 7:30 pm Spiritual Combat: A special evening for Young Adults with Fr. Leo Patalinghug  Tuesday 8:00 am Mary’s Embrace of Grace

Go to http://www.gracebeforemeals.com/ for more information on Fr. Leo’s ministry. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 7:30 - 8:30 pm Special Event for Young Adults: Fr. Leo Patalinghug 8:00 - 9:00 pm Share Your Story: Facilitated Saturday, May 5, 2012 (Pre-conference) Conversation on 8:00 - 9:00 am Conference Registration Catechesis in Rural Areas (limited) 8:30 - 10:00 pm To Those in their 20s and 30s: 9:00 - 9:00 pm FCH (Forum on Catechesis with Let's Talk! Hispanics) 9:30 - 10:30 pm Adoration / Benediction in the pre-conference, no additional fee Prayer Room 9:00 - 5:00 pm NCPD pre-conference, no additional fee Voting for Officer Slates takes place on 1:00 - 8:30 pm Conference Registration Monday 2:00 - 6:30 pm and Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 8:00 - 9:30 am. Sunday, May 6, 2012 (Pre-conference) 8:00 - 5:30 pm Conference Registration 8:00 - 11:30 am FCH (Forum on Catechesis with Hispanics) pre-conference, no additional fee 9:00 - 11:00 am NCPD pre-conference, no Tuesday, May 8, 2012 additional fee 7:30 - 8:30 am Eastern Rite Liturgy 9:00 - 12:15 pm NACMP (National Association 8:00 - 9:10 am Exhibits Open - with limited of Catechetical Media Professionals) "Embrace A.M. coffee service the Culture: 8:00 - 9:00 am Special Event, Fr. Leo Share the Story!" by Elizabeth Drescher Patalinghug NCCL members may attend with no additional 9:10 - 11:15 am Prayer, TED-style keynotes: fee Martha Fernández-Sardina, 11:45 - 5:30 pm Rep Council lunch and John Roberto, Jonathan Sullivan meeting 11:00 - 6:15 pm Exhibits Open 1:00 - 2:30 pm Catechesis for Eucharist - 11:30 - 1:00 pm Diocesan Directors' Luncheon Insights from the Sponsored by Loyola Press Tradition of Liturgical Catechesis by Jim 11:30 - 12:35 pm Roundtables, two sessions Schellman, North American Forum on the 2:00 - 3:15 pm Learning Sessions 100s Catechumenate 3:30 - 4:45 pm Learning Sessions 200s 1:00 - 5:00 pm Tour of Mission San Diego de 6:30 - 6:50 pm Multi-lingual Rosary Alcalá ($20 fee) 7:00 pm Sadlier Event 6:00 pm Celebration of Sunday Eucharist 8:30 - 10:00 pm Dessert reception sponsored Wednesday, May 9, 2012 by OSV Curriculum Division 7:30 - 8:15 am Liturgy of the Hours 8:00 - 8:45 am NCCL Committees meet Monday, May 7, 2012 8:00 - 12:30 pm Exhibits Open 7:30 - 8:15 am Celebration of the Eucharist 9:00 - 11:05 pm Prayer, TED-style keynotes: 9:00 - 9:45 am First time attendees meeting Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Ann Garrido, 10:00 - 11:45 am Opening Event, Prayer, Jack Jezreel Keynote 11:30 - 12:30 pm NCCL Business meeting Embrace the People: Rev. Frank DeSiano, 12:45 - 2:15 pm Awards Luncheon CSP 2:15 - 6:00 pm Exhibits Open / Dessert served 12:00 - 1:00 pm Luncheon sponsored by OSV 3:45 - 5:00 pm Learning Sessions 300s 1:15 - 3:00 pm NCCL Business meeting / meet 6:00 pm Exhibits Close, Door prizes given the candidates 6:15 - 7:30 pm Celebration of the Eucharist, 2:10 - 3:10 pm Special Event, Fr. Leo Bishop Blair presiding Patalinghug, ($10 fee) Free Evening 3:15 - 5:00 pm Forum meetings 5:10 - 6:10 pm Province gatherings Thursday, May 10, 2012 7:30 - 9:00 pm FCH reception sponsored by 7:15 - 8:00 am Celebration of the Eucharist RCL Benziger 8:00 - 9:15 am Learning Sessions 400s 9:30 - 10:45 am Learning Sessions 500s 11:00 - 12:00 pm Keynote Embrace and Live the Mission: ValLimar Jansen 12:00 - 12:20 pm Commissioning & Sending Forth

1:30 - 8:30 pm Technology Post-Conference, additional fee “CaTECHesis with HOT TECH Tools” Learning Sessions

There are over fifty (50) diverse Learning sessions to address the issues and meet the needs of our entire membership, especially the PCLs, DDREs, and Diocesan Staff. The choices will reflect our multi-cultural membership as well as reflect the distinctive generational profiles of our constituencies. There are opportunities for theological teaching as well as practical methodologies. General knowledge sessions or in depth learning on one topic building from a strong foundation and branching outward are offered so that each of you can discern what best meets your needs. For more information including a listing of these sessions by time slots can be found at http://www.nccl.us/presentationoverviews/learningsessions.html.

Election of Officers

As a member-driven organization, your participation in this election is necessary to insure that the values and beliefs you hold regarding the mission of NCCL be vested in the slate of officers you believe can bring these principles and ideals of the catechetical ministry to fruition. Not to participate and exercise your right to vote is to weaken the responsibility that has been accorded every professional and general member of NCCL.

The election of officers for 2012-2015 will take place at the conference and exposition. Members can vote for one of two slates. Information about the individual candidates of each slate will be featured in the March-April, 2012 issue of Catechetical Leader. Each of the candidates will be featured in the upcoming issues of the electronic newsletter, CL Weekly. The two candidate slates are: PRESIDENT CHERYL FOURNIER BILL MILLER Vice-President Jose’ Amayo Enedina Saucedo Secretary Mary Fran Cassidy Linda Stryker Treasurer Mary Jo Waggoner Joanie McKeown

Voting Procedures: Absentee ballots and Proxy Voting

The following information will appear in more detail in the March-April issue of Catechetical Leader. In addition, the forms for both absentee ballots and proxy voting will be on the NCCL website. Further information regarding the Institutional Vote will be sent to all diocesan directors and information and forms for absentee ballots will be included in CL Weekly.

Voting Criteria

Since the last election was three years ago and we have many new member, it may be helpful to review the process and the criteria for voting.  Each (Arch)Diocesan/Eparcial Member Office may cast one institutional vote.

 Each Professional Member may cast one individual vote.

 Each General Member may cast one individual vote.

Election Process

On May 7, the opening day of the Conference, members will be invited to hear from each of the two slates of officers during the 1:00 pm NCCL Business meeting. The presentations which include time for questions will take place from 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm.

Absentee Voting

According to Appendix I of the NCCL Governance Policies:

Concerning Institutional and Individual votes, absentee ballots must be requested from the National Office no less than twenty-one business days before the opening of the annual conference. Absentee ballots will be provided to those members eligible to vote. Any question concerning eligibility is to be determined by the Membership Committee. The Executive Director of NCCL must be in receipt of all absentee ballots at least ten business days before the opening of the annual meeting.

Therefore, the last day to request an absentee ballot is Thursday, April 5, 2012. Ballots received after the close of business on Friday, April 20, 2012 will not be counted.

Proxy Voting

According to Appendix I of the NCCL Governance Policies, the proxy vote is only accorded to persons casting the institutional vote:

Concerning Institutional votes, each member Arch/Diocese is entitled to cast a single institutional vote in balloting for NCCL Officers. This vote is ordinarily cast by the director of the Arch/Diocesan Catechetical Office. For whatever reason, should the Arch/Diocesan Director be unable to be present to cast the Arch/Diocesan Institutional vote, s/he may designate another person who is a voting member of the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership to cast the Institutional vote by proxy. The designated proxy must be a member of the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, who is eligible to vote in her/his own right.

The Executive Director of NCCL must be in receipt of all proxy designations at least ten business days before the opening of the annual meeting. The Arch/Diocesan Director in question shall send signed written notification to the NCCL Executive Director if s/he will not be able to cast the Institutional Vote for Officers and shall designate a proxy for the purposes of the Institutional vote. The Executive Director shall confirm in writing receipt of the proxy designation and the eligibility of the proxy designate and make the necessary arrangements for authorization of the designated proxy to cast the Institutional proxy vote at the annual meeting.

Personal votes must be cast in person or by absentee ballot. They do not enjoy the benefit of proxy.

Ineligible for service as a proxy are Board members, members of slates running for office, and members of the Leadership Discernment Committee.

All proxy designations deemed eligible to cast the Institutional vote must be received no later than the close of business on Friday, April 20, 2012.

Hotel Information

Town and Country Resort, 500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108 P: 800-77-ATLAS or 619-291-7131 http://www.towncountry.com Rates: Single/Doubles = $129/night + taxes - Triple/Quad = $149/night + taxes - Regency Club = $169/night + taxes

Direct Link for reservations: https://resweb.passkey.com/Resweb.do? mode=welcome_ei_new&eventID=3415884 Reservations must be made on or before April 13, 2012. Reservations will be taken up to this cut-off date or until the group block is full. Reservation requests received after the cut-off date will be accepted on a space and rate availability basis up to the group block. After the group block is full or the cut-off date has passed, the prevailing rates will apply for any reservations confirmed. Call early and book your reservations to obtain the conference rates.


Cloud 9/Super Shuttle: $10.00 (one way) prepaid from the San Diego International Airport located 10 minutes from the Town and Country Resort.

Reservations can be made on line at: http://www.supershuttle.com/? gc=Z84FN&port=SAN&Property=14656 Or call 1.800.258.3826 to make reservations. Please make sure to mention you are with the NCCL or group code (Z84FN). Discount will not be applied if this information is not provided to phone agent.

White Papers: The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith This is the third year that NCCL invites members to consider developing a white paper around a topic of interest. White papers are an opportunity for writers and thinkers to put their thoughts and ideas into a scholarly work that is used to educate members, to help people understand an aspect of how theory might be translated into practical ideas or even how to make decisions regarding changes they may wish to undertake or even solve a problem or shed light on a dilemma. This year’s topic is based on the Catechetical Sunday theme or 2012: Catechists and teachers as Agents of the New Evangelization. Michael Andrews, Director of the Office of Catechesis for the Catholic Diocese of Lansing is serving as chair. All submissions and any questions can be directed to him at [email protected]. Further information on this year’s topic and the requirements can be found below.

Call for White Papers on the New Evangelization As we eagerly anticipate the 2012 Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization, we are happy to announce the focus of our call for White Papers to be submitted by NCCL members between now and March 15. Submissions will be reviewed for possible posting on the Conference Website for members to read. Workshop sessions will be provided at the NCCL Annual Conference May 7-10, 2012 in San Diego, California to reflect upon and unpack the insights gleaned from these papers. Theme and Options The topic for this year’s White Paper is: "The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith." You are invited to submit your own White Paper in this year’s theme. In your paper, you may write a theological paper addressing the Church’s teaching on the New Evangelization. Alternatively, you may focus on one or more aspects of the New Evangelization for one or more settings, including age or ethnic groups, and employing diverse approaches and catechetical formats. White Paper Requirements However you choose to develop your paper, please be sure that it reflects the theme “"The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith" and that it is clearly written. Theological positions should be supported by ample references to one or more of the following sources: Sacred Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the National Directory for Catechesis, liturgical documents and texts, papal teaching, patristic writers, and the saints. All white papers will be reviewed for possible posting. The top submissions will be announced in late March and winning authors will be invited to summarize their work at the 2012 NCCL Annual Conference in San Diego. The deadline for submitting White Papers is March 15, 2012.

Maria de la Cruz Scholarsip – Deadline February 16

3rd Annual NCCL Conference Scholarship in memory of the life and ministry of Sister Maria de la Cruz Aymes, SH for Diocesan Leaders serving Catechesis with Hispanics Through the Generosity of

Information about the Scholarship process along with an application can be found on the NCCL website. Go to the NCCL homepage www.NCCL.org for more information including the application. Application deadline, including all support documentation, must be received no later than midnight, Thursday, February 16, 2012.

Carl and Janaan Scholarship – March 16 Deadline

Janaan Manternach established this scholarship fund in memory of her husband, Carl J. Pfeifer and the collaborative work and faith they shared, as evidenced by the words engraved on their wedding rings, “Life, Love, Joy.” Any NCCL member whose spouse is also involved in church ministry is eligible to apply for this scholarship. This is a scholarship that is based both on the couple’s catechetical ministry and their collaborative commitment to serve the church. The scholarship provides free registration for one NCCL member and spouse to attend the NCCL national conference and meeting. Applicants are requested to share how they creatively help their catechists address the six tasks of catechesis and what working together has done for them and their faith life. The application is available on the NCCL Home Page (www.NCCL.org)

Young Profesisonal Catechetical Ministers Scholarship – March 5 Deadline

Young Professional Catechetical Ministers Scholarship seeks to bolster young people engaged in catechetical ministry to become more involved with the mission of catechesis. If you are a full time paid professional minister who has 5 years or less experience and is 30 years of age or younger, you are eligible to receive a reduced registration fee of $75. You will need to be nominated by your immediate supervisor/pastor, recommended by your diocesan catechetical office, not have received this award or the YAI scholarship for a previous NCCL conference and be able to cover the additional expenses not included in this award.

For more information go to the NCCL homepage www.NCCL.org. Nomination forms should be e-mailed to Michelle Tomshack ([email protected]) and Mark Buckley ([email protected]), NCCL Membership Committee co-chairs. Deadline for submission: March 5, 2012. NCCL’s Membership Committee will determine the awardees and notify them via e-mail by March 16, 2012.

Young Adult Initiative – March 5 Deadline – Only 15 Available

Young Adult Initiative seeks to encourage young people to consider this ministry. To be eligible for free registration, candidates must: - be under 40 years of age - have some ecclesial ministry experience - never have been a professional parish or diocesan catechetical leader - be able to cover the additional expenses not included in this award (perhaps they can secure money from their diocese or if they are in school, from their school) - be nominated by their diocesan catechetical director - not have received this award for a previous NCCL conference.

For more information go to the NCCL homepage www.NCCL.org. Nomination forms should be e-mailed to Michelle Tomshack ([email protected]) and Mark Buckley ([email protected]), NCCL Membership Committee co-chairs. Deadline for submission: March 5, 2012. NCCL’s Membership Committee will determine the awardees and notify them via e-mail by March 16, 2012.

New Wineskins Awards: Deadline is February 15

Last year was the second year this award was presented. The award has two recipients; one for a parish level program and one for a diocesan initiated program. When the award was instituted, former NCCL Board member Tom Quinlan stated that “This award is different from our current awards which celebrate the accomplishments of deserving individuals. It is designed to recognize an existing catechetical/evangelization program or initiative that reflects the vision and values of the National Directory for Catechesis, is innovative in some manner, and has had a track record of success.” The background information on this award along with an application can be found on the homepage of our website (http://www.nccl.org).

Pre-Conference: Forum on Catechesis with Hispanics Join FCH on Saturday-Sunday, May 5-6 for presentations, panels, discussions, and reports on leadership issues pertaining to catechesis with Hispanics. Among the presenters that you will hear are Sr. Alice Molina, Adrián Herrera, Marc Gonzalez, Harry Dudley, and Mary Jo Waggoner. Since one of FCH’s animators will be elected to the NCCL Board of Directors at the Annual Conference, May 7-10, elections will also be held for a new animator. Let your voice be heard on these important issues by attending this 2-day pre-conference event! To download a PDF Flyer for this pre-conference, go to http://www.nccl.us/images/NCCL2012-FCH.pdf or to download a schedule of events go to http://www.nccl.us/schedule/fch.html.

Pre-Conference: Special Sunday Afternoon Tour

FCH along with the Diocese of San Diego is sponsoring a two (2) hour Guided Tour of the Mission San Diego de Alcalá at 1:00 pm on Sunday, May 6, 2012. For only $20.00, you can visit the first of the 21 missions. Known as the Mother of the Missions, Mission San Diego de Alcala was founded on July 16, 1769 by Blessed Junipero Serra. It was designated as a Minor Basilica in 1976 by Pope Paul VI. To learn more about Mission San Diego de Alcalá, go to http://www.missionsandiego.com/.

Pre-Conference: National Catholic Partnersip on Disability The staff from the National Catholic Partnership on Disability and members of their National Autism Task Force along with staff from southwestern dioceses invite NCCL participants who have responsibility for ministry with persons having disability (as all or part of their job description) to come together on Saturday, May 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Diocese of San Diego Pastoral Center. Transportation will be available from the Town and Country Resort. Experts in Church access for those with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder and mental illness and parish support for veterans will spark dialogue sessions with introductions on their topics followed by conversation with participants about meeting needs in their parishes and dioceses. On Sunday, May 6, from 9:00-11:00 a.m., the group will meet at the Town & Country Resort to continue networking and to learn more about what other dioceses are doing to support the needs of parishioners with disabilities and their families. For more information or to register for this event, please go to http://www.nccl.us/schedule/ncpdpreconference.html.

Pre-Conference: NACMP: Embrace the Culture, Share the Story

The National Association of Catechetical Media Professionals (http://www.nacmp.org) will be meeting slightly before, and somewhat concurrently with the larger NCCL Conference and Exposition in May.

At 9 am Sunday, May 6, we will enjoy a three hour keynote/workshop with Dr. Elizabeth Drescher ("Tweet if you [heart] Jesus" author) setting the cultural and educational stage. In the afternoon, Tom Zanzig (http://www.tomzanzig.com/Site/Home.html) will help us process Elizabeth's presentation.

All NCCL members are invited to join us at NO CHARGE. Plan to fly in on Saturday and join us in a discussion that will be a wonderful warm-up for the NCCL conversation to follow. The cost of an extra night hotel stay is not only a bargain for this event, but will give you a chance to network and unwind before the NCCL Convention!

Pre-Conference: Catechesis for the Eucharist

Sunday afternoon, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm, Jim Schellman of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate will engage participants in the topic Catechesis for the Eucharist: Insights from the tradition of Liturgical Catechesis.

POST-Conference: CaTECHesis with HOT TECH Topics A fast-paced experience with tools for ministers to engage students, families, and parish groups in evangelization and catechesis. Catechetical leaders will identify Web 2.0 technologies and mobile applications, understand the new lingo for the latest technologies, and dig into the latest technological innovations. From A (Animoto) to Z (Zamzar), no less than 20 types of tools will be explored. Guided by experts, you will leave with a number of practical tools in your technology toolbox. Catechetical leaders at all levels of experience will benefit from this post- conference session. You will also have the opportunity to join a Facebook HOT TECH Tools group, which will allow participates to be virtually present to one another after the conference to continue sharing ideas and mentoring one another. To fully participate, bring a laptop or tablet. Bring a smart phone and/or digital camera or webcam, if you have one. If you can't bring any of those tools, just look over someone's shoulder during our hands-on time. For more information go to http://www.nccl.us/schedule/postconferencesession.html.


Exhibits will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 8-9, 2012 with set-up on Monday, May 7, 2012. If interested, please go to http://www.nccl.us/exhibitforms.html for more information as well as registration forms.

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