Europe in the Middle Ages Projects

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Europe in the Middle Ages Projects



TASK: Students will complete a project on some aspect of Europe in the Middle Ages (Medieval times—approximately 500-1500AD). Students should select a topic they are interested in, research that topic, and create a project to demonstrate what they learned about their topic.

DUE DATE: You will have 3 days in class to research and start your project. This project is due after you return from Spring Break during the week of March 20th.

TYPES OF PROJECTS: You may not write “a report” for your project. Some suggested types of projects are:

 Poster (information + at least 5 pictures)

 Scrapbook (pictures and captions in a book format)

 Model (make something and write a summary about it)

 Artifact (make something that looks like an item from the Middle Ages + written summary)

 Diorama (make a scene showing life in Middle Ages + written summary)

 Musical Presentation (record or perform music from the Middle Ages or musically present)

 Write a Story (write/illustrate a creative tale to describe some aspect of Medieval life)

 Write/Illustrate a Graphic Story about Middle Ages (comic book style)

 News Article or News Report on an Event (written like news with pictures)

 Powerpoint—about 10 slides-these must be completed at home, as there will not be enough computer time at school to do these in class.

 Other: if you have a project idea that is different than those above, let your teacher know what it is and you can do it if it is approved.

TOPIC IDEAS: Below are some possible topics for projects; you are not limited to this list, but all projects should have content that is appropriate for 7 th graders. If you have a topic idea that is different than those below, ask your teacher if it is OK to proceed with it.

 Inventions  Hunting/Falconry  Housing

 Health/Medicine  Heraldry (Coats of  Castles Arms; Banners and  Clothing/Fashion  Food Flags)  Famines  The Church  Architecture

 Transportation  Cathedrals  Knights and Chivalry

 Paper Making  Magna Carta  Poetry

 Writing  Medieval Law  Research a famous person of this time  Weaponry  Bubonic Plague  Roles of women  Jousting  (Black Death)  Mythical creatures  Tournaments  Music  Vikings  Armor  Entertainment  Guilds

 Sources of Information: Students will be given 2 days in class to look at library books, encyclopedias, textbooks, and computer sources. Links to sites to find info are included on Mrs. Hayter’s and Ms. Mack’s webpages on the GMMS Website under the Staff/Cores tab.

 HOW PROJECTS WILL BE SCORED: All projects will be scored using the following RUBRIC:

 CRITERIA  4  3  2  1  ADVANCED  PROFICIEN  PARTIALLY  UNSATIS- T PROFICIEN  FACTORY T  CONTENT  Project meets all of  Info includes at least  Info includes less  Info includes 5 or the content criteria 10 facts about the than 10 but more fewer facts about for a 3, plus it chosen topic. than 5 facts about the chosen topic; or demonstrates  All info is written in the chosen topic.  All or most of the advanced thinking the student’s own  Info is written in info is plagiarized. and/or strong words student’s own words, creativity.  or  Info is but  It is apparent that  Info is not understandable and  Info is unclear and the student put understandable clear hard to understand. extra thought,  or effort, and time  Project provides  Project information  Student did not into making their quality information is of poor quality or attempt to present project about the topic some is inappropriate th information about outstanding. chosen and is for a 7 grader. appropriate for 7th the chosen topic, graders.  or  All information is inappropriate.  VISUALS  Project  Project  Project  Project lacks visuals  (Pictures, visuals/sounds are visuals/sounds are visuals/sounds are or sound to support very appealing and neat, clear and difficult to read, the topic. models, interesting. organized see, hear or dioramas,  They are explained in  Posters have at least understand. scrapbooks) detail using captions 5 color pictures.  Visuals are not  OR or a summary.  Models, dioramas or colorful/less than 5  SOUNDS scrapbooks are well pictures on posters. -constructed and are  Project is explained using disorganized. written captions or a summary.  Pictures, models, diorama or sounds lack written captions or summary info.  CONVENTI  Project information  Project information  Project information  Project is full of ONS is written clearly and is written neatly with is not written neatly errors in spelling, neatly and is free of less than 5 errors in  More than 5 errors grammar,  & QUALITY errors in spelling, spelling, grammar, capitalization and in spelling, grammar, grammar, capitalization or punctuation. capitalization or capitalization or punctuation. punctuation.  Disorganization and punctuation.  Project is neat,  Project is messy or lack of neatness get  It is obvious that the organized, and easy in the way of this disorganized, or hard student went to to understand. project effectively to understand. great effort to make communicating the project neat, information. organized, creative and easy to understand.  SOURCES  Student correctly  Student correctly  Student does not  Student failed to CITED cited sources using cited sources using correctly cite cite sources of APA format. APA format. sources information.  Student used 4 or  At least 1 book and 2  Only one type of more sources Internet sources source used. including both books used. and Internet. 

 

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