What is Roundtable??

Some people might conjure up an image of the knights of old in King Arthur’s time. Imagine if you will knights all sitting around a circular table in a dimly lit castle discussing issues for the betterment of the kingdom they serve. They used their quality resources, their knowledge, their experiences, and skills. A round table was used to maintain equality for all who were present. So what is a BSA Roundtable?

BSA Roundtables are a monthly gathering of Pack, Troop, Team, Crew, and District leaders. Roundtables are put on by your District Commissioner staff to give leaders hands-on experience and provide a forum for leaders to offer and receive help from their fellow Scouters. There are separate sessions for Cub Scouts leaders, Boy Scout leaders and Venture leaders. What is the Goal of BSA Roundtables?

 To help motivate unit leaders and refresh their morale, enthusiasm, inspiration and vision  To provide unit leaders with skills, techniques, ideas, information and know-how to make their unit operation successful  To provide resources to help unit leaders in their roles Who Should Attend Roundtables?

Everyone. Roundtables are for all leaders and interested parents. Whether you have been a leader since Baden Powell’s time or you’re a brand new to the program. Why should I go?

Because Roundtable is by, for, and about YOU! Every job is made easier by sharing the load, and Roundtables take on the job of assisting you in creating and presenting your unit program. Sure, you can make your own program from scratch, but you certainly don't have to! Roundtable is loaded with ideas and demonstrations of all kinds. Got a particular problem you just can't work out? Come to Roundtable and ask the group - draw on the years of Scouting experience made available just for you. Also find out the latest information regarding events and activities.

So, now that you know a little more about Roundtables, let’s compare your job in Scouting to those noble Knights of the Roundtable. Just as they were guardians of the Kingdom, you are the guardians of the future of our youth. The knights of old continually honed their skills and practiced daily to be ready to defend country and home, just as a Scout Leader should hone their skills through training, Roundtable attendance, and reading up on their responsibilities in Leader specific handbooks, and other Scouting literature. And, just as knights through acts of chivalry and bravery won the admiration and devotion of the people, Scout Leaders need to mentor those who will follow in your footsteps someday, be a friend to those younger and weaker, and set a shining example that all will respect. Knights were proud of their coats of arms, their armor, and the tools of their trade, and so too should a Scout Leader be proud of the uniform they wear, the official insignia of the BSA, and insure that they are always wearing it correctly and completely. So, be proud of all that you do as a Scout Leader and don’t be a knight in rusty armor.

See you at next month’s Roundtable.

Information regarding your District Roundtables can be found on the calendar section of okscouts.org. You can also contact your District Commissioner or Assistant Council Commissioner John Pojman, 743-7517 or [email protected].