E-Resources for BTG Cluster to Improve Learning Outcomes in Writing
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e-Resources for BTG Cluster to improve learning outcomes in writing.
Copy the strategies you find most useful into another digital surface - this will become your e- literacy toolbox. How you organise the toolbox is entirely your decision.
How should we organise these resource links? By genre - purpose - category - Age group best suited for, presentation tools - storytelling tools ?
Literacy Online: Student needs, teacher needs, impact. http://literacyonline.tki.org.nz/
Digistore: English Resources http://digistore.tki.org.nz/ec/browse?topic=English
Software for Learning Site - Numeracy and Literacy Resource List http://softwareforlearning.tki.org.nz/Browse-Software/%28offset%29/10/%28area %29/literacy_and_numeracy
BBC Bitesize: Interactive activities to support writing at different curriculum levels http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/
Literacy and eLearning Wiki - Jacqui Sharp http://literacyandict.wikispaces.com/
Writing Focus - http://literacyandict.wikispaces.com/Writing
TES - Huge curriculum resource library for teachers
English resources include text types and sentence structure and punctuation http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resources Teaching that makes sense
Writing strategies for teachers - Free download http://www.ttms.org/
Story maker-Students can chose the genre and then just add text or pictures to make a story-good for reluctant writers and younger students. http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/make-your-own/story-maker
Practice your reading and writing. http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/read-and-write
Creative Writing for kids-read other stories or submit your own. http://www.kidsonthenet.org.uk/create/index.cfm
Writing examples of genres shared. A U.S. site that has good resources for kids to view resources to get good writing outcomes from children http://languagearts.pppst.com/writing.html
Several exemplars of writing shared/ideas for writing and power points to show students the steps requires-range of levels. http://www.teachitprimary.co.uk/index.asp?CurrMenu=545&T=1152
Persuasive Writing. A list of 100 possible for persuasive writing topics that you could use in class. Some you will have to tweak to a NZ context. http://www.ereadingworksheets.com/writing/persuasive-essay-topics/ Storybird. Start with an image or an artist and unlock the story inside. http://storybird.com/
Refer - Using Storybird to improve literacy. http://elearning.tki.org.nz/Teaching/Tools/Storybird
Comic master. Create your own graphic novel. http://www.comicmaster.org.uk/
Refer - Support material for teachers - with a focus on reading http://www.readmeresources.co.uk/
Photostory3 For Windows XP. Create your own annotated slideshow story http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?DisplayLang=en&id=11132
My Story Maker - Carnegie Library http://www.carnegielibrary.org/kids/storymaker/
Story Jumper - publish your own children’s story book http://www.storyjumper.com/
Zooburst - Create your own 3-D pop up books http://www.zooburst.com/
Other Worlds - Lizzie Chase - Tools and Tips http://otherworlds.yolasite.com/
Writing Prompts - Word Press Photo Competition 2012 Winners http://gu.com/p/35d37 ------
Ideas for short writing activities - Forwarded from VLN Groups-
You might already subscribe to the ICT’s in English listserv, which is facilitated by Hamish Chalmers. Having another forum to discuss ways to integrate e-learning is invaluable, so I’d thought I’d make reference to them here too.
Recently a participant asked,
I am seeking short and cool English language ideas for students in years
6/7. I want them to complete a text a day. I'm looking for 50 ideas to stimulate short writing activities. Where to start? Any suggestions?
Some of the responses back were:
Check out stickyball they have lots of good writing exercises and other quick grammar, reading, etc. activities. http://www.stickyball.net/
This might be a good place for inspiration, with lots of ideas you could adapt to your needs/level "55 Interesting Ways to Support Writing in the
Tom Barrett's interesting ways are all worthy of exploring and sharing, you can find more here http://edte.ch/blog/interesting-ways/
How about this - Telescopic Text. Some of our year 4/5 kids used it last year, was lots of fun! Read one here. Write your own here - you will need to register in order to save your stories. http://www.telescopictext.com/ http://www.telescopictext.org/
Experiencing Poetry through Matariki
Inspirations for writing: You can use these images to provide ideas and inspiration for writing in your classroom. http://www.
Ideas for writing: There are some more writing ideas here from http://www.ideastoinspire.co.uk/ and https://docs.google.com/a/core-ed.ac.nz/present/view? id=ddf8kn4m_59zqzbv9gs
Senior literacy progressions: Direct links between literacy progressions and e-learning tools has been compiled here by BOP e-learning teachers: http://elearningbop.wikispaces.com/Senior
Ways to publish writing: Cogdogroo has 50 ideas on ways to publish writing/stories using Web2.0 tools: http://cogdogroo.wikispaces.com/StoryTools
Repository of English resources: Digistore has a huge repository of support material to help teach English (you will need a log in to access these) http://digistore.tki.org.nz/ec/browse?topic=English
e-Learning literacy games: A collation of literacy based games can be found here - which also includes websites that encourage writers to collaborate online: http://www.netvibes.com/homegroups#Literacy_Games