Macro-Grant Application Template

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Macro-Grant Application Template

UCSC Carbon Fund – Abstract Application-

Thank you for your interest in the Carbon Fund. In accordance with the California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB32), the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) has demonstrated its commitment to mitigating the adverse impacts posed by climate change. Funded by student fees, the UCSC Carbon Fund offers a grant opportunity to UCSC affiliates (i.e. students/staff/faculty) for the implementation of projects that reduce local carbon emissions.

ALL applicants must submit an abstract to the Carbon Fund Committee. Requests smaller than $5,000 will only have to submit an abstract this fall. If you are asking for more than $5,000, we will ask you to come back in the winter (if we feel your project is suitable for a Carbon Fund grant) to fill out a full application. Not all applicants will be invited to submit in winter. Final deadline for abstract submissions is NOVEMBER 14th, 2014 at 11:59PM (PST). We will let you know of your proposal’s status by November 26th.

The Carbon Fund Committee will use the following criteria (listed on the next page) as a tool to assist in the decision making process. However, the committee may consider other factors such as the balancing of allocations. Carbon Fund Criteria 2014-2015 Maximum Score Efficiency of GHG reduction (Cost of project / GHG reduction) 18 Project Feasibility and Overall Idea 15 Project Implementation Plan 13 Measurability and Reporting of Metrics 12 Capability of Project Team 10 Student Involvement 8 Realistic Budget 8 Project Approvals Secured 6 Project has a Direct Savings Aspect 5 Writing Quality 5 TOTAL 100 1. Proposed Project Title:

2. List Primary Contact Information: Name: Title: E-mail Address: Phone Number:

3. Additional Team Members Please include names and their associated title, project role, and e-mail.

4. Staff and/or faculty sponsors, role: Please include names, email addresses, and phone numbers. Describe how they will help support this project. REQUIRED: Confirm that they are willing to be your sponsor before putting their name down. Sponsor signature required at bottom of application.

5. Total amount requested: Please specify the total amount of funding requested.

6. List the project start and completion dates: Please use format: [START DATE MM/DD/YYYY] - [END DATE MM/DD/YYYY]

7. If the project manager is a student, when is the anticipated graduation date? 8. Team Qualifications and Project Management How is your team qualified and how will the team ensure that the project is successfully completed on time and within budget?

9. Provide a detailed description of the overall purpose of the project and its key components. 500 words max

10. List your project’s three most important milestones.

11. Provide an itemized budget. Please list all expenses (including labor) followed by an estimated dollar amount.

12. Does your project have a 5 year or less payback period? Payback is calculated by dividing the total project cost by the yearly savings. The GHG emission calculator will help you calculate payback period. 13. Please complete the following table. REQUIRED: Provide a link to the supporting evidence used in generating your calculations. (ie. case studies, widely accepted methodologies used by credible sources, ect)

Yearly Resource Savings (Enter estimated savings Project Lifespan in kWh, therms, gallons, or (Enter # of years) pounds) Estimated electricity savings (kWh) Estimated natural gas savings (thm) Estimated domestic water savings (gallons) Estimated irrigation water savings (gallons) Estimate gasoline savings (gallons) Estimate diesel savings (gallons) Estimated waste reduction (pounds)

Link to evidence

14. How will you measure the resource savings of your project? Provide relevant methods and instruments used to calculate resource savings (ie. using kilowatt meters, water meters, user surveys, ect)

15. Additional information: Is there anything else you would like the Carbon Fund Committee to know about your project?

16. Where did you hear about the Carbon Fund? Type yes next to those that apply.

Word of mouth Flyer Email Website Social media Newsletter Newspaper Radio Other

If your project contemplates the modification of campus grounds and buildings, including alteration or replacement of any building system, your project must obtain approval. 1. Will the proposed work permanently alter the function or appearance of the building or grounds? 2. Will the proposed work require a code exemption or trigger a building code or environmental compliance issue? 3. Will the project require either o Initial professional or ongoing maintenance while the experiment is conducted or continuously? o Removal and/or restoration of the building/grounds after completion? 4. Do any of the activities pose a potential risk to the health and safety of building occupants?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, your project will require a staff sponsor and approval by appropriate administrative department (Physical Planning and Construction, Physical Plant, etc.)

Provide a detailed explanation of the required approvals and your current status in securing them.

Each project must have either a staff or faculty sponsor. If your project requires a staff sponsor, then you are only required a staff sponsor (faculty sponsor is not required). Please scan and send the signatures to the Carbon Fund at [email protected]. Staff projects can be self – sponsored.

Project manager signature: ______Date: ______

Staff sponsor signature: ______Date: ______

Faculty sponsor signature: ______Date:______

Once you’re completed with the application, please e-mail the entire abstract application to [email protected].

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