Tic-Tac-Toe Menu

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Tic-Tac-Toe Menu

Think Tac Toe-American Revolution 1. Read pages 192-216 and 2. Research one of the following 3. Choose one of the roles below complete the reading guides. battles and create a power point and write a letter to a relative (or other presentation format of explaining what life is like for you your choosing) to present to the during the war: A woman, a class: Battle of Charles Town, soldier, a Patriot, a Loyalist, an Battle of Camden, Battle of Kings African American or a Native Mountain, Battle of Cowpens American. *Cannot be turned in on notebook paper or in pencil.

4. Create a propaganda poster 5. 6. Read pages 192-216 and create encouraging people to enlist in the a review game for the class to play Continental Army. Create your own American the day before the test. *Cannot be turned in on notebook paper Revolution project. *Must get game approved prior to the due or in pencil. date. *Let me know if you plan on using technology.

7. Write a poem, play or short 8. Read pages 192-216 and define 9. Research one military leader story that depicts what life was the vocabulary words in bold type. from the Continental Army and like for the soldiers during the Create a vocabulary booklet with one from the British Army. Write war. illustrations to go along with the a 250 word essay comparing and *Cannot be turned in on notebook paper terms. contrasting the two men. (250 or in pencil. *Terms must be defined in your own words = 1 pg typed) words. *Cannot be turned in on notebook paper *Will be graded using PASS writing or in pencil. rubric *You may create an e-book.

Directions: Choose activities in a tic-tac-toe design. When you have completed the activities in a row–horizontally, vertically, or diagonally–you may decide to be finished. Or you may decide to keep going and complete more activities.

I choose activities # ______, # ______, # ______

Note: You have one “free” space in the middle. That space is for you to decide what kind of project you want to do. You must talk it over with me first, however, before you begin it.

*Project modified from Martha Warner’s project PowerPoint Presentation Rubric

Category Excellent-4 Good-3 Satisfactory-2 Needs Improvement-1 Content Accuracy All content Most of the content The content is Content confusing throughout the is accurate but there generally accurate, or contains more presentation is is one piece of but one piece of than one factual accurate. There are information that information is error. no factual errors. seems inaccurate. clearly inaccurate. Sequencing of Information is Most information is Some information is There is no clear Information organized in a clear, organized in a clear, logically sequenced. plan for the logical way. It is logical way. One An occasional slide organization of easy to anticipate slide or piece of or piece of information. the next slide. information seems information seems out of place. out of place. Effectiveness Project includes all Project is lacking Project is missing Project is lacking material needed to one or two key more than two key several key give a good elements. Project is elements. It is rarely elements and has understanding of the consistent with consistent with the inaccuracies. topic. The project is driving question driving question. .Project is consistent with the most of the time. completely driving question. inconsistent with driving question. Use of Graphics All graphics are A few graphics are All graphics are Several graphics are attractive (size and not attractive but all attractive but a few unattractive AND colors) and support support the topic of do not support the detract from the the topic of the the presentation. topic of the content of the presentation. presentation. presentation. Text-Font Choice Font formats (color, Font formats have Font formatting has Font formatting and Formatting bold, italic) have been carefully been carefully makes it very been carefully planned to enhance planned to difficult to read the planned to enhance readability. complement the material. readability and content. It may be a content. little hard to read. Spelling and Presentation has no Presentation has 1-2 Presentation has 1-2 Presentation has Grammar misspellings or misspellings, but no grammatical errors more than 2 grammatical errors. grammatical errors. but no misspellings. grammatical and/or spelling errors.

*Modified from Rubistar Historical Fiction Rubric

Criteria Excellent: 5 Good: 4 Close: 3 Needs Poor Effort: 1 Improvement: 2 Ideas and Content Paper brings the Paper reveals the time The time & place Tells the reader The setting of story time & place my and place character character lived is when and where my is murky, and the character lived lived; describes a day clear, but his/her story is set but make characters’ alive; vividly in her/his life; most or experiences are no attempt to experiences and/or describes her/his all details are more like a list than include values are often experiences and historically accurate. a letter or diary historically accurate historically values; refers to entry; some details facts or details. inaccurate. relevant, historically may be historically accurate details. inaccurate.

Organization Writing has a Has either a strong Has either a strong Paper failed to Paper failed to beginning, middle, lead, developed lead, developed contain two of the contain three of the and end that are middle or satisfying middle or satisfying following: a strong following: a strong easy to identify and ending but not all ending but not all lead, developed lead, developed follows the three. Followed the three. Made some middle, satisfying middle, satisfying designated format. designated format. mistakes with the ending, or ending, or the format. formatting was formatting was missing. missing. Voice and Tone Used 1st person. Sounded like student Tone is OK but Writing is bland, Writing is too Voice sounds like a cared about the topic. paper could have mechanical or formal or real person. Paper Writing voice is been written by pretentious. Used inappropriately has personality & engaging but may anyone. Need to 2nd or 3rd person. informal. There may shows how the fade in and out. reveal more be no hints of a real character thinks and about how student person in it. It may feels. thinks and feels sound like student about the topic doesn’t like the topic. Word Choice The words used are Paper has some fine The words used are Word choice is The same words are striking but natural, word choices and acceptable but uninspired, repeated over and e.g., "wondered" generally good ordinary. Should try colorless and dull. over and over and instead of language. Some parts to use more Some words may be over. Some words "thought." Used may be routine. expressive words. used incorrectly. may be powerful verbs & confusing to a historically accurate reader. words, phrases and slang from the period. Conventions Uses the correct Made some errors, Spelling is correct Frequent errors are Many errors in grammar, capitals, perhaps by taking on common words. distracting but do grammar, spelling, and risks and using Some errors in not interfere with capitalization, punctuation. interesting words or grammar and the spelling & sentences. punctuation. Need meaning of paper. punctuation make to check it again. the paper hard to read.

*Rubric modified from Martha Warner Propaganda Poster Rubric Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Historical Significant Minor historical Historically Accuracy historical inaccuracies accurate Poster includes inaccuracies information relevant to the American Revolution Slogan Slogan shows Slogan is Slogan is catchy A catchy title for the little creativity appropriate and and relevant to poster or relevance relevant to the the topic topic Organization & Unorganized Somewhat Information Layout organized about topic is Information and presented in a images presented on the poster are logical clear and easy to follow manner Pictures/Images Missing or not Images are The image(s) Images are relevant to related to the somewhat chosen is related the theme of the poster topic related to the and appropriate topic Creativity No attempt to Some attempt to Teacher noted Care and concern for present present an effort to the physical display of information & information in a information in a present information on the creative manner creative manner information on poster the poster with care and concern for the topic

*Modified from http://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?sp=yes&code=T5X473&

Review Game Rubric Superb (4) Good (3) Average (2) Poor (1) Creativity Challenge Relevant Effective Use Appropriate Length Professional Presentation

*Modified from http://dev.wicpa.org/Content/Files/PDF/HS%20Symposium%202007/FeuchtReviewGameRubric.pdf Vocabulary Booklet Rubric Poor Fair Good Excellent Title Page You are missing You are missing 1 All of the You have gone Includes title and more than 1 of the of the criteria listed following are above and beyond colored illustration criteria listed present: Title, teacher Student Name, expectations in the Picture, Neat, In design of your Color cover Neatness & All of your pages Some pages are not Most of the pages All pages are Organization are not numbered numbered are numbered numbered

Handwriting is Some of the book Most of the book is All pages are neatly messy is neatly neatly written/typed written/typed written/typed Vocabulary words All of the are not visible or The majority of the Some of the terms vocabulary words neat on the page terms are not are not neat or are neat and visible visible or neat visible on the page Definitions You have no You are missing For every word, All of your Are written in the definitions some definitions or you have an definitions are students’ own words they do not make understandable exceptional sense definition (it is not in your own words) Sentence for each You have NOT Some words have a Most words have a Every term has a word written a meaningful meaningful meaningful Must be meaningful to meaningful sentence sentence written sentence written show understanding of sentence for each Some words are that demonstrates the word word Some words have missing a your understanding no sentence or a meaningful of the definition poorly written sentence sentence Illustrations/Examples You are missing You have an You have an You have an Should be examples of illustrations for illustration for 50% illustration for 75% illustration that is the definition of the more than 25% of of the words in of the words in an example for word your book your book your book every word In Color Nothing is colored You have colored You have colored The whole project most of the pages all pages, but some is colored neatly in your book are sloppy

*Modified from http://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?sp=yes&code=Z58835&

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