Minimum Standards for Alaska School Buses
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INTRODUCTION The Minimum Standards for Alaska School Buses, 2011 Revised Edition, is The purpose of this document is to organized into three distinct sections. specify school bus minimum standards The definitions of types of school which modify or supplement the buses are found on page 15 of the National School Transportation National School Transportation Specifications & Procedures, May Specifications & Procedures, May 2010 Revised Edition. When using 2010 Revised Edition. this document, you must have in hand the national specifications referred to The Bus Body and Chassis above. Specifications section sets the standards applicable to school bus The Minimum Standards for Alaska bodies and chassis manufactured for, School Buses, 2011 Revised Edition, or used in, Alaska. contains the production and equipment standards required for school buses The Specially Equipped School Bus that transport students to and from Specifications section establishes school. In addition to national standards for buses used for specifications, the Minimum Standards transporting students with special for Alaska School Buses must comply needs. with applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and other The Alaska Bus Equipment state and federal standards applicable Specifications section establishes to school buses on the date of auxiliary equipment requirements for manufacture. buses transporting students in Alaska.
The Minimum Standards for Alaska Copies of the National School School Buses, 2011 Revised Edition, is Transportation Specifications & applicable to school buses Procedures, May 2010 Revised manufactured on or after January 1, Edition, are available from: 2012. Within one year after date of publication of each revised edition of Missouri Safety Center the National School Transportation Central Missouri State University Specifications for School Buses, it is Humphreys Suite 200 the intent of the Department of Warrensburg, MO 64093 Education & Early Development to Phone: (660) 543-4832 review the Alaska Standards and revise Or download from internet site: as appropriate to conform to public input, national standards, and statutory/regulatory requirements of Alaska.
Form # 05-13-006 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR ALASKA SCHOOL BUSES 2011 REVISED EDITION
the bus meets minimum standards BUS BODY AND for Alaska, un-laden weight, GVWR, and the manufacturer's CHASSIS maximum possible rated seating SPECIFICATIONS capacity of the bus. Color The following Alaska Standards modify or supplement the Bus Body Replace Color C., page 22 of the and Chassis Specifications, found on National Specifications, with the pages 19 through 57 of the National following: School Transportation Specifications & Procedures, May 2010 Revised The roof color shall be school bus Edition. yellow consistent with the side and rear body color. Certification Emergency Exits Replace Certification, page 22 of the National Specifications, with the Add Emergency Exits C., page 30 of following: the National Specifications, to read as follows: The supplying vendor or dealer shall supply original to the District and 5. Each bus shall have a red or copy to the Alaska Department of black arrow in the inside and a Education & Early Development, black arrow on the outside of the Pupil Transportation, certification emergency door showing direction in writing that its product meets of throw of handle. Alaska Minimum Standards on items not covered by the FMVSS certification requirements of CFR Floors 49 Part 567. Add to Floors D., page 33 of the A. Body and Chassis. The National Specifications, the manufacturer, supplying vendor or following: dealer will provide with each bus a written certification stating that the D. The fuel tank access plate shall bus meets Minimum Standards for be insulated. Alaska School Buses in effect on date of manufacture of bus. Add Floors E., page 33 of the National Specifications, to read as B. A permanent label or metal plate follows: shall be secured and readily visible above window level in the driver's E. The floor shall have an overlay of compartment upon which is stated 5-ply 5/8 inch minimum (1/2”
Form # 05-13-006 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR ALASKA SCHOOL BUSES 2011 REVISED EDITION
minimum in Type A buses,) marine- midway back in the bus at shoulder grade, or pressure-treated plywood. height of seated school children. Edges of wood shall be located no less than ¼” from sides of bus to 2. In addition to a front allow for expansion and contraction. heater/defroster system, Type A and The wood and the steel shall be Type B buses shall have a rear bonded to prevent accumulation of heater with a minimum rated moisture on the top surface of the heating capacity of 40,000 BTU. steel floor and under the surface of the wood floor. All other buses shall have a heating system with a minimum rated Fuel Tank heating capacity of 200,000 BTU, (rated according to SBMI Standards Add to Fuel System A., page 34 of the No. 001) distributed as follows: National Specifications, with the following: A. Front heaters (including front heater, defrosters, step-well and 1. Fuel tank(s). Each tank shall be driver heater) shall be provided. filled from and vented to the outside of the passenger compartment, and B. Mid heaters shall be provided. each fuel filler should be placed in a location where accidental fuel C. Rear heaters shall be provided. spillage will not drip or drain on any part of the exhaust system, flooring 3. New heating technology must be or insulation material. approved in advance by the department. Heating Systems Hinges Replace Heating System A. 1 -4, page 35 of the National Specifications, Replace Hinges, page 39 of the with the following: National Specifications, with the following: 1. The heating system shall be capable of maintaining the ambient All exterior doors and hatch hinge temperature throughout the bus of pins shall be constructed from not less than 45 degrees Fahrenheit stainless steel, brass or non-metallic during average minimum January materials to prevent corrosion and temperature as established by the shall be designed to allow U.S. Department of Commerce, lubrication to be channeled to the National Weather Service (NOAA), center 75% of each hinge loop for the area in which the vehicle is to without disassembly. be operated. The inside temperature is to be measured
Form # 05-13-006 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR ALASKA SCHOOL BUSES 2011 REVISED EDITION
Identification insulation shall be firmly installed so it will retain its original position. Replace Identification B., pages 39- 40 of the National Specifications, Lamps and Signals with the following: Add to Lamps and Signals A, page 43 1. Ownership identification with of the National Specifications, the minimum five inch high lettering on following: the beltline or directly below the windows on each side of the bus. A.1. A loading light shall be installed, outside and to the rear, or Add Identification D., to page 40 of above the service door to illuminate the National Specifications, to read as the area in front of the door. The follows: step-well light and loading light shall be illuminated by a service door- D. There shall be a sign located operated switch, to illuminate only below the rear window of the bus in when the service door is open. area(s) visible to the approaching motorist, which reads STOP ON Replace Lamps and Signals F., page FLASHING RED. "STOP" shall be 45 of the National Specifications, with printed on the rear of the bus in the following: letters at least 8 inches high. "ON FLASHING RED" shall be printed F. Roof Mounted Strobe Light below "STOP," in letters at least 4 ¾ inches high. The sign shall be red 1. A strobe light shall be mounted letters on white reflective on the roof of the school bus, and background. meet all NSTS&P standards J845, with a 4 inch minimum height. The Insulation light shall be located on the center line of the roof no less than four (4) Replace Insulation (Optional), page feet from the rear of the bus and not 42 of the National Specifications, to exceed one third (1/3) the body with the following: length forward from the rear of the roof edge. A. All space between the inner and outer panels in the roof, sidewalls, Stirrup Steps body posts and roof channel cavities, including front and rear body Replace Stirrup Steps, page 52 of the cavities, shall be filled with National Specifications, with the fiberglass or other insulating following: material which will meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. If the windshield and lamps are not 302 where applicable. The easily accessible from the ground,
Form # 05-13-006 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR ALASKA SCHOOL BUSES 2011 REVISED EDITION
there shall be at least one folding D. The following windows shall be stirrup step or recessed foothold and thermo pane: suitably located handles on each side of the front of the body for easy 1. Window to left of driver. OEM accessibility for cleaning. Steps are factory standard is acceptable for permitted in or on the front bumper Type A, Type B and Type C in lieu of the stirrup steps, if the cutaway buses. windshield and lamps are easily accessible for cleaning from that 2. All windows in service door. position.
Storage Compartment SPECIALLY Replace Storage Compartment EQUIPPED (Optional), page 53 of the National Specifications, with the following: SCHOOL BUS
A. Storage container for tools, tire SPECIFICATIONS chains, and/or tow chains shall be located on the right side of the bus The following Alaska Standards outside the passenger compartment, modify or supplement the whenever possible. If inside, it shall Specifications for Specially be fastened to the floor at rear of Equipped School Buses found on bus and have a cover with a positive pages 61 through 70 of the fastening device. National School Transportation Specifications & Procedures, May Exhaust 2010 Revised Edition.
Add Exhaust C., page 32 of the Communications National Specifications, to read as follows: See Alaska Bus Equipment Specifications. C. The exhaust tail pipe may be extended beyond the rear bumper Special Light and vertically, to exhaust above the roof line of the bus, and must be Add Special Light B., page 67 of the shielded or insulated. National Specifications, to read as follows: Windows A. An exterior light shall be Add Windows D., page 57 of the installed within 12 inches of the National Specifications, to read wheelchair lift door opening. as follows:
Form # 05-13-006 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR ALASKA SCHOOL BUSES 2011 REVISED EDITION
ALASKA BUS Emergency Equipment EQUIPMENT Add Emergency Equipment A. 3. page 29 of the National Specifications, SPECIFICATIONS to read as follows:
The following Alaska Standards A. Fire extinguishers shall be ABC 5 supplement the Specifications for (five) pound and affixed with a Bus Chassis, Bus Body and current certification tag unless Specially Equipped School Buses within first year of manufacture found on pages 19 through 70 of date code of fire extinguisher. the National School Transportation Specifications & B. Body Fluid Clean-up Kit Procedures, May 2010 Revised Edition, and in the preceding 1. Each bus shall have a removable sections of this Alaska Minimum moisture proof and dust proof body Standards document. fluid clean-up kit mounted in an accessible place within the driver's General compartment. This place shall be marked to identify its location. Equipment listed in this section is required to be on each bus used 2. Minimum contents shall include: for transporting school children 1-cardboard scraper and scoop before the bus is placed into 1-pair latex disposable gloves service. However, the nature of 2-packages germicidal hand wipes this equipment is such that it can 1-disposable face mask be easily moved from a retired bus 2-plastic bags to a new one, and may not need to 2-twist ties be purchased for each replacement 3-disposable paper towels bus. School bus manufacturers 1-4 oz. package stabilized chlorine are not required to provide this absorbent deodorant or equivalent. equipment unless the items are specified in the purchase order. 3. Detailed instructions on use of contents shall accompany each kit.
Communications 4. A State certification seal will be placed over the clasp of the first aid All school buses shall be equipped and body fluid kit to insure the kit is with a two-way electronic voice complete. A broken seal indicates it communication system before the is a repair item. bus is placed into service. Systems may be provided by end-user.
Form # 05-13-006 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR ALASKA SCHOOL BUSES 2011 REVISED EDITION
Add to D., page 30 of the National Specifications, the following:
D. Warning Devices
When flares are utilized, they must be stored in an exterior compartment and labeled accordingly. The flares must be in a waterproof container and expiration dates must be legible. If expired it will be a repair item.
Mud Flaps
Each bus shall be equipped with rear mud flaps.
Tire Chains and Tire Chocks
Tire chains and tire chocks are required and must be stored in a storage compartment. Ref. Storage Compartment/Bus Body Specifications for storage
Optional items: Dependent on climate, demographic, and District areas. (Including, but not limited to.)
Auxiliary driving lights (moose lights), window fans, auxiliary heaters, thermo pane windows in passenger area, crossing gates, drop chains, heated step treads, rear air foils, rear stop arms, and heated wiper blades.
Form # 05-13-006 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development