P113/29/1 - 2007 Spithurst House, Church Farm, and Land
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P113/29/1 - 2007 Spithurst House, Church Farm, and land. Summary This land consists of outlying tenements of the manors of Allington and Rodmell. Land of the manor of Rodmell lying east of Spithurst Road and Allington land to the west. The name Spithurst is first recorded in 1296 as a personal name in the subsidy rolls (tax rolls) (40). At that time a family with a name derived from a place were almost certainly resident there and archaeological evidence confirms that both the Rodmell and the Allington tenements were settled by the 13th-14th century. The form of the name is problematic and the meaning has been much debated. One explanation is a wooded hill (herst) where wood was split – to make shingles for example. But the division of this land between two manors makes a simple explanation, ‘shared or split wooded hill’, appealing. Names of farms and fields can change over time. In 1873/4 OS the farm was Spithurst Farm, the farm name was changed to Church Farm after St Bartholomew’s church was built in 1880. In 1840 Nathaniel Garland also owned Court House and Culver Farm (see P113/29 TA 1278). Manorial tenements Quit rent One copyhold tenement of the manor of Rodmell Barcombe Spithurst, a barn and 8 acres of land (12) copy 1s 0d Acquired 2 copyhold tenements of the manor of Allington 1805 Barcombe Panthill 3 pieces 13 acres - Streats Garden meadow ½ acre adjacent to the street, Greenfield 2½ acres adjacent to the street, Trench Wood 10 acres adjacent to the park copy 2s 6d 1807 Panthill 5 pieces 26 acres (Church Farm) (16) copy 1s 2d Owner Tithe Apportionment 1840 Nathaniel Garland Spithurst House and garden, cottage and garden, 2 yards, 1 farm yard and land - 59a 2r 24p field nos 433, 437-454, 460-464.5, 469, 475-478, 550, 551-553 (1) Land Tax 1840 Spithurst, £15 7s 6d (2)
P113/29/1 2007 Spithurst House and land adjoining Manorial tenements Copyhold tenement of the manor of Rodmell Barcombe Spithurst, tenement, barn 8 acres 1764 assessed at 6 acres 1840 7a 0r 22p (TA 550-553) Buildings 1541-1587+ barn and piece of land (8a) 1589-1590 barn to be rebuilt 24 feet long,16 feet wide and the height according to those proportions 1599 called Spithurst 1636 owner obtained licence to remove the barn 1644 three parcels of land (6a) 1847 cottage, oasthouse, garden and 1r 6p; Pond Field (2a 2r 18p); Underwood (15p); Spithurst Mead (4a 1r 28p), occupied by Richard Knight; occupied by Thomas Pumphrey 1848 1849 GRANT slip of waste 42 feet wide at North end; stretching to South 110 yards and terminating in a point (E: George Smith the grantee; W: Barcombe to Newick road; N: enclosed land of [blank] Parris [M510/51]); quitrent 6d 1854 will mentions ‘my present residence with the land, garden, greenhouses, hothouses, conservatories, outhouses with a cottage occupied by William Gower as weekly tenant 1872 the cottage and oasthouse now a stable and coach-house Owners <1541 Thomas Pierce c1580 Thomas Maynard in the right to hold under the copy of 1541 for the term of of his wife Jane her life, remainder to the right heirs of Thomas Pierce 1541-1589 Elizabeth [recte Jane] unspecified entry for 16 8 1569; to hold for the Maynard, widow term of her life, remainder to the right heirs of Thomas Pierce; EM a defaulter Jun and Sep 1589; her death, as Jane Maynard, no animal, 1589 death presented, as Jane Maynard heir was Agnes Richardson 1589-1590+ Agnes, wife of Thomas 1589 in 1589 they had licence to let the Richardson, daughter and tenement for seven years and to rebuild the heir of Thomas Pierce barn to different proportions (see above); rental entry annotated ‘Widow Richardson’, and then Robert Sole in the right of his wife Agnes <1599-1612+ Thomas Cheale; tenant 1599 he paid a fine of 2s 0d for licence to take William Marsh away a cartload of grain and three of oats from his customary lands in Barcombe called Spithurst; in 1601 he paid 1s 0d fine for three cartloads of wheat; in 1603 1a 4d for four cartloads of oats; in 1611 five cartloads of wheat; in 1612, out of court at Lewes, he mortgaged the property for £50 to Stephen Droust, who seems to have become the owner (see next entry) <1636-1636 Stephen Droust 1636 death presented; heir is only son Robert 1636-1636 Robert Droust immediately on admission surrenders to ER 1636-1647 Edward Raynes of Lewes, 1636 licence to remove the barn from this gent, and his wife Ann, tenement; in 1644 he mortgaged for £42 to remainder to ER’s heirs Thomas Burtenshaw of Barcombe 1647 Edward Raynes sold to John Heyward 1647-1664 John Heyward of Barcombe; 1647 admitted 1664 surrendered to Jane Rootes 1664-1680 Jane Rootes 1664 admitted 1680 she, with her husband William Peck, surrendered to John Raynes and Thomas Medley 1680-1689 John Raynes and Thomas <1689 John Raynes dead by 1689 when Medley [as trustees] Thomas Medley admitted and surrendered to John Russell 1689-1743 John Russell the younger of admitted by his attorney James Randall; in Uckfield mercer 1705 he obtained licence to let for 12 years, and in 1718 for 12 years; death presented 1743, no animal; heir only son John (13) 1743 John Russell only son 1743 admitted, fine £3; immediately surrendered to Elizabeth Exeter, heriot a horse compounded at £3 3s 0d 1743-1789 Elizabeth Exeter wife of 1743 admitted Thomas of Brighton yeoman; 1744 licence to cut 12 loads of timber, fine £11 13s 0d (two thirds of value) 1750 mortgage for £50 to Richard Mighell otherwise Artlett of Brighton currier 1757 licence to let for 11 years, fine 3s 8d 1764 licence to let for 15 years, fine 5s 0d 1765 settled on her marriage with John Wigram 1768 (as Elizabeth Wigram) paid off mortgage 1789 death, as Elizabeth Wigram, presented; 1789-1789 John Wigram 1789 admitted to remainder under settlement of 1765, and immediately surrendered to Sukey Attree 1789-1797 Sukey Attree daughter of 1789 admitted by her father as guardian in William Attree of Brighton, 1790 gent 1797 surrendered to George Awcock 1797-1824 George Awcock of Barcombe, 1797 admitted fine £4 yeoman 1797 mortgaged for £900 to the trustees of the will of John Attree of Ditchling (named, including William Attree) and surrendered to will (mortgage paid off 1822 when he mortgaged again for £500 to Samuel Gibbon of Fleet Market London perfumier; paid off 1824, when he surrendered to Nathaniel Garland) 1805 acquired land P113/29/1b 1807 acquired Church Farm P113/29/1a 1824 surrender to Nathaniel Garland for £700 1824-1845 Nicholas Garland esq of 1824 admitted 1824, fine £28; 1826 mortgage Michaelstow Hall Essex and Warner Phipps esq of New Bridge Street, Woodcock Grove Epsom; London, secretary to Albion Fire and Life Insurance Co of London, for £35,000 NG died 3 Jan 1845 1845-1847 executors of Nathaniel Phipps’s executors acknowledged payment of Garland the mortgage in 1846; in 1847 they sold to EJJ. The combined tenement partitioned. 1846 James Henry Slater purchased Church Farm (see the two Allington tenements below) 1847-1848 Edmund John Jennings of 1 1848 purchase (this tenement only) for £460 Mitre Court Buildings, 1848 he sold to George Smith Temple, Middlesex, gent, 1848-1855 George Smith of Penenden 1848 purchase for £525 Heath in Maidstone, gent; 1849 licensed to cut 12 oaks to repair buildings 1849 new grant 1851 he mortgaged for £300 to Nathan Smith of Lewes St Anne, gent; paid off 1854 when (as of Barcombe, the occupier) he mortgaged for £500 to Peter Mannington of Isfield Place, gent 1855 will proved 1863 death presented; heriot a horse 1855-1872 Sarah Smith, widow of 1863 admitted in 1863 under his will of 1854 George Smith She was the wife of Richard Patching of Brighton, builder 1865 they mortgaged for £500 to Thomas Smith of Brighton, plumber 1872 death presented by her will of 1863 to her husband Richard Patching 1872-1885 Richard Patching of Brighton, from 1863 named as owner-occupier builder 1885 paid off mortgage 1885 by his will to his wife CJP 1885-1890+ Catherine Jane Patching of 1890 enfranchised the tenement for £250 7s Spithurst, widow 10d
P113/29/1a Land, part of Church Farm Manorial tenement Copyhold tenement of the manor of Allington Streats Garden meadow ½ acre adjacent street Greenfield 2½ acres adjacent street (TA 469 Batchelors Field) Trench Wood 10 acres adjacent to the Old Park (TA 460, 462, 464) 1633 Tenement lost from manor records probably merged with the tenement above: Barcombe. Streats Garden and Trenchwood 5 acres. <1628-1633 Emanuel Middleton 1633 surrender to William Hayward 1798 Panthill, 3 pieces 13 acres.
copy 2s 6d 1828 17a 2r 7p Owners <1628 Martins <1628 Middleton (14) <1628-1653 William Hayward 1641 mortgage Thomas Pierce (15) 1645 William Attree of Ditchling husbandman and wife Agnes (widow of TP) acknowledge mortgage redeemed £200 1653 William Hayward deceased, heriot ox £5 <1654-1654+ John Hayward only son 1654 admitted, fine £8. <1674-1674 Eleanor Attree, spinster 1674 surrender to her husband William Batchelor 1674 - 1721 William Batchelor of Lindfield 1674 admitted, fine £4 15s barber surgeon 1721 deceased. 1722-1732 Henry Batchelor youngest 1722 admitted son 1732 surrender to will 1732 deceased, heriot cow valued at 40s 0d . 1732 - 1736 William Batchelor apothecary 1732 admitted by will, fine £10. John Batchelor glazier and 1736 surrender to Jacob, heriot 40s Jacob Batchelor yeoman, brothers of Lindfield 1736-1769 Jacob Batchelor yeoman of 1736 admitted, fine £6 and surrender to will. Lindfield 1760 surrender to will again 1761 licence to fell 120 oaks, fine £42 1769 deceased 1769 – 1805 Mary Batchelor widow 1769 admitted for life by John Harland, fine £7 7s 1805 deceased 1805 – 1805 Mary wife of Thomas Renvill 1805 admitted by will of Jacob Batchelor, fine (late Mary Vine widow, nee £5 5s Batchelor) and Benjamin Vine 1805 recovery, estate settled on Benjamin (eldest son of Mary Renvill by Vine he surrenders to George Awcock Stephen Vine deceased) 1805 – 1824 George Awcock of Barcombe 1805 admitted, fine £7 and surrender to will. yeoman Merged with Spithurst House P113/29/1 until death of Nathaniel Garland in 1845. 1817 this land and Church Farm mortgage William Lucas Shadwell of Hastings £600. 1824 mortgage redeemed. 1819 mortgage Shadwell £600, 1823 mortgage redeemed. 1824 surrender to Nicholas Garland £1100, heriot 2 oxen valued at £21 1824-1845 Nathaniel Garland esq of 1824 admitted to both Allington tenements Woodcote Grove near Epsom fine £40 admitted, 1825 mortgage Warren Phipps of New Bridge Street, secretary to Albion Fire and Life Insurance Co of London £35,000 with all his land in Barcombe 1827 licence to fell 24 oaks and 1 elm for repairs 1834 licence to fell 3 elms for repair 1839 licence to fell 7 oaks and 3 elms for repairs. 1845 Death presented 1846-1864 James Henry Slater 1846 admitted to this and tenement below. 1864 death presented. Heriots (with a tenement in Newick) 2 horses, 1 cow valued at £30. 1864 James Henry Sclater, son 1864 admitted 1866 enfranchised. No further record in manor court books. Tenant Sub-tenant <1780-1780+ Mr Plumer £5 5s (Batchelors) William Pannett <1790-1790+ Mr Plumer (Vines) Thomas Reed <1800-1800+ Mr Vine by 1810 merged with Church Farm <1810-1820+ George Awcock £15 15s for both tenements - owner/occupier <1830-1840+ James Coppard
P113/29/1b 2007 Church Farm, and land (part) Manorial tenement Copyhold tenement of the manor of Allington Barcombe Panthill 5 pieces 26 acres 1633 One barn and five pieces called Panthill 26 acres 1718 Panthill messuage ,barn, garden, orchard 30 acres
copy 1/2d 1828 37a 0r 7p Owners <1628-1633 John Hayward (14) 1633 surrender to William Hayward 1633-1633+ William Hayward son 1633 admitted,fine £15 1633 mortgage Richard Godman gent £103 10s 0d 1641 allowed 3 cartloads of wood to repair barn in decay 915) <1676 Margaret Hayward widow deceased. 1676 - 1682 Jesse Attree son of Anne 1676 admitted, fine £16 deceased sister of John 1682 surrender to John Payne and John Hayward. Awcocke 1682 - 1688 John Payne of Barcombe 1682 admitted by Charles Harrison, fine £6 gent and John Awcocke of 1688 John Awcocke surrenders to John Maresfield gent Russell, heriot spado 40s 1676 - 1742 John Russell of Uckfield 1676 admitted by James Plumer gent, fine £8. mercer. 1718 licence to let 12 years fine 4s 1742 deceased 1742 John Russell only son 1742 admitted, fine £17 17s and immediate surrender to John Sone, heriot gelding sold for £3 3s 1742 - 1743 John Sone the elder of 1742 admitted, fine £10 10s and surrender to Henfield yeoman will 1742 licence to fell 16 oaks, fine 8s 1743 surrender to Thomas Exeter, heriot valued at £3 3s 1743 - 1764 Thomas Exeter of Brighton, 1743 admitted, fine £10 and surrender to will yeoman. 1744 licence to fell 11 elms and 60 small oaks, fine £11 11s 1750 licence to fell 3 (query) pine trees and 4 pollards for repairs, fine 3s 6d 1760 licence to let 11 years, fine 6s 8d. 1764 licence to let 15 years, fine 5s; death presented 1765-1768+ Elizabeth Exeter widow 1765 admitted by will, fine £15 15s 1767 John Wigram and Elizabeth late Exeter and nee Sone (she secretly examined) surrender to will. 1768 they surrender to themselves and he after her death 1768 mortgage Joseph Creasy of Tunbridge currier £110 and surrender to will <1792-1792 John Wigram 1792 surrender to William Attree 1792-1807 William Attree of Brighton 1792 admitted by William Johnson yeoman, gent fine £12 1804 mortgage Richard Newland gent of Westergate £500 1807 mortgage redeemed on sale to George Awcocke, heriot a horse valued at £10 10s 1807 George Awcock of Barcombe merged with P113/29/1a yeoman admitted Tenant Sub-tenant <1780-1780+ Mrs Hays £10 10s Spithurst John Franks Park <1790-1800+ Mr Attree Thomas Reed <1810-1820+ George Awcock £15 15s for both tenements - owner/occupier