Cumulative Bio-Bibliography
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Cumulative Bio-Bibliography University of California, Santa Cruz September 2009
Kenneth W. Bruland Distinguished Professor of Ocean Sciences/Crown College
Signature indicates the following information has been reviewed for accuracy and biobliography information _x_ may ___ may not be released to the public.
Signature of faculty member ______Date ______
2003-current Distinguished Professor of Ocean Sciences, University of California at Santa Cruz
1984-2003 Professor of Ocean Sciences, University of California at Santa Cruz
1982 Visiting Scientist, Institute of Applied Physical Chemistry, Nuclear Research Center (KFA), Julich, Germany (Sabbatical)
1982 Visiting Scientist, Netherlands Institute for Oceanographic Research (NIOZ) Texel, Netherlands (Sabbatical)
1980-84 Associate Professor of Marine Sciences, University of California at Santa Cruz
1974-80 Assistant Professor of Marine Studies, University of California at Santa Cruz
1971-74 Graduate Research Assistant, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego
1969-71 Lieutenant, United States Army, 82nd Airborne Division, Vietnam era
1974 Ph.D., Chemical Oceanography; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
1968 B.A., Chemistry; Western Washington University
Honors, Awards
Appointed a Guest Professor at The Oceans University of China, Qingdao in April 2007.
Elected as a 2005 Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), awarded May 2005. KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 1 Awarded the 2005 Clair C. Patterson Medal for Environmental Geochemistry (The C.C. Patterson Medal honors individuals who have made an exceptional contribution or recent innovative breakthrough of fundamental significance in the field of environmental geochemistry) from the Geochemical Society, awarded May 2005.
Received the Division of Physical and Biological Sciences’ Outstanding Faculty Award, in recognition for his outstanding teaching, research and service. Awarded October 2003 (it was for the 2001/02 year, but was not awarded until October 2003).
Awarded the Ida Benson Lynn Endowed Chair of Ocean Health, 2003-2008.
On ISI’s list of Most Highly Cited Researchers (as of 2002) – one of only twelve faculty on the UC Santa Cruz campus. ISI For a list of faculty on the UC Santa Cruz campus, see: link1=Browse&link2=Results&value=University+of+California, +Santa+Cruz&submit=INSTITUTION&page=0 An interesting fact is that Bruland is listed under the Biological Sciences of ISI Highly Cited. An indication of the interdisciplinary nature of his research impact.
Bruland has an H-index of 56 - Meaning that 56 of his journal articles have had at least 56 citations. Bruland has 34 articles with 100 citations, and 110 articles with 10 citations. Over the past 4 years, his journal articles have averaged 590 citations per year.
During his career, Bruland has been the major Ph.D. advisor of graduate students in 4 different UCSC departments; 7 in Ocean Sciences, 9 in Chemistry and Biochemistry, 4 in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and 3 in Earth and Planetary Sciences.
Bruland is a member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the Geochemical Society, and the Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)
Lab web-site
Pending Grants
2010-2012 National Science Foundation, Chemical Oceanography Program: U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Section: Trace metals in the surface waters of the North Atlantic Transect – plus an archive of the vertical profiles. 4/1/10 to 3/31/12: Submitted 8/14/09.
Funded Grants since 2000
2009-2012 National Science Foundation, Chemical Oceanography Program: The California Current transition zone off northern and central California: an extensive region exhibiting Fe-limitation and moderate chlorophyll. 2/1/09 to 1/31/12.
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 2 2008.2010 National Science Foundation, Major Research Instrumentation: Acquisition of a high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer and laser ablation system. PI’s Peggy Delaney and Jeremy Hourigan, Bruland was a Co-PI who helped justify the instrumentation. 9/1/08 to 8/31/10.
2008-2009 IMS Ocean Science and Technology – Packard Endowment grant: Acquisition of accessories to the ICPMS. PI’s Peggy Delaney, Ken Bruland and Patrick Hourigan.
2007.2010 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Sampling Systems and Intercalibration. P.I. Gregory Cutter, Old Dominion University. Co- P.I. Bruland’s component – 4/1/07 to 3/31/10.
2006-2007 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: SAFe, Completing the Last Part. 9/1/06 to 8/31/07.
2005.2008National Science Foundation, Chemical Oceanography Program: Mixing of iron-rich coastal waters with nutrient-rich HNLC waters leading to enhanced phytoplankton biomass: a focus on the northwest Gulf of Alaska. 9/1/05 – 9/1/08.
2005.2007National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: MBCCIMT: From Wind to Whales: Understanding California’s upwelling ecosystems. Total award ~$2 M. P.I. Gary Griggs and Don Croll, UCSC. Co-PI Bruland’s component; 8/1/05–7/31/07.
2005-2006 CEBIC (Center in Environmental Bioinorganic Chemistry), an NSF-funded center at Princeton University with Francois Morel as the PI. Bruland is one of the Co- PI collaborators and receives partial support for a post doc. 9/05 – 9/06.
2003.2008National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Productivity, biogeochemical transformations and cross-margin transport. A collaborative study of the Columbia River plume. Total award $8.7 M. P.I. Barbara Hickey, University of Washington. Co-PI Bruland’s component – 6/1/03–7/31/08.
2004-2007 Received an Anonymous Gift in support of graduate education – PI with Professor Christina Ravelo..
2004.2005National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: MBCCIMT: From Wind to Whales: Understanding California’s upwelling ecosystems. Total award $2 M. P.I. Gary Griggs and Don Croll, UCSC. Co-PI Bruland’s component; 8/1/04–7/31/05.
2003-2006 National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Sampling and Analysis of Iron (SAFe), an International Collaboration. Co-PI Bruland’s component, 10/1/03- 3/30/06.
2003-2005 CEBIC (Center in Environmental Bioinorganic Chemistry), an NSF-funded center at Princeton University with Francois Morel as the PI. Bruland is one of the Co-PI collaborators and receives partial support for a post doc. 10/1/03 – 9/30/05.
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 3 2003-2005 Ida Benson Lynn Endowed Chair endowment.
2003-2004 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: MBCCIMT: From Wind to Whales: Understanding California’s upwelling ecosystems. Total award $2 M. P.I. Gary Griggs and Don Croll, UCSC. Co-PI Bruland’s component; 8/1/03– 7/31/04.
2002.2005 National Science Foundation, Chemical Oceanography Program: Coupling of trace metal micronutrients and phytoplankton dynamics – a focus on the Bering Sea and the role of iron. 4/1/02–9/31/05.
2002-2003 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: MBCCIMT: From Wind to Whales: Understanding California’s upwelling ecosystems. Total award $2.2 M. P.I. Gary Griggs and Don Croll, UCSC. Co-PI Bruland’s component; 8/1/02– 7/31/03.
2002.2003 CEBIC (Center in Environmental Bioinorganic Chemistry), an NSF-funded center at Princeton University with Francois Morel as the PI. Bruland is one of the collaborators and receives partial support for a post doc. 10/1/02 – 9/30/03.
2001.2003 California Water Resource Control Board: Trace metal (Cu) TMDL development: Impairment assessment and numeric target definition. 4/1/01– 10/30/03.
2001-2002 Keck Foundation Proposal for instrumentation to be used in studies of the Environmental Toxicology of Trace Metals. Co-PI with Russ Flegal as the PI..
2001.2003UCR Water Resources Center: The development of a liquid membrane technique to measure the temporal variation in “bioavailable” copper and nickel in South San Francisco Bay. 7/1/01–6/31/03. (support of a postdoctoral researcher).
2001.2002Center for Teaching Excellence, instructional improvement grant.
1999 National Science Foundation: Acquisition of an Inductively Coupled Plasma- Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) and a Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (FAAS) for the UCSC MAL. Co-PI with Margaret Delaney as the PI.
1998-2003 National Science Foundation: Center for Environmental Bioinorganic Chemistry (CEBIC). Total Award $7 M. P.I. – Francois Morel, Princeton University. Co-PI Bruland’s component; 10/1/98-9/30/02.
1998.2002National Science Foundation: The interdependence of the chemistry of Fe and Zn and phytoplankton dynamics in coastal upwelling regimes. 10/1/98-6/31/02.
1998-2001 Office of Naval Research, Harbor Processes Program. Trace metal speciation: Equilibration and kinetic considerations on biological effects, phytoplankton uptake and sorption processes in coastal waters. 11/1/98-12/31/01.
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 4 Research Cruises since 2000
2010 Chief Scientist on two 2.5-week cruises in early and late summer to the California Current
2009 Co-Chief Scientist on the RV Knorr, 3 weeks May – Honolulu to San Diego
2008 Co-Chief Scientist on the RV Knorr, 3 weeks Jun – Norfolk, VA to Bermuda
2007 Chief Scientist on the RV Thompson, 5 weeks Aug/Sept – Seattle to Dutch Harbor, Alaska
2005 Chief Scientist on the RV Wecoma, 3 weeks Aug: RISE cruise – Newport Or to Newport Or
2004 Co-Chief Scientist, RV Melville, 3 weeks Oct/Nov, SAFE cruise - Honolulu to San Diego.
2004 Chief Scientist on the RV Pt. Sur, 2 weeks, June: Upwelling and River Plume studies off northern California, Oregon and Washington – Moss Landing to Newport, Or.
2003 Chief Scientist on the RV Kilo Moana, 4 weeks, Aug/Sept: Bering Sea – Dutch Harbor to Dutch Harbor.
2003 Chief Scientist on the RV Pt. Sur, 1 week, Feb: Coastal Upwelling systems off Central California – Moss Landing to Moss Landing.
2000 Chief Scientist on the RV Melville, 6 weeks, Aug/Sept: Upwelling systems off Peru and the equatorial Pacific – San Diego to Arica, Chile.
Bruland, K.W. and M.C. Lohan. The control of trace metals in seawater. Chpt 2 in The Oceans and Marine Geochemistry, Vol. 6 (Ed. Harry Elderfield) in Treatise on Geochemistry (Eds. H.D. Holland and K.K. Turekian (2004).
Bruland, K.W. and E.L. Rue. Analytical methods for determination of concentrations and speciation of iron. Chapter 6 in "The Biogeochemistry of Iron in Seawater," Ed. by D.R. Turner and K.A. Hunter, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (2001).
Donat, J.R. and K.W. Bruland. Chapter 11: Trace Elements in the Oceans, in Trace Elements in Natural Waters , Eds. Steinnes and Salbu. CRC Press, pp. 247-280 (1994).
Bruland, K.W. and K.H. Coale. Surface water 234Th/238U disequilibria: spatial and temporal variations of scavenging rates within the Pacific Ocean. In Dynamic Processes in the Chemistry
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 5 of the Upper Ocean . Eds. J.D. Burton, P.G. Brewer, and R. Chesselet. NATO Conference Series IV: Marine Sciences, pp. 159-172 (1983).
Wong, C.S., E.D. Goldberg, K.W. Bruland, E. Boyle, and D. Burton. Editors of the book Trace Metals in Seawater, NATO Conference Series IV, Marine Sciences (1983).
Bruland, K.W. and R.P. Franks. Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Cd in the Western North Atlantic. Trace Metals in Seawater. Eds. C.S. Wong, K.W. Bruland, E. Boyle, D. Burton and E.D. Goldberg. NATO Conference Series IV; Marine Sciences, pp. 395-414 (1983).
Bruland, K.W. Trace elements in sea water. In Chemical Oceanography, Vol. 8, eds. J.P. Riley and R. Chester, Acad. Press, pp. 157-220, Chapter 45 (1983).
Martin, J., K.W. Bruland, and W. Broenkow. Cadmium transport in the California current. In Marine Pollutant Transfer, eds. H.L. Windom and R.A. Duce, pp. 159-184 (1976).
Bruland, K.W. and E.D. Goldberg. Radioactive geochronologies. In The Sea, Vol. 5, eds E.D. Goldberg, Wiley and Sons, pp. 451-489 (1974).
Papers in preparation
Lohan et al.
Lippiatt et al.
Brown et al.
Fiechter, J., A.M. Moore, H.G. Arango, and K.W. Bruland. Iron limitation and diatom Si:N uptake ratios in the coastal Gulf of Alaska. For submission to Geophysical Research Letters.
Lawrence, M.G., M.C. Lohan, K. Balz and K.W. Bruland. Dissolved cerium and iron in the Columbia River plume – the importance of shelf interactions, and their broader implications. For submission to Geophysical Research Letters
Papers Submitted and Under Review
Lippiatt, S.M., M.T. Brown, M.C. Lohan, C.J.M. Berger and K.W. Bruland. Leachable particulate iron in the Columbia River, estuary, and near-field plume. Submitted to Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, June 2009.
Silver, M.S., S. Bargu, S.L. Coale, C.R. Benitez-Nelson, A.C. Garcia, K.J. Roberts, E.S. Wood, K.W. Bruland and K.H. Coale. Natural and iron-fertilized oceanic communities contain toxic algae. Submitted to , July 2009.
Hurst, M.P., A.M. Aguilar-Islas, and K.W. Bruland. Iron in the southeastern Bering Sea: Elevated leachable particulate Fe in shelf bottom waters as an important source for surface waters. Submitted to Continental Shelf Research, June 2009.
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 6 Papers Accepted and in Press
Hickey, B.M., R.M. Kudela, J.D. Nash, K.W. Bruland, W.T. Peterson, P. MacCready, E.J. Lessard, D.A. Jay, N.S. Banas, A. M. Baptista, E.P. Dever, P.M. Kosro, L.K. Kilcher, A.R. Horner-Devine, E.D. Zaron, R. M. McCabe, J.O. Peterson, P.M. Orton, J. Pan, and M.C. Lohan. River influences on shelf ecosystems: Introduction and synthesis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, accepted August 2009; doi:10.1029/2009JC005452 (2009).
Rovegno, P.S., C.A. Edwards and K.W. Bruland. Observations of a Kenai Eddy and a Sitka Eddy in the Northern Gulf of Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, accepted July 2009, doi:10.1029/2009JC005451 (2009).
Published Papers
Brown, M.T. and K.W. Bruland. Dissolved and particulate aluminum in the Columbia River and coastal waters of Oregon and Washington: behavior in near-field and far-field plumes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2009.05.031, vol. 84: 171-185 (2009).
Fiechter, J., A.M. Moore, C.A. Edwards, K.W. Bruland, E. DiLorenzo, C.V.W. Lewis, T.M. Powell, E.N. Curchitser, and K. Hedstrom. Modeling iron limitation of primary production in the coastal Gulf of Alaska. Deep Sea Research II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.02.010 (2009).
Bruland, K.W., M.C. Lohan, A.M. Aguilar-Islas, G.J. Smith, B. Sohst and A. Baptista. Factors influencing the chemistry of the near-field Columbia River plume: nitrate, silicic acid, dissolved Fe and dissolved Mn. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 113: doi:10.1029/2007JC004702 (2008).
Berger, C.J.M., S.M. Lippiatt, M.G. Lawrence and K.W. Bruland. The application of a chemical leach technique for estimating labile particulate aluminum, iron, and manganese in the Columbia River plume and coastal waters off Oregon and Washington. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 113: C00B01, doi:10.1029/2007JC004703 (2008).
Lohan, M.C. and K.W. Bruland. Elevated Fe(II) and dissolved Fe in hypoxic shelf waters off Oregon and Washington: an enhanced source of iron to coastal upwelling regimes. Environmental Science and Technology, 42(17): 6462-6468, DOI: 10.1021/es800144j (2008).
Brown, M.T. and K.W. Bruland. An improved flow injection analysis method for the determination of dissolved aluminum in seawater. Limnology & Oceanography: Methods, 6: 87- 95 (2008).
Hurst, M.P. and K.W. Bruland. The effects of the San Francisco Bay plume on trace metal and nutrient distributions in the Gulf of the Farallones. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72: 395- 411 (2008).
Black, F.J., K.W. Bruland and A.R. Flegal. Competing ligand exchange-solid phase extraction method for the determination of the complexation of dissolved inorganic mercury(II) in natural waters. Analytical Chimica Acta, 598: 318-333 (2007).
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 7 Buck, K.N. and K.W. Bruland. The physico-chemical speciation of dissolved iron in the Bering Sea, Alaska. Limnology and Oceanography, 52(5): 1800-1808 (2007).
Aguilar-Islas, A.M., M.P. Hurst, K.N. Buck, B. Sohst, G.J. Smith, M.C. Lohan and K.W. Bruland. Micro- and macronutrients in the southeastern Bering Sea: Insight into iron-replete and iron-deplete regimes. Progress in Oceanography, 73(2): 99-126 (2007).
Buck, K.N., M.C. Lohan, C.J.M. Berger and K.W. Bruland. Dissolved iron speciation in two distinct river plumes and an estuary: Implications for riverine iron supply. Limnology and Oceanography, 52(2): 843-855 (2007).
Johnson, K., E. Boyle, K. Bruland, K. Coale, C. Measures, J. Moffett, A. Aguilar-Islas, K. Barbeau, B. Bergquist, A. Bowie, K. Buck, Y. Cai, Z. Chase, J. Cullen, T. Doi, V. Elrod, S. Fitzwater, M. Gordon, A. King, P. Laan, L. Baquer, W. Landing, M. Lohan, J. Mendez, A. Milne, H. Obata, L. Ossiander, J. Plant, G. Sarthou, P. Sedwick, G. Smith, B. Sohst, S. Tanner, S. Van den Berg, J. Wu. Developing standards for dissolved iron in seawater. EOS, 88: 131-132 (2007).
Hurst, M.P. and K.W. Bruland. An investigation into the exchange of iron and zinc between soluble, colloidal, and particulate size-fractions in shelf waters using low-abundance isotopes as tracers in shipboard incubation experiments. Marine Chemistry, 103: 211-226 (2007).
Buck, K.N., J.Ross, K.W. Bruland and A.R. Flegal. A review of total dissolved copper and its chemical speciation in San Francisco Bay, CA. Environmental Research, 105(1): 5-19 (2007).
Kudela, R.M., N. Garfield and K.W. Bruland. Bio-optical signatures and biogeochemistry from intense upwelling and relaxation in coastal California. Deep-Sea Research II, 53: 2999-3022 (2006).
Bruland, K.W. A review of the chemistries of redox sensitive elements within suboxic zones of oxygen minimum regions. Gayana, 70: 6-13 (2006).
Lohan, M.C., A.M. Aguilar-Islas and K.W. Bruland. Direct determination of iron in acidified (pH 1.7) seawater samples by flow injection analysis with catalytic spectrophotometric detection: Application and intercomparison. Limnology & Oceanography: Methods, 4: 164-171 (2006).
Aguilar-Islas, A.M. and K.W. Bruland. Dissolved manganese and silicic acid in the Columbia River plume: A major source to the California Current and coastal waters off Washington and Oregon. Marine Chemistry, 101: 233-247 (2006).
Hickey, B.M, A. MacFadyen, W.P. Cochlan, R.M. Kudela, K.W. Bruland, and C.R. Trick. Evolution of chemical, biological and physical water properties in the Northern California Current in 2005: Remote or local wind forcing? Geophysical Research Letters, 33: L22S02, doi:10.1029/2006GL026782, (2006).
Aguilar-Islas, A.M., J. Reising, and K.W. Bruland. Catalytically enhanced spectrophotometric determination of manganese in seawater by flow-injection analysis with a commercially
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 8 available resin for on-line preconcentration. Limnology & Oceanography: Methods, 4: 105-113 (2006).
Lohan, M.C. and K.W. Bruland. Importance of vertical mixing for additional sources of nitrate and iron to surface waters of the Columbia River plume: Implications for biology. Marine Chemistry, 98: 260-273 (2006).
Leblanc, K., C.E. Hare, P.W. Boyd, K.W. Bruland, B. Sohst, S. Pickmere, M.C. Lohan, K.N. Buck, M. Ellwood and D.A. Hutchins. Fe and Zn effects on the Si cycle and diatom community structure in two contrasting high and low-silicate HNLC areas. Deep-Sea Research I, 52: 1842- 1864 (2005).
DiTullio, G.R., M.E. Geesey, J.M. Maucher, M.B. Alm, S.F. Riseman, and K.W. Bruland. Influence of iron on algal community composition and physiological status in the Peru upwelling system. Limnol. & Oceanogr., 50: 1887-1907 (2005).
Hurst, M.P. and K.W. Bruland. The use of Nafion-coated thin mercury film electrodes for the determination of the dissolved copper speciation in estuarine waters. Analyitica Chimica Acta, 546: 68-78 (2005).
Buck, K.N. and K.W. Bruland. Copper speciation in San Francisco Bay: a novel approach using multiple analytical windows. Marine Chemistry, 96: 185-198 (2005).
Hare, C.E., G.R. DiTullio, C.G. Trick, S. Wilhelm, K.W. Bruland, E.L. Rue, D.A. Hutchins. Phytoplankton community structure changes following simulated upwelled iron inputs in the Peru Upwelling region. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 38: 269-282 (2005).
Franck, V.M., G. Smith, K.W. Bruland, and Mark A. Brzezinski. Comparison of size-dependent carbon, nitrate and silicic acid uptake rates in high- and low-iron waters. Limnology and Oceanography, 50: 825-838 (2005).
Ndungu, K., M.P. Hurst, and K.W. Bruland. Comparison of copper speciation in estuarine water measured using analytical voltammetry and supported liquid membrane techniques. Environmental Science and Technology, 39: 3166-3175 (2005).
Lohan, M.C., A.M. Aguilar-Islas, R.P. Franks and K.W. Bruland. Determination of iron and copper in seawater at pH 1.7 with a new commercially available chelating resin, NTA Superflow. Analytica Chimica Acta, 530: 121-129 (2005).
Bruland, K.W., E.L. Rue, G.J. Smith and G.R. DiTullio. Iron, macronutrients and diatom blooms in the Peru Upwelling regime: Brown and blue waters of Peru. Marine Chemistry, 93: 81-103 (2005).
Eldridge, M.L., C.G. Trick, M. Alm, G.R. DiTullio, E.L. Rue, K.W. Bruland, D.A. Hutchins, S.W. Wilhelm. The response of the marine phytoplankton community to a manipulation of bioavailable iron in HNLC waters of the Subtropical Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 35: 79-91 (2004).
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 9 Barbeau, K., E.L. Rue, C.G. Trick, K.W. Bruland and A. Butler. The photochemical reactivity of siderophores produced by marine heterotrophic bacteria and cyanobacteria, based on characteristic iron(III)-binding groups. Limnology and Oceanography, 48; 1069-1078 (2003).
Firme, G.F., Rue, E.L., Weeks, D.A., Bruland, K.W. and Hutchins, D.A. Spatial and temporal variability in phytoplankton iron limitation along the California coast and consequences for Si, N, and C biogeochemistry. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 17(1):10.1029/2001GB001824 (2003).
Hudson, R.J.M., E.L. Rue, and K.W. Bruland. Modeling complexometric titrations of natural water samples. Environ. Sci. Technol., 37: 1553 –1562 (2003).
Franck V.M., K.W. Bruland, D.A. Hutchins, and M.A. Brzezinski. Iron and zinc effects on silicic acid and nitrate uptake kinetics in three high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) regions. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 252: 15-33 (2003).
Ndung’u, K., R.P. Franks, K.W. Bruland and A.R. Flegal. Organic complexation and total dissolved trace metal analysis in estuarine waters: Comparison of solvent-extraction GFAAS and chelating resin flow injection ICP-MS analysis. Analytica Chimica Acta, 481: 127-138 (2003).
Beck, N.G. , E.L. Rue and K.W. Bruland. Short-Term Biogeochemical Influence of a Diatom Bloom on the Nutrient and Trace Metal Concentrations in a South San Francisco Bay Microcosm Experiment. Estuaries, 25: 1063-1076 (2002).
Gee, A.K. and K.W. Bruland. Tracing Ni, Cu and Zn kinetics and equilibrium partitioniing between dissolved and particulate phases in South San Francisco Bay, CA, using stable isotopes and HR-ICPMS. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 66: 3062-3082 (2002).
Hutchins, D.A., C.E. Hare, R.S. Weaver, Y. Zhang, G.F. Firme, G.R. DiTullio, M.B. Alm, S.F. Riseman, J.M. Maucher, M.E. Geesey, C.G. Trick, G.J. Smith, E.L. Rue, J. Conn, and K.W. Bruland. Phytoplankton Fe limitation in the Humboldt Current and Peru Upwelling system. Limnology and Oceanography, 47: 997-1011 (2002).
Beck, N.G., R.P. Franks and K.W. Bruland. Analysis for Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn and Mn in estuarine water by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry coupled with an automated flow injection system. Analytica Chimica Acta, 455: 11-22 (2002).
Weeks, D.A. and K.W. Bruland. An improved flow injection analysis method for the determination of iron in seawater. Analytica Chimica Acta, 453: 21-32 (2002).
Roitz, J.S., A. R. Flegal, and K.W. Bruland. The biogeochemical cycling of manganese in San Francisco Bay: Temporal and spatial variations in surface water concentrations. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 54: 227-239 (2002).
Bruland, K.W., E.L. Rue and G.J. Smith. The influence of iron and macronutrients in coastal upwelling regimes off central California: implications for extensive blooms of large diatoms. Limnology and Oceanography, 46: 1661-1674 (2001).
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 10 Macrellis, H.M., C.G. Trick, E.L. Rue, G. Smith and K.W. Bruland. Collection and detection of natural iron-binding ligands from seawater. Marine Chemistry, 76: 175-187 (2001).
Rue, E.L. and K.W. Bruland. Domoic acid binds iron and copper: a possible role for the toxin produced by the marine diatom Pseudo-nitzchia. Marine Chemistry, 76: 127-134 (2001).
Barbeau, K., E.L. Rue, K.W. Bruland and A. Butler. Photochemical cycling of iron in the surface ocean mediated by microbial iron(III)-binding ligands. Nature, 413: 409-413 (2001).
Beck, N.G., A.T. Fisher and K.W. Bruland. Modeling water, heat and oxygen budgets in a tidally dominated estuarine pond. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 217: 43-58 (2001).
Kirchman, D. L., B. Meon, M.T. Cottrell, D.A. Hutchins, D. Weeks, and K.W. Bruland. Carbon versus iron limitation of bacterial growth in the California upwelling regime. Limnology & Oceanography, 45: 1681-1688. (2000).
Beck, N.G. and K.W. Bruland. Diel biogeochemical cycling in a hyperventilating estuarine environment. Estuaries, 23:177-187. (2000).
Bruland, K.W., E.L. Rue, J.R. Donat, S. Skabal and J.W. Moffett. An intercomparison of voltametric approaches to determine the chemical speciation of dissolved copper in a coastal seawater sample. Analytica Chimica Acta, 405: 99-113. (2000).
Wells, M.L., G.L. Smith and K.W. Bruland. The distribution of colloidal and particulate bioactive metals in Narragansett Bay, R.I. Marine Chemistry , 71:143-163. (2000).
Hutchins, D.A., V.M. Frank, M.A. Brzezinski and K.W. Bruland. Inducing phytoplankton iron limitation in iron replete coastal waters with a strong chelating ligand. Limnology and Oceanography, 44:1009-1018. (1999).
Wells, M.L. and K.W. Bruland. An improved method for rapid preconcentration and determination of bioactive trace metals in seawater using solid phase extraction and high resolution inductivity coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Marine Chemistry, 63:145-153. (1998).
Hutchins, D.A., G.R. DiTullio, Y. Zhang and K.W. Bruland. An iron limitation mosaic in the California upwelling regime. Limnology and Oceanography, 43:1037-1054. (1998).
Wells, M.L., P.B. Kozelka and K.W. Bruland. The complexation of ‘dissolved’ Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb by soluble and colloidal organic matter in Narragansett Bay, RI. Marine Chemistry, 62:203- 218. (1998).
Kozelka, P.B. and K.W. Bruland. Chemical speciation of dissolved Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. Marine Chemistry, Vol. 60:267-282. (1998).
Hutchins, D.A and K.W. Bruland. Iron-limited diatom growth and Si:N uptake in a coastal upwelling regime. Nature, Vol. 393:561-564. (1998).
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 11 Rue, E.L. and K.W. Bruland. The role of organic complexation on ambient iron chemistry in the equatorial Pacific ocean and the response of a mesoscale iron addition experiment. Limnology & Oceanography, Vol. 42:901-910. (1997).
Miller, L.A. and K.W. Bruland. Competitive equilibration techniques for determining transition metal speciation in natural waters: Evaluation using model data. Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 343:161-181. (1997).
Roitz, J.S. and K.W. Bruland. Determination of dissolved manganese (II) in estuarine and coastal waters, by differential pulse cathodic stripping voltammetry. Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 344:175-180 (1997).
Phinney, J.T. and K.W. Bruland. Trace metal exchange in solution by the fungicides Ziram and Maneb (dithiocarbamates) and subsequent uptake of the lipophilic organic Zn, Cu and Pb complexes into phytoplankton cells. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 16:2046- 2053 (1997).
Kozelka, P.B., S. Sañudo-wilhelmy, A.R. Flegal and K.W. Bruland. Physico-chemical speciation of lead in South San Francisco Bay. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 44:649-658 (1997).
Rue, E. L., G. J. Smith, G.A. Cutter and K.W. Bruland, The response of trace element redox couples to suboxic conditions in the water column. Deep Sea Research, Vol. 44:113-134 (1997).
Phinney, J.T. and K.W. Bruland. Effects of diethyldithiocarbamate and 8-hydroxyquinoline additions on algal uptake of ambient Cu and Ni in South San Francisco Bay Water, Estuaries, Vol. 20:66-76 (1997).
Miller, L.A. and K.W. Bruland. Organic speciation of silver in marine waters. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 29:2616-2621 (1995).
Rue, E. L. and K.W. Bruland. Complexation of Iron (III) by natural organic ligands in the Central North Pacific as determined by a new competitive ligand equilibration/adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry method, Marine Chemistry, Vol. 50:117-138 (1995).
Hutchins, D.A. and K.W. Bruland. Fe, Zn, Mn and N transfer between size classes in a coastal phytoplankton community: Trace metal and major nutrient recycling compared. Journal of Marine Research, Vol 53:1-18 (1995).
Wells, M.L., N.M. Price and K.W. Bruland. Iron chemistry in seawater and its relationship to phytoplankton; A workshop report. Marine Chemistry, Vol. 48:157-182 (1995).
Wells, M.L., N.M. Price and K.W. Bruland. Iron limitation and the cyanobacterium Synechococcus in equatorial Pacific waters. Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 39:1481-1486 (1994).
Bruland, K.W., K.J. Orians, and J.P. Cowen. Reactive trace metals in the stratified central North Pacific. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 58:3171-3182 (1994).
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 12 Hutchins, D.A. and K.W. Bruland. Grazer-mediated regeneration and assimilation of Fe, Zn, and Mn from planktonic prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 110:259-269 (1994).
Phinney, J.T. and K.W. Bruland. Uptake of lipophilic organic Cu, Cd, and Pb complexes in the coastal diatom, Thalassiosira Weissflogii. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 28: 1781-1790 (1994).
Donat, J.R., K.A. Lao and K.W. Bruland. Speciation of dissolved copper and nickel in South San Francisco Bay: A Multi-method approach. Analytica Chimica Acta. Vol. 284:557-572 (1994).
Miller, L.A. and K.W. Bruland. Determination of copper speciation in marine waters by competitive ligand equilibration/liquid-liquid extraction: An evaluation of the technique. Analytica Chimica Acta. Vol. 284:573-586 (1994).
DiTullio, G.R., D.A. Hutchins and K.W. Bruland. Interaction of iron and major nutrients controls phytoplankton growth and species composition in the tropical North Pacific Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography. Vol. 38:495-508 (1993).
Hutchins, D.A., G.R. DiTullio and K.W. Bruland. Iron and regenerated production: Evidence for biological iron recycling. Limnology and Oceanography. Vol. 38:1242-1255 (1993).
Bruland, K.W. Complexation of cadmium by natural organic ligands in the central North Pacific. Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 37:1008-1017 (1992).
Bruland, K.W., J.R. Donat, and D.T. Hutchins. Interactive influences of bioactive trace metals on biological production in oceanic waters. Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 36:1555-1577 (1991).
Anderson, L.A. and K.W. Bruland. Biogeochemistry of arsenic in natural waters: The importance of methylated species. Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 25: 420-427 (1991).
Orians, K.J., E.A. Boyle, and K.W. Bruland. Dissolved titanium in the open ocean. Nature, Vol. 348: 322-325 (1990).
Gill, G.A. and K.W. Bruland. Mercury speciation in surface freshwater systems in California and other areas. Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 24: 1392-1400 (1990).
Capodaglio, G., K.H. Coale, and K.W. Bruland. Lead speciation in surface waters of the eastern North Pacific. Marine Chemistry, Vol. 29: 221-233 (1990).
Coale, K.H. and K.W. Bruland. Spatial and temporal variability in copper complexation in the North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research, Vol. 37: 317-336 (1990).
Donat, J.R. and K.W. Bruland. A comparison of two voltammetric techniques for determining zinc speciation in northeast Pacific Ocean waters. Marine Chemistry, Vol. 28: 301-323 (1990).
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 13 Bruland, K.W. Complexation of zinc by natural organic ligands in the central North Pacific. Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 34: 267-283 (1989).
Bruland, K.W., P.K. Bienfang, J.K.B. Bishop, G. Eglinton, V.A.W. Ittekkot, R. Lampitt, M. Sarnthein, J. Sarnthein, J. Thiede, J.J. Walsh, G. Wefer. Group Report, Flux to the sea floor. In Productivity of the Ocean: Present and Past. Eds. W. Berger, V. Smetacek, and G. Wefer. Dahlem Workshop Report LS 44. Wiley & Sons, pp. 193-216 (1989).
Orians, K.J. and K.W. Bruland. The marine geochemistry of dissolved gallium: a comparison with dissolved aluminum. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 52: 1-8 (1988).
Coale, K.H. and K.W. Bruland.. Copper complexation in the Northeast Pacific, Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 33: 1084-1101 (1988).
Orians, K.J. and K.W. Bruland. Dissolved gallium in the open ocean, Nature, Vol. 332: 717-719 (1988).
Donat, J.R. and K.W. Bruland. Direct determination of dissolved cobalt and nickel in sea water by differential pulse cathodic stripping voltammetry preceded by adsorptive collection of their nioxime complexes, Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 60: 240-244 (1988).
Bruland, K.W. Trace element speciation: organometallic compounds and metal-organic ligand complexes. Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 3: 75 (1988).
Cooke, T.D. and K.W. Bruland. Aquatic chemistry of selenium: Evidence of biomethylation, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 21: 1214-1219 (1987).
Landing, W.M. and K. W. Bruland. The contrasting biogeochemistry of iron and manganese in the Pacific Ocean, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 51: 29-43 (1987).
Coale, K. H. and K. W. Bruland. Oceanic stratified euphotic zone as elucidated by 234Th/238U disequilibria. Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 32: 189-200 (1987).
Brewer, P.G., K.W. Bruland, R.W. Eppley, and J.J. McCarthy. The Global Ocean Flux Study (GOFS): Status of the U.S. GOFS Program. EOS, Vol.67: 827-832, 835-837 (1986).
Orians, K.J. and K. W. Bruland. The biogeochemistry of aluminum in the Pacific Ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 78: 397-410 (1986).
Williams, R. W., J. Gill, and K. W. Bruland. Ra-Th disequilibria systematics: Timescale of carbonatite magma formation at Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano, Tanzania. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 50: 1249-1260 (1986).
Donat, J. R., P. J. Statham, and K. W. Bruland. An evaluation of a C-18 solid phase extraction technique for isolating metal-organic complexes from central North Pacific ocean waters. Marine Chemistry, Vol. 18: 85-99 (1986).
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 14 Lee, D. S., J. Edmond and K. W. Bruland. Bismuth in the Atlantic and North Pacific: A natural analogue to plutonium and lead? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 76: 254-262 (1985/86).
DeBaar, H., M. Bacon, P. Brewer and K.W. Bruland. Rare earth elements in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 49:1943-1959 (1985).
Bruland, K. W., K. H. Coale and L. Mart. Analysis of seawater for dissolved cadmium, copper, and lead: An intercomparison of voltammetric and atomic absorption methods. Marine Chemistry, Vol. 17: 285-300 (1985).
Orians, K. and K. W. Bruland. Dissolved aluminum in the central North Pacific. Nature, Vol. 316, pp. 427-429 (1985).
Cowen, J. and K. W. Bruland. Metal deposits associated with bacteria: Implications for Fe and Mn marine biogeochemistry. Deep Sea Research, Vol. 32:253-272 (1985).
Coale, K. H. and D. W. Bruland. 234Th/238U disequilibria within the California Current. Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 30: 22-33 (1985).
Cutter G. and K.W. Bruland. The marine chemistry of selenium: a reevaluation. Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 29: 1179-1192 (1985).
Gill, J., R. Williams and K. W. Bruland. Eruption of basalt and andesite lava degasses 222Rn and 210Po. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 12: 17-20 (1985).
Bruland, K.W. and M.W. Silver. Sinking rates of fecal pellets from gelatinous zooplankton (salps, pteropods, doliolids). Marine Biology. Vol. 63:295-300 (1981).
Silver, M.W. and K.W. Bruland. Differential feeding and fecal pellet composition of salps and pteropods and the possible origin of the deep-water flora and olive green cells. Marine Biology. Vol. 62: 263-273 (1981).
Bruland, K.W., R.P. Franks, W.M. Landing, and A. Soutar. Southern California Inner Basin sediment trap calibration. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 53: 400-408 (1981).
Moore, J.C., K.W. Bruland, and Michel. Fluxes of uranium and thorium series isotopes in the Santa Barbara Basin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 53: 391-399 (1981).
Landing, W.M. and K.W. Bruland. Manganese in the North Pacific. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 49: 45-46 (1980).
Bruland, K.W. Oceanographic distributions of Cd, Zn, Cu, and Ni in the North Pacific. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 47: 176-198 (1980).
Cutter, G., K.W. Bruland, and R. Risebrough. Deposition and Accumulation of Plutonium Isotopes in Antarctica. Nature, Vol. 279, No. 5714, pp. 628-629 (1979).
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 15 Bruland, K.W., R.P. Franks, G. Knauer and J. Martin. Sampling and analytical methods for the determination of copper, cadmium, zinc, and nickel in seawater. Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 105: 233-245 (1979).
Knauer, G., J. Martin and K.W. Bruland. Fluxes of particulate carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the upper water column of the north Pacific. Deep-Sea Research, Vol. 26, No. 1A, pp. 97-108 (1979).
Bruland, K.W., G. Knauer, and J. Martin. Cadmium in Northeast Pacific waters. Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 23: 618-625 (1978).
Bruland, K.W., G. Knauer, and J. Martin. Zinc in Northeast Pacific waters. Nature, Vol. 271: 741-743 (1978).
Soutar, A., S. Kling, P. Crill, E. Duffrin, and K.W. Bruland. Monitoring the marine environment through sedimentation. Nature, Vol. 266: 136-139 (1977).
Koide, M., K.W. Bruland and E.D. Goldberg. Radium-226 Chronology of a coastal marine sediment. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 31: 31-36 (1976).
Bruland, K.W. and M. Koide. The electrodeposition and determination of radium by isotopic dilution in seawater and sediments simultaneously with other natural radionuclides Analytica Chimica Acta, 75, 1-19 (1975).
Bruland, K.W., M. Koide, C. Bowser, L.J. Maher and E.D. Goldberg. Lead-210 and pollen geochronologies on Lake Superior sediments. Quaternary Research, 5: 89-98 (1975).
Bruland, K.W., K. Bertine, M. Koide, and E.D. Goldberg. History of metal pollution in Southern California coastal zone. Environmental Science & Technology, 8: 425-432 (1974).
Chow, T.J., K.W. Bruland, K. Bertine, A. Soutar, M. Koide, and E.D. Goldberg. Lead Pollution: records in Southern California coastal sediments. Science, Vol. 181: 551 (1973).
Koide, M., K.W. Bruland, and E.D. Goldberg. Th-228/Th-232 and Pb-210 Geochronologies in marine and lake sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 37: 1171 (1973).
Present Ph.D. Candidate Supervisor
2008–present Dondra Billar, Ocean Sciences. Dondra is making excellent progress beginning her second year as a Ph.D. graduate student.
2006-present Sherry Lippiatt, Advanced to Candidacy in 2009, Ocean Sciences. Won the Knauss Fellowship to spend 2010 in Washington DC working with NOAA or EPA on policy issues. Will finish her Ph.D. when she returns in winter quarter 2011.
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 16 2005-present Matthew Brown, Advanced to Candidacy in 2008, Ocean Sciences. Won the Outstanding Ocean Sciences Graduate Student Award for 2009. Matt will finish and graduate in Fall quarter 2009.
Ph.D. Theses Awarded where Bruland was the supervisor and source of funds
2007 Ana Aguilar-Islas “Sources and processes controlling dissolved manganese in the eastern boundary regions of the North Pacific and Bering Sea, and an insight into the iron-replete and iron-deplete regimes of the Bering Sea” Ocean Sciences Ph.D. thesis. Currently an Assitant Professor at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
2006 Kristen Buck “The application of a modified CLE-ACSV method to dissolved copper and iron speciation in the coastal marine environment.” Ocean Sciences Ph.D. thesis. Earned the Outstanding Ocean Sciences Graduate Student award for 2006. Currently an Assistant Research Scientist at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences.
2005 Matthew Hurst “Physical and chemical speciation of trace metals in estuarine and shelf water systems: San Francisco Bay, Gulf of the Farallones and the Bering Sea.” Chemistry Ph.D. thesis. Currently an Assistant Professor, Dept of Chemistry, Humboldt State University.
2002 Allison Gee “Tracing Ni, Cu and Zn kinetics and equilibrium partitioniing between dissolved and particulate phases in South San Francisco Bay, CA, using stable isotopes and HR-ICPMS.” Earth Sciences, Ph.D. thesis. Currently a staff scientist at the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve.
2001 Debra Weeks “Detection of iron and resolution of iron forms in the coastal oceans,” Chemistry, Ph.D. thesis. Currently an assistant professor at the University of Hawaii, Hilo.
2001 Nicole G. Beck, “Biogeochemical cycling in estuarine environments of the central California coast”, Earth Sciences, Ph.D. thesis. Currently CEO of her own environmental company - 2nd Nature.
1996 Peter B. Kozelka, “Chemical speciation of copper, lead, cadmium and zinc in estuarine and coastal waters: Investigating organic complexation in size fractionated samples”, Chemistry Ph.D. thesis. Currently a Program Manager, California EPA.
1995 Eden L. Rue, “Complexation of iron (III) by natural organic ligands in the central north pacific and the equatorial pacific: A revaluation of oceanic iron chemistry”, Chemistry Ph.D. thesis. Currently on child-bearing leave of absence, formerly Assistant Professor at CSU Monterey Bay.
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 17 1995 Jonathan T. Phinney, “Uptake of lipohilic organic metal (Cu, Cd, Pb, Ni and Zn) complexes by the coastal diatom, Thalassiosira weissflogii”, Biology Ph.D. thesis.
Currently a Senior Marine Scientist, NOAA Research Center, National Marine Fisheries Lab, La Jolla, CA.
1994 David A. Hutchins, “Regeneration and recycling of biologically-required trace metals by marine plankton communities”, Biology Ph.D. thesis. Currently a Professor, University of Southern California.
1994 Lisa A. Miller, “Trace metal speciation in marine waters by competitive ligand equilibration/solvent extractions: Theory and practice”, Chemistry Ph.D. thesis. Currently a Senior Scientist, Centre for Ocean Climate Chemistry, Institute Of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, British Columbia.
1989 Linda C.D. Anderson, "Trace element speciation in fresh waters: (1) Technique development for determining Zinc-organic ligand complexation, (2) Arsenic speciation and redox cycling in a seasonally anoxic lake", Earth Sciences Ph.D. thesis. Currently a Staff Research Associate, IMS, UCSC.
1988 Kristin J. Orians, "The marine geochemistry of hydrolysis elements, aluminum and gallium", Chemistry Ph.D. thesis. Currently a Professor, joint appointments in the Department of Oceanography and Chemistry, University of British Columbia.
1988 John R. Donat, "Trace metals in seawater: The simultaneous determination of cobalt and nickel and a field comparison of techniques for determining organic complexation of copper and zinc", Chemistry Ph.D. thesis. Currently a Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Old Dominion University.
1988 Kenneth H. Coale, "Copper complexation in the North Pacific Ocean", Biology Ph.D. thesis. Currently a Professor and Director, Moss Landing Marine Labs.
1983 William M. Landing, "The biogeochemistry of manganese and iron in the Pacific Ocean", Chemistry Ph.D. thesis. Currently a Professor of Environmental Chemistry and Oceanography, Florida State University.
1983 James Cowen, "Iron and manganese depositing bacteria in the Pacific", Biology Ph.D. thesis. Currently a Professor, School of Oceanography and Environment, University of Hawaii, Manoa.
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 18 1982 Greg Cutter, "Processes affecting the distribution and speciation of selenium in seawater", Chemistry Ph.D. thesis. Currently a Professor, Department of Oceanography, Old Dominion University.
Masters Thesis Advisor
2006 Carolyn Berger, “Application of a chemical leach technique for estimating labile particulate trace metals in the Columbia River plume and coastal waters off Oregon and Washington,” M.S. Ocean Sciences.
2002 Laura Lessin, “Spatial variability of copper speciation in San Francisco Bay,” M.S. Marine Sciences.
1999 Heather M. Macrellis, “Isolation of natural organic iron-binding ligands from the California coastal upwelling system,” M.S. Marine Sciences.
1998 Sibel Bargu, “Cadmium and zinc complexation with coastal diatom cell surface sites in seawater”, M.S. in Marine Sciences.
1997 John S. Roitz, “The determination of dissolved manganese (II) in coastal and estuarine waters by differential pulse cathodic stripping voltammetry and the biogeochemicl cycling of manganese in San Francisco Bay: Seasonal and spatial variation”, M.S. Marine Sciences.
1996 Emily Giambalvo, “KINETQL”, M.S. Marine Sciences.
1996 Marta P. Sanderson, “ After iron, what are the next limiting nutrients in the HNLC region of the equatorial Pacific?”, M.S. Marine Sciences.
1996 Sean M. Wallace, “Supported liquid membranes with macrocyclic carriers: mimicking the metal uptake mechanisms of micro-organisms for determinization of metal speciation”, M.S. Marine Sciences.
1995 Robin Grossinger, “ Historical evidence of freshwater effects on the plan form of tidal marshlands in the Golden Gate Estuary”, M.S. Marine Sciences.
1992 Kathy Lao, "The chemical speciation of copper, nickel, cadmium and zinc in the South San Francisco Bay: A multi-method approach", M.S. Marine Sciences.
1985 Terrance D. Cooke, "Aquatic speciation of selenium: evidence of biomethylation in the Kesterson Reservoir", M.S. Marine Sciences.
1984 Marilyn Arsenault, "High performance liquid chromatographic separation of trace metals in seawater", M.S. Marine Sciences.
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 19 1980 Co-Thesis Advisor for Teri Leslie, "238U - 230Th Chronology of a Basalt from Red Mountain, CA".
Post Doctoral Scholars supervised
2007-2008 Michael Lawrence - Returned to Australia for a 2nd post doc position
2003-2005 Maeve C. Lohan - Senior Lecturer, Plymouth University, UK.
2001-2003 Kuria Ndungu –a research faculty position at the University of Stockholm, Sweden.
2000-2001 Eden L. Rue, on leave raising two children
1993-1996 Robert Hudson, Associate Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana
1986-1988 Gary Gill, Professor at Texas A&M University
Mark Wells, Professor at the University of Maine
TEACHING since 2000
Quarter Course Number Course Name Enrollment / Shared?/%
TEACHING 2008-2009
Spring 2009 OCEA290 Topics in Chem Oceanography 7 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
Winter 2009 OCEA01 The Oceans 168 OCEA220 Chemical Oceanography 14 OCEA299 Thesis Research 3
Fall 2008 OCEA299 Thesis Research 3
TEACHING 2007-2008
Spring 2008 OCEA290 Topics in Chem Oceanography 5 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
Winter 2008 OCEA220 Chemical Oceanography 22 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
Fall 2007 OCEA120 Aquatic Chemistry 18 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 20 TEACHING 2006-2007 (On sabbatical)
Spring 2007 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
Winter 2007 OCEA299 Thesis Research 3
Fall 2006 OCEA299 Thesis Research 4
TEACHING 2005-2006 (One quarter teaching relief for serving as Dept. Chair)
Spring 2006 CHEM199 Tutorial 2 OCEA120 Aquatic Chemistry 12 OCEA290 Topics in Chem Oceanography 4 OCEA299 Thesis Research 4
Winter 2006 OCEA220 Chemical Oceanography 22 OCEA299 Thesis Research 4
Fall 2005 OCEA299 Thesis Research 4
TEACHING 2004-2005 (One quarter teaching relief for serving as Dept. Chair)
Summer 2005 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
Spring 2005 CHEM299 Thesis Research 1 OCEA120 Aquatic Chemistry 10 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
Winter 2005 CHEM299 Thesis Research 1 OCEA220 Chemical Oceanography 17 OCEA299 Thesis Research 3
Fall 2004 CHEM299 Thesis Research 1 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
TEACHING 2003-2004 (One quarter teaching relief for serving as Dept. Chair)
Spring 2004 CHEM299 Thesis Research 1 OCEA 88A World’s Oceans 16 OCEA293 Grad Research Semester 19 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
Winter 2004 CHEM299 Thesis Research 1 OCEA220 Chemical Oceanography 14 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
Fall 2003 CHEM299 Thesis Research 1 EART299 Thesis Research 1
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 21 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
TEACHING 2002-2003 (One quarter teaching relief for serving as Dept. Chair)
Summer 2003 OCEA299 Thesis Research 1
Spring 2003 CHEM299 Thesis Research 1 EART299 Thesis Research 1 OCEA220 Chemical Oceanography 14 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
Winter 2003 CHEM299 Thesis Research 1 EART299 Thesis Research 1 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
Fall 2002 CHEM299 Thesis Research 1 EART299 Thesis Research 1 OCEA120 Aquatic Chemistry 16 OCEA299 Thesis Research 2
TEACHING 2001-2002 (One quarter teaching relief for serving on CAP)
Spring 2002 CHEM 180 Senior Research 1 CHEM 299 Thesis Research 2 EART 299 Thesis Research 1 OCEA 220 Chemical Oceanography 17 OCEA 299 Thesis Research 1
Winter 2002 CHEM 180 Senior Research 1 CHEM 199 Tutorial 1 CHEM 299 Thesis Research 2 EART 299 Thesis Research 1 OCEA 1 The Oceans 119 OCEA 299 Thesis Research 2
Fall 2001 CHEM 180 Senior Research 1 OCEA 299 Thesis Research 3
TEACHING 2000-2001 (one quarter teaching relief for serving on CAP)
Spring 2001 CHEM 199 Tutorial 1 CHEM 299 Thesis Research 1 EART 299 Thesis Research 2 OCEA 220 Chemical Oceanography 17 OCEA 299 Thesis Research 1
Winter 2001 CHEM 180 Senior Research 1 CHEM 299 Thesis Research 1
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 22 EART 299 Thesis Research 2 OCEA 120 Aquatic Chemistry 23 OCEA 299 Thesis Research 1
Fall 2000 CHEM 122 Instrumental Analysis 23 CHEM 299 Thesis Research 1 CHEM 301 Superv Teach Experience 2 EART 299 Thesis Research 2 OCEA 299 Thesis Research 1
TEACHING 1999-2000
Summer 2000 CHEM297 Independent Study 1
Spring 2000 CHEM 299 Thesis Research 1 EART 299 Thesis Research 2 OCEA 220 Chem Oceanography 15 OCEA 299 Thesis Research 1
Winter 2000 CHEM 299 Thesis Research 1 EART 299 Thesis Research 2 OCEA 101 Marine Environment 53 OCEA 301 Superv Teach Experience 1
Fall 1999 CHEM 122 Instrumental Analysis 14 CHEM 180B Senior Research 1 CHEM 299 Thesis Research 1 CHEM 301 Superv Teach Experience 2 EART 299 Thesis Research 2 OCEA 299 Thesis Research 2 --
KW Bruland Curriculum Vita Page 23