Swim Team Retreat
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September 10-11
Horse Thief Reservoir YCamp
www.boiseyswimteam.org 2011 Swim Team Retreat
Once again, the team’s largest and most important team building activity is here! Our retreat will be held at the new YCamp at Horse Thief Reservoir near Cascade. Please register early as space is limited. Swimmers must be current YMCA members and registered USA swimmers with the Boise Y Swim Team and must have paid September dues. The cost per swimmer this year is $60. Swimmers 8 years of age and under must have a parent accompany them on the entire weekend, and the parent is also charged the full fee for the camp.
Transportation The bus will pick up participants at both YMCA’s leaving Saturday, September 10th at 8:00 AM from the Downtown Y & at 8:40 AM from the West Y. We will arrive at camp around 11:00 AM. We will be leaving YCamp on Sunday, September 11th at 1:45pm and return at 4:00 PM to the West Y & at 4:30 PM to the Downtown Y. The bus fee for each swimmer & parent is approximately $45 (depending upon the cost of the bus and the number of passengers who ride the bus) and will be billed to your monthly statement. Swimmers who fulfilled their Aquathon participation levels will receive a subsidy of approximately half the amount. Last year kids who fulfilled their Aquathon commitment paid $20 and kids who didn’t paid $40. Parents are invited to ride the bus providing there is enough room. Parents can drive their children to the camp or carpool, but neither the YMCA nor the Swim Team can help organize private rides in any manner.
Go north on Highway 55 through Cascade. Just north of Cascade (after you cross the bridge), turn right (east) onto Warm Lake Road. Follow this road for 6 miles and watch for a sign to Horsethief Reservoir on the right. Turn right on the road and stay as straight as possible all the way to the end of the reservoir. Go past the Fish and Game campgrounds, across the spillway, past the dam up a small hill and over a cattle guard. At this point you will see a sign indicating that you are on YMCA property. Follow the road until you see the Jordan- Wilcomb construction trailer on the right. This is the site of the future parking area for the lodge and a starting point to view various areas of camp.
Lodging The YMCA’s new over-night policy requires two chaperons per room or sleeping area. We will be staying in cabins which house 14 people each. We have 4 female staff attending, so we need about 12 volunteers. Bus transportation and the camp fee will be paid by the team for all coaches and chaperons. Coaches will assign cabins & sleeping areas. What to Bring Participants need to bring a refillable water bottle, sleeping bags, pillows and a flashlight, closed toe shoes, plus pack warm clothes for the cool mornings & evenings. And don’t forget to pack sun screen, mosquito repellent, a small day pack and a tooth brush. All meals are included in the cost of the retreat. Snacks are not allowed in the cabins, but the camp store will open in the afternoons.
Sign Up Deadline September 1st You are not considered registered for camp until all paper work is returned and the $60 payment received. Only the bus transportation will be billed to accounts. A list of registered campers will be posted under the Members Tab, on the team website, as registrations are received.
Filling out the Forms Please complete, print, sign (both a parent and swimmer) and return the following forms: Retreat Registration Form Waiver and Release of Liability YMCA Code of Conduct
These forms (located below) have yellow fields that can be filled out on your computer before you print them out. The red fields are signature fields which need to be completed after you print the document. Please mail these forms, with your payment of $60.00, to the address below. Please make the checks payable to the Boise YMCA Swim Team and mail them to:
Patty Stratton 2017 S. Roosevelt Boise, Idaho 83705
The following documents are also included for your information (please do not return these documents): Policy for Dispensing Medications Chaperone Guidelines
Questions? Call Betty Cunningham at 898-0811, or Patty Stratton at 376-1135. Complete & Return to Patty Stratton Retreat Registration Form
1. Swimmer Information Name(s) Age (s) Allergies Medications taken regularly Date of Last Tetanus shot Family Doctor/Telephone Insurance Information
2. Parent Information Name Phone Number
3. Bus Information No – my child will not be riding the bus. Yes – Saturday morning from West Y Yes – Saturday morning from the Downtown Y Yes – Sunday evening to West Y Yes – Sunday evening to Downtown Y
4. Chaperon Information Any parent who graciously volunteers does need to fill out the Treasure Valley Family YMCA volunteer form and provide the necessary information for a background check, plus read the Chaperon & Travel Guidelines. Parent chaperons will not be charged the camp fee, nor for the bus ride if they take the bus. Parents accompanying their 8 and under swimmer cannot be a primary chaperon. In order to be a chaperon, the YMCA must run a background check. Please complete the Volunteer Form available on the team website and submit it to the YMCA per the form instructions
No – I will not be chaperoning this trip Yes – I would like to chaperon. Name(s)
5. Parental Permission/Releases/Acknowledgements
I give permission for my swimmers (identified above) to attend the Boise YMCA Swim Team’s Fall Retreat at Horsethief Reservoir YCamp near Cascade, September 10-11, 2011. I hereby release/consent to the Boise YMCA Swim Team’s designated chaperones to secure medical assistance for my swimmer(s) in the event of an emergency or illness. I will NOT allow my swimmer to attend if she or he is feeling ill at the time of the departure. Listed above are the allergic reactions my swimmer(s) has to food or insects and any medications my swimmer is presently taking.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: ______Date:
Parent/Legal Guardian Name (Printed):
6. Participant(s) Acknowledgements
By signing this agreement, I affirm that I have read and agree to the YMCA Code of Conduct for Boise Y Swim Team Participants, and the Swim Team Travel Code of Conduct.
Participant’s Signature: ______Date: Participant’s Name (Printed):
Complete & Return to Patty Stratton Boise YMCA Swim Team/Treasure Valley Family YMCA Waiver and Release of Liability This form must be read and signed before the participant is permitted to take part in any travel, training, competition and/or meeting sessions. By signing this agreement, the participant affirms having read it.
1. In consideration of my involvement in the sport and activities under the auspices of the Boise YMCA Swim Team and the Treasure Valley Family YMCA, and on the behalf of my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and myself, I hereby release and waive, and forever discharge the Boise YMCA Swim Team and the Treasure Valley Family YMCA sponsors, and their assigned representatives and successors from any and all claims, liabilities, actions, demands, damages, costs and expenses which I may now or in the future have against them or of them, arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in the Annual Swim Team Retreat held September 10-11, 2011 at Horse Thief Reservoir YCamp near Cascade, ID. 2. I understand that the Release and Waiver includes, but is not limited to any claims that are used on any alleged negligence or other action or inaction on the above named parties. 3. I attest and verify that my physical condition and fitness permit me to safely participate in the above mentioned activity, and that no physicians or other qualified individual has advised me against participating. 4. I hereby acknowledge that participation in the said event carries with it the potential hazards of illness, injury, or death, and I hereby assume these and any and all risks by participation in the said event. 5. I hereby consent to receive medical treatment that may be deemed advisable in the event of injury and/or other illness during the event. 6. I hereby agree to comply with all the rules, regulations and event instructions of the Boise YMCA Swim Team and the Treasure Valley Family YMCA. If, however, I observe any unusual or unnecessary hazard during my presence or participation, I will bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately. 7. I assume all of the above risks and assume and will pay my own medical and emergency expenses in the event of accident, illness, and/or other incapacity, regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. 8. I hereby acknowledge that I have sole responsibility for and assume complete risk of loss and damage to my personal possessions and athletic equipment during the above said activity.
I have read this Release of Liability and Waiver Agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily without any inducement.
Participant’s Signature: ______Date:
Participant’s Name (Printed):
For Participants of Minority Age This is to certify that we as parent(s)/guardian(s) with legal responsibility for this participant, do consent and agree not only to his/her release, but also for myself/ourselves, and my/our heirs, assigns and next of kin to release and indemnify the Releasees from any and all liability incident to my/our minor child’s involvement stated above, even if arising from the negligence of the releasees, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: ______Date: Parent/Legal Guardian Name (Printed): Complete & Return to Patty Stratton
YMCA Code of Conduct For Boise Y Swim Team Participants
The purpose of the Boise Y Swim Team is to provide meaningful experience and opportunity for recreational and competitive swimmers. The YMCA Character Values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility guide the swim team to ensure an atmosphere of safety and belonging for all participants.
I will be supportive of my teammates. I will do my best to be a role model to younger swimmers. I will take pleasure in and celebrate others success.
I will tell the truth. I will own up to and apologize for my mistakes.
I will demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times. All cheering will be positive. I will be respectful of teammates, competitors from other teams, officials, coaches and parents. I will treat facilities and equipment we are privileged to use with respect. I will use respectful language and refrain from abusive or profane language. I will show respect by winning with class and losing with class with dignity and humility.
I will take responsibility for my own actions. I will help with set up, clean up and putting equipment back where it belongs. I will volunteer as much as my schedule permits. I take responsibility for my swimming performance recognizing that my efforts in practice lead to my results in meets. I will base my success on my own performance, not by comparing it to others. I will come to practice ready to do my best and will not be disruptive to others. I will do my best to model Y values. I will represent the YMCA and the team in a manner for which we can all be proud.
I have read and I understand the YMCA Code of Conduct for Boise Y Swim Team. I agree to abide by the expectations described above and understand that I will receive disciplinary action that may include being removed as a participant if I fail to meet any of the expectations.
Swimmer Signature: ______Date:
Parent Signature: ______Date: For Information Only
Treasure Valley Family YMCA Policy for Dispensing Medications
Medications are to be administered in three general cases: 1. Prescription medication provided by the participant’s parent, in the original container, prescribed for the appropriate individual, and properly labeled with all administering instructions. a. These medications can be either routine (i.e., scheduled preventative or restorative medications) b. or emergency (e.g., epinephrine (epi-pen), or similar allergy/reaction medications.
2. Over-the-counter medications provided by the participant’s parent, in the original container, properly labeled with all administering instructions. a. These medications need to be accompanied by a specific note signed by the parent indication that this medication was provided by them for the use of their child that includes the circumstances under which it is to be administered. b. The medications may be either routine (i.e., scheduled preventative or restorative like vitamins), c. or emergency (sunburn ointment, salve, diphenhydramine (Benadryl), etc.
3. Emergency medication not provided by the parent as deemed necessary by a qualified healthcare professional because of immediate circumstances. a. This may be administering of ointment in case of burn, an epi-pen in case of bee-sting or other allergic reaction, etc. b. The use of epinephrine is generally considered an ‘industry standard’ in outdoor and adventure education and camping programs because of the imminent emergency that anaphylaxis poses, especially in a delayed transport context. c. If the healthcare professional is not a (paid or volunteer) staff member (i.e., is a concerned, qualified individual who for whatever reason is present), a signed, dated, written statement from him/her indication what medication was administered and why it was administered should be obtained, accompanied by a brief statement of his/her credentials.
Medication should, in general, be retained by YMCA staff, not by the participants themselves. Obvious exceptions, where not disallowed by law, are asthma inhalers and possibly epi-pens, etc., for a. Participants whose condition or potential for incident is serious enough, b. Participants who are old enough and responsible enough to be trusted with is care and custody.
If an involved participant goes on an outing away from where the medication is kept, the medication should accompany the participant (either with a staff member or on the participant’s person, as noted above) if the duration of the outing may exceed the normal dispensing schedule or if there is potential for the need to administer emergency medication. For Information Only
Boise Y Swim Team Chaperon Guidelines
General Information and Guidelines 1. Chaperons must read, understand and fill out all Treasure Valley Family YMCA Volunteer forms: a. Treasure Valley Family YMCA Volunteer Interest Form b. Things to Know About Volunteering at the Treasure Valley Family YMCA c. Treasure Valley Family YMCA Volunteer Driver Requirements and Qualifications d. Treasure Valley Family YMCA Child Abuse Prevention Code of Conduct
2. Chaperons need to read and understand the following travel/lodging policies & guidelines: a. Treasure Valley Family YMCA Policies That Govern Boise Y Swim Team Travel b. Boise Y Swim Team Travel Guidelines c. YMCA Code of Conduct For Boise Y Swim Team Participants d. Boise Y Swim Team Travel Code of Conduct e. Policy for Dispensing Medications f. Boise Y Swim Team/Treasure Valley Family YMCA Wavier and Release of Liability
3. In the majority of cases, the team maintains the ratio of eight swimmers to one chaperon at a team activity. This will vary depending on age groups and housing.
4. The chaperon travels with the team. a. The travel and lodging are paid by the swim team. Chaperons are reimbursed up to $30.00 per diem for food/meals. In order to be reimbursed, chaperon needs turn in an expense report and receipts to the team administrator.
5. Drinking or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs at any time from the time the group leaves Boise until the time the group returns is prohibited.
6. Smoking is prohibited in the vehicles, at the place of lodging or around any team-related activity.