Collection Development Procedure
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Version No:1
Authorised By: Manager CAA Library Service
Dated Authorised: August 2009
Review Date: August 2011
Policy Delegate: Manager CAA Library Service
The CAA seeks to acquire comprehensive access to relevant information sources that enable the proper administration of Justice and to this end funds the CAA Library Service.
This procedure describes the criteria to be considered when adding items to, or removing items from, the CAA Library Service collection.
The needs of the primary and secondary client groups are the main determinants of the Collection Development Procedure.
The CAA Library Service, however, recognises its role as the principal law library available to the broader community within the State of South Australia.
Primary client group. Judicial officers of the courts administered by the CAA.
Secondary client group. Legal practitioners.
Tertiary client group. Students and members of the public
Library Collection includes Supreme Court Library District Court Library Magistrates’ Libraries Circuit and specialist court collections Supreme Court shared libraries Chambers’ collections.
Open Access The collection is housed on shelving that is open to clients to browse.
Closed stacks High density storage that is accessed via request to library staff only.
Exclusion. The procedure does not apply to the development of the Historical Collection housed in the Supreme Court Library.
To provide a framework within which the library staff and Library Advisory Committee will make decisions about what material will be added and removed from the collection by documenting the criteria by which the library collection will be developed and managed. To provide an understanding of the current library collection and future acquisitions program. To facilitate the allocation of funding in a consistent structured and cost effective manner that best contributes to the purpose of the CAA. To support the mission of the CAA Library Service
This procedure applies to the Manager CAA Library Service, members of the judiciary involved in library collection development and members of the Library Advisory Committee.
To provide a framework within which the library staff and Library Advisory Committee will make decisions about what material will be added and removed from the collection. To provide an understanding of the current library collection and future acquisitions program. To facilitate the allocation of funding in a consistent structured and cost effective manner that best contributes to the purpose of the CAA. To support the mission of the CAA Library Service
The decision to purchase will be based on the following:
6.1 Relevance to the information needs of the primary client group
Information sources that support the current and future information needs of the primary client group in facilitating the proper administration of justice are to be assigned the highest priority. In that respect, regard should be had to
6.1.2. those areas of the law which are undergoing rapid development or where established principle is being revised; and 6.1.3. the case load of each of the courts, that is to say, the nature of the issues regularly determined by the courts”.
6.2 Relevance to the legal history of South Australia
Information sources that relate to the history, nature or implementation of the law in South Australia are to be assigned a high priority.
6.3 Jurisdiction
Material on jurisdictions that are relevant to South Australia and the Commonwealth are to be assigned a high priority
6.4 Authoritativeness of the author, editor or publisher
Only items where the qualifications, experience and professional reputation of the author, editor or publisher can be confirmed will be purchased.
6.5 Utility
The cost of the item will be weighed against the usefulness of the item to the needs of the client groups and in particular the primary client group.
6.6 Currency
The Manager CAA Library Service will purchase sufficient copies of the latest available edition of Australian standard legal texts to meet the needs of the primary client group.
6.7 Format
The Manager CAA Library Service will seek to purchase items in the format most likely to provide access to the greatest number of primary client group members, provided that the enabling technology is available. To enhance access to multiple sites the Manager CAA Library Service will consider an online format as a preference if, in so doing the other selection criteria are not compromised and licensing conditions permit.
6.8 Duplication
Decisions on the purchase of duplicates will take into account the cost of the item, anticipated usage and availability on line. The presence of other current material on the same subject already in the collection will also be taken into account. In those cases where there is doubt about the impact of the decision to purchase duplicates the Library Manager shall consult with the appropriate member of Library Advisory Committee.
6.9 Availability elsewhere
The decision on whether to acquire an item for which there is minimal demand from the Judiciary, may be influenced by its availability elsewhere or via interlibrary loan. The impact of parts 4.5.2 and 4.5.3 should also be considered 6.10 Language
Only English language editions are to be purchased.
6.11 Availability of Funds
Library material will only be purchased when funds are available in the Library’s acquisition budget. In the event of all funds being expended urgent requests of core material will be forwarded to the Executive Management Committee with a request for additional funding. The Manager CAA Library Service will manage the approved budget allocation to ensure that cash flow is maintained throughout the financial year.
6.12 Donations
The following conditions are to apply to the acceptance of donations to the library collection. Prior to the acceptance of a donation, the potential donor will be provided with a copy of these conditions and be required to sign acceptance of them.
6.12.1 The CAA Library Service will only accept material that, in the opinion of Manager CAA Library Service, will strengthen the collection’s ability to achieve the library’s mission. 6.12.2. The CAA library service will not make nor arrange a valuation of books or other items which are donated. 6.12.3 Donations will only be accepted on condition that upon acceptance, the donation will become the property of the Courts Administration Authority and may be disposed of by the Authority, without consultation with the original donor
6.13 Superseded material
In general one copy of superseded material will be kept indefinitely in order to service the following needs of the judiciary and practitioners:
The requirement to research a specific law at a particular historical point in time. The requirement to research the development of laws over time the requirement to access superseded material that has been cited elsewhere
At least one copy of the latest 2 editions of texts will be retained in the open access collection. One copy of earlier editions will be stored in the closed stacks.
7.1 The Manager CAA Library Service and Library Advisory Committee are responsible for adhering to this procedure.
7.2 Members of the primary client group are encouraged to make suggestions for purchasing to the Manager CAA Library Service. The Manager CAA Library Service is responsible for considering all suggestions and where in her opinion they closely adhere to the criteria listed below and funding is available, arrange for their immediate purchase.
7.3 The Manager CAA Library Service will ensure that all other suggestions for purchase are distributed for consideration and decision to all members of the acquisitions subcommittee of the Library Advisory Committee. 7.4 The Manager CAA Library Service is responsible for consulting with professional library staff prior to selecting materials to add to the collection in accordance with the criteria listed below.
7.5 The Manager CAA Library Service is responsible for the relocation of material from the main collection to closed stacks and the appropriate discarding of superseded material from the collection in accordance to the criteria listed in this procedure.
7.6 The Manager CAA Library Service is responsible for deciding on the appropriate number of duplicate copies in the collection. The Library Manager shall consult with the appropriate member of LAC in cases where there is any doubt on the potential impact a decision may have on service levels
7.8 The Manager CAA Library Service will provide advice to the Senior Magistrate of suburban and remote sites regarding library material that they may consider surplus to their requirements. The decision to discard will rest with the Senior Magistrate of the location.
7.9 The Manager CAA Library Service will consult with the Library Judges regarding library material that she may consider surplus to their circuit court requirements. The decision to discard will rest with Library Judges.
CAA Library Service Disposal Procedure
Manager CAA Library Service.