Chemical Tanker Committee Meeting # 30
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30 May 2007 Our Ref.: HS-22713/2150000
MINUTES Chemical Tanker Committee meeting # 30
30th May 2007
Conrad Centennial Hotel 2 Temasek Boulevard Singapore 038982 Telephone (65) 6334 8888
Minutes from the CTC # 30 Page 1 of 8 Held 30th May 2007 Singapore Issue No 1 Our Ref.: HS-22713/2150000 Approved by: H.N.Snaith ATTENDEES:
Company First Name Last Name 1 Dunya Denizcilik Ve Ticaret A.S. Capt. Ozgur Asik 2 Brostrom Tankers SAS Mr. Bruno Caillard 5 Odfjell ASA Mr. Svend Foyn-Brunn 6 Unix Line Pte. Ltd Capt. Amit Jain 7 Iino Singapore Capt. Michihisa Moriya 8 Iino Singapore Mr. Kazuhiro Sakamoto 10 Stolt-Nielsen Transportation Group BV Mr. Bill Millar 11 Norbulk Shipping UK Ltd Capt. John Pocklington 12 Odfjell USA Inc. Mr. John Salvesen 13 INTERTANKO Capt. Howard Snaith 14 Camillo Eitzen & Co AS Capt. Claus Thornberg 15 B & H Equimar Singapore Pte. Ltd Mr. Steffan Tunge 16 Broere Shipping BV Mr. Roel Vermeulen 17 INTERTANKO Mrs. Margaret Doyle
Alasdair Campbell (MOL Tankship (Europe) Ltd.) Steve Hardy (Interorient Navigation Co. Ltd) Harald Nesse (Jo Tankers AS) Mr. Bertil Andersson (Laurin Maritime AB) Capt. Luciano Casella (Finbeta SpA) Capt. Anuj Chopra (Anglo-Eastern Ship management Ltd) Capt. H. Fujino (NYK Bulkship (Europe) Ltd
Minutes from the CTC # 30 Page 2 of 8 Held 30th May 2007 Singapore Issue No 1 Our Ref.: HS-22713/2150000 Approved by: H.N.Snaith 1. ANTI-TRUST/COMPETITION LAW COMPLIANCE The chairman read out the INTERTANKO anti-trust statement as follows: INTERTANKO’s policy is to be firmly committed to maintaining a fair and competitive environment in the world tanker trade, and to adhering to all applicable laws which regulate INTERTANKO’s and its members’ activities in these markets. These laws include the anti-trust/competition laws which the United States, the European Union and many nations of the world have adopted to preserve the free enterprise system, promote competition and protect the public from monopolistic and other restrictive trade practices. INTERTANKO’s activities will be conducted in compliance with its Anti-trust/Competition Law Guidelines.
2. MINUTES FROM THE LAST MEETING The minutes from the last meeting (which was a combined meeting of the Chemical Tanker Committee (CTC) and the Chemical Tanker Sub-Committee Americas (CTSCA)) were approved by correspondence, circulated in the INTERTANKO weekly news, and circulated as a chemical bulletin and placed on the INTERTANKO member’s area of the web site. It was agreed that action point 3, arising from the last meeting regarding the Medical First Aid Guide, should continue to be followed up by a letter from the secretariat to the chairman of ESPH raising our concerns and seeking a way to rectify these.
Action Point 1: The secretariat to write to the Chairman of ESPH raising our concerns with regards to the inconsistencies within the Medical First Aid Guide and that no response has been received by ESPH to our earlier enquiries.
3. MARPOL Annex II
3.1 – Shipping Document Submission to MEPC 56 The committee noted the submission from INTERTANKO and the aim by us to enhance the shipping document that exists, as referenced in BLG.1/Circ.18 in order that the additional information may be provided. The committee took note that some concerns have been raised outside of INTERTANKO membership, that our request for clarity may be too prescriptive and too detailed by way of requesting the viscosity data. However, as the committee re-affirmed the intent of our submission is that this should be used as an optional shipping document “if” the information is not available elsewhere or if charters will not use the shipping name in the official documentation. The committee agreed that in the fullness of time such information could be assessed for inclusion within the MSDS however the focus at this time was to ensure that the information is provided.
The committee agreed however that even though they initially approved the submission they felt that some changes should be made to the form and covering notes as follows:
The committee agreed however that the signature requirements should be made clear that it is the shipper that should sign the document. That the information is required for all solidifying/high viscosity cargoes (where reference to IBC 16.2.6 and/or 16.2.9 are made)and not just vegetable oils should be made clear (remove all reference to vegetable oils). That the title should include the word “optional” shipping document and that whilst the information is mandatory but the form is optional and the heading should be changed to reflect this accordingly. Remove Certificate of Fitness from the wording.
Minutes from the CTC # 30 Page 3 of 8 Held 30th May 2007 Singapore Issue No 1 Our Ref.: HS-22713/2150000 Approved by: H.N.Snaith Discharge port should read unloading port Once this has been undertaken the committee agreed that we should encourage our members to begin to use the optional shipping document as we have submitted to IMO if the information is not available elsewhere.
Action point 2: Make the changes to the optional shipping document as outlined and then circulate to the committee for their approval and then encourage members to utilise the form “if” the information regarding viscosity and melting point is not available
The committee further agreed to request the INTERTANKO Documentary Committee to make a reference to this shipping document in their revisions to the INTERTANKO pre-wash clause.
Action Point 3: Request the Documentary Committee to make reference to shipping document in the revised INTERTANKO Pre-wash clause.
3.2 The 3 000m3 Question, an update and report.
The committee remained supportive of the submission made to MEPC 56 on this issue (Document MEPC 56/6/3) but agreed that the verbal introduction to the document should be clear and as concise as possible to make our points clear. The committee requested the secretariat to request a copy of the verbal introduction from Norway for review prior to MEPC 56.
Action Point 4: The secretariat to request a copy of the verbal introduction of the joint submission MEPC56/6/3 from Norway for review prior to MEPC 56.
3.3 Classification of Products The committee took note of the report and also noted that to date no problems had been reported by the committee regarding problems with any unclassified products. However, the committee agreed to keep the issue open and on the committees agenda for the future.
The committee also noted that Chapter 17 of the revised IBC code includes some double entries: the example brought to the attention of the committee was on page 75 of the IBC Code, “Calcium long chain alkyl (C11-C40) phenate” shown as category Z, however listed underneath this entry is a second entry for the same product “Calcium long chain alkyl (C11- C40) phenate (n)” show as category Y. The committee noted that when the code was adopted this was the legal product name, and the IBC code is the legal document. However, when data was re-submitted this produced a different carriage requirement due to the revised profile, thus the printed IBC code contains both entries “but” the current MEPC 2 circ should prevail.
The committee also noted that Chapter 19 of the IBC code also contains small errors but chapter 19 is a guidance list and thus Chapter 17 will prevail. However, the committee noted that a revised Chapter 19 is expected to be produced by ESPH as an addendum to the IBC code via a circular.
3.4 - Biofuels – Training & Carriage Issues The committee took note that the issue surrounding blends will be further discussed by ESPH, but that the current practice today is in line with the proposals submitted by UK & Sweden.
Minutes from the CTC # 30 Page 4 of 8 Held 30th May 2007 Singapore Issue No 1 Our Ref.: HS-22713/2150000 Approved by: H.N.Snaith A particular concern raised by the committee related to bio-fuels when carried as an Annex II product with regards to tank cleaning requirements under OPA-90 because both vegetable oil and marine diesel are classed as an OPA 90 product. Therefore, if this was to be dealt with under the P&A manual it raises complications regarding how to deal with tank washings in practice. The committee agreed therefore that should be brought to the attention of the USCG CTAC regarding how to deal with combined products.
Action point 5: Request feedback from the CTAC for thoughts and their consideration regarding how blends will be dealt with under OPA-90.
3.5 Bio-fuel Training The committee raised the question regarding training for ships staff with regards to the carriage of Bio-fuels. The committee agreed this was essential but that it was necessary to first wait for guidance from the IMO with regards to how the products will finally be assessed. Once that is completed we can reassess the training aspects with regards to providing guidance documentation post ESPH.
4.1 Cleaning Standard Terminology Working Group - Chairman Svend Foyn-Bruun Committee was advised that terms of reference (TOR’s) for the working group are currently under approval by the group. The group members currently include; INTERTANKO; CDI; Dow and Chevron. It was noted by the committee that the end use of the product played a large part in what the cleaning standard was stipulated to be. The committee will be kept advised of progress and it was agreed that when the standards are mature they will be circulated to the committee for approval prior to seeking council endorsement.
Action Point 6: Keep the committee updated of progress with the groups work and when the standards are mature they will be circulated to the committee for approval prior to seeking council endorsement.
4.2 Best Practice Management Working Group – Chairman John Salvesen
The committee took note of the completed work undertaken by working group to date. In addition the committee re-watched the “HAWK” fly-by camera footage and discussed proposals to move forward with stage 2 of this project, which is aimed at addressing cargo vapor emissions that occur during tank cleaning. The committee further agreed that the working group should aim to provide a list of options that could be undertaken to address the issue of cargo vapor release during tank cleaning for review by the committee at its next meeting, where the various options would be reviewed and assessed by the committee.
In addition, it was agreed that the committee would evaluate stage 1 with regards to its application (no feedback had been received by members to date) and provide feedback on its practical applications at the next meeting.
Action Point 7: Provide a report for the committee at its next meeting listing various options that could be undertaken to reduce or avoid cargo vapor emissions during tank cleaning. The committee will review these options when it meets and review which options are the most appropriate.
4.3 FOSFA Working Group Banned Last Cargo – Chairman Svend Foyn-Bruun The committee took note of the report.
Minutes from the CTC # 30 Page 5 of 8 Held 30th May 2007 Singapore Issue No 1 Our Ref.: HS-22713/2150000 Approved by: H.N.Snaith 5. USCG UPDATES 5.1 The Hazardous Cargo Transportation (HCTS) Subcommittee The committee took note of the report provided by the secretary.
5.2 Report from the CTAC MARPOL Annex II Work Group The committee took note of the report provided by the secretary.
5.3 HOGANSAC report. The CTSCA chairman provided an update of the work of this group covering the following main areas:
The group regularly reviews accidents in the area and assesses navigational aids damaged in “knock-downs” and replacement of same. The “Deep Draft Entry Facilitation Group” is currently focusing on collecting security delay information and is trying to expand this facility beyond just the Houston area. Members were re-urged to advise the group of any delays encountered with regards to security related issues as reported and requested in the INTERTANKO weekly news Dredging Sub-committee, provides periodic surveys to check depths following silting. The committee agreed to highlight this work to our members and actively seek feedback from members of any area in the Houston vicinity that had less water depth than reported, so that this may be brought to the attention of HOGANSAC accordingly. The Harbour Safe Refuge committee assesses compliance with the IMO safe refuge requirements. The Maritime awareness committee focuses its work upon the rules of the road and any violation issues. It was agreed that the secretary would circulate the “homeport link to the committee and provide a weekly news item for the benefit of all members. The Outreach committee: which aims to highlight the work of HOGANSAC
The committee was grateful for the detailed update and agreed several action points.
Action Point 8: Members were re-urged to report to HOGANSAC any delays encountered with regards to security related issues as reported and requested in the INTERTANKO weekly news and this article will be re-circulated.
Action Point 9: Highlight the work of the HOGANSAC Dredging sub-committee to INTERTANKO members and actively seek feedback from members of any area of in the Houston vicinity that had less water depth than reported so that this may be brought to the attention of HOGANSAC accordingly.
Action Point 10: Circulate the “homeport link” to the committee and provide a weekly news item for the benefit of all members.
6.1 IIG Update The committee took note of the reports and submissions to the IMO by the IIG but agreed that the secretary should re-circulate the findings of the INTERTANKO “bottle neck group” report for review and reconsideration by the committee.
Minutes from the CTC # 30 Page 6 of 8 Held 30th May 2007 Singapore Issue No 1 Our Ref.: HS-22713/2150000 Approved by: H.N.Snaith Action Point 11: Re-circulate the findings of the “bottle neck group” report for review and reconsideration by the committee to assist and guide the committee accordingly regarding how this work should be addressed at IMO
Following due review by the committee it was agreed that the inert gas issues for new buildings and existing ships was not moving forward sufficiently and that too many associations were still blocking positive forward action on this issue to the detrimental safety of those at sea. The committee agreed therefore that INTERTANKO should begin to highlight its position.
Action Point 12: INTERTANKO should begin to highlight its position regarding outfitting inert gas to new buildings and existing ships.
6.2 IMO Correspondence Group
Following due review of the issue by the committee it was agreed that any problems or misunderstandings relating to bonding cables were by the shore not by the ship and that not all terminals were fully up to date with the requirements and recommendations regarding bonding cables.
7.1 Draining Ships Lines It was reported that many owners are faced by shore terminal requests to drain shore lines back to the ships tank following completion of discharge. The committee noted that was clearly in contravention to MARPOL as these requests are made after the ship has used its super stripping system and complied with minimum stripping requirements under MARPOL Annex II. Thus, when shore lines are drained back to the ship it defeats the regulations contained with MARPOL Annex II. The committee agreed that a submission should be made to IMO to highlight this problem.
Action Point 13: Make a submission to IMO highlighting the problems encountered when terminals insist on draining shore lines back to the ship on completion of discharge as it defeats the regulations contained with MARPOL Annex II
7.2. Pre-Wash Machine Washing Cycles A question was raised regarding the definitions of "wash cycle" as defined within the ships P&A Manual, for example reference is commonly made to a wash "cycle" the enquiry related to the duration of the wash cycle to ensure that a "full" cargo tank was washed. The committee agreed that reference should be made to the tank cleaning machines operational manual and confirmed that a "cycle" will be defined within that manual with regards to the duration of the cycle and operating pressure to ensure that a full tank wash would be achieved within the P&A Manual.
Related to the pre-wash issue it was also noted that under regulation 13- para 7.1.2 of MARPOL Annex II it is mentioned if a category Y & Z product is not unloaded as per the P&A Manual then a pre-wash is mandated. However, under Appendix 6 which lays down the prewash procedures, category Z is not included. It was agreed that further guidance/comments would be obtained on the issue and shared with the committee.
Action Point 14: Investigate the pre-wash issue regarding Category Z and advise the committee accordingly.
Minutes from the CTC # 30 Page 7 of 8 Held 30th May 2007 Singapore Issue No 1 Our Ref.: HS-22713/2150000 Approved by: H.N.Snaith 8. FUTURE MEETINGS CTC AND CTSCA
a. Tuesday 11th September CTSCA Cargo Vapour Working Group Meeting Houston b. Wednesday 12th September CTSCA Meeting Houston c. Wednesday 17th October CTC Meeting London (INTERTANKO Offices)
Minutes from the CTC # 30 Page 8 of 8 Held 30th May 2007 Singapore Issue No 1 Our Ref.: HS-22713/2150000 Approved by: H.N.Snaith