Card sort activity Instructions: sort these problems by what operation, subtraction or multiplication, you would do to solve them.

A. A batch of cookies requires ¾ cup of brown sugar. You are having a small party and only need 2/3 the batch size. How much sugar should you use?

G. ¾ of the kids in the class are boys. 3/5 of the boys are tall. What fractional part of the kids in the class are tall boys?

J. The school is 7/8 miles away. 2/3 of the distance is paved. What is the length of the paved part in miles?

D. My herb garden is ¾ yd. long and 3/8 yd. wide. I go to get topsoil for my garden and the clerk asks how big my garden is. What shall I tell him?

I. 3/5 of the year, the farmers market is open. 2/3 of the days that the farmers market is open, they sell fresh tomatoes. What fractional part of the year can I get fresh tomatoes from the farmers market?

D. The school is 7/8 miles away. 2/3 of a mile of the path to it is paved. How much is unpaved?

E. I had 2/3 lbs of ground beef and made and ate a ¼ lbs burger. How much beef do I have left?

F. ¾ of the year, I don’t dislike the weather. 1/3 of the year, I totally love the weather. What part of the year do I just like the weather?

B. I had a half a gallon of milk. I drank 1/8 of a gallon. How much do I have left?

H. 3/5 of the year, the farmers market is open. 2/3 of the year, the farmers market is open and they DON’T sell fresh tomatoes. What fractional part of the year can get fresh tomatoes from the farmers market?

C. I have 7/8 lbs of beef. How many 1/3 lbs burgers can I make? K. ¾ of the time when I workout, I run. When I run, I run 2/3 of a mile. How far did I run this month?