1. Reconstruction- 2. Abe Lincoln- 3. Black Codes- 4. 14th Amendment- 5. 15th Amendment- 6. Compromise of 1877 7. Successes of Reconstruction 8. Failures of Reconstruction 9. Compare the hardships faced by former slaves, plantation owners, and poor white southerners after the Civil War? 10. Imperialism- 11. Nationalism- 12. Spanish American War - 13. Dollar Diplomacy- 14. Monroe Doctrine- 15. Big Stick Diplomacy- 16. U.S.S. Main- 17. What does T.R.’s “Speak softly and carry a big stick” mean”? 18. Identify two problems with “Dollar Diplomacy.” 19. Archduke Franz Ferdinand- 20. Zimmerman Telegram- 21. Lusitania- 22. Treaty of Versailles- 23. Flapper- 24. Prohibition- 25. The Scopes Trial- 26. Communism- 27. Teapot Dome Scandal- 28. Capitalism- 29. Talkies- 30. Black Tuesday- 31. Great Depression- 32. Dust Bowl- 33. F D R- 34. Twenty-first Amendment- 35. New Deal- 36. Social Security- 37. Fascism- 38. Adolf Hitler- 39. Appeasement- 40. Blitzkrieg- 41. Lend Lease Act- 42. Pearl Harbor- 43. D-Day- 44. Holocaust- 45. Bataan Death March- 46. Battle of Midway- 47. Atomic Bomb- 48. Isolationism- 49. Interventionism- 50. Home Front- 51. Liberty Bond- 52. Affluent Society- 53. Baby Boom- 54. Cold War- 55. Truman Doctrine- 56. Marshall Plan- 57. NATO- 58. McCarthyism- 59. Korean War- 60. Arms Race 61. Sputnik- 62. Poll Tax- 63. Segregation- 64. Jim Crow- 65. 19th amendment- 66. Brown v. Board - 67. Rosa Parks- 68. March on Washington- 69. Civil Rights Act of 1964- 70. 24th amendment- 71. Malcolm X- 72. Martin Luther King Jr.- 73. Cesar Chavez- 74. American Indian Movement- 75. Russell Means- 76. Bay of Pigs- 77. Berlin Wall- 78. Cuban Missile Crisis- 79. Counter Culture- 80. Vietnam War- 81. Domino Theory- 82. United Nations- 83. Explain whether the maxim “Work hard, be thrifty, don’t borrow” from Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac is consistent or inconsistent with attitudes displayed in the United States during the 1920s 84. What kind of advice do you think a survivor of the Great Depression might give younger adults today? 85. Do you think the United States would have entered World War II if the Japanese had not attacked Pearl Harbor? Explain 86. How were the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan relevant to the American foreign policy goal of containment 87. On the issue of segregation, compare the views of Martin Luther King, Jr., to those of Malcolm X. 88. Identify one antiwar argument made by protesters of the Vietnam War and one pro-war argument made by supporters of the war.